Oh for the love of...I give up

You are okay with adult transgendered people? Progress. Now if only we can get you people to stop engaging in rhetoric that drives transgendered kids towards suicide...

I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.
So you would oppose people creating laws that forced people to participate in their "bliss..." like laws that ban gay couples from getting married or laws that regulate bathroom usage?
How about we stop making laws and let people form their own unions as they see fit? Get government out of it entirely? What about that?
Sorry that ship's sailed and the issue is settled. No point talking about it anymore.
Oh no it's not, you see....if government grants something...then government can take it away. That's why faggots are only playing house and marriages existed for straights since forever, even before gubmint existed.
Marriages did not exist for straights since "forever." There were many religions before the one that you were raised in defined "marriage." There have been same sex "marriages" throughout all time. :thup:
I'm not demonizing the teenager. I'm pointing out the scientific reality that She is a Girl who menstruates. The HATRED comes from those of you who prey on the confusion of children and encourage them to undergo permanent mutilation.

Caring adults PROTECT children and steer them away from making damaging life-changing decisions. If the teenager still feels she is male when she is an adult and legally responsible for her decisions, then so be it. Until then, she is a confused and vulnerable child. And yet, your prey on her vulnerabilities. That is HATRED.
You are okay with adult transgendered people? Progress. Now if only we can get you people to stop engaging in rhetoric that drives transgendered kids towards suicide...

I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.
So you would oppose people creating laws that forced people to participate in their "bliss..." like laws that ban gay couples from getting married or laws that regulate bathroom usage?

Hey, dumb ass....do you know what "marriage" is under admiralty law? It is the merging of two corporate entities and making the state a third party of it. You don't have a fucking clue as to what type of system we are actually under because you are a clown. Queers just want to be "loud and proud" about their perversions and they have found a willing backer in the leftard clown posse. The LGBT was started with funds from the Rockefeller foundation...the same one that funded the women's rights movement. All about social engineering and the break up of the family unit....seriously, why do I even bother. Idiots like you lack the brain power to see the puppet masters pulling the strings. Fuck you and all your liberal pals....you make me want to vomit.
Thanks for your input Dale. It's very valuable.

But yet you will not understand it. I KNOW more than you....infinitely more.
I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.
So you would oppose people creating laws that forced people to participate in their "bliss..." like laws that ban gay couples from getting married or laws that regulate bathroom usage?
How about we stop making laws and let people form their own unions as they see fit? Get government out of it entirely? What about that?
Sorry that ship's sailed and the issue is settled. No point talking about it anymore.
Oh no it's not, you see....if government grants something...then government can take it away. That's why faggots are only playing house and marriages existed for straights since forever, even before gubmint existed.
Marriages did not exist for straights since "forever." There were many religions before the one that you were raised in defined "marriage." There have been same sex "marriages" throughout all time. :thup:
Oh yes they did. You can't prove otherwise.
You are okay with adult transgendered people? Progress. Now if only we can get you people to stop engaging in rhetoric that drives transgendered kids towards suicide...

I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.
So you would oppose people creating laws that forced people to participate in their "bliss..." like laws that ban gay couples from getting married or laws that regulate bathroom usage?

Hey, dumb ass....do you know what "marriage" is under admiralty law? It is the merging of two corporate entities and making the state a third party of it. You don't have a fucking clue as to what type of system we are actually under because you are a clown. Queers just want to be "loud and proud" about their perversions and they have found a willing backer in the leftard clown posse. The LGBT was started with funds from the Rockefeller foundation...the same one that funded the women's rights movement. All about social engineering and the break up of the family unit....seriously, why do I even bother. Idiots like you lack the brain power to see the puppet masters pulling the strings. Fuck you and all your liberal pals....you make me want to vomit.
Thanks for your input Dale. It's very valuable.

But yet you will not understand it. I KNOW more than you....infinitely more.
Indeed you do Dale...these idiots wish they had a centile of your knowledge.

Keep fighting the good fight, brother
You are okay with adult transgendered people? Progress. Now if only we can get you people to stop engaging in rhetoric that drives transgendered kids towards suicide...

I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.
So you would oppose people creating laws that forced people to participate in their "bliss..." like laws that ban gay couples from getting married or laws that regulate bathroom usage?

