Oh me oh my, this must be fake news... it just must be something created in Hollywood.

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
So what? What did he do about it? Oh yeah, he reduced our stocks of medical supplies for 6 years. He also imported people infected with Ebola to wander around lose in our country.

Everyone was quite familiar with the danger from pandemics.

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
He-he, you ARE a loon, RC! Thanks for the comic relief EVERY time you post one of your inane AND asinine thoughts or video links. Thanks for the laughs, ya knucklehead!
That's your response to this video??? Wow you really are a partisan hack. Obama predicted this crisis and Trump ignored it as it was unfolding. Obama or HRC would have definitely responded better to this crisis than Trump did. Think of all the resources and lives we could have saved...

Trump failed, this is proof.
Obama predicted that he was going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans" also. That didnt pan out real well under his sorry ass administration either. Did you get a thrill up your leg when he talked, and wiped the brown turd's cum off your chin when he was done?

Obama was faced with the Republican Party which had held the White House for 12 years. In Obama's first term he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression, two wars and a hostile Republican Party which believed they were cheated by the voters and aghast by the fact that a man of color won the office of the presidency.

This is just a summary of what this man faced on day one. As for the comment that his efforts to protect the earth didn't pan out is a BIG LIE. Much like the attack on health care reform being called Socialism. Only stupid people believe both of these lies and continue to echo them.

Climate Change is a product of human behavior, of course this is disputed by the same stupid people who believe the polluters and not Science. Obama supported green and renewable energy (even George Bush, an oil man, spoke of this in his SOTU Message), and today it has been reported more jobs exist in Green and renewable sources of energy than in the oil and coal industries.

Healthcare in America had first come up under consideration during the Administration of Theodore Roosevelt, and finally a first step was accomplished by LBJ; then, the Clinton's tried to reform health care in America and the misogyny of the Republican's were aghast when a women was given such a task. Finally, reform was accomplished without the benefit of a bipartisan vote, due to the full court press to convince the voters that the PPACA was part of an effort to establish Socialism in America. Stupid people still believe this BIG LIE.
Yada, yada, yada. Are you nimrods ever going to tire of spouting these moronic talking points?

BTW, moron, George W. Bush was in office for 8 years, not 12.
Nothing will change until we admit that both party's make mistakes deliberate or other wise, & start picking people to lead by their experience & proven wisdom Not their political party.

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.

Said and do, is two different things..

Remember Obama said the ebola outbreak was nothing to worry about.
Ebola was nothing for the US to worry about, Obama was right. trump also said this virus was nothing to worry about... He was dead wrong. History will not be kind to trump as he ignored too many warning signs, this could've been prevented with the right president.

Hind site is the leftys friend, so now you think many years ago the Ebola outbreak was just nothing?

The left fought the right on putting people in isolation all the way to the court system.

So in just three months you think Trump had a magic ball , after dealing with Nancy impeaching him?

Give us a break.
All you have is excuses. Non stop excuses, excuses for Bush failing, excuses for Bush crashing the economy, and now excuses for Trump failing. It is non stop excuses from the GOP. The party of weakness, failure, and excuses:

The warnings from U.S. intelligence agencies increased in volume toward the end of January and into early February, said officials familiar with the reports. By then, a majority of the intelligence reporting included in daily briefing papers and digests from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the CIA was about covid-19, said officials who have read the reports.

On Feb. 25, Nancy Messonnier, a senior CDC official, sounded perhaps the most significant public alarm to that point, when she told reporters that the coronavirus was likely to spread within communities in the United States and that disruptions to daily life could be “severe.” Trump called Azar on his way back from a trip to India and complained that Messonnier was scaring the stock markets, according to two senior administration officials.

January 24: "It will all work out well."

January 30: “We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five. And those people are all recuperating successfully. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries, and we think it’s going to have a very good ending for it. So that I can assure you.”

February 14: “We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape.”
February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear

Let me guess, banker in your case means door greeter right? Say banker's door greeter, did you know the Democrats controlled both houses when we crashed? Did you know they controlled both houses and O'bummer was POTUS when we hit rock bottom? They teach that in bank-greeter college? Still Bush's fault?

What a wonderful rewriting of the crash. The crash happened in October of 2008, and it was caused by changes in banking and finance laws that were passed by Republicans in the House and Senate in the waning days of the Clinton Administration in 1999.

Bankers started selling Americans on the idea of sub-prime mortgages, which were highly profitable for the banking and real estate industry. After 9/11, W had the Fed reduce interest rates to nearly nothing to goose the economy after 9/11. Lower interest rates enabled millions more Americans to qualify for a mortgage, and they went on a buying spree which created a housing bubble.

