Official USMB -- Walls 101 Course for Week of Jan 14th, 2019 -- DO NOT DUPLICATE TOPIC.

At this point, I think republican voters and the GOP just want to feel like they have accomplished something. It’s less to do with the wall and more saving face.

I mean you really have to appreciate how bizarre Trump and the GOP are pushing for this useless border wall. This is being fueled by desperation at this point. The symbolism of accomplishment of the policy is really all that matters. The rest of the world is laughing at us in the meantime. Canada probably wants to build a wall to keep us out at this point and I wouldn’t blame them.

The wall will never be built for various reasons even after funding for it would
be secured, but let’s pretend it miraculously does get built. Then what? Is this really all the GOP has to offer? Do their voters just expect them to achieve nothing after this?

Say what you want about democrats, but at least they have a variety of policy ideas to consider. That’s just the nature of progressive policy.

That's exactly what it is. Trump promised a wall to his largely uneducated followers (the educated ones know a border wall would be ineffective and don't care much for it) and now, even though he doesn't give a damn about border security, he will do anything for the wall to avoid looking weak. Trump is all about appearances. He doesn't really care about anything else. As long as there's a wall there, he doesn't care what it actually does (or doesn't do).

Anyone who says a wall isn’t effective isn’t among the educated.

If walls aren’t effective why do politicians build them around their homes?

If they aren’t effective why did the Berlin Wall cause such problems?

Please feel free to answer

Why are you posing false equivalencies like they're serious questions? Lol.
It’s just incredible to me they are talking about walls in general being useful automatically means it is an effective and feasible border security policy.

It’s like saying “well tasers are effective tools for the police to use, that means we can arm our troops abroad with tasers instead of rifles because they get the job done.”

He is trying to trick me into writing a long, serious answer to an absolutely retarded set of false equivalencies. Either he's a massive idiot or he's trolling.
Him, Odium and the conservative media are all saying this shit lol
more encouraging news

sure, I'd like to see support higher than 42%; but the trend is moving in the right direction!

the best news? almost HALF (45%) of those that oppose the wall want Dems to compromise!

stand firm Mr President!

ABC/WaPo Poll: Support for Border Wall Soars Among Swing-Voters

The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll reveals a major shift among nearly all demographic groups across the country when it comes to support for a border wall at the southern border.

This time last year, the poll claimed that only 34 percent of voters supported a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. Today, support for the wall has climbed to 42 percent overall. Most notable, swing voters are increasingly supportive of the border wall to control immigration.


Ryan James Girdusky

Follow Follow @RyanGirdusky
Some good news for Trump on the border wall in new ABC/WaPo Poll:
Support for a border wall increased from 34% to 42%
Among college-educated, up 13pts
Among Independents, up 11pts
Among midwesterners, up 14pts
Among 18-39 yr. olds, up 5pts
Among nonwhites, up 6pts

8:04 AM - 13 Jan 2019

Ryan James Girdusky

Jan 13
Opposition to the border wall is down from 63% to 54%
Strongly opposed is down from 52% to 38%

7 replies 131 retweets 399 likes
Reply 7 Retweet 131 Like 399


Ryan James Girdusky

Jan 13
But the most promising news for Trump in the poll:
Of those who oppose the border wall, 45% want Democrats to compromise and give wall funding to the President in order to end the shutdown. Only 50% want them to hold their ground.

Link to PDF of actual poll results
sucks to be stuck in a partisan news bubble: reality bites

since the shutdown Trump ratings nudge down. that is news because it means people who have been supporting Trump are -- ahem, on the fence or have been


Number 3: A majority of Americans (58%) oppose substantially expanding the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border – as Trump has sought – while 40% support doing so, according to a January 2019 survey by the Center. Attitudes diverge sharply by party: Around eight-in-ten Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (82%) support expanding the wall, while an even larger share of Democrats and Democratic leaners (93%) oppose it.