Hey, dumb ass....do you know what "marriage" is under admiralty law? It is the merging of two corporate entities and making the state a third party of it. You don't have a fucking clue as to what type of system we are actually under because you are a clown. Queers just want to be "loud and proud" about their perversions and they have found a willing backer in the leftard clown posse. The LGBT was started with funds from the Rockefeller foundation...the same one that funded the women's rights movement. All about social engineering and the break up of the family unit....seriously, why do I even bother. Idiots like you lack the brain power to see the puppet masters pulling the strings. Fuck you and all your liberal pals....you make me want to vomit.
Thanks for your input Dale. It's very valuable.

But yet you will not understand it. I KNOW more than you....infinitely more.
Nuh uh. I have way more knowledge. You don't even know where the aliens are.
Would you rather that your brother in law lived a lie ?
Where does he go then ? I say this without any knowledge of how this was handled.
SHE you mean. And it was handled rather awkwardly, she went on her merry way and SHE divorced my sister and remarried. His son still sees his "father" and her Husband on the holidays.
So whats the issue ?
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .

Consider the source. :dunno:
It's too bad. I like Tommy. I think he is our so called better angel of our mercy, that little devil that tweaks our awareness. Reminds me of Winston Churchill.
You are okay with adult transgendered people? Progress. Now if only we can get you people to stop engaging in rhetoric that drives transgendered kids towards suicide...

I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.
So you would oppose people creating laws that forced people to participate in their "bliss..." like laws that ban gay couples from getting married or laws that regulate bathroom usage?
How about we stop making laws and let people form their own unions as they see fit? Get government out of it entirely? What about that?
Sorry that ship's sailed and the issue is settled. No point talking about it anymore.
Oh no it's not, you see....if government grants something...then government can take it away. That's why faggots are only playing house and marriages existed for straights since forever, even before gubmint existed.

EXACTLY! Under this system, you do not have rights. You have privileges. We are not under Common Law, we are under admiralty courts. They do not pass laws, they pass acts, statutes and codes because this "gubermint" is a for profit corporate entity that was taken into receivership by the IMF when USA.INC filed bankruptcy again in 1950. It was within that time frame that the gold fringe on the American flag started showing up in court rooms.
I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.
So you would oppose people creating laws that forced people to participate in their "bliss..." like laws that ban gay couples from getting married or laws that regulate bathroom usage?

Hey, dumb ass....do you know what "marriage" is under admiralty law? It is the merging of two corporate entities and making the state a third party of it. You don't have a fucking clue as to what type of system we are actually under because you are a clown. Queers just want to be "loud and proud" about their perversions and they have found a willing backer in the leftard clown posse. The LGBT was started with funds from the Rockefeller foundation...the same one that funded the women's rights movement. All about social engineering and the break up of the family unit....seriously, why do I even bother. Idiots like you lack the brain power to see the puppet masters pulling the strings. Fuck you and all your liberal pals....you make me want to vomit.
Thanks for your input Dale. It's very valuable.

But yet you will not understand it. I KNOW more than you....infinitely more.
Indeed you do Dale...these idiots wish they had a centile of your knowledge.
Keep fighting the good fight, brother

You do as well...it's not often I come across people like you that know this stuff. Keep doing what you do.
Where does he go then ? I say this without any knowledge of how this was handled.
SHE you mean. And it was handled rather awkwardly, she went on her merry way and SHE divorced my sister and remarried. His son still sees his "father" and her Husband on the holidays.
So whats the issue ?
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .

Consider the source. :dunno:
It's too bad. I like Tommy. I think he is our so called better angel of our mercy, that little devil that tweaks our awareness. Reminds me of Winston Churchill.

Oh. I thought you were referring to the OP. My bad.

I just find it amusing how many people on this board get SO UPSET about something that has nothing to do with them. :dunno:
Where does he go then ? I say this without any knowledge of how this was handled.
SHE you mean. And it was handled rather awkwardly, she went on her merry way and SHE divorced my sister and remarried. His son still sees his "father" and her Husband on the holidays.
So whats the issue ?
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .

Consider the source. :dunno:
It's too bad. I like Tommy. I think he is our so called better angel of our mercy, that little devil that tweaks our awareness. Reminds me of Winston Churchill.

Oh. I thought you were referring to the OP. My bad.

