Oh for the love of...I give up

How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
You are the self appointed shrink here, you tell me? My brother in law had a sex change, he/she hurt a lot of people. I can't talk to THAT person anymore, sad to say. I loved that person , but I am cut OFF, it makes you feel impotent. I know, sexual references aside. What do you do?
Would you rather that your brother in law lived a lie ?
Where does he go then ? I say this without any knowledge of how this was handled.
SHE you mean. And it was handled rather awkwardly, she went on her merry way and SHE divorced my sister and remarried. His son still sees his "father" and her Husband on the holidays.
Why do leftists make stupid arguments such as "Its the current year, bruh" to justify normalizing faggotry? Ancient civilizations learned faggotry is detrimental to society and outlawed it, even gave people the death penalty for it....for the sake of progress.

Yet these stupid leftist fucks think going back to faggotry and kiddie fucking of Ancient Greece and Rome is "progressive"? No you idiots, you're REGRESSING.
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How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?

I don't know, millions of us on the right have been wondering this for many years why you guys on the left are so hateful and narcicisstic.
I think decent people react when they see hate. And so they should.
You're not decent though and neither are most other hardcore leftists.
I am impressed that you can spell "decent".
I'd be impressed if you dont piss yourself every time you go to the restroom digging through all those fat rolls trying to find your dick.
They attend women's and queer studies courses at their local ivy covered North Koreas formerly known as universities and institutions of higher learning.
No, its just parental abuse coupled with some religious mumbo jumbo. People arent born to hate, although in your case I would not be so confident.
Yep. Hatred is a learned behavior.

And it's the one thing in which you've perfected an expertise.
Lol an entire thread is made based around demonizing a teenager, and I'm the one you accuse of hatred. :rofl:

I'm not demonizing, but I would like to see an in-depth study as to why the individuals of the trans community, are so narcissistic.
Really? You'd be interested in seeing that? Might I suggest this for you:

List of hobbies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?

I don't know, millions of us on the right have been wondering this for many years why you guys on the left are so hateful and narcicisstic.
I think decent people react when they see hate. And so they should.
You're not decent though and neither are most other hardcore leftists.
I am impressed that you can spell "decent".
I'd be impressed if you dont piss yourself every time you go to the restroom digging through all those fat rolls trying to find your dick.

How SIZE-IST of you...fat shaming poor TT and all.

Yep. Hatred is a learned behavior.

And it's the one thing in which you've perfected an expertise.
Lol an entire thread is made based around demonizing a teenager, and I'm the one you accuse of hatred. :rofl:

I'm not demonizing the teenager. I'm pointing out the scientific reality that She is a Girl who menstruates. The HATRED comes from those of you who prey on the confusion of children and encourage them to undergo permanent mutilation.

Caring adults PROTECT children and steer them away from making damaging life-changing decisions. If the teenager still feels she is male when she is an adult and legally responsible for her decisions, then so be it. Until then, she is a confused and vulnerable child. And yet, your prey on her vulnerabilities. That is HATRED.
You are okay with adult transgendered people? Progress. Now if only we can get you people to stop engaging in rhetoric that drives transgendered kids towards suicide...

I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.
So you would oppose people creating laws that forced people to participate in their "bliss..." like laws that ban gay couples from getting married or laws that regulate bathroom usage?
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?

I don't know, millions of us on the right have been wondering this for many years why you guys on the left are so hateful and narcicisstic.
I think decent people react when they see hate. And so they should.
You're not decent though and neither are most other hardcore leftists.
I am impressed that you can spell "decent".
I'd be impressed if you dont piss yourself every time you go to the restroom digging through all those fat rolls trying to find your dick.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's gonna leave a mark!!!!!! Nicely done!!!
And it's the one thing in which you've perfected an expertise.
Lol an entire thread is made based around demonizing a teenager, and I'm the one you accuse of hatred. :rofl:

I'm not demonizing the teenager. I'm pointing out the scientific reality that She is a Girl who menstruates. The HATRED comes from those of you who prey on the confusion of children and encourage them to undergo permanent mutilation.

Caring adults PROTECT children and steer them away from making damaging life-changing decisions. If the teenager still feels she is male when she is an adult and legally responsible for her decisions, then so be it. Until then, she is a confused and vulnerable child. And yet, your prey on her vulnerabilities. That is HATRED.
You are okay with adult transgendered people? Progress. Now if only we can get you people to stop engaging in rhetoric that drives transgendered kids towards suicide...

