Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Week of Jan 14th, 2019

Is the political game of chicken being played by BOTH parties worth the lives of a few diabetics?

  • Yes, never give in on this wall issue

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, both parties should compromise and get the workers back to work

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Trump should declare a national emergency and resolve the issue

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
From the Daily Caller, an anonymous alleged employee of the administration*.

The lapse in appropriations is more than a battle over a wall. It is an opportunity to strip wasteful government agencies for good. On an average day, roughly 15 percent of the employees around me are exceptional patriots serving their country. I wish I could give competitive salaries to them and no one else. But 80 percent feel no pressure to produce results. If they don’t feel like doing what they are told, they don’t...

But President Trump can end this abuse. Senior officials can reprioritize during an extended shutdown, focus on valuable results and weed out the saboteurs. We do not want most employees to return, because we are working better without them. Sure, we empathize with families making tough financial decisions, like mine, and just like private citizens who have to find other work and bring competitive value every day, while paying more than a third of their salary in federal taxes.

I believe every word of this came from an administration* official. The contempt for public service is pure modern Republicanism. The superiority complex about how families "like mine" are scrapping to make ends meet is pure modern conservatism. And the paranoia about weeding out saboteurs is pure Trumpian boob-bait. This is bullying dressed up as empathy.

I don't know where the people who work with Native Americans, and especially those who work in the various health clinics that service our indigenous peoples, rank on this person's sliding scale of essential employees. Maybe this person thinks the people who work those jobs are part of the 15 percent of federal employees worth their salaries. But, in any case, those particular employees are in deep trouble because of the shutdown. From the AP:

In New Mexico, a lone police officer patrolled a Native American reservation larger in size than Houston on a shift that normally has three people, responding to multiple car wrecks during a snow storm, emergency calls and requests for welfare checks. Elsewhere, federally funded road maintenance programs are operating with skeleton crews and struggling to keep roads clear on remote reservations. Tribal members said they can't get referrals for specialty care from the Indian Health Service if their conditions aren't life-threatening.

Native American tribes rely heavily on funding guaranteed by treaties with the U.S., acts of Congress and other agreements for public safety, social services, education and health care for their members. Because of the shutdown, tribal officials say some programs are on the brink of collapse and others are surviving with tribes filling funding gaps.

About 9,000 Indian Health Service employees, or 60 percent, are working without pay and 35 percent are working with funding streams not affected by the shutdown, according to the Health and Human Services department's shutdown plan. That includes staff providing direct care to patients. The agency delivers health care to about 2.2 million Native Americans and Alaska Natives.

The agency gets money from the Interior Department, whose budget is snared by the shutdown. For many tribal members, IHS is the only option for health care unless they want to pay out of pocket or have other insurance. Benefits under programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are unaffected by the partial government shutdown.

And even more tragic is the effect in Montana on the search for dozens of Native women who have gone missing. The United States government is letting Native peoples down. That's truly hard to imagine.
When/if he starts hearing boos at his rallies or on Fox and Friends…. he’ll change his mind.

The reason he pulled out of Syria isn’t because there is some grand strategy or major concession at play; he doesn’t want to call parents of those who died because he doesn’t have the stomach for it. Whatever the reason, I support his withdrawal from Syria.
D-Schumer declared publicly on Day 1 of the Trump Presidency that the Democrats were 100% committed to 'Resistance', 'Obstruction', and denying the newly-elected President and the Republicans controlling the majority in the House and Senate any 'WIN' (legislative accomplishment), no matter how good it might be for the country /Americans, for the specific benefit of the Democratic Party.

Link required
Yes, that's how they start, but that meeting wsn't the start, and your post assumes that at some point Democrats will get off the "no" but it doesn't appear that's going to happen does it.

This was the FIRST meeting with the new Speaker of the House. This was the START of negotiations with her. You don't say "Give me what I want" and then leave the first meeting when the answer is "No".

Why on Earth are you Democrats so dishonest? Yes, okay this was the first official meeting since Pelosi was reelected as Speaker of the House, but no one believes she was going to suddenly say "okay I'm Speaker now, time to work with Trump" especially when she had been making public statements every day since being elected that she would never give $1 for a border wall.

If you TRULY wanted to see compromise you would be asking Nancy "Why are you not negotiating?"
She has no reason to compromise yet on the wall. She must have read Art of the Deal. Trump's job approval ratings has been falling like a rock since the shutdown started. Pelosi has given him everything else in his request except the wall.

Yeah , heaven forbid she give on the wall becauss

A) It's obvious that the ONLY reason Dems oppose it is cuz TRUMP!!


