Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
nope, they haven't negotiated a budget. why not? they know the president isn't going to sign unless 5.7B is in there. what else are they gonna do? Just tell the citizens fk you we ain't giving that man money so fk you all? how mature.

They're obliged to fund the govt. They've passed spending bills that do just that.

They are not obliged to give a president what they want.
trump hasn't seen one of them. all the dems need to do is add 5.7B into the house bill, and 7 dems vote for it and send it back to the house for another vote. as long as the pres hasn't seen a bill, it isn't on him.

There is just one tiny problem with your theory!

No bill exists anymore. The House has to start from scratch.

The Dems passed a bill on day one, fool.
But the dims don't have the Senate or the white house. So who gives a shit.

I know, right. So let's go to Puerto Rico.
tRump could not set a trap even if he had help. The boy is a total nutcase of wealth induced insanity.

The beauty of it all, is that you guys and girls don't even realized that you're being set up bigly.

We know YOU and your kind are being screwed and eating it up! There is no setup except to eliminate trumputin.
Trump has barricaded himself in the White House and has no idea or care about the damage his Shutdown is doing to the nation and its people

McConnell has to step up and do his job. Bring a bill to the floor of the Senate to open the government.

It's that simple.

Fuck Trump. He just doesn't care
Nancy Pelosi has proven herself to be a FAILED Speaker of the House by refusing to negotiate or compromise to pass bills capable of being passed into law.

Instead she has guided the House into passing her own 'edicts' and has demanded the remaining 2/3rds of the US government accept them, which is not how our govt works.

Pelosi continues to demonstrate she is, as Schumer openly stated all Democrats are on Day 1 of Trump's Presidency, 100% committed to resistance, obstruction, undermining the President and current US government, and acting to deny President Trump of perceived political 'win' resulting in the current govt shutdown.

Rather than give Trump a 'win' she has chosen to side with illegals against the American people to keep our borders open.

Again, in choosing to attempt to force her will down the throats of the Senate and President she has proven to be a partisan, inept, and incompetent FAILED Speaker.
The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments
From the New York Packet.
Friday, February 8, 1788.

Author: Alexander Hamilton or James Madison
tRump could not set a trap even if he had help. The boy is a total nutcase of wealth induced insanity.

The beauty of it all, is that you guys and girls don't even realized that you're being set up bigly.

We know YOU and your kind are being screwed and eating it up! There is no setup except to eliminate trumputin.

Go for it. Give us all something to laugh about when your face is plastered all over the news.
Why don't you post up the Republican sponsored immigration bills and the results
to compare
Why?....we are talking about today and what is needed today.....don't play the GOP DNC comparison game.....neither side wants the border secured....that is why outsider won.....

Because you said this, dope.

The dems have been lying about securing the borders for a long time...they want them secured in theory only and only before an short they lie....they must lie to win elections.....that is why we need this deal and Trump is not going to cave....

No doubt you don't want to compare.
Trump has barricaded himself in the White House and has no idea or care about the damage his Shutdown is doing to the nation and its people

McConnell has to step up and do his job. Bring a bill to the floor of the Senate to open the government.

It's that simple.

Fuck Trump. He just doesn't care
Nancy Pelosi has proven herself to be a FAILED Speaker of the House by refusing to negotiate or compromise to pass bills capable of being passed into law.

Instead she has guided the House into passing her own 'edicts' and has demanded the remaining 2/3rds of the US government accept them, which is not how our govt works.

Pelosi continues to demonstrate she is, as Schumer openly stated all Democrats are on Day 1 of Trump's Presidency, 100% committed to resistance, obstruction, undermining the President and current US government, and acting to deny President Trump of perceived political 'win' resulting in the current govt shutdown.

Rather than give Trump a 'win' she has chosen to side with illegals against the American people to keep our borders open.

Again, in choosing to attempt to force her will down the throats of the Senate and President she has proven to be a partisan, inept, and incompetent FAILED Speaker.
The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments
From the New York Packet.
Friday, February 8, 1788.

Author: Alexander Hamilton or James Madison
Power of the Purse...............correct........

Power of the VETO............correct............

Need 60 in the Senate...........correct......

Working just like they intended.
Why don't you post up the Republican sponsored immigration bills and the results
to compare
Why?....we are talking about today and what is needed today.....don't play the GOP DNC comparison game.....neither side wants the border secured....that is why outsider won.....

Because you said this, dope.

The dems have been lying about securing the borders for a long time...they want them secured in theory only and only before an short they lie....they must lie to win elections.....that is why we need this deal and Trump is not going to cave....

No doubt you don't want to compare.
You have just made my point dummy.....
Do you stick around meetings after someone tells you "I won't make a deal with you?"

