Oh for the love of...I give up


Yes you are Jake. You were one of those who thought they said "trains" when the brains were handed out.
This fruit loop actually thinks, or whatever goes on in their craniums, he has a period? Really? Pure insanity.

Transgender Bathroom Debate Turns Personal at a Vermont High School

He was in sixth grade when he realized he was meant to be a boy, he said, and came out to the school last year in ninth grade, sending emails to teachers. When he entered Green Mountain in seventh grade, “I was using the female bathroom because, I really don’t know, I was still kind of back and forth about my identity,” Mr. Jackson said. “This year is the year I started using the men’s bathroom, because I already felt like way more comfortable in who I was.”

There were practical issues. When he had his period, he wondered if he should revert to the girls’ bathroom, because there was no place to throw away his used tampons. But he had started feeling like an intruder in the girls’ bathroom, and the single bathrooms were so far out of the way it was hard to get to class on time.

So he stuck with the boys’ bathroom.



He is a she that believe she is a he and is using the boys bathroom so that he that is a she will not be accused of being a pervert... Boys with a penis do not have periods but girls girls with a beavers do... :)

He/she/it is a mentally deranged sad case and a hot mess. Anyone supporting this or even defending it is just as guilty as the parents, it's child abuse

I don't give a damn which restroom someone uses and like I have written if I have a damn choice it is the damn unisex bathroom because then I don't have to worry about if someone else is in there with me!

This country has other issues to worry about than if President Obama and You are sharing the same restroom...
This fruit loop actually thinks, or whatever goes on in their craniums, he has a period? Really? Pure insanity.

Transgender Bathroom Debate Turns Personal at a Vermont High School

He was in sixth grade when he realized he was meant to be a boy, he said, and came out to the school last year in ninth grade, sending emails to teachers. When he entered Green Mountain in seventh grade, “I was using the female bathroom because, I really don’t know, I was still kind of back and forth about my identity,” Mr. Jackson said. “This year is the year I started using the men’s bathroom, because I already felt like way more comfortable in who I was.”

There were practical issues. When he had his period, he wondered if he should revert to the girls’ bathroom, because there was no place to throw away his used tampons. But he had started feeling like an intruder in the girls’ bathroom, and the single bathrooms were so far out of the way it was hard to get to class on time.

So he stuck with the boys’ bathroom.



He is a she that believe she is a he and is using the boys bathroom so that he that is a she will not be accused of being a pervert... Boys with a penis do not have periods but girls girls with a beavers do... :)

He/she/it is a mentally deranged sad case and a hot mess. Anyone supporting this or even defending it is just as guilty as the parents, it's child abuse

I don't give a damn which restroom someone uses and like I have written if I have a damn choice it is the damn unisex bathroom because then I don't have to worry about if someone else is in there with me!

This country has other issues to worry about than if President Obama and You are sharing the same restroom...

We have children so I care....keep the mentally deranged perverts away from them...if not it will get very ugly very quickly
This fruit loop actually thinks, or whatever goes on in their craniums, he has a period? Really? Pure insanity.

Transgender Bathroom Debate Turns Personal at a Vermont High School

He was in sixth grade when he realized he was meant to be a boy, he said, and came out to the school last year in ninth grade, sending emails to teachers. When he entered Green Mountain in seventh grade, “I was using the female bathroom because, I really don’t know, I was still kind of back and forth about my identity,” Mr. Jackson said. “This year is the year I started using the men’s bathroom, because I already felt like way more comfortable in who I was.”

There were practical issues. When he had his period, he wondered if he should revert to the girls’ bathroom, because there was no place to throw away his used tampons. But he had started feeling like an intruder in the girls’ bathroom, and the single bathrooms were so far out of the way it was hard to get to class on time.

So he stuck with the boys’ bathroom.



He is a she that believe she is a he and is using the boys bathroom so that he that is a she will not be accused of being a pervert... Boys with a penis do not have periods but girls girls with a beavers do... :)

He/she/it is a mentally deranged sad case and a hot mess. Anyone supporting this or even defending it is just as guilty as the parents, it's child abuse

Amen! Perfectly stated.......

Leftists should all be sterilized...no way anyone supporting or enabling this perversion should be a parent

Seriously, these people are mentally ill and in their own way they are as sick as the freaks that they rally around.
This fruit loop actually thinks, or whatever goes on in their craniums, he has a period? Really? Pure insanity.

