Oh, I See: Liberals Think a Muslim Can Be President, but Not a Bible-Believing Christian


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Of course, liberals are all in an uproar over Ben Carson's statement that he does not think a Muslim should ever be President. Yet, liberals do not think that a Bible-believing Christian should ever be President. So I guess they'd rather see a Muslim in the White House instead of a Bible-believing Christian, if they had to choose one or the other.

Personally, I don't agree with Carson. I've known some good and politically conservative Muslims who I think would govern justly and capably. In some towns and counties, mainstream conservative Muslims have teamed up with Christians to support conservative policies, including cracking down on porn shops.

But I can certainly appreciate where Carson is coming from.

Anyway, liberals, spare us your phony, hypocritical "outrage" over Carson's position, given the fact that you guys would ban conservative Christians from being President if you could get away with it.
Of course, liberals are all in an uproar over Ben Carson's statement that he does not think a Muslim should ever be President. Yet, liberals do not think that a Bible-believing Christian should ever be President. So I guess they'd rather see a Muslim in the White House instead of a Bible-believing Christian, if they had to choose one or the other.

Personally, I don't agree with Carson. I've known some good and politically conservative Muslims who I think would govern justly and capably. In some towns and counties, mainstream conservative Muslims have teamed up with Christians to support conservative policies, including cracking down on porn shops.

But I can certainly appreciate where Carson is coming from.

Anyway, liberals, spare us your phony, hypocritical "outrage" over Carson's position, given the fact that you guys would ban conservative Christians from being President if you could get away with it.
The only thing that has matched the hypocrisy of the PC Police on this topic is their blatant dishonesty about what Carson actually said.
Of course, liberals are all in an uproar over Ben Carson's statement that he does not think a Muslim should ever be President. Yet, liberals do not think that a Bible-believing Christian should ever be President.

Where did you get the idea liberals don't think a Christian should be President, straw man?

Jimmy Carter was as liberal as they come, and he was an evangelical.

Barack Obama is also a Christian. Remember Reverend Wright? I know it makes your head asplode to try to convince yourself Obama's a Muslim AND that he attended a liberal Christian church for decades.
Of course, liberals are all in an uproar over Ben Carson's statement that he does not think a Muslim should ever be President. Yet, liberals do not think that a Bible-believing Christian should ever be President. So I guess they'd rather see a Muslim in the White House instead of a Bible-believing Christian, if they had to choose one or the other.

Personally, I don't agree with Carson. I've known some good and politically conservative Muslims who I think would govern justly and capably. In some towns and counties, mainstream conservative Muslims have teamed up with Christians to support conservative policies, including cracking down on porn shops.

But I can certainly appreciate where Carson is coming from.

Anyway, liberals, spare us your phony, hypocritical "outrage" over Carson's position, given the fact that you guys would ban conservative Christians from being President if you could get away with it.

Nice strawman.
Of course, liberals are all in an uproar over Ben Carson's statement that he does not think a Muslim should ever be President. Yet, liberals do not think that a Bible-believing Christian should ever be President. So I guess they'd rather see a Muslim in the White House instead of a Bible-believing Christian, if they had to choose one or the other.

Personally, I don't agree with Carson. I've known some good and politically conservative Muslims who I think would govern justly and capably. In some towns and counties, mainstream conservative Muslims have teamed up with Christians to support conservative policies, including cracking down on porn shops.

But I can certainly appreciate where Carson is coming from.

Anyway, liberals, spare us your phony, hypocritical "outrage" over Carson's position, given the fact that you guys would ban conservative Christians from being President if you could get away with it.
The only thing that has matched the hypocrisy of the PC Police on this topic is their blatant dishonesty about what Carson actually said.

Tell us more.
Of course, liberals are all in an uproar over Ben Carson's statement that he does not think a Muslim should ever be President. Yet, liberals do not think that a Bible-believing Christian should ever be President. So I guess they'd rather see a Muslim in the White House instead of a Bible-believing Christian, if they had to choose one or the other.

Personally, I don't agree with Carson. I've known some good and politically conservative Muslims who I think would govern justly and capably. In some towns and counties, mainstream conservative Muslims have teamed up with Christians to support conservative policies, including cracking down on porn shops.

But I can certainly appreciate where Carson is coming from.

Anyway, liberals, spare us your phony, hypocritical "outrage" over Carson's position, given the fact that you guys would ban conservative Christians from being President if you could get away with it.

  • As a 'liberal' I have voted for Christians since I first cast my vote for President over 30 years ago- why would I object to voting for a Christian.
  • The ones who have a problem with the religion of a President are Conservatives
Every President this country has ever had was a self-described "bible believing Christian".

The lengths that you guys will go to to convince yourselves that you're being persecuted is mind-boggling.
Every President this country has ever had was a self-described "bible believing Christian".

