Oh me oh my, this must be fake news... it just must be something created in Hollywood.

That's your response to this video??? Wow you really are a partisan hack. Obama predicted this crisis and Trump ignored it as it was unfolding. Obama or HRC would have definitely responded better to this crisis than Trump did. Think of all the resources and lives we could have saved...
Trump failed, this is proof.
This is proof we need to close our borders. The border wall should now be a top priority.

To protect our nation from a pandemic we need to close all borders, all ports, all sea ports and all trade with every other nation. It's a hell of a lot better to hire a president whose not all about himself, and can't make the right choices because every decision the current ones makes, is built on, "how will this impact me".
Stephan King's The Stand was published in 1978 ... only the illiterate didn't know this could happen ...

Smaller government means NO pandemic response capability ... that's what Republicans want ... this is what you get ...

Republicans also want cheap labour and no benefits for low skilled workers, so you have millions of people who are one paycheck away from fiscal disaster, and who cannot withstand a financial emergency of $500, and who have no health insurance or sick leave, suddenly facing months without income and medical bills into the tens of thousands of dollars.

The very people most likely to be the sickest in this pandemic, are the ones least likely to seek treatment, and most likely to continue working even if they do get sick, which compounds the problem in ways that aren't happening in other first world countries.
Republicans also want cheap labour and no benefits for low skilled workers

Link us up to where Republicans say they don't want benefits for workers. And it is your ilk that wants cheap labor (not labour) by pushing for open borders.

Once again you get caught in lies and misinformation, moron.

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
Again you prove how much of a whore you are.

Yep, the usual personal attack by a coward hiding behind a keyboard. Typical response to reality by a supporter of DJT.
When H1N1 hit we weren't perpared when Katrina hit we weren't prepared when super storm Sandy hit we weren't prepared the coronavirus hits we aren't prepared there is a patteren here for those who don't or choose not to see it I will point it out. As a nation we are never prepared for events like these before they hit we always react after they do and it's the same no matter if the sitting President is Democrat or Republican.

Exactly. And when the Great Zombie War of 2075 breaks out President Barron won't be prepared either.
God forbid if it's President Chelsea :omg: she won't be either.

I have no doubt that those who voted for trump and continue to make excuses for him will not watch or read anything which might cause them to rationally think, and will not consider the continuing chaos on serious matters by the Trump Administration.

It's not all about trump, though the buck stops in his lap; McConnell is a real threat to us and democracy too.
Maybe it's time for all of us to come together and have honest debates on Trump and his Administration.

We have evidence to prove this pandemic was on the radar of the Executive Branch of our government in November, 2019. If the President did not see the memo until sometime in January, why did he not see the memo as part of the Daily Briefing?

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
He-he, you ARE a loon, RC! Thanks for the comic relief EVERY time you post one of your inane AND asinine thoughts or video links. Thanks for the laughs, ya knucklehead!
That's your response to this video??? Wow you really are a partisan hack. Obama predicted this crisis and Trump ignored it as it was unfolding. Obama or HRC would have definitely responded better to this crisis than Trump did. Think of all the resources and lives we could have saved...

Trump failed, this is proof.
Obama predicted that he was going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans" also. That didnt pan out real well under his sorry ass administration either. Did you get a thrill up your leg when he talked, and wiped the brown turd's cum off your chin when he was done?
Maybe it's time for all of us to come together and have honest debates on Trump and his Administration.

We have evidence to prove this pandemic was on the radar of the Executive Branch of our government in November, 2019. If the President did not see the memo until sometime in January, why did he not see the memo as part of the Daily Briefing?
And what were the Demoncraps doing in November 2019?

Stephan King's The Stand was published in 1978 ... only the illiterate didn't know this could happen ...

Smaller government means NO pandemic response capability ... that's what Republicans want ... this is what you get ...

Republicans also want cheap labour and no benefits for low skilled workers, so you have millions of people who are one paycheck away from fiscal disaster, and who cannot withstand a financial emergency of $500, and who have no health insurance or sick leave, suddenly facing months without income and medical bills into the tens of thousands of dollars.

