Officials Call for Driver's Licenses for Illegal Immigrants


Aug 13, 2012
CHICAGO — Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn, former Gov. Jim Edgar and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel are among the political heavy hitters calling for Illinois to give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

Officials say passing such legislation would make Illinois' roads safer, and a bipartisan slate of supporters plans a news conference to discuss it today. They say about 250,000 immigrant motorists who can't get insurance are on state roads and contribute to more than $660 million in insurance claims.

The issue also has political implications. Latino voters were credited with helping Democrats win big on Election Day.

Edgar and Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka are Republicans and say the GOP needs to do more to court the growing voter bloc.

New Mexico and Washington already require licenses for illegal immigrants.

Officials call for driver's licenses for illegal immigrants - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register
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Typical example of treating a symptom instead of the disease.

Drivers licenses are to ensure that drivers have met basic standards before operating a motor vehicle.

It has nothing to do with your immigration status
Drivers licenses are to ensure that drivers have met basic standards before operating a motor vehicle.

It has nothing to do with your immigration status

Many rights and benefits are provided on the basis of proof of eligibility. And drivers licenses are the most common proof of eligibility.

Giving drivers licenses to ineligible illegals would be a big mistake and wreak havoc in our bureaucratic system.

It would also make the Voter ID maniacs demand a National ID, going full monty into totalitarianism.

Rewarding law breakers??? This country has jumped the shark.

Why not ask Mexico to join our union out right?
Drivers licenses are to ensure that drivers have met basic standards before operating a motor vehicle.

It has nothing to do with your immigration status

When I got my license I had to show a birth certificate and a SSN card, how are these illegals providing these documents?
CHICAGO — Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn, former Gov. Jim Edgar and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel are among the political heavy hitters calling for Illinois to give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

Great. Then they'll be able to legally kill Americans (or at least Illinoians) on the road.
I would rather have illegal aliens on the road who had passed a drivers test and have insurance than drive without it
Drivers licenses are to ensure that drivers have met basic standards before operating a motor vehicle.

It has nothing to do with your immigration status

maybe they should give gun training and give them all a gun too
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Drivers licenses are to ensure that drivers have met basic standards before operating a motor vehicle.

It has nothing to do with your immigration status

Many rights and benefits are provided on the basis of proof of eligibility. And drivers licenses are the most common proof of eligibility.

Giving drivers licenses to ineligible illegals would be a big mistake and wreak havoc in our bureaucratic system.

It would also make the Voter ID maniacs demand a National ID, going full monty into totalitarianism.



The licenses can be configured in such a manner as to authorize only driving.

It’s an appropriate and pragmatic measure to ensure safety on the state’s roadways.

It’s also telling how those conservative advocates of ‘states’ rights’ are suddenly opposed to those rights when a state seeks to so something they disagree with.
Just when you think politicians have reached the ultimate level of stupidity, they break their own records.

They can't possibly believe that giving people a driver's license will immediately improve their driving ability. These people who can't read or write English and don't understand traffic signs are a hazard. Usually, you'd think that a person driving illegally would be more careful than most, as not to get caught. They don't go out of their way to learn anything about the country they have illegally entered. And we bend over for them, why? I don't think a lot of them really give a shit about us, our culture or our laws.

They need driver's ed. I suppose tax payers will get the bill for that, too. Although, if they can afford to be driving around, they can pay their own damn way. I suppose they expect driver's licenses that are identical to those issued to citizens. I think they should have visitor's driver's licenses so they can't pass as a citizen. They are not citizens and they don't deserve any respect or any benefits till they earn them like everyone else. Maybe they should do favors for the citizens instead of us always getting our pockets picked.
You give these guys a drivers license and you give them a voter ID...
Maybe that's the point to make them legal voters....

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