With a red hot real estate market, bankers and Wall Street were raking in money hand over fist, selling the profitable sub-prime mortgages to investors around the world. But when the mortgages started maturing in 2007, the low interest rate mortgages were locked in at much higher interest rates and payments tripled and quadrupled. Since people were buying with no money down, they simply walked away from the loans they could no longer afford. Millions of them, bursting the bubble. Prices plummetted.

The Crash came in October 2008, but the seeds were sown by the Republican lawmakers who gutted the banking laws put in place to prevent another crash like 1929. Republicans controlled both the House and Senate from 1994 to 2006. Democrats took over in January of 2007, and by then it was took late to undo 12 years of fiscal mismanagement by the Republicans.

No amount of conservative attempts to blame this on Democrats or loans to low income borrowers, is bullshit. Wall Street greed did this. Subprime mortgages were so profitable that they became this giant ponzi scheme. And none of the crooks on Wall Street went to jail. When the crash came, they all got massive bailouts because they were "too big to fail".

The crash didn't happen in 2008, once again bush jr. warned barney Frank and he did nothing.
And Frank was running the government at that time?

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
Oh, lookie! Another Trump hate thread! I suppose everyone needs to be good at something.

Oh goodie, another trump supporter with his head up his ass.
I won't support Hillary or O'Biden. So I think we all know whose head is where...
Nothing will change until we admit that both party's make mistakes deliberate or other wise, & start picking people to lead by their experience & proven wisdom Not their political party.
I think we all need to use our God-given common sense and stop depending on our leaders for our day to day survival.

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
He-he, you ARE a loon, RC! Thanks for the comic relief EVERY time you post one of your inane AND asinine thoughts or video links. Thanks for the laughs, ya knucklehead!
That's your response to this video??? Wow you really are a partisan hack. Obama predicted this crisis and Trump ignored it as it was unfolding. Obama or HRC would have definitely responded better to this crisis than Trump did. Think of all the resources and lives we could have saved...

Trump failed, this is proof.
Obama predicted that he was going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans" also. That didnt pan out real well under his sorry ass administration either. Did you get a thrill up your leg when he talked, and wiped the brown turd's cum off your chin when he was done?

Obama was faced with the Republican Party which had held the White House for 12 years. In Obama's first term he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression, two wars and a hostile Republican Party which believed they were cheated by the voters and aghast by the fact that a man of color won the office of the presidency.

This is just a summary of what this man faced on day one. As for the comment that his efforts to protect the earth didn't pan out is a BIG LIE. Much like the attack on health care reform being called Socialism. Only stupid people believe both of these lies and continue to echo them.

Climate Change is a product of human behavior, of course this is disputed by the same stupid people who believe the polluters and not Science. Obama supported green and renewable energy (even George Bush, an oil man, spoke of this in his SOTU Message), and today it has been reported more jobs exist in Green and renewable sources of energy than in the oil and coal industries.

Healthcare in America had first come up under consideration during the Administration of Theodore Roosevelt, and finally a first step was accomplished by LBJ; then, the Clinton's tried to reform health care in America and the misogyny of the Republican's were aghast when a women was given such a task. Finally, reform was accomplished without the benefit of a bipartisan vote, due to the full court press to convince the voters that the PPACA was part of an effort to establish Socialism in America. Stupid people still believe this BIG LIE.
Republicans held the WH for 12 years when Barry was elected? You are a moron.

Barry had Dims in control of both houses of Congress his first two years, idiot.

Do you think Barry is the only President who faced an opposition party? Grow the fuck up, Window Licker.

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
Again you prove how much of a whore you are.

Yep, the usual personal attack by a coward hiding behind a keyboard. Typical response to reality by a supporter of DJT.
Truth hurt, didn't it?
When H1N1 hit we weren't perpared when Katrina hit we weren't prepared when super storm Sandy hit we weren't prepared the coronavirus hits we aren't prepared there is a patteren here for those who don't or choose not to see it I will point it out. As a nation we are never prepared for events like these before they hit we always react after they do and it's the same no matter if the sitting President is Democrat or Republican.

Hindsight is always 20/20 for armchair Quarterbacks...

The nation was never prepared since the War of 1812 but partisan hacks will find fault with the party in charge of why they should have been...