B) It's also quite obvious that yes we DO need the perimeter security fence or wall or whatever you want to call it.
Dandy ,go back in time ,about 10 years and try to remember what your AH McConnell said about making Obama a 1 term president,,,,,,You don't like it when the shit blows back in your face???

Um I'm not a Republican and believe that the Republican Party is almost as shitty as the Democratic Party, so that's a giant fail by you.

If you think "nanny nanny boo boo your side did it first" is an appropriate way to govern, well there's no point is discussing things with you.
This was the FIRST meeting with the new Speaker of the House. This was the START of negotiations with her. You don't say "Give me what I want" and then leave the first meeting when the answer is "No".

Why on Earth are you Democrats so dishonest? Yes, okay this was the first official meeting since Pelosi was reelected as Speaker of the House, but no one believes she was going to suddenly say "okay I'm Speaker now, time to work with Trump" especially when she had been making public statements every day since being elected that she would never give $1 for a border wall.

If you TRULY wanted to see compromise you would be asking Nancy "Why are you not negotiating?"

Did Trump ask her what she would give? Did he ask her anything other than "Do I get my wall". That's not a negotiation. That's a terrorist demand.

Furthermore, by walking out of the meeting, Trump looks weak. Now he's got no way out. If he goes and asks the questions he SHOULD have asked before walking out like a spoiled child. He's given in.

I can't take someone who calls not wanting to deal with a woman who refuses to negotiate terrorism seriously.

You are a clown and dismissed.
Screw trump and his bs art of the deal and btw you shouldn't talk down to your betters

Not only did Trump not write the book, I am betting he has never read it.

Yeah Trump only graduated from an Ivy League school . He's obviously stupid.
Pelosi, who is holding America hostage, hurting Americans with a shutdown, to damage the President's re-election chances, is one of the Democratic Party's Top 2 Representatives.

What she represents is a Political Party whose 2016 candidate is a proven felon who committed, among others, the crime of Espionage, was protected from being indicted / prison so she could stay in the Presidential election...rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated both Election Laws and Campaign Finance Laws, stole campaign donations intended for other Democratic Party candidates, and in the end had to be GIVEN the Democratic Party nomination she could not win herself.

What Pelosi now represents is a Party whose ILLEGITIMATE 2016 Presidential candidate paid thugs to beat and bloody American citizens - Trump supporters attending Trump campaign rallies, and whose campaign illegally colluded with a President-Trump-hating foreign spy (who was working for the FBI and working WITH the Russians) and Russians for their help in trying to win the 2016 election.

What Pelosi now represents is a Democratic Party that SAYS they want to secure our borders and enforce existing US and US Immigration law AFTER being caught AGAIN this last election earning the title of 'The Party Of Election Fraud' by allowing illegals to vote and then defending their doing so in a court of law after getting caught AND who continues to illegally operate, fund, and protect Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to and protection from punishment for breaking our laws to human traffickers, MS13, thieves, drug runners, pedophiles, rapists, and cop killers.

'Do as I SAY, not as I attention to my WORDS, NOT my ACTIONS'
Dems gain nothing by giving in

It only encourages Trump to shut down Government whenever he doesn’t get his way

Sure they do. The recognize border security is important and their followers will as well.

Trump hasn't shut down Government.

Pelosi and Schumer have. All they need to do is approve the 5 Billion for the wall and shazam. The Govt. is back up and all those Govt. leeches will get back pay.

The wall they both supported in years past.

Ain't rocket science.


“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government. And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. Because the people of this country don’t want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didn’t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down. I’m going to shut it down for border security.” ~ Donald Trump, owner of the shutdown
The estimate was not intended to become public. It was just leaked.
Their previous estimate was 0.1% every two weeks.

"The Trump administration now estimates that the cost of the government shutdown will be twice as steep as originally forecast.
The original estimate that the partial shutdown would subtract 0.1 percentage point from growth every two weeks has now been doubled to a 0.1 percentage point subtraction every week, according to an official who asked not to be named."‬

Oh dear, I sure hope that does not mean that government will go deeper into debt.

Heaven forbid!
Never give in to terrorists.

Your "terrorists" are "freedom fighters" to the other half of this country. And don't regurgitate the false statement that you're a "majority", because it's BS.
Oh? It's not true that Democrats won a majority of seats in the last election?

Some 400 seats and the federal and state level.

"Some 400 seats"?! Oh! You gotta come up with some proof of that.

There probably wasn't even that many seats available and Democrats made a poor showing. So proof of 400 seats=-?

Or you're just lying out your ass..
No, Mary, you’re just an imbecile.