I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.
So you would oppose people creating laws that forced people to participate in their "bliss..." like laws that ban gay couples from getting married or laws that regulate bathroom usage?
How about we stop making laws and let people form their own unions as they see fit? Get government out of it entirely? What about that?
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?

I don't know, millions of us on the right have been wondering this for many years why you guys on the left are so hateful and narcicisstic.
I think decent people react when they see hate. And so they should.
You're not decent though and neither are most other hardcore leftists.
I am impressed that you can spell "decent".
I'd be impressed if you dont piss yourself every time you go to the restroom digging through all those fat rolls trying to find your dick.
Old people have bladder problems. When he busts a nut it's just him pissing himself.
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
You are the self appointed shrink here, you tell me? My brother in law had a sex change, he/she hurt a lot of people. I can't talk to THAT person anymore, sad to say. I loved that person , but I am cut OFF, it makes you feel impotent. I know, sexual references aside. What do you do?
Would you rather that your brother in law lived a lie ?
Where does he go then ? I say this without any knowledge of how this was handled.
SHE you mean. And it was handled rather awkwardly, she went on her merry way and SHE divorced my sister and remarried. His son still sees his "father" and her Husband on the holidays.
So whats the issue ?
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?

I don't know, millions of us on the right have been wondering this for many years why you guys on the left are so hateful and narcicisstic.
I think decent people react when they see hate. And so they should.
You're not decent though and neither are most other hardcore leftists.
I am impressed that you can spell "decent".
Lmfao dude stop your killing me.
I'd be impressed if you dont piss yourself every time you go to the restroom digging through all those fat rolls trying to find your dick.
Lol an entire thread is made based around demonizing a teenager, and I'm the one you accuse of hatred. :rofl:

I'm not demonizing the teenager. I'm pointing out the scientific reality that She is a Girl who menstruates. The HATRED comes from those of you who prey on the confusion of children and encourage them to undergo permanent mutilation.

Caring adults PROTECT children and steer them away from making damaging life-changing decisions. If the teenager still feels she is male when she is an adult and legally responsible for her decisions, then so be it. Until then, she is a confused and vulnerable child. And yet, your prey on her vulnerabilities. That is HATRED.
You are okay with adult transgendered people? Progress. Now if only we can get you people to stop engaging in rhetoric that drives transgendered kids towards suicide...

I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.
So you would oppose people creating laws that forced people to participate in their "bliss..." like laws that ban gay couples from getting married or laws that regulate bathroom usage?
How about we stop making laws and let people form their own unions as they see fit? Get government out of it entirely? What about that?
Sorry that ship's sailed and the issue is settled. No point talking about it anymore.
I don't know, millions of us on the right have been wondering this for many years why you guys on the left are so hateful and narcicisstic.
I think decent people react when they see hate. And so they should.
You're not decent though and neither are most other hardcore leftists.
I am impressed that you can spell "decent".
I'd be impressed if you dont piss yourself every time you go to the restroom digging through all those fat rolls trying to find your dick.
Old people have bladder problems. When he busts a nut it's just him pissing himself.
I think I know why Tommy is so infatuated with gay penguins, his dick is so sunk into his pelvis and blubber fat that his dick looks like a penguin's cloaca. Lol
And it's the one thing in which you've perfected an expertise.
Lol an entire thread is made based around demonizing a teenager, and I'm the one you accuse of hatred. :rofl:

I'm not demonizing the teenager. I'm pointing out the scientific reality that She is a Girl who menstruates. The HATRED comes from those of you who prey on the confusion of children and encourage them to undergo permanent mutilation.

Caring adults PROTECT children and steer them away from making damaging life-changing decisions. If the teenager still feels she is male when she is an adult and legally responsible for her decisions, then so be it. Until then, she is a confused and vulnerable child. And yet, your prey on her vulnerabilities. That is HATRED.
You are okay with adult transgendered people? Progress. Now if only we can get you people to stop engaging in rhetoric that drives transgendered kids towards suicide...

I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.
So you would oppose people creating laws that forced people to participate in their "bliss..." like laws that ban gay couples from getting married or laws that regulate bathroom usage?