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
He-he, you ARE a loon, RC! Thanks for the comic relief EVERY time you post one of your inane AND asinine thoughts or video links. Thanks for the laughs, ya knucklehead!
That's your response to this video??? Wow you really are a partisan hack. Obama predicted this crisis and Trump ignored it as it was unfolding. Obama or HRC would have definitely responded better to this crisis than Trump did. Think of all the resources and lives we could have saved...

Trump failed, this is proof.
Obama predicted that he was going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans" also. That didnt pan out real well under his sorry ass administration either. Did you get a thrill up your leg when he talked, and wiped the brown turd's cum off your chin when he was done?

Obama was faced with the Republican Party which had held the White House for 12 years. In Obama's first term he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression, two wars and a hostile Republican Party which believed they were cheated by the voters and aghast by the fact that a man of color won the office of the presidency.

This is just a summary of what this man faced on day one. As for the comment that his efforts to protect the earth didn't pan out is a BIG LIE. Much like the attack on health care reform being called Socialism. Only stupid people believe both of these lies and continue to echo them.

Climate Change is a product of human behavior, of course this is disputed by the same stupid people who believe the polluters and not Science. Obama supported green and renewable energy (even George Bush, an oil man, spoke of this in his SOTU Message), and today it has been reported more jobs exist in Green and renewable sources of energy than in the oil and coal industries.

Healthcare in America had first come up under consideration during the Administration of Theodore Roosevelt, and finally a first step was accomplished by LBJ; then, the Clinton's tried to reform health care in America and the misogyny of the Republican's were aghast when a women was given such a task. Finally, reform was accomplished without the benefit of a bipartisan vote, due to the full court press to convince the voters that the PPACA was part of an effort to establish Socialism in America. Stupid people still believe this BIG LIE.

Bill Clinton was President from 1993 - 2001... George W. Bush was President 2001 - 2009...

Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House in 2007 along with Harry Reid being Senate Majority Leader in the same year...

Barack Hussein Obama became President in 2009 and the Speaker of the House was Nancy Pelosi and the Senate Majority Leader was Harry Reid...

2011 John Boehner became the Speaker of the House.

Mitch McConnell did not become Senate Majority Leader until 2015...

So if you can not honestly write down the correct years when Republicans and Democrats held the Oval Office, House and Senate then you have no right to ridicule the opposition party!
When President Trump announced several ways to combat the disease with specific medication proven to work the LEFT again and continues to attack it.
Exactly. Trump's miracle cure should be given to all and it should end the pandemic soon so we can restart the economy in a couple of weeks.

Good grief, dumbness has evolved into abject stupidity. Trump is not an expert (in anything) and yet some people believe he knows better than those with years of study and research on infectious disease, and its transmission and treatments.


Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.

Said and do, is two different things..

Remember Obama said the ebola outbreak was nothing to worry about.
Ebola was nothing for the US to worry about, Obama was right. trump also said this virus was nothing to worry about... He was dead wrong. History will not be kind to trump as he ignored too many warning signs, this could've been prevented with the right president.

So Obozo “saw this coming”, yet did NOTHING to prepare. But it’s now Trump’s fault Obozo was more concerned with being on The View or some other talk show than actually doing anything. Um.....NO. Another example of Obozo’s constant shirking of responsibility.

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
He-he, you ARE a loon, RC! Thanks for the comic relief EVERY time you post one of your inane AND asinine thoughts or video links. Thanks for the laughs, ya knucklehead!
That's your response to this video??? Wow you really are a partisan hack. Obama predicted this crisis and Trump ignored it as it was unfolding. Obama or HRC would have definitely responded better to this crisis than Trump did. Think of all the resources and lives we could have saved...

Trump failed, this is proof.
Obama predicted that he was going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans" also. That didnt pan out real well under his sorry ass administration either. Did you get a thrill up your leg when he talked, and wiped the brown turd's cum off your chin when he was done?

Obama was faced with the Republican Party which had held the White House for 12 years. In Obama's first term he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression, two wars and a hostile Republican Party which believed they were cheated by the voters and aghast by the fact that a man of color won the office of the presidency.

This is just a summary of what this man faced on day one. As for the comment that his efforts to protect the earth didn't pan out is a BIG LIE. Much like the attack on health care reform being called Socialism. Only stupid people believe both of these lies and continue to echo them.

Climate Change is a product of human behavior, of course this is disputed by the same stupid people who believe the polluters and not Science. Obama supported green and renewable energy (even George Bush, an oil man, spoke of this in his SOTU Message), and today it has been reported more jobs exist in Green and renewable sources of energy than in the oil and coal industries.