Look at the difference from 2017 to 2018.

Oh hey, that's kinda neat! Check this out:



Does this mean you finally realize I was right when I said Democrats won 400 seats?
Your "terrorists" are "freedom fighters" to the other half of this country. And don't regurgitate the false statement that you're a "majority", because it's BS.
Oh? It's not true that Democrats won a majority of seats in the last election?

Some 400 seats and the federal and state level.

"Some 400 seats"?! Oh! You gotta come up with some proof of that.

There probably wasn't even that many seats available and Democrats made a poor showing. So proof of 400 seats=-?

Or you're just lying out your ass..
No, Mary, you’re just an imbecile.

Look at the difference from 2017 to 2018.

Oh hey, that's kinda neat! Check this out:




Does this mean you finally realize I was right when I said Democrats won 400 seats?

I suppose, I wasn't thinking about state legislatures.
Democrats refuse to negotiate or even discuss border security, the shut down is 100% on them.

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government. And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. Because the people of this country don’t want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didn’t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down. I’m going to shut it down for border security.” ~ Donald Trump, owner of the shutdown

Actions speak louder than words.

Trump: Wanted 25 Billion. now asking for 5.7 billion.

Liberals: Said they would not give him a dime. 3 weeks later, they say they won't give him a dime.

Trump invites liberals to the White House yesterday to talk. None showed up.

Who wants to negotiate and who doesn't?
Personally, I think he knew exactly what he was doing. His detractors are blissful in their ignorance and self-assuredness that he is "mentally unstable". But if you look closely at everything he's done so far, the guy is a freaking genius...

"Has President Trump suckered Democrats and the Deep State into a trap that will enable a radical downsizing of the federal bureaucracy? In only five more days of the already "longest government shutdown in history" (25 days and counting, as of today), a heretofore obscure threshold will be reached, enabling permanent layoffs of bureaucrats furloughed 30 days or more.

Don't believe me that federal bureaucrats can be laid off? Well, in bureaucratese, a layoff is called a RIF – a Reduction in Force – and of course, it comes with a slew of civil service protections. But, if the guidelines are followed, bureaucrats can be laid off – as in no more job..."

So after 30 days thousands can be laid off??

Wonder if Pelousy and Schmuck now this??

Should be interesting to watch once those Fed workers realize they could lose their cushy Fed jobs for good. What a fucking shame.
Oh? It's not true that Democrats won a majority of seats in the last election?

Some 400 seats and the federal and state level.

"Some 400 seats"?! Oh! You gotta come up with some proof of that.

There probably wasn't even that many seats available and Democrats made a poor showing. So proof of 400 seats=-?

Or you're just lying out your ass..
No, Mary, you’re just an imbecile.

Look at the difference from 2017 to 2018.

Oh hey, that's kinda neat! Check this out:



I suppose ,I wasn't thinking about state legislatures.

Does this mean you finally realize I was right when I said Democrats won 400 seats?
Well said.
Democrats refuse to negotiate or even discuss border security, the shut down is 100% on them.

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government. And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. Because the people of this country don’t want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didn’t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down. I’m going to shut it down for border security.” ~ Donald Trump, owner of the shutdown

Actions speak louder than words.

Trump: Wanted 25 Billion. now asking for 5.7 billion.

Liberals: Said they would not give him a dime. 3 weeks later, they say they won't give him a dime.

Trump invites liberals to the White House yesterday to talk. None showed up.

Who wants to negotiate and who doesn't?
And Democrats agreed to the $25 billion when Trump said no.
Democrats refuse to negotiate or even discuss border security, the shut down is 100% on them.

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government. And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. Because the people of this country don’t want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down, it didn’t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down. I’m going to shut it down for border security.” ~ Donald Trump, owner of the shutdown

Actions speak louder than words.

Trump: Wanted 25 Billion. now asking for 5.7 billion.

Liberals: Said they would not give him a dime. 3 weeks later, they say they won't give him a dime.

Trump invites liberals to the White House yesterday to talk. None showed up.

Who wants to negotiate and who doesn't?
And Democrats agreed to the $25 billion when Trump said no.

No, it was not for a wall. it was for generic "border protection" whatever the fuck that means.

If they offered him 25 billion why not give him 25 billion? Why not give him 5 billion? The truth is liberals won't negotiate at all yet are blaming Trump. Both sides have to give. Trump is down to a quarter of what he asked for. Liberals haven't budged at all.

This is no longer on Trump. It's all on the left. Liberals are acting like the whiney cry babies that they are. Either they get their way or they'll take their ball and go home. Sorry. It doesn't work that way.

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