Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
Actually, he's not. The constitution reguires congress to fund the govt
Does it say the GOP must roll over?.....don't think so.....

It certainly doesn't say that shutdowns are a viable alternative. LOL
They are when dealing with petulant children otherwise known as leftists.


You keep saying this as if the Dems haven't passed a funding bill. They have. The govt could open very quickly but unfortunately the next step is out of their control.
It will open as soon as they defend our borders...not a second sooner.
The estimate was not intended to become public. It was just leaked.
Their previous estimate was 0.1% every two weeks.

"The Trump administration now estimates that the cost of the government shutdown will be twice as steep as originally forecast.
The original estimate that the partial shutdown would subtract 0.1 percentage point from growth every two weeks has now been doubled to a 0.1 percentage point subtraction every week, according to an official who asked not to be named."‬
You would think that would scare the shit out of Trump and Congress but no, it will be just lead to more finger pointing.

I'm convinced the only thing that is going to break the stalemate is a real national emergency, such as a terrorist attack or a disaster linked to the goverment shutdown.
seems simple put in the five bucks into the budget and hand it to the pres to sign. seems rather simple. as long as playing partisan politics isn't your thing.
I think the right compromise would be to give Trump the amount of money that the projects will need in this fiscal year. That's what normally happens in a budget.

There is no way that he needs 5.8 billion this fiscal year. He certainly is not going to build his 235 miles of wall in 7 or 8 months, probably not during his term of office. During his first two years in office, Trump has not build a single mile of the new designed wall. He has replaced 40 miles of reinforced fences and a steel barrier built using the same design used 10 years ago. Construction has not started on any of the new wall sections, no land has been acquired, no contracts have been let, no land surveys have been done, and the thousands things that are needed to start a large federal project are still undone.

Trump would hate such a compromise and so would democrats which means it's probably a good compromise. However, we haven't reached the sufficient level of national pain yet for either side to consider a compromise.

Border Patrol is who came up with the $5.8B figure. It is they who said "in order to seriously stop illegal immigration, we need $X amount of money, and some of that needs to be specifically for building new fence where WE need it most"

Trump didn't just pull that figure out of his ass, he's not a Democrat.
I guess we must have convinced the down a hundred or so to go....:21:
tRump could not set a trap even if he had help. The boy is a total nutcase of wealth induced insanity.

The beauty of it all, is that you guys and girls don't even realized that you're being set up bigly.

The Senate is supposed to be part of the checks and balances on POTUS. Not a “forward guard” to screen bills he doesnt like
If you want the senate to follow your lead you first must win a majority in the senate....simple.....
The estimate was not intended to become public. It was just leaked.
Their previous estimate was 0.1% every two weeks.

"The Trump administration now estimates that the cost of the government shutdown will be twice as steep as originally forecast.
The original estimate that the partial shutdown would subtract 0.1 percentage point from growth every two weeks has now been doubled to a 0.1 percentage point subtraction every week, according to an official who asked not to be named."‬

Oh gosh...we'll be headed back to where Barry had us for much of the eight years he was in office! The HORROR!

Anyone want to explain to me why securing the border is so horrible that Democrats have drawn a line in the sand that they will not cross? Sorry, Kiddies but this shutdown is a political stunt and it's been forced upon us by a Democratically controlled Congress that will not compromise on this issue because they don't want to lose the Hispanic vote that keeps them in power.
And it's not a Republican political stunt?? Where was all his BS a year ago ?? 18 months ago ?? Got to have it to please the 37% of his dotards supporters

The Democrats have balked on border security from way back in the Reagan - Tip O'Neal days, Ed! They understand that the more Hispanics they pull into the country the more political power they'll wield. That's what the Democrats reluctance to secure the border has ALWAYS been about!
The first major increase in border patrol agents occurred under Clinton. More border patrol agents were added under Obama than any president in history. Democrats under Bush jointed with republicans to pass legislation to provide the biggest expansion in border barriers in history. Despite all Trump's bluster about immigration, he still hasn't beaten Obama's record on arrests. For the same first full 17 months of the Trump administration, ICE arrested 226,138 illegal immigrants, about half the number arrested during the same period in the Obama’s administration.

