*Oh Hell No; Nancy Mace Will Lose Bigly.

1. Like it or not, Trump is the Republican Party.
2. I like it.
3. America can't find a better man.


1). That's sad, because trump then has extremely altered any of the core values that (R) once stood for. Trump might be the leader of the RWI's, but it's NOT the (R) party.
You need to change the name to what it really represents.

Something like the "Cultist Party of Trump." Tell it like it is.

2). Figures.

3). LOL. Practially ANYONE is better than POS trump.
Should say 3. America Cultist Party can't find a better man.
Sorry bout that,

1. No ones perfect, maybe wait till a perfect person runs for office, then vote.
2. I'm a conservative, but I do realize no ones perfect, including myself.
3. You perfect?
4. My *Trump Syndrome* detector just went off, *Winco* is in sight of it.

Sorry bout that,

1. Now days the GOP is a mixed bag, lots of dead heart Rino's within the Party.
2. You see, the difference between the two Parties is this, one thinks, (rather foolishly) that a women has the right to murder her baby.
3. The other Party thinks its evil to murder a baby.
4. These two Parties hang on these two points.
5. There is nothing in this world more important.
6. If you don't agree upon this you're just stupid, never mind.
7. Go back to your boob tube, moron.

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If Trump is the Republican Party, I hope no Republican wins any election this year. He’s a moron and at best a right-of-center moderate. That’s not Conservative enough for my tastes.

If America can’t find a better man than that clown, we deserve to be conquered and destroyed.

I wouldn’t vote for either of these candidates, no matter who supports them.
Traditional conservatism doesn’t sell in America and it‘s all the fault of traditional conservatives as they never conserved or preserved a damn thing.
I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spineless, big mouth pieces of worthless dogshit that ever were. They sat on their hands and turned a blind eye to the emergence of fucked in the head leftists. They empowered the Left, they allowed them to write and enforce the PC programming.
The Left told them what they could say, how and what to think and they rolled over and complied with a smile. “Conservatives” didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christian males cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christian males.
The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....FUCK traditional Conservatives!
As much as I dislike Nancy Mace, and I do, Katie Arrington is a far worse human being. This will force me to vote for Nancy Mace, I have no other choice.
Such a well thought out and artfully stated argument.

Trump is NOT a Traditional Conservative. He never has been and never will be. Therefore I cannot support him or those who do support him.
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh a *Holier Than Tho* type of human being, don't cha just love those?
2. Not.
3. You can be so holy that you can walk on water, but in Gods nostrils you will still smell like a newly created pile of shit.
4. Next thing you will come up with is your God.
5. Nope you will never be God, God's not going to be mocked either.
6. God has told us he is concerned how we look, how much more the things we image?
7. Ole Grandpa sit back and shut the fuck up.

Traditional conservatism doesn’t sell in America and it‘s all the fault of traditional conservatives as they never conserved or preserved a damn thing.
Traditional Conservatism isn’t the type of ideology that goes out and tries to propagate itself. It’s about people choosing to do the right thing rather than being forced to.

You ARE correct in that Traditional Conservatives have not held our ground as much as we should have. We’ve deceased in number as the Mainstream Conservatives ( the Centrists, RINOs, etc…) gave away any semblance of morality and values in this nation, along with our sovereignty and masculinity.

Then again. I doubt you truly understand what Traditional Conservatism is…

Here’s a hint: My wife doesn’t work. My wife doesn’t have a drivers license or high school diploma. These were her choices even before she met me.
Then again. I doubt you truly understand what Traditional Conservatism is…

Here’s a hint: My wife doesn’t work. My wife doesn’t have a drivers license or high school diploma. These were her choices even before she met me.
I know exactly what Traditional Conservatism is….and I wish it was still the ideology held by the majority throughout our once great nation….but it’s not and my father, grandfather (hardcore conservatives) and their generations are to blame for it.

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