Transgender Bathroom Debate Turns Personal at a Vermont High School

He was in sixth grade when he realized he was meant to be a boy, he said, and came out to the school last year in ninth grade, sending emails to teachers. When he entered Green Mountain in seventh grade, “I was using the female bathroom because, I really don’t know, I was still kind of back and forth about my identity,” Mr. Jackson said. “This year is the year I started using the men’s bathroom, because I already felt like way more comfortable in who I was.”

There were practical issues. When he had his period, he wondered if he should revert to the girls’ bathroom, because there was no place to throw away his used tampons. But he had started feeling like an intruder in the girls’ bathroom, and the single bathrooms were so far out of the way it was hard to get to class on time.

So he stuck with the boys’ bathroom.



He is a she that believe she is a he and is using the boys bathroom so that he that is a she will not be accused of being a pervert... Boys with a penis do not have periods but girls girls with a beavers do... :)

He/she/it is a mentally deranged sad case and a hot mess. Anyone supporting this or even defending it is just as guilty as the parents, it's child abuse

I don't give a damn which restroom someone uses and like I have written if I have a damn choice it is the damn unisex bathroom because then I don't have to worry about if someone else is in there with me!

This country has other issues to worry about than if President Obama and You are sharing the same restroom...

We have children so I care....keep the mentally deranged perverts away from them...if not it will get very ugly very quickly
Perhaps you should be attending to them instead of spewing hate on a forum every day.
Oh Sassy... you clueless, hateful little thing...

I bet you have a drawer full of tampons, eh?

Knowing old school he was the one who probably invented the fad of soaking tampons in vodka and shoving them up his ass.


Why would anyone .....never mind I don't even want to know

Boozy Bears? 5 Shocking Ways Your Kids Try to Get Drunk

Vodka Tampon
It's not a punk rock band, rather the use of vodka-soaked tampons inserted vaginally to get drunk faster and without having booze on your breath. It's known as "slimming."

The rumor-vetting website snopes.comconcluded it was false, but a November 2011report by KPHO Phoenix included interviews with a police officer and doctor who said they had witnessed cases of it.

The KPHO report echoed far and wide through the global media, including The Colbert Report. That doubtless made many young people try it, leading to a self-creating "trend." Some of them have posted videos to YouTube.

"It burns!" is a phrase many of the videos share.

Anal insertion is an alternate -- even recommended -- option, according to news reports, people in the YouTube videos and commenters on the videos.

In the KPHO report, Officer Chris Thomas noted, "This is definitely not just girls. Guys will also use it and they'll insert it into their rectums."

WHo gives a fuck? Are you going to really throw this person in prison for believing they're something different?
Prison? Liberals are making this a issue. You need to pee, use the freekin facilities. if you have pig weenie grafted to your left shoulder, I don't NEED to know. Don't make it an issue. It is a tempest in a teapot, people made this up to further their weak little pointless agenda.
This fruit loop actually thinks, or whatever goes on in their craniums, he has a period? Really? Pure insanity.

Transgender Bathroom Debate Turns Personal at a Vermont High School

He was in sixth grade when he realized he was meant to be a boy, he said, and came out to the school last year in ninth grade, sending emails to teachers. When he entered Green Mountain in seventh grade, “I was using the female bathroom because, I really don’t know, I was still kind of back and forth about my identity,” Mr. Jackson said. “This year is the year I started using the men’s bathroom, because I already felt like way more comfortable in who I was.”

There were practical issues. When he had his period, he wondered if he should revert to the girls’ bathroom, because there was no place to throw away his used tampons. But he had started feeling like an intruder in the girls’ bathroom, and the single bathrooms were so far out of the way it was hard to get to class on time.

So he stuck with the boys’ bathroom.



God help us.......

You didn't get it either. Not shocked. Get in line.....the Dummies room is over there.

Fuck you....ya disgusting piece of perverted piece of liberal shit. You have got nothing as usual.

Hey dummy. Don't you think that it is strange that so many of the items found from Flight 804 have the words "Egypt Air" so clearly written on them. I think these items were planted there to trick us into thinking that the plane actually crashed there. Thoughts?

I haven't looked into the circumstances behind the plane crash so I have no opinion either way. I will say whatever this "gubermint's" position is on it would be something I wouldn't trust. Hope this helps!
Just sayin...if I was in a restaurant, once I got over the panic that I didn't walk into the wrong restroom....I would not mind this using the men's room.....as long as she leaves the door open...

This fruit loop actually thinks, or whatever goes on in their craniums, he has a period? Really? Pure insanity.