I just find it amusing how many people on this board get SO UPSET about something that has nothing to do with them. :dunno:
We wouldn't be having this discussion if it had nothing to do with us. You're not very bright...but your mammy and daddy told ya different, didn't they?
Where does he go then ? I say this without any knowledge of how this was handled.
SHE you mean. And it was handled rather awkwardly, she went on her merry way and SHE divorced my sister and remarried. His son still sees his "father" and her Husband on the holidays.
So whats the issue ?
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .

Consider the source. :dunno:
It's too bad. I like Tommy. I think he is our so called better angel of our mercy, that little devil that tweaks our awareness. Reminds me of Winston Churchill.

Yeah, Tommy isn't a bad guy. He is aware of some things but utterly blinded by others. I have given him props many times before.
SHE you mean. And it was handled rather awkwardly, she went on her merry way and SHE divorced my sister and remarried. His son still sees his "father" and her Husband on the holidays.
So whats the issue ?
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .

Consider the source. :dunno:
It's too bad. I like Tommy. I think he is our so called better angel of our mercy, that little devil that tweaks our awareness. Reminds me of Winston Churchill.

Oh. I thought you were referring to the OP. My bad.

I just find it amusing how many people on this board get SO UPSET about something that has nothing to do with them. :dunno:
We wouldn't be having this discussion if it had nothing to do with us.

So how does this kid affect your quality of life?
Where does he go then ? I say this without any knowledge of how this was handled.
SHE you mean. And it was handled rather awkwardly, she went on her merry way and SHE divorced my sister and remarried. His son still sees his "father" and her Husband on the holidays.
So whats the issue ?
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .

Consider the source. :dunno:
It's too bad. I like Tommy. I think he is our so called better angel of our mercy, that little devil that tweaks our awareness. Reminds me of Winston Churchill.

Yeah, Tommy isn't a bad guy. He is aware of some things but utterly blinded by others. I have given him props many times before.
Whaaaa? I have yet to see him say anything besides stupid dumbed down leftist drool.
So whats the issue ?
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .

Consider the source. :dunno:
It's too bad. I like Tommy. I think he is our so called better angel of our mercy, that little devil that tweaks our awareness. Reminds me of Winston Churchill.

Oh. I thought you were referring to the OP. My bad.

I just find it amusing how many people on this board get SO UPSET about something that has nothing to do with them. :dunno:
We wouldn't be having this discussion if it had nothing to do with us.

So how does this kid affect your quality of life?
He and other degenerates affect policy just being reported on. That's how.
Question for the Loons:

My little nephew has been pretending to be a dragon. Should we have him get Species Reassignment Surgery?
Most on the right truly are this stupid.

False comparison fallacy, nitwit.

Is it your stupidity that prevents you from understanding or your hate – likely both.

Poor widdle booby. Here, I'll post something at your level.

I am rubber
You are glue
Every mean thing you say
Bounces off me
And sticks to you
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .
Consider the source. :dunno:
It's too bad. I like Tommy. I think he is our so called better angel of our mercy, that little devil that tweaks our awareness. Reminds me of Winston Churchill.

Oh. I thought you were referring to the OP. My bad.

I just find it amusing how many people on this board get SO UPSET about something that has nothing to do with them. :dunno:
We wouldn't be having this discussion if it had nothing to do with us.

So how does this kid affect your quality of life?
He and other degenerates affect policy just being reported on. That's how.

And this prevents you from using public restrooms? Just trying to get an idea of the enormity of the problem here.
SHE you mean. And it was handled rather awkwardly, she went on her merry way and SHE divorced my sister and remarried. His son still sees his "father" and her Husband on the holidays.
So whats the issue ?
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .
What was the issue to begin with? Something or other .

Consider the source. :dunno:
It's too bad. I like Tommy. I think he is our so called better angel of our mercy, that little devil that tweaks our awareness. Reminds me of Winston Churchill.

Yeah, Tommy isn't a bad guy. He is aware of some things but utterly blinded by others. I have given him props many times before.
Whaaaa? I have yet to see him say anything besides stupid dumbed down leftist drool.

I shit you not...he has written some stuff that leads me to believe that he understands that there is a hidden hand that actually manipulates the masses. It has been awhile but he has shown some signs of awareness

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