How Americans see illegal immigration, the border wall and political compromise

sucks to be stuck in a partisan news bubble: reality bites

5 Many Americans disapprove of the way shutdown negotiations are being handled. A little over a third of Americans (36%) approve of Trump’s handling of the negotiations, while the same share approves of the way congressional Republicans are handling the situation. Public views of Democratic leaders’ handling of the shutdown talks are somewhat more positive than views of Trump or GOP leaders – still, less than half (43%) approve.​

sucks to be stuck in a partisan news bubble: reality bites
Last edited:
ABC/WaPo Poll: Support for Border Wall Soars Among Swing Voters

Well at least the thousand or so they ask..
At this point, I think republican voters and the GOP just want to feel like they have accomplished something. It’s less to do with the wall and more saving face.

I mean you really have to appreciate how bizarre Trump and the GOP are pushing for this useless border wall. This is being fueled by desperation at this point. The symbolism of accomplishment of the policy is really all that matters. The rest of the world is laughing at us in the meantime. Canada probably wants to build a wall to keep us out at this point and I wouldn’t blame them.

The wall will never be built for various reasons even after funding for it would
be secured, but let’s pretend it miraculously does get built. Then what? Is this really all the GOP has to offer? Do their voters just expect them to achieve nothing after this?

Say what you want about democrats, but at least they have a variety of policy ideas to consider. That’s just the nature of progressive policy.

That's exactly what it is. Trump promised a wall to his largely uneducated followers (the educated ones know a border wall would be ineffective and don't care much for it) and now, even though he doesn't give a damn about border security, he will do anything for the wall to avoid looking weak. Trump is all about appearances. He doesn't really care about anything else. As long as there's a wall there, he doesn't care what it actually does (or doesn't do).

Anyone who says a wall isn’t effective isn’t among the educated.

If walls aren’t effective why do politicians build them around their homes?

If they aren’t effective why did the Berlin Wall cause such problems?

Please feel free to answer
Look, this is pretty basic. It’s not that walls themselves aren’t useful. It’s just that a 2000 mile wall along the border will do next to nothing to keep people from either climbing over it or tunneling under it. In fact, there is a network of tunnels already built.

Thought experiment:

What’s easier

Walking over an unimpeded border


Digging under or climbing over a metal and or concrete wall?

What do you think will do more to stop illegal entries
more encouraging news

sure, I'd like to see support higher than 42%; but the trend is moving in the right direction!

the best news? almost HALF (45%) of those that oppose the wall want Dems to compromise!

stand firm Mr President!

ABC/WaPo Poll: Support for Border Wall Soars Among Swing-Voters

The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll reveals a major shift among nearly all demographic groups across the country when it comes to support for a border wall at the southern border.

This time last year, the poll claimed that only 34 percent of voters supported a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. Today, support for the wall has climbed to 42 percent overall. Most notable, swing voters are increasingly supportive of the border wall to control immigration.


Ryan James Girdusky

Follow Follow @RyanGirdusky
Some good news for Trump on the border wall in new ABC/WaPo Poll:
Support for a border wall increased from 34% to 42%
Among college-educated, up 13pts
Among Independents, up 11pts
Among midwesterners, up 14pts
Among 18-39 yr. olds, up 5pts
Among nonwhites, up 6pts

8:04 AM - 13 Jan 2019

Ryan James Girdusky

Jan 13
Opposition to the border wall is down from 63% to 54%
Strongly opposed is down from 52% to 38%

7 replies 131 retweets 399 likes
Reply 7 Retweet 131 Like 399


Ryan James Girdusky

Jan 13
But the most promising news for Trump in the poll:
Of those who oppose the border wall, 45% want Democrats to compromise and give wall funding to the President in order to end the shutdown. Only 50% want them to hold their ground.

Link to PDF of actual poll results

polls are fake, we are told that 100 times a week on here
Democrats standing with illegals instead of Americans are going to pay a heavy cost the longer this goes on, primarily because Pelosi is being seen as a partisan extremist whose only goal is to ruin Trump's 2020 re-election chances no matter what she has to do & no matter who she has to hurt.
At this point, I think republican voters and the GOP just want to feel like they have accomplished something. It’s less to do with the wall and more saving face.

I mean you really have to appreciate how bizarre Trump and the GOP are pushing for this useless border wall. This is being fueled by desperation at this point. The symbolism of accomplishment of the policy is really all that matters. The rest of the world is laughing at us in the meantime. Canada probably wants to build a wall to keep us out at this point and I wouldn’t blame them.