Transgender Bathroom Debate Turns Personal at a Vermont High School

He was in sixth grade when he realized he was meant to be a boy, he said, and came out to the school last year in ninth grade, sending emails to teachers. When he entered Green Mountain in seventh grade, “I was using the female bathroom because, I really don’t know, I was still kind of back and forth about my identity,” Mr. Jackson said. “This year is the year I started using the men’s bathroom, because I already felt like way more comfortable in who I was.”

There were practical issues. When he had his period, he wondered if he should revert to the girls’ bathroom, because there was no place to throw away his used tampons. But he had started feeling like an intruder in the girls’ bathroom, and the single bathrooms were so far out of the way it was hard to get to class on time.

So he stuck with the boys’ bathroom.



He is a she that believe she is a he and is using the boys bathroom so that he that is a she will not be accused of being a pervert... Boys with a penis do not have periods but girls girls with a beavers do... :)

He/she/it is a mentally deranged sad case and a hot mess. Anyone supporting this or even defending it is just as guilty as the parents, it's child abuse

I don't give a damn which restroom someone uses and like I have written if I have a damn choice it is the damn unisex bathroom because then I don't have to worry about if someone else is in there with me!

This country has other issues to worry about than if President Obama and You are sharing the same restroom...

We have children so I care....keep the mentally deranged perverts away from them...if not it will get very ugly very quickly
Perhaps you should be attending to them instead of spewing hate on a forum every day.

If disagreeing with the leftard agenda makes one a "hater"...sign me up and it's a badge that I will wear proudly. Sassy is doing just fine and I agree with her 100 percent.
This fruit loop actually thinks, or whatever goes on in their craniums, he has a period? Really? Pure insanity.

Transgender Bathroom Debate Turns Personal at a Vermont High School

He was in sixth grade when he realized he was meant to be a boy, he said, and came out to the school last year in ninth grade, sending emails to teachers. When he entered Green Mountain in seventh grade, “I was using the female bathroom because, I really don’t know, I was still kind of back and forth about my identity,” Mr. Jackson said. “This year is the year I started using the men’s bathroom, because I already felt like way more comfortable in who I was.”

There were practical issues. When he had his period, he wondered if he should revert to the girls’ bathroom, because there was no place to throw away his used tampons. But he had started feeling like an intruder in the girls’ bathroom, and the single bathrooms were so far out of the way it was hard to get to class on time.

So he stuck with the boys’ bathroom.



God help us.......

You didn't get it either. Not shocked. Get in line.....the Dummies room is over there.

Fuck you....ya disgusting piece of perverted piece of liberal shit. You have got nothing as usual.

Hey dummy. Don't you think that it is strange that so many of the items found from Flight 804 have the words "Egypt Air" so clearly written on them. I think these items were planted there to trick us into thinking that the plane actually crashed there. Thoughts?

I haven't looked into the circumstances behind the plane crash so I have no opinion either way. I will say whatever this "gubermint's" position is on it would be something I wouldn't trust. Hope this helps!

Awwwwww. Come on man. Like half of the shit they found has "Egypt Air" clearly legible printed on it. That's very odd, don't you think?
Oh Sassy... you clueless, hateful little thing...

Poor OldFuddyDuddy. Boys DON'T Menstruate.

Well you have to have a vagina and ovaries in order to menstruate. Duh. I'm not the one you need to be telling. You old fuddy duddy.

Well, I Quadruple Fuddy Duddy Dare You to 'splain why a "boy" who menstruates should use the boys' room.
Lol trying to spin your way out of looking stupid. Ask Sassy what bathroom he should use.
You look stupid on every thread you appear on. You're just so self unaware you don't know it.
Question for the Loons: Does a guy who has his penis whacked off suddenly develop XX chromosomes?
Great idea. We should perform DNA tests prior to allowing people into the potty. That way the potty patrol won't have to grope people to see if they have a peepee.
Another question for the Loons: Whose Right trumps the Other's Right?

- A girl who was sexually abused by a neighbor boy is upset to see a boy use the girls' room; her Safe Space is violated and she has post traumatic disorder issues.

- A boy thinks he's a girl and decides he has a right to use the girls' room.
Oh Sassy... you clueless, hateful little thing...

Poor OldFuddyDuddy. Boys DON'T Menstruate.

Well you have to have a vagina and ovaries in order to menstruate. Duh. I'm not the one you need to be telling. You old fuddy duddy.

Well, I Quadruple Fuddy Duddy Dare You to 'splain why a "boy" who menstruates should use the boys' room.
Lol trying to spin your way out of looking stupid. Ask Sassy what bathroom he should use.
You look stupid on every thread you appear on. You're just so self unaware you don't know it.
Lol. Ironic.

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