Despite all the rhetoric about democrats being soft on illegal immigration and needing illegal immigrants, the fact is democrats have done as much if not more than republicans at protecting our borders.

You keep saying this as if the Dems haven't passed a funding bill. They have. The govt could open very quickly but unfortunately the next step is out of their control.
The dems have been lying about securing the borders for a long time...they want them secured in theory only and only before an short they lie....they must lie to win elections.....that is why we need this deal and Trump is not going to cave....

Why don't you post up the Republican sponsored immigration bills and the results
to compare.
Conservatives are conflicted. One commented that it has to be a lie because the official is anonymous, and the other said it just doesn’t matter.
why not fund the wall and call it a day? you didn't care when billions went to other countries for support. why now? oh yeah TDS. keep it shutdown until the 5.7B makes it on a budget. we're cool with the government staying shutdown. are you? at some point someone will need to blink and it won't be trump.

BTW, the dems know what it will take to reopen the government and are doing nothing. and you don't care. it seems you don't care others are not getting paid.

1. Because, having wasted billions on an unnecessary and expensive wall, at a time when the US is running the largest deficits in history, and when there are major issues in the country, like infrastructure spending, education and retraining, and opiod abuse that are not even being mentioned let alone addressed is very foolish, and unwise.

2. Because the Trump Administration is asking for a blank cheque. They haven't done a feasability study, provided cost estimates, a timetable, an environmental impact study, or any of the other standard practices that a member of government must provide when asking for a major appropriation like this. No one can just say to Congress "Give me $5 billion. I want to build a wall". No one. Not even the President.

3. Because the American public just voted a resounding "NO" to the border policies of Donald J. Trump, including building tent cities on the border, detaining asylum seekers at the public's expense.

4, Just the cost estimates of the cost of holding the people currently in detention along the Southern Border until their cases are heard are $5 billion. And holding these people violates their Constitutional rights.

5. And because one should never give into a child's temper tantrum. It makes it all that much more difficult to get him to behave properly the next time he decides to pitch a fit.

That is a very nice collection of lies. When will you learn not to lie?

I'm not lying. The House has commented endlessly that the Trump administration has NOT provided them with any financial information or cost estimates on the wall.
One side invites the other side to a working lunch to try to work something out , the other side REFUSES to even attend.

I think we all know which side is throwing a tantrum.

Yeah, the guy that walked out of the last meeting and tweeted "bye bye".

Do you stick around meetings after someone tells you "I won't make a deal with you?"

If I am a smart negotiator I will. I'll say "Why not?". You can't negotiate if you stop talking.

I worked for one of the best real estate negotiators in Toronto. As a negotiator, Trump is a total putz. My boss always got more than his client asked for, at a price well below what he was prepared to pay for it. One of our biggest clients said he hired my boss because he never wanted to see him on the other side of the negotiating table again. I sat in on all of his meetings in formulating the deal, in part because I would be drafting the final agreements, because I was the clerk who had to put the deal together and close it when they were done. I was an education that has served me well in every negotiation I've been involved in since, and I've always come out ahead.

Walking out on a meeting is a strategy, that you should only do when you're really prepared to end the negotiations, because you have to wait for the other side to come to you. For you to go back to them, is a capitulation.

Trump's lunch meeting today, in front of the cameras, was just another dog and pony show. He doesn't negotiate in these public spectacles. He mugs, he lies, and he tries to look like a tough guy, but any agreements he's made in these public meetings, like the DACA kids for the wall agreement last year, he's quickly walked back later.

Hey retard! The House passed the bill!

You are such a dumbass!

Why do you lie? If you are not lying, you are just too stupid for words to describe!
Actually, he's not. The constitution reguires congress to fund the govt
Does it say the GOP must roll over?.....don't think so.....

It certainly doesn't say that shutdowns are a viable alternative. LOL
They are when dealing with petulant children otherwise known as leftists.


You keep saying this as if the Dems haven't passed a funding bill. They have. The govt could open very quickly but unfortunately the next step is out of their control.
It will open as soon as they defend our borders...not a second sooner.

They are defended, fool.
For the time being anyway. I can't imagine the CBP work for free forever. At some point this becomes self defeating for Trump.