The wall will never be built for various reasons even after funding for it would
be secured, but let’s pretend it miraculously does get built. Then what? Is this really all the GOP has to offer? Do their voters just expect them to achieve nothing after this?

Say what you want about democrats, but at least they have a variety of policy ideas to consider. That’s just the nature of progressive policy.
The tax cuts were 1,000,000 times more important than getting a wall built, jackass.
wasn't that done? didn't we get two supreme court judges? wow, where has this dude been?
Well you really only earned one of those because Obama’s pick after Scalia was illegally blocked. Of course, I don’t expect you to care about that. You only care if constitutional law benefits you.

Are you guys still trying to pretend it was illegal for the Senate to exercise it’s check on a Supreme Court picky?
Are you pretending is was legal?

The Constitution says the President nominates & the Senate votes.

Your cheating party of anti-Amnerican jackasses pissed on that Constitution and refused to vote..

Actually the constitution doesn’t say that at all. The constitution says the senate advises and consents to judicial nominees. The senate determines what that means.

The senate said no. It’s their constitutional right to do so.
more encouraging news

sure, I'd like to see support higher than 42%; but the trend is moving in the right direction!

the best news? almost HALF (45%) of those that oppose the wall want Dems to compromise!

stand firm Mr President!

ABC/WaPo Poll: Support for Border Wall Soars Among Swing-Voters

The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll reveals a major shift among nearly all demographic groups across the country when it comes to support for a border wall at the southern border.

This time last year, the poll claimed that only 34 percent of voters supported a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. Today, support for the wall has climbed to 42 percent overall. Most notable, swing voters are increasingly supportive of the border wall to control immigration.


Ryan James Girdusky

Follow Follow @RyanGirdusky
Some good news for Trump on the border wall in new ABC/WaPo Poll:
Support for a border wall increased from 34% to 42%
Among college-educated, up 13pts
Among Independents, up 11pts
Among midwesterners, up 14pts
Among 18-39 yr. olds, up 5pts
Among nonwhites, up 6pts

8:04 AM - 13 Jan 2019

Ryan James Girdusky

Jan 13
Opposition to the border wall is down from 63% to 54%
Strongly opposed is down from 52% to 38%

7 replies 131 retweets 399 likes
Reply 7 Retweet 131 Like 399


Ryan James Girdusky

Jan 13
But the most promising news for Trump in the poll:
Of those who oppose the border wall, 45% want Democrats to compromise and give wall funding to the President in order to end the shutdown. Only 50% want them to hold their ground.

Link to PDF of actual poll results

polls are fake, we are told that 100 times a week on here
glad you are catching on!

polls have been used to drive narratives & influence votes & typically under-represent conservatives; so the numbers are probably slightly better for my side

thanks for pointing that out

Democrats standing with illegals instead of Americans are going to pay a heavy cost the longer this goes on, primarily because Pelosi is being seen as a partisan extremist whose only goal is to ruin Trump's 2020 re-election chances no matter what she has to do & no matter who she has to hurt.
Trump is losing support

and this

after he cost the GOP the US House with unprecedented losses
more encouraging news

sure, I'd like to see support higher than 42%; but the trend is moving in the right direction!

the best news? almost HALF (45%) of those that oppose the wall want Dems to compromise!

stand firm Mr President!

ABC/WaPo Poll: Support for Border Wall Soars Among Swing-Voters

The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll reveals a major shift among nearly all demographic groups across the country when it comes to support for a border wall at the southern border.

This time last year, the poll claimed that only 34 percent of voters supported a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. Today, support for the wall has climbed to 42 percent overall. Most notable, swing voters are increasingly supportive of the border wall to control immigration.


Ryan James Girdusky

Follow Follow @RyanGirdusky
Some good news for Trump on the border wall in new ABC/WaPo Poll:
Support for a border wall increased from 34% to 42%
Among college-educated, up 13pts
Among Independents, up 11pts
Among midwesterners, up 14pts
Among 18-39 yr. olds, up 5pts
Among nonwhites, up 6pts

8:04 AM - 13 Jan 2019

Ryan James Girdusky

Jan 13
Opposition to the border wall is down from 63% to 54%
Strongly opposed is down from 52% to 38%

7 replies 131 retweets 399 likes
Reply 7 Retweet 131 Like 399


Ryan James Girdusky

Jan 13
But the most promising news for Trump in the poll:
Of those who oppose the border wall, 45% want Democrats to compromise and give wall funding to the President in order to end the shutdown. Only 50% want them to hold their ground.