The lengths that you guys will go to to convince yourselves that you're being persecuted is mind-boggling.
It's a strange type of paranoia, people convince themselves they're being persecuted and find ways to justify that.
"Oh, I See: Liberals Think a Muslim Can Be President, but Not a Bible-Believing Christian"

No, you don't 'see.'

The vast majority of liberals are bible-believing Christians, even more persons of faith.

Any person of any faith, or someone free from faith, can become president, provided he acknowledges and respects Establishment Clause jurisprudence.

What liberals correctly and appropriately oppose are religious extremists who have contempt for Establishment Clause jurisprudence, who seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the Framers' mandate to keep both separate, and who work to codify religious dogma into secular law.

Indeed, everyone from across the political spectrum should denounce those hostile to Establishment Clause jurisprudence – conservatives, moderates, and liberals.
I don't believe this country would elect a Muslim as president, not that there should be any law against it. As far as the comment about Christians, in what world?
Of course, liberals are all in an uproar over Ben Carson's statement that he does not think a Muslim should ever be President. Yet, liberals do not think that a Bible-believing Christian should ever be President. So I guess they'd rather see a Muslim in the White House instead of a Bible-believing Christian, if they had to choose one or the other.

Personally, I don't agree with Carson. I've known some good and politically conservative Muslims who I think would govern justly and capably. In some towns and counties, mainstream conservative Muslims have teamed up with Christians to support conservative policies, including cracking down on porn shops.

But I can certainly appreciate where Carson is coming from.

Anyway, liberals, spare us your phony, hypocritical "outrage" over Carson's position, given the fact that you guys would ban conservative Christians from being President if you could get away with it.
The only thing that has matched the hypocrisy of the PC Police on this topic is their blatant dishonesty about what Carson actually said.
Tell us more.
Why bother?
Of course, liberals are all in an uproar over Ben Carson's statement that he does not think a Muslim should ever be President. Yet, liberals do not think that a Bible-believing Christian should ever be President. So I guess they'd rather see a Muslim in the White House instead of a Bible-believing Christian, if they had to choose one or the other.

Personally, I don't agree with Carson. I've known some good and politically conservative Muslims who I think would govern justly and capably. In some towns and counties, mainstream conservative Muslims have teamed up with Christians to support conservative policies, including cracking down on porn shops.

But I can certainly appreciate where Carson is coming from.

Anyway, liberals, spare us your phony, hypocritical "outrage" over Carson's position, given the fact that you guys would ban conservative Christians from being President if you could get away with it.

I notice that many who associate with right-wing politics seem to obsess about it. It's like they truly believe they are making a difference. How naively adorable.

Politics is treated more like a team sport in America than a process. It has become shameful. The hyperboly and knee-jerking from uneducated opinions coming from both sides is why reasonable debate is futile.

The USA culturally self-divides because we simply can't stand each other. We're sick of our own hype. We tear each other down because we're superficial and too stubborn or dumb to admit it.

I'd like to see a secular president, personally, which will never happen. I suppose that just makes me a godless liberal to the low info crowd...
Of course, liberals are all in an uproar over Ben Carson's statement that he does not think a Muslim should ever be President. Yet, liberals do not think that a Bible-believing Christian should ever be President. So I guess they'd rather see a Muslim in the White House instead of a Bible-believing Christian, if they had to choose one or the other.

Personally, I don't agree with Carson. I've known some good and politically conservative Muslims who I think would govern justly and capably. In some towns and counties, mainstream conservative Muslims have teamed up with Christians to support conservative policies, including cracking down on porn shops.

But I can certainly appreciate where Carson is coming from.

Anyway, liberals, spare us your phony, hypocritical "outrage" over Carson's position, given the fact that you guys would ban conservative Christians from being President if you could get away with it.

Nice strawman.
Indeed....it's all shiny and upright and all.
Of course, liberals are all in an uproar over Ben Carson's statement that he does not think a Muslim should ever be President. Yet, liberals do not think that a Bible-believing Christian should ever be President.

Where did you get the idea liberals don't think a Christian should be President, straw man?

Jimmy Carter was as liberal as they come, and he was an evangelical.

Barack Obama is also a Christian. Remember Reverend Wright? I know it makes your head asplode to try to convince yourself Obama's a Muslim AND that he attended a liberal Christian church for decades.

Obama didn't pay attention since he claims he didn't hear Rev Wright say 'God damn America.' A Christian would say God bless America so I question the part about Rev Wright being a liberal Christian. I consider him to be a pretend Christian preaching anti-American hatred. Do all liberals curse America? Just askin.
Of course, liberals are all in an uproar over Ben Carson's statement that he does not think a Muslim should ever be President. Yet, liberals do not think that a Bible-believing Christian should ever be President.

Where did you get the idea liberals don't think a Christian should be President, straw man?

Jimmy Carter was as liberal as they come, and he was an evangelical.

Barack Obama is also a Christian. Remember Reverend Wright? I know it makes your head asplode to try to convince yourself Obama's a Muslim AND that he attended a liberal Christian church for decades.