You keep saying this as if the Dems haven't passed a funding bill. They have. The govt could open very quickly but unfortunately the next step is out of their control.
The dems have been lying about securing the borders for a long time...they want them secured in theory only and only before an short they lie....they must lie to win elections.....that is why we need this deal and Trump is not going to cave....

Why don't you post up the Republican sponsored immigration bills and the results
to compare.
Why the hell should we.................Let's see what the answer is NO.

KATE'S LAW.................NO...............

Your side isn't interested in fixing it.............I can go to the Congressional bills section and show hundreds of proposed bills.................and the answer from your side is always NO. the Dems on the shutdown...............NO

You keep saying this as if the Dems haven't passed a funding bill. They have. The govt could open very quickly but unfortunately the next step is out of their control.
The dems have been lying about securing the borders for a long time...they want them secured in theory only and only before an short they lie....they must lie to win elections.....that is why we need this deal and Trump is not going to cave....

Why don't you post up the Republican sponsored immigration bills and the results
to compare.
Why the hell should we.................Let's see what the answer is NO.

KATE'S LAW.................NO...............

Your side isn't interested in fixing it.............I can go to the Congressional bills section and show hundreds of proposed bills.................and the answer from your side is always NO. the Dems on the shutdown...............NO

I'll save you the time.

House Republicans’ bad faith push to pass immigration reform is dead
The House Democrats have met their constitutional obligation.
nope, they haven't negotiated a budget. why not? they know the president isn't going to sign unless 5.7B is in there. what else are they gonna do? Just tell the citizens fk you we ain't giving that man money so fk you all? how mature.

They're obliged to fund the govt. They've passed spending bills that do just that.

They are not obliged to give a president what they want.
trump hasn't seen one of them. all the dems need to do is add 5.7B into the house bill, and 7 dems vote for it and send it back to the house for another vote. as long as the pres hasn't seen a bill, it isn't on him.

There is just one tiny problem with your theory!

No bill exists anymore. The House has to start from scratch.

The Dems passed a bill on day one, fool.
But the dims don't have the Senate or the white house. So who gives a shit.

You keep saying this as if the Dems haven't passed a funding bill. They have. The govt could open very quickly but unfortunately the next step is out of their control.
The dems have been lying about securing the borders for a long time...they want them secured in theory only and only before an short they lie....they must lie to win elections.....that is why we need this deal and Trump is not going to cave....

Why don't you post up the Republican sponsored immigration bills and the results
to compare.
Why the hell should we.................Let's see what the answer is NO.

KATE'S LAW.................NO...............

Your side isn't interested in fixing it.............I can go to the Congressional bills section and show hundreds of proposed bills.................and the answer from your side is always NO. the Dems on the shutdown...............NO

I'll save you the time.

House Republicans’ bad faith push to pass immigration reform is dead
No problem............we now have a Balanced Budget.......I suggest the federal employees start looking for jobs elsewhere..........we should look at the positives of every situation............What we receive in revenue is all that can be spent..........

Oh well.
Trump has barricaded himself in the White House and has no idea or care about the damage his Shutdown is doing to the nation and its people

McConnell has to step up and do his job. Bring a bill to the floor of the Senate to open the government.

It's that simple.

Fuck Trump. He just doesn't care
Nancy Pelosi has proven herself to be a FAILED Speaker of the House by refusing to negotiate or compromise to pass bills capable of being passed into law.

Instead she has guided the House into passing her own 'edicts' and has demanded the remaining 2/3rds of the US government accept them, which is not how our govt works.

Pelosi continues to demonstrate she is, as Schumer openly stated all Democrats are on Day 1 of Trump's Presidency, 100% committed to resistance, obstruction, undermining the President and current US government, and acting to deny President Trump of perceived political 'win' resulting in the current govt shutdown.

Rather than give Trump a 'win' she has chosen to side with illegals against the American people to keep our borders open.

Again, in choosing to attempt to force her will down the throats of the Senate and President she has proven to be a partisan, inept, and incompetent FAILED Speaker.
Why don't you post up the Republican sponsored immigration bills and the results
to compare
Why?....we are talking about today and what is needed today.....don't play the GOP DNC comparison game.....neither side wants the border secured....that is why outsider won.....

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