This is the way negotiations work, seems most people know that.

One side...will you give me what I want...

Other side...No.

Then the true negotiations start.

Have you never been in sales?

Yes, that's how they start, but that meeting wsn't the start, and your post assumes that at some point Democrats will get off the "no" but it doesn't appear that's going to happen does it.

This was the FIRST meeting with the new Speaker of the House. This was the START of negotiations with her. You don't say "Give me what I want" and then leave the first meeting when the answer is "No".
Do you stick around meetings after someone tells you "I won't make a deal with you?"

This is the way negotiations work, seems most people know that.

One side...will you give me what I want...

Other side...No.

Then the true negotiations start.

Have you never been in sales?

Yes, that's how they start, but that meeting wsn't the start, and your post assumes that at some point Democrats will get off the "no" but it doesn't appear that's going to happen does it.

This was the FIRST meeting with the new Speaker of the House. This was the START of negotiations with her. You don't say "Give me what I want" and then leave the first meeting when the answer is "No".

Why on Earth are you Democrats so dishonest? Yes, okay this was the first official meeting since Pelosi was reelected as Speaker of the House, but no one believes she was going to suddenly say "okay I'm Speaker now, time to work with Trump" especially when she had been making public statements every day since being elected that she would never give $1 for a border wall.

If you TRULY wanted to see compromise you would be asking Nancy "Why are you not negotiating?"
I've always believed there's enough blame to go around but it could have been Trump's plan. He sure was proud to take full credit for it when he met with Pelosi and Schumer a few days before it went into effect. My guess at the time when I watched the video was Trump was playing up to conservative columnists who had been hammering him that day. Thought his statement was something he'd come to regret and we've seen some of that.
Yeah keeping blacks out of his buildings A BS university, ripping off many Threatening law suite against workers if they didn't accept lower pay than bargained for ,, His charity foundation a fraud WTF do you find good about this weasel of a man He does nothing for nobody unless it enriches himself
Gee, sounds like a Democrat to me.
Was he a Dem then?? Maybe
Probably. Many Democrats have left the party. James Woods was a Democrat until the impeachment of Clinton.
Well I've seen a 37% approval rating for Trump so I think he's running out of friends People are wising up to the blabbermouthed con man
his approval rating is higher than obammy's this far along. hmmmm why's that? what is the approval rating of congress?
According to Gallup, Trump has the lowest presidential approval rating of any president they have polled back to Truman at this point in their presidency (2 yrs into their 1st term).
Trump 38%
Obama 48%
Bush 63%
Clinton 54%
HW Bush 80%
Reagan 49%
Carter 55%
Ford 45%
Nixon 61%
Johnson 70%
Kennedy 79%
Eisenhower 71%
Truman 51%
Presidential Job Approval Center
Gee, sounds like a Democrat to me.
Was he a Dem then?? Maybe
Probably. Many Democrats have left the party. James Woods was a Democrat until the impeachment of Clinton.
Well I've seen a 37% approval rating for Trump so I think he's running out of friends People are wising up to the blabbermouthed con man
his approval rating is higher than obammy's this far along. hmmmm why's that? what is the approval rating of congress?
According to Gallup, Trump has the lowest presidential approval rating of any president they have polled back to Truman at this point in their presidency (2 yrs into their 1st term).
Trump 38%
Obama 48%
Bush 63%
Clinton 54%
HW Bush 80%
Reagan 49%
Carter 55%
Ford 45%
Nixon 61%
Johnson 70%
Kennedy 79%
Eisenhower 71%
Truman 51%
Presidential Job Approval Center

Honest question.

Do you not agree that the media's CONSTANT bashing plays a role in that?

That's not saying Trump is doing good or bad , rather it's just a simple question about the impact of the media's role in polls. Obama was President the media couldn't stop gushing, no matter what he did, no matter what powers he stole for himself , no matter what controversies were surrounding him.

In contrast, Trump gets bashed no matter what. Hell , it was national news for 3 days when he ate 2 scoops of ice cream.

IOW national polls have nothing to do with how effective a President is.
The left loves polls because they're supposed to influence how people should think. If you don't agree with the majority, you're in the minority and therefore you're wrong.
Why don't you post up the Republican sponsored immigration bills and the results
to compare
Why?....we are talking about today and what is needed today.....don't play the GOP DNC comparison game.....neither side wants the border secured....that is why outsider won.....

Because you said this, dope.

The dems have been lying about securing the borders for a long time...they want them secured in theory only and only before an short they lie....they must lie to win elections.....that is why we need this deal and Trump is not going to cave....

No doubt you don't want to compare.
You have just made my point dummy.....

Just the opposite, dope. The Republicans have done nothing on immigration reform for decades.

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