Link to PDF of actual poll results

polls are fake, we are told that 100 times a week on here
glad you are catching on!

polls have been used to drive narratives & influence votes & typically under-represent conservatives; so the numbers are probably slightly better for my side

thanks for pointing that out


says the imbecile who claims something based on polls
The tax cuts were 1,000,000 times more important than getting a wall built, jackass.

Yeah, we needed to add more to the deficit.
It is impossible for tax cuts to add to the deficit, jackass.
Do you just believe anything the GOP and conservative media says? Lol that is such a non sense. Of course they do.
First of all, the GOP and conservative media never said that, that I know of. I said that.

Furthermore, you are showing off your lack of critical thinking skills again. The fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cut to add to the deficit because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.

Borrowing adds to the deficit, not tax cuts.

Are you really too stupid to comprehend that fact?

And we borrow because you assfucks cut revenues without cutting spending.
The people are Tired of being ignored. We are tired of being promised border security to get elected by people in both parties and then completely neglecting it when they get to Washington.

I don’t think the wall would be necessary if the politicians actually kept their promise and enforced the law. But we don’t trust them. So we need a wall so they don’t have an excuse to not enforce border security

Both parties have voted for increased border security. You are just duped by your orange master into thinking a wall would help.

Even someone as dumb as chuck shumer knows a wall would help
At this point, I think republican voters and the GOP just want to feel like they have accomplished something. It’s less to do with the wall and more saving face.

I mean you really have to appreciate how bizarre Trump and the GOP are pushing for this useless border wall. This is being fueled by desperation at this point. The symbolism of accomplishment of the policy is really all that matters. The rest of the world is laughing at us in the meantime. Canada probably wants to build a wall to keep us out at this point and I wouldn’t blame them.

The wall will never be built for various reasons even after funding for it would
be secured, but let’s pretend it miraculously does get built. Then what? Is this really all the GOP has to offer? Do their voters just expect them to achieve nothing after this?

Say what you want about democrats, but at least they have a variety of policy ideas to consider. That’s just the nature of progressive policy.
The tax cuts were 1,000,000 times more important than getting a wall built, jackass.
wasn't that done? didn't we get two supreme court judges? wow, where has this dude been?
Well you really only earned one of those because Obama’s pick after Scalia was illegally blocked. Of course, I don’t expect you to care about that. You only care if constitutional law benefits you.

Are you guys still trying to pretend it was illegal for the Senate to exercise it’s check on a Supreme Court picky?
Uh, see, for them to legally check, it would involve them voting against him. They didn’t even have a vote to confirm him. You’re catching on now right?

They aren’t obligated to
Yeah, we needed to add more to the deficit.
It is impossible for tax cuts to add to the deficit, jackass.
Do you just believe anything the GOP and conservative media says? Lol that is such a non sense. Of course they do.
First of all, the GOP and conservative media never said that, that I know of. I said that.

Furthermore, you are showing off your lack of critical thinking skills again. The fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cut to add to the deficit because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.

Borrowing adds to the deficit, not tax cuts.

Are you really too stupid to comprehend that fact?

And we borrow because you assfucks cut revenues without cutting spending.
The people are Tired of being ignored. We are tired of being promised border security to get elected by people in both parties and then completely neglecting it when they get to Washington.

I don’t think the wall would be necessary if the politicians actually kept their promise and enforced the law. But we don’t trust them. So we need a wall so they don’t have an excuse to not enforce border security

Both parties have voted for increased border security. You are just duped by your orange master into thinking a wall would help.

Even someone as dumb as chuck shumer knows a wall would help

No one is saying a wall wouldn't help.