Healthcare in America had first come up under consideration during the Administration of Theodore Roosevelt, and finally a first step was accomplished by LBJ; then, the Clinton's tried to reform health care in America and the misogyny of the Republican's were aghast when a women was given such a task. Finally, reform was accomplished without the benefit of a bipartisan vote, due to the full court press to convince the voters that the PPACA was part of an effort to establish Socialism in America. Stupid people still believe this BIG LIE.

Bill Clinton was President from 1993 - 2001... George W. Bush was President 2001 - 2009...

Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House in 2007 along with Harry Reid being Senate Majority Leader in the same year...

Barack Hussein Obama became President in 2009 and the Speaker of the House was Nancy Pelosi and the Senate Majority Leader was Harry Reid...

2011 John Boehner became the Speaker of the House.

Mitch McConnell did not become Senate Majority Leader until 2015...

So if you can not honestly write down the correct years when Republicans and Democrats held the Oval Office, House and Senate then you have no right to ridicule the opposition party!

BULLSHIT, your conclusion is ludicrous, wrapped in an ad hominem. What you choose to ignore and ridicule has nothing to do with anything in my post which you chose to critique.

Reid did invoke the Nuclear Option, the reason being all of Obama's nominees were being blocked by the Senate Rules which required a super majority; clearly that backfired when McConnell took control and was able to pack the court; then by going well beyond Reid's decision, when his machination to deny witnesses and documents in the Trial of DJT who was impeached.

There is no defense possible for the current iteration of the majority of Republican's holding offices of trust. It began with Gingrich and Delay, and their goal to control the Congress, the Executive and the Judiciary is still the major focus of the Republican Party.
Exactly. Trump's miracle cure should be given to all and it should end the pandemic soon so we can restart the economy in a couple of weeks.
Good grief, dumbness has evolved into abject stupidity. Trump is not an expert (in anything) and yet some people believe he knows better than those with years of study and research on infectious disease, and its transmission and treatments.
The Chinese doctors were prescribing it. Where is Biden's miracle drug for Coronavirus patients?

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
Oh, lookie! Another Trump hate thread! I suppose everyone needs to be good at something.

Oh goodie, another trump supporter with his head up his ass.
I won't support Hillary or O'Biden. So I think we all know whose head is where...

I think anyone who votes for donald trump is a fool, or wants to bring the United States to its knees. No candidate is prefect; trump is mentally and emotionally unfit to be POTUS, this is clear; he won't listen to reason, he ignores experts and truly believes he's smarter than everyone.

That's what happens when a child is given everything and is spoiled from birth; & never needed to find there own way in the world when given Millions of Dollars for simply being born. His life has been filled by Yes Men and Yes Women, and abused those who are not loyal to him.

He his corrupt, a chronic liar and dangerous. Three reasons to never allow him to hold an office of trust ever again.

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
Oh, lookie! Another Trump hate thread! I suppose everyone needs to be good at something.

Oh goodie, another trump supporter with his head up his ass.
I won't support Hillary or O'Biden. So I think we all know whose head is where...

I think anyone who votes for donald trump is a fool, or wants to bring the United States to its knees. No candidate is prefect; trump is mentally and emotionally unfit to be POTUS, this is clear; he won't listen to reason, he ignores experts and truly believes he's smarter than everyone.

That's what happens when a child is given everything and is spoiled from birth; & never needed to find there own way in the world when given Millions of Dollars for simply being born. His life has been filled by Yes Men and Yes Women, and abused those who are not loyal to him.

He his corrupt, a chronic liar and dangerous. Three reasons to never allow him to hold an office of trust ever again.
Five more years of crying for you!
When President Trump announced several ways to combat the disease with specific medication proven to work the LEFT again and continues to attack it.
Exactly. Trump's miracle cure should be given to all and it should end the pandemic soon so we can restart the economy in a couple of weeks.

Good grief, dumbness has evolved into abject stupidity. Trump is not an expert (in anything) and yet some people believe he knows better than those with years of study and research on infectious disease, and its transmission and treatments.

CNN? :abgg2q.jpg:

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
Oh, lookie! Another Trump hate thread! I suppose everyone needs to be good at something.

Oh goodie, another trump supporter with his head up his ass.
I won't support Hillary or O'Biden. So I think we all know whose head is where...

I think anyone who votes for donald trump is a fool, or wants to bring the United States to its knees. No candidate is prefect; trump is mentally and emotionally unfit to be POTUS, this is clear; he won't listen to reason, he ignores experts and truly believes he's smarter than everyone.