The very people most likely to be the sickest in this pandemic, are the ones least likely to seek treatment, and most likely to continue working even if they do get sick, which compounds the problem in ways that aren't happening in other first world countries.
oh you are talking about people like you , who are too stupid to get a better job than minimum wage, which was meant for college kids and retired folks. Thanks to the brown turd Oblummer he really created a booming minimum wage economy during his 8 years of office, chasing most of the high paying jobs over the China. Thanks Oblummer...
Maybe it's time for all of us to come together and have honest debates on Trump and his Administration.

We have evidence to prove this pandemic was on the radar of the Executive Branch of our government in November, 2019. If the President did not see the memo until sometime in January, why did he not see the memo as part of the Daily Briefing?

Uhm because he was being impeached?

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
Nope. I will just say that if you're that dumbassed...fuck you. Hey..how about joining the military and carrying a rifle and standing a post? What? Takes too much backbone? Then I refer you to my original statement. FUCK YOU!

I have no doubt that those who voted for trump and continue to make excuses for him will not watch or read anything which might cause them to rationally think, and will not consider the continuing chaos on serious matters by the Trump Administration.

It's not all about trump, though the buck stops in his lap; McConnell is a real threat to us and democracy too.
CNN? :abgg2q.jpg:

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.

There is that, but he was not the first.

That stupid mother fucker was. This is from the linked article.

Thus was born the nation's most comprehensive pandemic plan -- a playbook that included diagrams for a global early warning system, funding to develop new, rapid vaccine technology, and a robust national stockpile of critical supplies, such as face masks and ventilators, Townsend said.

Wow. So what happened to all that stockpile? Well, Barry O used it up on SARS and never replenished the stock pile. He also neglected it. That's why doctors and nurses got masks that would fall apart when they were used. Sorry, token negro was not a cllearvoiant super Jesus, just another personality cult like all the rest.

Wow, double idiot-gram, a new variety of foolishness. Note, there is no link, no evidence to support this claim; and blatant racism. One more A-Hole who is clearly a deplorable racist.

Yes there is. You will still just Denis it. Your token negreo neglected the stock pile and now people are losing their lives over it. Sorry dude, your black Jesus has the same shit on his hands that you put on Trump. I would rather be an idiot then the member of a personality cult.

Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.

Here you go. This is an article on all kinds of shit. Check the dates slave. Your token negro neglected the stock pile and beoe died, yet you still lick his butthole.


Of course it's not, and off course the trump supporters will come up with some off topic criticism for Obama and praise for the most incompetent and dangerous person trump has proved to be.
He-he, you ARE a loon, RC! Thanks for the comic relief EVERY time you post one of your inane AND asinine thoughts or video links. Thanks for the laughs, ya knucklehead!
That's your response to this video??? Wow you really are a partisan hack. Obama predicted this crisis and Trump ignored it as it was unfolding. Obama or HRC would have definitely responded better to this crisis than Trump did. Think of all the resources and lives we could have saved...

Trump failed, this is proof.
Obama predicted that he was going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans" also. That didnt pan out real well under his sorry ass administration either. Did you get a thrill up your leg when he talked, and wiped the brown turd's cum off your chin when he was done?

Obama was faced with the Republican Party which had held the White House for 12 years. In Obama's first term he was handed the worst economy since the Great Depression, two wars and a hostile Republican Party which believed they were cheated by the voters and aghast by the fact that a man of color won the office of the presidency.

This is just a summary of what this man faced on day one. As for the comment that his efforts to protect the earth didn't pan out is a BIG LIE. Much like the attack on health care reform being called Socialism. Only stupid people believe both of these lies and continue to echo them.

Climate Change is a product of human behavior, of course this is disputed by the same stupid people who believe the polluters and not Science. Obama supported green and renewable energy (even George Bush, an oil man, spoke of this in his SOTU Message), and today it has been reported more jobs exist in Green and renewable sources of energy than in the oil and coal industries.

Healthcare in America had first come up under consideration during the Administration of Theodore Roosevelt, and finally a first step was accomplished by LBJ; then, the Clinton's tried to reform health care in America and the misogyny of the Republican's were aghast when a women was given such a task. Finally, reform was accomplished without the benefit of a bipartisan vote, due to the full court press to convince the voters that the PPACA was part of an effort to establish Socialism in America. Stupid people still believe this BIG LIE.
When President Trump announced several ways to combat the disease with specific medication proven to work the LEFT again and continues to attack it.
Exactly. Trump's miracle cure should be given to all and it should end the pandemic soon so we can restart the economy in a couple of weeks.

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