What people are questioning is whether a wall is worth it when such a high % of the illegal population and drug traffic doesn't even come across the border like that. Not to mention that the Mexican cartels have more than enough resources to get around a damn wall that is just going to keep sucking up money over the years.
The three reasons Progressives give for not supporting the "Wall" are all lies:

Too expensive? Compared to what? Illegals cost us tens of billions (Fed, State, and Local) every single year.

It won't work. Bullshit. Walls work all over the world, and already have dramatically decreased illegal crossings at many key points along the border. Will it stop ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION? Stupid question. The Wall is one part of a multi-pronged campaign to improve border security. Just like drones, guards, cameras, and patrols.

Immoral? Again, bullshit. Should we removed the effective walls we already have?

It's only a question of time before the Public realizes that it's the Democrats who are being unreasonable. Five Billion is a mere pimple on the butt of the U.S. budget. Not even worthy of a long discussion, let along a month-long partial shutdown.
At this point, I think republican voters and the GOP just want to feel like they have accomplished something. It’s less to do with the wall and more saving face.

I mean you really have to appreciate how bizarre Trump and the GOP are pushing for this useless border wall. This is being fueled by desperation at this point. The symbolism of accomplishment of the policy is really all that matters. The rest of the world is laughing at us in the meantime. Canada probably wants to build a wall to keep us out at this point and I wouldn’t blame them.

The wall will never be built for various reasons even after funding for it would
be secured, but let’s pretend it miraculously does get built. Then what? Is this really all the GOP has to offer? Do their voters just expect them to achieve nothing after this?

Say what you want about democrats, but at least they have a variety of policy ideas to consider. That’s just the nature of progressive policy.

That's exactly what it is. Trump promised a wall to his largely uneducated followers (the educated ones know a border wall would be ineffective and don't care much for it) and now, even though he doesn't give a damn about border security, he will do anything for the wall to avoid looking weak. Trump is all about appearances. He doesn't really care about anything else. As long as there's a wall there, he doesn't care what it actually does (or doesn't do).

Anyone who says a wall isn’t effective isn’t among the educated.

If walls aren’t effective why do politicians build them around their homes?

If they aren’t effective why did the Berlin Wall cause such problems?

Please feel free to answer

Why are you posing false equivalencies like they're serious questions? Lol.
It’s just incredible to me they are talking about walls in general being useful automatically means it is an effective and feasible border security policy.

It’s like saying “well tasers are effective tools for the police to use, that means we can arm our troops abroad with tasers instead of rifles because they get the job done.”

He is trying to trick me into writing a long, serious answer to an absolutely retarded set of false equivalencies. Either he's a massive idiot or he's trolling.

So I’m trying to trick you into actually supporting your stupid assertion that you obviously can’t support by asking you to support it?

I’m really clever that way aren’t I?

Look if you can’t do it just say so. Just stop pretending you’re educated when it’s obvious you arent
It is impossible for tax cuts to add to the deficit, jackass.
Do you just believe anything the GOP and conservative media says? Lol that is such a non sense. Of course they do.
First of all, the GOP and conservative media never said that, that I know of. I said that.

Furthermore, you are showing off your lack of critical thinking skills again. The fact of the matter is that it is impossible for tax cut to add to the deficit because all tax cuts cost exactly $0.00.

Borrowing adds to the deficit, not tax cuts.

Are you really too stupid to comprehend that fact?

And we borrow because you assfucks cut revenues without cutting spending.
The people are Tired of being ignored. We are tired of being promised border security to get elected by people in both parties and then completely neglecting it when they get to Washington.

I don’t think the wall would be necessary if the politicians actually kept their promise and enforced the law. But we don’t trust them. So we need a wall so they don’t have an excuse to not enforce border security

Both parties have voted for increased border security. You are just duped by your orange master into thinking a wall would help.

Even someone as dumb as chuck shumer knows a wall would help

No one is saying a wall wouldn't help.

What people are questioning is whether a wall is worth it when such a high % of the illegal population and drug traffic doesn't even come across the border like that. Not to mention that the Mexican cartels have more than enough resources to get around a damn wall that is just going to keep sucking up money over the years.

So we go from

Only “the uneducated think a wall will work” to “no one claims it won’t work, it’s just not cost effective “

That’s what rational people call conceding the argument

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