That's what happens when a child is given everything and is spoiled from birth; & never needed to find there own way in the world when given Millions of Dollars for simply being born. His life has been filled by Yes Men and Yes Women, and abused those who are not loyal to him.

He his corrupt, a chronic liar and dangerous. Three reasons to never allow him to hold an office of trust ever again.
Your delusions are cute.:abgg2q.jpg:

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
He-he, you ARE a loon, RC! Thanks for the comic relief EVERY time you post one of your inane AND asinine thoughts or video links. Thanks for the laughs, ya knucklehead!
That's your response to this video??? Wow you really are a partisan hack. Obama predicted this crisis and Trump ignored it as it was unfolding. Obama or HRC would have definitely responded better to this crisis than Trump did. Think of all the resources and lives we could have saved...

Trump failed, this is proof.
Obama predicted that he was going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans" also. That didnt pan out real well under his sorry ass administration either. Did you get a thrill up your leg when he talked, and wiped the brown turd's cum off your chin when he was done?

Obama was faced with the Republican Party which had held the White House for 12 years. In Obama's first term he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression, two wars and a hostile Republican Party which believed they were cheated by the voters and aghast by the fact that a man of color won the office of the presidency.

This is just a summary of what this man faced on day one. As for the comment that his efforts to protect the earth didn't pan out is a BIG LIE. Much like the attack on health care reform being called Socialism. Only stupid people believe both of these lies and continue to echo them.

Climate Change is a product of human behavior, of course this is disputed by the same stupid people who believe the polluters and not Science. Obama supported green and renewable energy (even George Bush, an oil man, spoke of this in his SOTU Message), and today it has been reported more jobs exist in Green and renewable sources of energy than in the oil and coal industries.

Healthcare in America had first come up under consideration during the Administration of Theodore Roosevelt, and finally a first step was accomplished by LBJ; then, the Clinton's tried to reform health care in America and the misogyny of the Republican's were aghast when a women was given such a task. Finally, reform was accomplished without the benefit of a bipartisan vote, due to the full court press to convince the voters that the PPACA was part of an effort to establish Socialism in America. Stupid people still believe this BIG LIE.

Bill Clinton was President from 1993 - 2001... George W. Bush was President 2001 - 2009...

Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House in 2007 along with Harry Reid being Senate Majority Leader in the same year...

Barack Hussein Obama became President in 2009 and the Speaker of the House was Nancy Pelosi and the Senate Majority Leader was Harry Reid...

2011 John Boehner became the Speaker of the House.

Mitch McConnell did not become Senate Majority Leader until 2015...

So if you can not honestly write down the correct years when Republicans and Democrats held the Oval Office, House and Senate then you have no right to ridicule the opposition party!

BULLSHIT, your conclusion is ludicrous, wrapped in an ad hominem. What you choose to ignore and ridicule has nothing to do with anything in my post which you chose to critique.

Reid did invoke the Nuclear Option, the reason being all of Obama's nominees were being blocked by the Senate Rules which required a super majority; clearly that backfired when McConnell took control and was able to pack the court; then by going well beyond Reid's decision, when his machination to deny witnesses and documents in the Trial of DJT who was impeached.

There is no defense possible for the current iteration of the majority of Republican's holding offices of trust. It began with Gingrich and Delay, and their goal to control the Congress, the Executive and the Judiciary is still the major focus of the Republican Party.

So instead of admitting you were wrong about twelve years of control by the Republicans in the Oval all you can do is rant on even more and show your mentally insane responses!

Do me a favor and show me where Republicans controlled the Oval Office for twelve years before Barack Hussein Obama became President and when you can not unless you think Bill Clinton was a Republican then correct yourself you ignorant ass!

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
He-he, you ARE a loon, RC! Thanks for the comic relief EVERY time you post one of your inane AND asinine thoughts or video links. Thanks for the laughs, ya knucklehead!
That's your response to this video??? Wow you really are a partisan hack. Obama predicted this crisis and Trump ignored it as it was unfolding. Obama or HRC would have definitely responding better to this crisis than Trump did.

Trump failed, this is proof.

You mean like they responded to the American Embassy attack in Benghazi?

Fuck that. Do you have rocks in your head or something?

There was no US embassy in Benghazi.
There was not even a consulate.
It was just a secret compound, likely used for meetings with Syrian rebels so we could transfer arms and money to ISIS and al Qaeda.
There was nothing wrong with failing to send relief troops because that would have been illegal.
The US would have had to get permission from the Libyan government before doing that.

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