Oh me oh my, this must be fake news... it just must be something created in Hollywood.

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
He-he, you ARE a loon, RC! Thanks for the comic relief EVERY time you post one of your inane AND asinine thoughts or video links. Thanks for the laughs, ya knucklehead!
That's your response to this video??? Wow you really are a partisan hack. Obama predicted this crisis and Trump ignored it as it was unfolding. Obama or HRC would have definitely responding better to this crisis than Trump did.

Trump failed, this is proof.

You mean like they responded to the American Embassy attack in Benghazi?

Fuck that. Do you have rocks in your head or something?

How does one respond to an attack on one of our missions when the attackers were gone, and the military response was many hours away? You're a hack, pushing an agenda which was investigated by a witch hunt, and the Sect. of State answered all of the questions seeking some wrong doing, and the congressional committee found nothing that would lead to negligence on the part of HRC or President Obama.

Trump has failed and many more people have died and will die if this self centered egotistic narcissist opens America too soon, and against the advice of experts:

Experts: COVID-19 pandemic unlikely to ebb as weather warms

Consider too:


Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
He-he, you ARE a loon, RC! Thanks for the comic relief EVERY time you post one of your inane AND asinine thoughts or video links. Thanks for the laughs, ya knucklehead!
That's your response to this video??? Wow you really are a partisan hack. Obama predicted this crisis and Trump ignored it as it was unfolding. Obama or HRC would have definitely responded better to this crisis than Trump did. Think of all the resources and lives we could have saved...

Trump failed, this is proof.
Obama predicted that he was going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans" also. That didnt pan out real well under his sorry ass administration either. Did you get a thrill up your leg when he talked, and wiped the brown turd's cum off your chin when he was done?

Obama was faced with the Republican Party which had held the White House for 12 years. In Obama's first term he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression, two wars and a hostile Republican Party which believed they were cheated by the voters and aghast by the fact that a man of color won the office of the presidency.

This is just a summary of what this man faced on day one. As for the comment that his efforts to protect the earth didn't pan out is a BIG LIE. Much like the attack on health care reform being called Socialism. Only stupid people believe both of these lies and continue to echo them.

Climate Change is a product of human behavior, of course this is disputed by the same stupid people who believe the polluters and not Science. Obama supported green and renewable energy (even George Bush, an oil man, spoke of this in his SOTU Message), and today it has been reported more jobs exist in Green and renewable sources of energy than in the oil and coal industries.

Healthcare in America had first come up under consideration during the Administration of Theodore Roosevelt, and finally a first step was accomplished by LBJ; then, the Clinton's tried to reform health care in America and the misogyny of the Republican's were aghast when a women was given such a task. Finally, reform was accomplished without the benefit of a bipartisan vote, due to the full court press to convince the voters that the PPACA was part of an effort to establish Socialism in America. Stupid people still believe this BIG LIE.

Bill Clinton was President from 1993 - 2001... George W. Bush was President 2001 - 2009...

Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House in 2007 along with Harry Reid being Senate Majority Leader in the same year...

Barack Hussein Obama became President in 2009 and the Speaker of the House was Nancy Pelosi and the Senate Majority Leader was Harry Reid...

2011 John Boehner became the Speaker of the House.

Mitch McConnell did not become Senate Majority Leader until 2015...

So if you can not honestly write down the correct years when Republicans and Democrats held the Oval Office, House and Senate then you have no right to ridicule the opposition party!

BULLSHIT, your conclusion is ludicrous, wrapped in an ad hominem. What you choose to ignore and ridicule has nothing to do with anything in my post which you chose to critique.

Reid did invoke the Nuclear Option, the reason being all of Obama's nominees were being blocked by the Senate Rules which required a super majority; clearly that backfired when McConnell took control and was able to pack the court; then by going well beyond Reid's decision, when his machination to deny witnesses and documents in the Trial of DJT who was impeached.

There is no defense possible for the current iteration of the majority of Republican's holding offices of trust. It began with Gingrich and Delay, and their goal to control the Congress, the Executive and the Judiciary is still the major focus of the Republican Party.

So instead of admitting you were wrong about twelve years of control by the Republicans in the Oval all you can do is rant on even more and show your mentally insane responses!

Do me a favor and show me where Republicans controlled the Oval Office for twelve years before Barack Hussein Obama became President and when you can not unless you think Bill Clinton was a Republican then correct yourself you ignorant ass!

Mea culpa, eight years after Bush II.

