Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
What does Pelosi have to do with the Senate having a vote? You know she's not in the Senate, right?
The house holds the do know that right?...did you also know our government spends 11 billion dollars a day? for the price of 5.6 billions just 13 hours of spend by our government we are going to shut down?...we are going to put people out of work?....for 5.6 billion?....don't blame Trump...this shutdown is all on Nancy......
You apparently missed your civics class.
The despicable Democrat filth will cave as soon as their welfare queens and Illegals start bitching they are not getting their food stamps.

Maybe we will have riots like they have in France.

States warn food stamp recipients to budget early benefit payments due to shutdown

States warn food stamp recipients to budget early benefit payments due to shutdown

State agencies are warning food stamp recipients to carefully budget their grocery purchases once they receive their February benefits weeks earlier than normal due to the partial government shutdown.

The Department of Agriculture's backup plan for paying out Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits amid the lapse in funding means it could be 40 days — or longer, in some cases — before additional money is added to recipients' benefit cards. There is also no guarantee about when nearly 39 million low-income Americans will next receive another payment to help them buy groceries.
It contained things the house could never get passed their voters....the people do not want amnesty....

It contained a path to citizenship...and would have passed.


They're here and they ain't goin away
Fix the DAMN LOOP HOLES THEN...............Your side already conned think we are going to play that stupid game again............

Employment verification and end the Forgery ring of SSN's and ID's.....................that was the deal under Reagan.........they couldn't work they would stop coming..........Chain Migration............birth right citizenship.............Flores law...................The FLOOD ENDS or NO DEAL.
It contained things the house could never get passed their voters....the people do not want amnesty....

It contained a path to citizenship...and would have passed.


They're here and they ain't goin away

Well, let's see, ELEVEN MILLION divided by how many can get on a bus is how many buses?
It contained things the house could never get passed their voters....the people do not want amnesty....

It contained a path to citizenship...and would have passed.


They're here and they ain't goin away

Well, let's see, ELEVEN MILLION divided by how many can get on a bus is how many buses?
They walked here........they can walk back.
THIRTY NINE MILLION Americans on food stamps is absolutely DISGUSTING!

Getting paid to keep the Democrats in power.
It contained things the house could never get passed their voters....the people do not want amnesty....

It contained a path to citizenship...and would have passed.


They're here and they ain't goin away

Well, let's see, ELEVEN MILLION divided by how many can get on a bus is how many buses?
They walked here........they can walk back.

Cmon, that would be mean.
Conservatives are conflicted. One commented that it has to be a lie because the official is anonymous, and the other said it just doesn’t matter.
why not fund the wall and call it a day? you didn't care when billions went to other countries for support. why now? oh yeah TDS. keep it shutdown until the 5.7B makes it on a budget. we're cool with the government staying shutdown. are you? at some point someone will need to blink and it won't be trump.

BTW, the dems know what it will take to reopen the government and are doing nothing. and you don't care. it seems you don't care others are not getting paid.

Yeah and they don't care about the billions the illegals cost we tax payers every year either.

Tell that to small businesses in heavy military and civil service employee's. They are beginning to suffer.

Oh my I'm so sorry. They will all be paid back pay.

You ever get paid if you got furloughed??

Didn't think so.

Oh and Military will be paid.

The military IS being paid. They are not involved in the shutdown.

Not the coast guard trump nut licker.

Coast Guard goes without paychecks — first time military not paid during a shutdown
Do you stick around meetings after someone tells you "I won't make a deal with you?"

This is the way negotiations work, seems most people know that.

One side...will you give me what I want...

Other side...No.

Then the true negotiations start.

Have you never been in sales?

Yes, that's how they start, but that meeting wsn't the start, and your post assumes that at some point Democrats will get off the "no" but it doesn't appear that's going to happen does it.

This was the FIRST meeting with the new Speaker of the House. This was the START of negotiations with her. You don't say "Give me what I want" and then leave the first meeting when the answer is "No".

Why on Earth are you Democrats so dishonest? Yes, okay this was the first official meeting since Pelosi was reelected as Speaker of the House, but no one believes she was going to suddenly say "okay I'm Speaker now, time to work with Trump" especially when she had been making public statements every day since being elected that she would never give $1 for a border wall.

If you TRULY wanted to see compromise you would be asking Nancy "Why are you not negotiating?"

Did Trump ask her what she would give? Did he ask her anything other than "Do I get my wall". That's not a negotiation. That's a terrorist demand.

Furthermore, by walking out of the meeting, Trump looks weak. Now he's got no way out. If he goes and asks the questions he SHOULD have asked before walking out like a spoiled child, he's given in.

You walk out when all else fails, not when you're having your first meeting with the new leadership. How can you get a read on them, when you make a scene and walk out.

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