Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
The Dems HAVE shown up and passed a Bill.

It's on McConnell now

Don't wait for Trump

He doesn't give a shit
Its going to take both sides to get this done....the dems must give in on the wall...that is the only way to protect the dreamers and begin a path to comprehensive immigration reform....holding out like children is not what they are paid for.....
Trump should call a national emergency? For what? Illegal immigration is at its lowest point in 10 years.

And, drugs don't come across some faceless part of the border on the backs of illegals, they come via our regular ports of entry in trucks and cars, via paid drug mules, not some illegal immigrant they found in the caravan. Cartels like to know who they are dealing with, as well as who the mules family is, so that if the shipment doesn't make it, they can go after the person who did the transport. And, those immigrants won't know much about the USA, so how the hell would they know where to take the drugs?

Fentanyl doesn't come from Mexico, it's made in China, and comes here via planes and seaports.

As far as terrorists crossing the southern border? Out of the over 3,700 people they caught trying to enter the country who were on a suspected or terrorist watch list, only TWELVE of them crossed the southern border. The rest of them flew in on airplanes.

So, I ask again, what crisis is there on the southern border? Don't believe the hype, because Trump is conning you yet again.

Obama said "..the toughest border security plan America has ever seen..."

He also wanted a wall...

The OP wants it all just like pelosi.....that is not how adults make deals....
The Dems HAVE shown up and passed a Bill.

It's on McConnell now

Don't wait for Trump

He doesn't give a shit
Its going to take both sides to get this done....the dems must give in on the wall...that is the only way to protect the dreamers and begin a path to comprehensive immigration reform....holding out like children is not what they are paid for.....

They aren't holding out, fool.

They've done their job. They aren't making any demands. Trump is. He's the one
holding out.
Trump has barricaded himself in the White House and has no idea or care about the damage his Shutdown is doing to the nation and its people

McConnell has to step up and do his job. Bring a bill to the floor of the Senate to open the government.

It's that simple.

Fuck Trump. He just doesn't care
Leftist "leaders" were the ones who REFUSED to come to a meeting today to discuss a compromise...THEY are the only ones holding the government hostage...we ain't in no hurry to reopen it all...fuck it. Its running just fine on a smaller scale. Let's starve them out.
.THEY are the only ones holding the government hostage...we ain't in no hurry to reopen it all...fuck it
They passed funding that would open the govt immediately.

What compromise did they offer?

There is no such requirement. They performed their obligation. There is no requirement to negotiate funding over a shutdown. That's Trump's choice.
No offer of funding then government stay's shut down,that's the dems choice...this is fun times!
Pelosi's office just shut down their phones....can't get in...wonder why....
Dems truly are mentally ill

Trump has offered multiple things in exchange for one thing. Dems stubbornly refuse to give Trump that one thing even though they could get many things they want in exchange AND they have all voted for that one thing in the past anyway.

But, they aren't the stupid ones, they know exactly what they are doing. The stupid ones are their voters who stupidly blame the shut down on the one guy who's actually trying to negotiate rather than on the people in Congress who all hate Trump precisely because he's trying to take their ball away from them.

Ponder this for a moment. Why didn't Dems officially pass a law about DACA kids when they controlled Congress and the White House? Now , reverse that, Why didn't Republicans build a damn wall when THEY controlled Congress and the White House (and yes they could have funded the wall without worrying about 60 votes in the Senate if they really wanted to.

The answer to both questions is the same. Neither party wants to solve any problems. If you solve a problem, how are you going to use it as a political point in the next election cycle?

Neither party gives a crap about us. And they really don't give a crap about solving problems.
Congress can accomplish a lot of little things but very few big things in two years, even if congress is controlled by a single party. Congress seems to be slow because the public doesn't understand how congress works.

The reason is not that congressmen don't want to accomplish great things but rather great things are not easy. Take for example healthcare. Every single person in the US is effected. In addition there are millions of businesses whose future depends on what congress passes. That means every legislator is lobbied by businesses, special interest groups, governmental bodies, individuals, and other congressmen, having different goals and different proposals. Getting a consensus on major legislation is a monumental job. It can take years. In addition the rules, that each house operates under is not created to move legislation rapidly.
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Trump has barricaded himself in the White House and has no idea or care about the damage his Shutdown is doing to the nation and its people

McConnell has to step up and do his job. Bring a bill to the floor of the Senate to open the government.

It's that simple.

Fuck Trump. He just doesn't care
Leftist "leaders" were the ones who REFUSED to come to a meeting today to discuss a compromise...THEY are the only ones holding the government hostage...we ain't in no hurry to reopen it all...fuck it. Its running just fine on a smaller scale. Let's starve them out.
.THEY are the only ones holding the government hostage...we ain't in no hurry to reopen it all...fuck it
They passed funding that would open the govt immediately.
With no funding to secure our borders. They know that's a nonstarter and we all know doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is insanity! President Trump invited them to the meeting they threw a fit and refused.

The Dems do not need to move. trump is to blame....every poll shows that....even if the Liar in Chief tries to state otherwise....
Trump has barricaded himself in the White House and has no idea or care about the damage his Shutdown is doing to the nation and its people

McConnell has to step up and do his job. Bring a bill to the floor of the Senate to open the government.

It's that simple.

Fuck Trump. He just doesn't care
Leftist "leaders" were the ones who REFUSED to come to a meeting today to discuss a compromise...THEY are the only ones holding the government hostage...we ain't in no hurry to reopen it all...fuck it. Its running just fine on a smaller scale. Let's starve them out.
.THEY are the only ones holding the government hostage...we ain't in no hurry to reopen it all...fuck it
They passed funding that would open the govt immediately.

What compromise did they offer?

There is no such requirement. They performed their obligation. There is no requirement to negotiate funding over a shutdown. That's Trump's choice.
No offer of funding then government stay's shut down,that's the dems choice...this is fun times!

Great. :thup:
The OP wants the government OPENED...and people back to work and PAID
If you did you would be calling pelosi...but you may have to wait they shut down their phones...can't even leave a message.....
You want to do what to Trump? He is a happily married man. This shutdown is between the GOP and the Democrats over the 2020 election. McConnell will not go against the Republican President IMO.
"He is a happily married man." :777:

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