Oh for the love of...I give up

This fruit loop actually thinks, or whatever goes on in their craniums, he has a period? Really? Pure insanity.

Transgender Bathroom Debate Turns Personal at a Vermont High School

He was in sixth grade when he realized he was meant to be a boy, he said, and came out to the school last year in ninth grade, sending emails to teachers. When he entered Green Mountain in seventh grade, “I was using the female bathroom because, I really don’t know, I was still kind of back and forth about my identity,” Mr. Jackson said. “This year is the year I started using the men’s bathroom, because I already felt like way more comfortable in who I was.”

There were practical issues. When he had his period, he wondered if he should revert to the girls’ bathroom, because there was no place to throw away his used tampons. But he had started feeling like an intruder in the girls’ bathroom, and the single bathrooms were so far out of the way it was hard to get to class on time.

So he stuck with the boys’ bathroom.


This fruit loop

Childhood pictures

How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?

They go to schools that have been overtaken with a Progressive Agenda and are thoroughly brainwashed with Prog Newspeak.
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?

They go to schools that have been overtaken with a Progressive Agenda and are thoroughly brainwashed with Prog Newspeak.

Not ours and our oldest's school just passed the rule they will use the bathroom their birth certificate assigns them to...not that a mental midget could ever get accepted anyway but it's a done deal.
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?

They go to schools that have been overtaken with a Progressive Agenda and are thoroughly brainwashed with Prog Newspeak.

Not ours and our oldest's school just passed the rule they will use the bathroom their birth certificate assigns them to...not that a mental midget could ever get accepted anyway but it's a done deal.

Obama's Send A Man to the Women's Room Global Initiative is backfiring. Most people can tell male from female and do not believe it is a Social Construct.
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
They attend women's and queer studies courses at their local ivy covered North Koreas formerly known as universities and institutions of higher learning.
No, its just parental abuse coupled with some religious mumbo jumbo. People arent born to hate, although in your case I would not be so confident.
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
They attend women's and queer studies courses at their local ivy covered North Koreas formerly known as universities and institutions of higher learning.
No, its just parental abuse coupled with some religious mumbo jumbo. People arent born to hate, although in your case I would not be so confident.
No, its what I said. And you're pretty much always wrong so its safe to assume youre wrong again. Lol
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
They attend women's and queer studies courses at their local ivy covered North Koreas formerly known as universities and institutions of higher learning.
No, its just parental abuse coupled with some religious mumbo jumbo. People arent born to hate, although in your case I would not be so confident.
Yep. Hatred is a learned behavior.
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
They attend women's and queer studies courses at their local ivy covered North Koreas formerly known as universities and institutions of higher learning.
No, its just parental abuse coupled with some religious mumbo jumbo. People arent born to hate, although in your case I would not be so confident.
Yep. Hatred is a learned behavior.
Every behavior is learned, dumb truck.
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
You are the self appointed shrink here, you tell me? My brother in law had a sex change, he/she hurt a lot of people. I can't talk to THAT person anymore, sad to say. I loved that person , but I am cut OFF, it makes you feel impotent. I know, sexual references aside. What do you do?
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
They attend women's and queer studies courses at their local ivy covered North Koreas formerly known as universities and institutions of higher learning.
No, its just parental abuse coupled with some religious mumbo jumbo. People arent born to hate, although in your case I would not be so confident.
Yep. Hatred is a learned behavior.
Every behavior is learned, dumb truck.
Ah you've proved you can learn! Bravo! :clap:
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
You are the self appointed shrink here, you tell me? My brother in law had a sex change, he/she hurt a lot of people. I can't talk to THAT person anymore, sad to say. I loved that person , but I am cut OFF, it makes you feel impotent. I know, sexual references aside. What do you do?
Would you rather that your brother in law lived a lie ?
How do people get so damaged that they feel the need to spew hate all the time ?
They attend women's and queer studies courses at their local ivy covered North Koreas formerly known as universities and institutions of higher learning.
No, its just parental abuse coupled with some religious mumbo jumbo. People arent born to hate, although in your case I would not be so confident.
Yep. Hatred is a learned behavior.

And it's the one thing in which you've perfected an expertise.

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