Yet Bill Clinton suffered from the 12 years when the GOP believed what I wrote, and the GOP tried to impeach him for a nothing burger.

You really are an asshole, and a coward. I've admited my mistake, and I've made many of them. But calling you out for being an asshole and punk is not one of them.
Good grief, dumbness has evolved into abject stupidity. Trump is not an expert (in anything) and yet some people believe he knows better than those with years of study and research on infectious disease, and its transmission and treatments.
You Dems just don't want Trump to get credit for solving the problem.
Good grief, dumbness has evolved into abject stupidity. Trump is not an expert (in anything) and yet some people believe he knows better than those with years of study and research on infectious disease, and its transmission and treatments.
You Dems just don't want Trump to get credit for solving the problem.

Which problem:
* The Virus Crisis​
* The Economy​
* The number of unemployed​
* His Chronic Lies​
* The Trillions of Dollars added to the National Debt (in only three years)​
* His buddy Kim still building, testing and crowing​
* Providing Putin our Air Field in Syria and giving hegemony in the Middle East​
* Climate Change, more tornadoes in the winter (what will tornado valley suffer when tornado season begins).​
Good grief, dumbness has evolved into abject stupidity. Trump is not an expert (in anything) and yet some people believe he knows better than those with years of study and research on infectious disease, and its transmission and treatments.
You Dems just don't want Trump to get credit for solving the problem.

Which problem:
* The Virus Crisis​
* The Economy​
* The number of unemployed​
* His Chronic Lies​
* The Trillions of Dollars added to the National Debt (in only three years)​
* His buddy Kim still building, testing and crowing​
* Providing Putin our Air Field in Syria and giving hegemony in the Middle East​
* Climate Change, more tornadoes in the winter (what will tornado valley suffer when tornado season begins).​
LOL a pack of garbage. The Virus has nothing to do with Trump being President and he is handling it well though we should not be locked down. The Economy will recover when the lockdown ends dumbass. Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi is blocking aid to small businesses. The unemployed are temporary due to the VIRUS RETARD. He doesn't lie any more than any other President or Politician. The trillions are due to a NATIONAL EMERGENCE RETARD. Excuse me remind me how Clinton or Obama solved the North Korea problem? One minute you whine about too many wars and the next you complain when Trump tries to pull us out of one. Make up your fucking mind. No science proves that tornadoes happen any more frequently then before same with Hurricanes and other storms.
'We talk about sanctity of life, yet we live in a society that aborts babies'

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.

Did you ever get a pic of Obama walking on water?
Good grief, dumbness has evolved into abject stupidity. Trump is not an expert (in anything) and yet some people believe he knows better than those with years of study and research on infectious disease, and its transmission and treatments.
You Dems just don't want Trump to get credit for solving the problem.

Which problem:
* The Virus Crisis​
* The Economy​
* The number of unemployed​
* His Chronic Lies​
* The Trillions of Dollars added to the National Debt (in only three years)​
* His buddy Kim still building, testing and crowing​
* Providing Putin our Air Field in Syria and giving hegemony in the Middle East​
* Climate Change, more tornadoes in the winter (what will tornado valley suffer when tornado season begins).​
LOL a pack of garbage. The Virus has nothing to do with Trump being President and he is handling it well though we should not be locked down. The Economy will recover when the lockdown ends dumbass. Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi is blocking aid to small businesses. The unemployed are temporary due to the VIRUS RETARD. He doesn't lie any more than any other President or Politician. The trillions are due to a NATIONAL EMERGENCE RETARD. Excuse me remind me how Clinton or Obama solved the North Korea problem? One minute you whine about too many wars and the next you complain when Trump tries to pull us out of one. Make up your fucking mind. No science proves that tornadoes happen any more frequently then before same with Hurricanes and other storms.

That brainwash you paid for clearly worked, which neurologist did you got to, Dr. Limbaugh or Dr. Hannity?

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.

Did you ever get a pic of Obama walking on water?

Nope. I do have a mental picture of you, one very familiar:


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Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.

Did you ever get a pic of Obama walking on water?

Nope. I do have a mental picture of you, one very familiar:

More projection. You actually think your scat doesn't stink.
Good grief, dumbness has evolved into abject stupidity. Trump is not an expert (in anything) and yet some people believe he knows better than those with years of study and research on infectious disease, and its transmission and treatments.
The world is still waiting for Biden's miracle drug that cures Coronavirus.

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