Hey, dumb ass....do you know what "marriage" is under admiralty law? It is the merging of two corporate entities and making the state a third party of it. You don't have a fucking clue as to what type of system we are actually under because you are a clown. Queers just want to be "loud and proud" about their perversions and they have found a willing backer in the leftard clown posse. The LGBT was started with funds from the Rockefeller foundation...the same one that funded the women's rights movement. All about social engineering and the break up of the family unit....seriously, why do I even bother. Idiots like you lack the brain power to see the puppet masters pulling the strings. Fuck you and all your liberal pals....you make me want to vomit.
I'm not demonizing the teenager. I'm pointing out the scientific reality that She is a Girl who menstruates. The HATRED comes from those of you who prey on the confusion of children and encourage them to undergo permanent mutilation.

Caring adults PROTECT children and steer them away from making damaging life-changing decisions. If the teenager still feels she is male when she is an adult and legally responsible for her decisions, then so be it. Until then, she is a confused and vulnerable child. And yet, your prey on her vulnerabilities. That is HATRED.
You are okay with adult transgendered people? Progress. Now if only we can get you people to stop engaging in rhetoric that drives transgendered kids towards suicide...

I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.
So you would oppose people creating laws that forced people to participate in their "bliss..." like laws that ban gay couples from getting married or laws that regulate bathroom usage?
How about we stop making laws and let people form their own unions as they see fit? Get government out of it entirely? What about that?
Sorry that ship's sailed and the issue is settled. No point talking about it anymore.
Oh no it's not, you see....if government grants something...then government can take it away. That's why faggots are only playing house and marriages existed for straights since forever, even before gubmint existed.
You are the self appointed shrink here, you tell me? My brother in law had a sex change, he/she hurt a lot of people. I can't talk to THAT person anymore, sad to say. I loved that person , but I am cut OFF, it makes you feel impotent. I know, sexual references aside. What do you do?
Would you rather that your brother in law lived a lie ?
Where does he go then ? I say this without any knowledge of how this was handled.
SHE you mean. And it was handled rather awkwardly, she went on her merry way and SHE divorced my sister and remarried. His son still sees his "father" and her Husband on the holidays.
So whats the issue ?
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .
This fruit loop actually thinks, or whatever goes on in their craniums, he has a period? Really? Pure insanity.

Transgender Bathroom Debate Turns Personal at a Vermont High School

He was in sixth grade when he realized he was meant to be a boy, he said, and came out to the school last year in ninth grade, sending emails to teachers. When he entered Green Mountain in seventh grade, “I was using the female bathroom because, I really don’t know, I was still kind of back and forth about my identity,” Mr. Jackson said. “This year is the year I started using the men’s bathroom, because I already felt like way more comfortable in who I was.”

There were practical issues. When he had his period, he wondered if he should revert to the girls’ bathroom, because there was no place to throw away his used tampons. But he had started feeling like an intruder in the girls’ bathroom, and the single bathrooms were so far out of the way it was hard to get to class on time.

So he stuck with the boys’ bathroom.

Oh!!!! Christ onna cracker! You must be on the rag to care what these people think. If this moron pulls a bloody tampon outta the nether regions in a boys bathroom and anyone see's it he's done!...though! What SHE needs to do is shove another one up there to back it up and pull the whole bloody mess out when she/he gets ..

Lol an entire thread is made based around demonizing a teenager, and I'm the one you accuse of hatred. :rofl:

I'm not demonizing the teenager. I'm pointing out the scientific reality that She is a Girl who menstruates. The HATRED comes from those of you who prey on the confusion of children and encourage them to undergo permanent mutilation.

Caring adults PROTECT children and steer them away from making damaging life-changing decisions. If the teenager still feels she is male when she is an adult and legally responsible for her decisions, then so be it. Until then, she is a confused and vulnerable child. And yet, your prey on her vulnerabilities. That is HATRED.
You are okay with adult transgendered people? Progress. Now if only we can get you people to stop engaging in rhetoric that drives transgendered kids towards suicide...

I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.
So you would oppose people creating laws that forced people to participate in their "bliss..." like laws that ban gay couples from getting married or laws that regulate bathroom usage?

Hey, dumb ass....do you know what "marriage" is under admiralty law? It is the merging of two corporate entities and making the state a third party of it. You don't have a fucking clue as to what type of system we are actually under because you are a clown. Queers just want to be "loud and proud" about their perversions and they have found a willing backer in the leftard clown posse. The LGBT was started with funds from the Rockefeller foundation...the same one that funded the women's rights movement. All about social engineering and the break up of the family unit....seriously, why do I even bother. Idiots like you lack the brain power to see the puppet masters pulling the strings. Fuck you and all your liberal pals....you make me want to vomit.
Thanks for your input Dale. It's very valuable.

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