Oh for the love of...I give up

God help us.......

You didn't get it either. Not shocked. Get in line.....the Dummies room is over there.

Fuck you....ya disgusting piece of perverted piece of liberal shit. You have got nothing as usual.

Hey dummy. Don't you think that it is strange that so many of the items found from Flight 804 have the words "Egypt Air" so clearly written on them. I think these items were planted there to trick us into thinking that the plane actually crashed there. Thoughts?

I haven't looked into the circumstances behind the plane crash so I have no opinion either way. I will say whatever this "gubermint's" position is on it would be something I wouldn't trust. Hope this helps!

Awwwwww. Come on man. Like half of the shit they found has "Egypt Air" clearly legible printed on it. That's very odd, don't you think?

Talk to your leftard pals...they will get your mind right because they know there is no such things as conspiracies and the lamestream media never lies.
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
You are the self appointed shrink here, you tell me? My brother in law had a sex change, he/she hurt a lot of people. I can't talk to THAT person anymore, sad to say. I loved that person , but I am cut OFF, it makes you feel impotent. I know, sexual references aside. What do you do?
Would you rather that your brother in law lived a lie ?
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
They attend women's and queer studies courses at their local ivy covered North Koreas formerly known as universities and institutions of higher learning.
No, its just parental abuse coupled with some religious mumbo jumbo. People arent born to hate, although in your case I would not be so confident.
Yep. Hatred is a learned behavior.

And it's the one thing in which you've perfected an expertise.
Lol an entire thread is made based around demonizing a teenager, and I'm the one you accuse of hatred. :rofl:
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?

People that criticize Hitlery are HATERS!!!!!!! People that criticize or disagree with leftards are HATERS!!! So says the leftard clown posse.....

Please, by all means.... put me down as one and I am damn proud of it. I wouldn't have it any other way.
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
You are the self appointed shrink here, you tell me? My brother in law had a sex change, he/she hurt a lot of people. I can't talk to THAT person anymore, sad to say. I loved that person , but I am cut OFF, it makes you feel impotent. I know, sexual references aside. What do you do?
Would you rather that your brother in law lived a lie ?
Where does he go then ? I say this without any knowledge of how this was handled.
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
They attend women's and queer studies courses at their local ivy covered North Koreas formerly known as universities and institutions of higher learning.
No, its just parental abuse coupled with some religious mumbo jumbo. People arent born to hate, although in your case I would not be so confident.
Yep. Hatred is a learned behavior.

And it's the one thing in which you've perfected an expertise.
Lol an entire thread is made based around demonizing a teenager, and I'm the one you accuse of hatred. :rofl:

I'm not demonizing the teenager. I'm pointing out the scientific reality that She is a Girl who menstruates. The HATRED comes from those of you who prey on the confusion of children and encourage them to undergo permanent mutilation.

Caring adults PROTECT children and steer them away from making damaging life-changing decisions. If the teenager still feels she is male when she is an adult and legally responsible for her decisions, then so be it. Until then, she is a confused and vulnerable child. And yet, your prey on her vulnerabilities. That is HATRED.
WHo gives a fuck? Are you going to really throw this person in prison for believing they're something different?
Prison? Liberals are making this a issue. You need to pee, use the freekin facilities. if you have pig weenie grafted to your left shoulder, I don't NEED to know. Don't make it an issue. It is a tempest in a teapot, people made this up to further their weak little pointless agenda.
It isn't liberals who are making it an issue. According to the article Mr. Jackson was doing as you suggested, using the restroom at discreet times, someone else made it an issue.
WHo gives a fuck? Are you going to really throw this person in prison for believing they're something different?
Prison? Liberals are making this a issue. You need to pee, use the freekin facilities. if you have pig weenie grafted to your left shoulder, I don't NEED to know. Don't make it an issue. It is a tempest in a teapot, people made this up to further their weak little pointless agenda.
It isn't liberals who are making it an issue. According to the article Mr. Jackson was doing as you suggested, using the restroom at discreet times, someone else made it an issue.
His stupid tranny ass has a restroom just for him. He should use it.
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?

They go to schools that have been overtaken with a Progressive Agenda and are thoroughly brainwashed with Prog Newspeak.
Why do some people want to live in the C15th ?
Why do some people want to live in the C15th ?
That's a secret code that only weirdos understand.
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?

I don't know, millions of us on the right have been wondering this for many years why you guys on the left are so hateful and narcicisstic.
I think decent people react when they see hate. And so they should.
You're not decent though and neither are most other hardcore leftists.
I am impressed that you can spell "decent".
They attend women's and queer studies courses at their local ivy covered North Koreas formerly known as universities and institutions of higher learning.
No, its just parental abuse coupled with some religious mumbo jumbo. People arent born to hate, although in your case I would not be so confident.
Yep. Hatred is a learned behavior.

And it's the one thing in which you've perfected an expertise.
Lol an entire thread is made based around demonizing a teenager, and I'm the one you accuse of hatred. :rofl:

I'm not demonizing the teenager. I'm pointing out the scientific reality that She is a Girl who menstruates. The HATRED comes from those of you who prey on the confusion of children and encourage them to undergo permanent mutilation.

Caring adults PROTECT children and steer them away from making damaging life-changing decisions. If the teenager still feels she is male when she is an adult and legally responsible for her decisions, then so be it. Until then, she is a confused and vulnerable child. And yet, your prey on her vulnerabilities. That is HATRED.
You are okay with adult transgendered people? Progress. Now if only we can get you people to stop engaging in rhetoric that drives transgendered kids towards suicide...
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?

They go to schools that have been overtaken with a Progressive Agenda and are thoroughly brainwashed with Prog Newspeak.
Why do some people want to live in the C15th ?
Why do some people want to live in the C15th ?
That's a secret code that only weirdos understand.
Thanks. I didnt know why he said something so stupid.
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
They attend women's and queer studies courses at their local ivy covered North Koreas formerly known as universities and institutions of higher learning.
No, its just parental abuse coupled with some religious mumbo jumbo. People arent born to hate, although in your case I would not be so confident.
Yep. Hatred is a learned behavior.

And it's the one thing in which you've perfected an expertise.
Lol an entire thread is made based around demonizing a teenager, and I'm the one you accuse of hatred. :rofl:

I'm not demonizing, but I would like to see an in-depth study as to why the individuals of the trans community, are so narcissistic.
No, its just parental abuse coupled with some religious mumbo jumbo. People arent born to hate, although in your case I would not be so confident.
Yep. Hatred is a learned behavior.

And it's the one thing in which you've perfected an expertise.
Lol an entire thread is made based around demonizing a teenager, and I'm the one you accuse of hatred. :rofl:

I'm not demonizing the teenager. I'm pointing out the scientific reality that She is a Girl who menstruates. The HATRED comes from those of you who prey on the confusion of children and encourage them to undergo permanent mutilation.

Caring adults PROTECT children and steer them away from making damaging life-changing decisions. If the teenager still feels she is male when she is an adult and legally responsible for her decisions, then so be it. Until then, she is a confused and vulnerable child. And yet, your prey on her vulnerabilities. That is HATRED.
You are okay with adult transgendered people? Progress. Now if only we can get you people to stop engaging in rhetoric that drives transgendered kids towards suicide...

I'm okay with the concept of LIBERTY which entails that Free Adults have the right to their own person, property and pursuit of happiness...as long as they don't insist that others support or participate in their "bliss" against their wills.

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