Very true. It's only when the religious person in question is not a whore of the DNC that they are not acceptable, or anyone else not a DNC whore for that matter.
David_42 said:
I've been saying it, the GOP is truly fucking insane.
Ben Carson Says Muslims Should Be Disqualified From Presidency
A supporter at a Donald Trump created quite a stir on Thursday when, among other incendiary remarks, he falsely claimed President Obama was a Muslim.

But the comment raises an interesting question: What if it were true? Why should it matter if Obama was a Muslim?

On Meet The Press, Chuck Todd posed that exact question to Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who is closely trailing Trump in the polls. Carson said he would not support a Muslim president and that only candidates with a faith “consistent with the Constitution” should be President.

CHUCK TODD: Let me wrap this up by finally dealing with what’s been going on, Donald Trump, and a deal with a questioner that claimed that the president was Muslim. Let me ask you the question this way. Should a President’s faith matter? Should your faith matter to voters?

BEN CARSON: Well, I guess it depends on what that faith is. If it’s inconsistent with the values and principles of America, then of course it should matter. But if it fits within the realm of America and consistent with the constitution, no problem.

TODD: So do you believe that Islam is consistent with the constitution?

CARSON: No, I don’t, I do not.

TODD: So you–

CARSON: I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.

LittleNipper wrote in response:
I would NOT knowingly vote for a practicing Homosexual. That is my view. I firmly believe that Dr. Carson has the right to express his own opinion as to whom he would vote for --- why & why not. I don't imagine that Dr. Carson is saying that a Muslim should not run or cannot run. What he seems to indicate, is that he would not vote for a Muslim because Dr. Carson sees that, practicing Muslims seem to silence expressions of opinion that are anti-Mohamed, Quran, Allah, etc...

I think you need to admit that Christians (Fundamentalist or not) today are willing to listen to views that they oppose without throwing the opposition in jail for the mere expression of such views publically! This is not the case with nearly all Muslin controlled nations ---- except where Christian Representative Countries have had an influence. And even then such expressions are not fully protected.

The very fact that there exists a wide variety of Christian denominations is proof that Christians are willing to consider and reconsider what the Bible and the teachings of Christ represent. The Protestant Reformation has even influenced Roman Catholicism to now promote the general private reading of the Bible by individuals seeking after God. Christians are not opposed to anyone reading the Quran. We would confront anyone saying that the Bible is inferior to the Quran but I would never oppose open debate on that subject!.

I would suggest that such a debate would have no footing in a Muslim controlled country without threats of violence and or imprisonment. And this has NOTHING to do with the fact that the United States is now considered a secular country. For the most part Christians are benevolent towards those who have opposing religious beliefs. What Christians hate is exclusion of debate and confrontation for the purpose of (directly or indirectly) protecting the "feelings" of cults and minorities who spread beliefs and practices that are in direct opposition to a merciful, saving, and righteous GOD.

This is the PRIME reason that the Bible was once openly read in public schools (which were once community owned and controlled), but have since been taken over by a growingly antagonistic and manipulative government. Some individuals and groups felt that their values and opinions were ok; however, they either presented questionable evidence or they had to redefine what the Bible spelled out. To say that "Gay" marriage is ok, marriage needed to be redefined ---- exclusive of the Bible. To say that abortion for the sake of abortion was acceptable, murder had to be redefined ---- exclusive of the Bible. To say that fornication was without ramifications, sexuality needed to be redefined---exclusive of the Bible.

Atheists, cultists, the sexually promiscuous, scientologists, liberals, etc., in general hate any mention of Biblical opposition. And such prefer that everyone be kept in the dark and the Bible be excluded to one's home or place of worship. Nothing would suit such people more, because they feel that "Out of sight/Out of mind" means they are absolved of any wrong doing or error in belief or actions. So, where active Muslims are concerned, the reading of the entire Bible might demonstrate the inferiority of their own consideration. And that would be an insult to their heritage --- as "good" as it is.

So, Our Founding Fathers actually promoted the reading of the Bible. And I have absolutely no problem with comparisons between the Bible, the Quran, Evolutionary theory, and Creationism openly and above board. The Founding Fathers realized that an open society with open educational discussion is to be exalted rather than eradicated. And where various opinions, beliefs, and behavior patterns are discussed openly and honestly---the inferiority of various values and investigations would become more apparent to anyone with an honest unbiased mind.

Bias and bigotry flourish where oppression of religious discussion reigns and scientific research is not allowed to interact with religious thought. So, again, Dr. Carson is entitled to his opinion with open discussion. And Moslems are entitled to their own opinion: however, not without open discussion as they may prefer it to be.
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I love logging on here and finding out what I believe as a liberal every day; especially from conserve-hate-ives.

For the record, their accuracy rate is 0.00%
The Democrats have the Republicans beat hands down. They've got JC..., Jimmy Carter, more like the biblical Jesus than anything the Republicans have thrown our way in living memory. :eusa_angel: :biggrin: :eusa_pray:

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