Oh, Just another day when a cop is fighting with a child

Hey, yanno, big deal a cop cant handle a 100 pound boy. I guess thats normal policing nowadays

Looks to me that he handled him just fine.

But...you can blame liberals for lowering hiring standards. Your kind created this situation.

Hiring? I said training!

AH...and guess what? Training standards had to be lowered too...due to liberals demanding lower hiring standards. Found out less capable individuals hired...also cant meet the higher training standards.

You fags wanted this. Smaller weaker cops. More diversity. Less "militarized" hard tough training.

Well...you got it..stop bitching.
ClosedCaption....I assume you have put in an application to show us all how true policing looks?

Oh small minded one. Have you run for POTUS to show how real Presidenting looks? Or are you busy applying for every other position of the person you disagree with?

I think Pac Man should've been more aggressive. Do I have to become a boxer now?

Theres this thing call relativity and scope. Being POTUS or being a pro boxer of PacMans caliber us not realistic.

But...being a cop is. If you see so much to improve on...imagine how much good you could do.

But...you're either too cowardly or you're just a habitual Captain Hindsight. Always critical...but never participating.

Sorry man, I witnessed a cab driver who drove on the curb and thought that wasnt the proper use of a sidewalk.....and now I'm attending Cab Driver training school because something

Moron. So you observed a bad driver. In return...you dont do what he did. Got it.

If this kid was black, that wouldn't have been a taser.

Average 13 yr old is about 100 pounds. Whats the weight of the average officer?

Typical low-life cop. Just par for the course. But, hey, they have the judicial system on their side, they have nothing to lose. They can do whatever they feel like doing.

Typical low life kid. Just par for the course. They have juvie justice on their side, they have nothing to lose. They can do whatever they feel like doing.

If this kid was black, that wouldn't have been a taser.

Average 13 yr old is about 100 pounds. Whats the weight of the average officer?

First of all... The vid doesn't capture the entire altercation. Secondly what the hell is the officer supposed to do to get the kid arrested and in his vehicle if he's squirming around all the time? The man has a duty and God damnit I bet he was successful good for him.
But I must say, and maybe it's contrary to my 'rhetoric' (and if that's what you pay attention to instead of my points then j know how stupid you really are) there does need to be a less harmful way for police officers to detain and arrest kids. Like theyy should adjust the voltage on the tasers. Or somethin
Ok...so like most cop hate vids...I wasnt even gonna watch it. Assumed it was more overblown outrage.

AAAAAAAND....I was right. Kids was fighting with the cop. Resisting. He was a runaway and BY LAW the police can and must detain runaways and return them to their guardians.

The teen resisted and tried to fight. Cop won the fight. I have no sympathy.

His homie friends are on video whining "what tha fuck man hes a kid!" "He shocked him what that fuck man hes a kid".

Well...hes learning early. Dont fight cops.

What should the cop have done? Punch him? Baton him? Hug him into submission?
The kid should consider himself lucky he and his friends weren't blasted away the minute the cop arrived. Which according to Cleveland is apparently okay now in this country.
Hey, yanno, big deal a cop cant handle a 100 pound boy. I guess thats normal policing nowadays

Looks to me that he handled him just fine.

But...you can blame liberals for lowering hiring standards. Your kind created this situation.

Hiring? I said training!

AH...and guess what? Training standards had to be lowered too...due to liberals demanding lower hiring standards. Found out less capable individuals hired...also cant meet the higher training standards.

You fags wanted this. Smaller weaker cops. More diversity. Less "militarized" hard tough training.

Well...you got it..stop bitching.

What standards were lowered that made this guy unable to control a 13 year old boy? Maybe he was just about to handle the situation and then his "lower training" kicked in and MADE him lose control.

Or maybe he isnt equipped to deal with conflict of any type because tasing and shooting is easier to do

If this kid was black, that wouldn't have been a taser.

Average 13 yr old is about 100 pounds. Whats the weight of the average officer?

First of all... The vid doesn't capture the entire altercation. Secondly what the hell is the officer supposed to do to get the kid arrested and in his vehicle if he's squirming around all the time? The man has a duty and God damnit I bet he was successful good for him.
But I must say, and maybe it's contrary to my 'rhetoric' (and if that's what you pay attention to instead of my points then j know how stupid you really are) there does need to be a less harmful way for police officers to detain and arrest kids. Like theyy should adjust the voltage on the tasers. Or somethin

No video records all of anything so cut out that bullshit excuse.

If this kid was black, that wouldn't have been a taser.

Average 13 yr old is about 100 pounds. Whats the weight of the average officer?

First of all... The vid doesn't capture the entire altercation. Secondly what the hell is the officer supposed to do to get the kid arrested and in his vehicle if he's squirming around all the time? The man has a duty and God damnit I bet he was successful good for him.
But I must say, and maybe it's contrary to my 'rhetoric' (and if that's what you pay attention to instead of my points then j know how stupid you really are) there does need to be a less harmful way for police officers to detain and arrest kids. Like theyy should adjust the voltage on the tasers. Or somethin

No video records all of anything so cut out that bullshit excuse.

Okay when I care about proving you wrong I'll find such an incident. In anycase what's your point in saying that? Why even ask you dodged the other questions...

By the way it wasn't an excuse for anything. I'm tryng to get all the facts because editing videos to areas that prove your point is like taking quotes out of context. Not that you would acknowledge that. I'm sure you can comprehend it.

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