Oh My Gawd! Healthcare.gov Got Hacked? Who Could Have Foreseen This?

HealthCare.gov Site Suffers Hack But No Data Stolen Officials - NBC News
The government's healthcare insurance information website, HealthCare.gov, was hacked this summer, but no damage was done, according to a statement Thursday from the Department of Health and Human Services. "Today, we briefed key Congressional staff about an intrusion on a test server that supports HealthCare.gov," the statement said. The breach was first reported by The Wall Street Journal. HHS said the attack took the form of malware that was installed on a test server and "designed to launch a 'denial of service' attack against other websites when activated." The breach was discovered in late August; the Journal said the hack took place in July.

The hack too k place in July and sat there running on the healthcare network for a month before being found. They don't have a clue if it could have launched self-cleaning bots into other parts of the network that got scrubbed weeks before they found it.

One would be inclined to perhaps give the government some leniency on this were it not for all the prior warnings that were essentially ignored. After all its just muppet dat.

How Healthcare.gov Could Be Hacked Mother Jones

Healthcare.gov - Reasons why it is a hackers target.

How Healthcare.gov Could Be Hacked

How much more incompetence will Dimbocraps heap on this nation? I guess its not a problem until the Dimbocrap crooks let their unaffiliated buddies steal your ID for some Illegal from Latvia so she can work in some rich mans mansion for slave wages.

And this isn't just a Dimbocrap issue; the GOP RINOs are just as supportive of unfetter illegal immigration as the Dimbocraps are. Mitt, W and McSame would have allowed the same damned thing to happen, only the press would be reporting it more often.

But they will still take a few hypocritical kicks anyway.

GOP chorus attacks Obamacare over Healthcare.gov hack - Brett Norman - POLITICO.com

Are you saying the government code writers could have saved us a lot of time and money and got the same result by hiring private industry's Target's IT department? and/or Neiman Marcus, and/or Home Depot, and/or...

Who do you think they should hire for their next IT project ...Diebold?


They selected Michelle's cronies out of CANADA and that company is one of the worst.

I know that they could have done better; the system wasn't even beta tested prior to rolling it out.

Do you always allow yourself to be duped by rightwing bloggers and pundits?
Below is the real :poop:



HealthCare.gov Site Suffers Hack But No Data Stolen Officials - NBC News
The government's healthcare insurance information website, HealthCare.gov, was hacked this summer, but no damage was done, according to a statement Thursday from the Department of Health and Human Services. "Today, we briefed key Congressional staff about an intrusion on a test server that supports HealthCare.gov," the statement said. The breach was first reported by The Wall Street Journal. HHS said the attack took the form of malware that was installed on a test server and "designed to launch a 'denial of service' attack against other websites when activated." The breach was discovered in late August; the Journal said the hack took place in July.

The hack too k place in July and sat there running on the healthcare network for a month before being found. They don't have a clue if it could have launched self-cleaning bots into other parts of the network that got scrubbed weeks before they found it.

One would be inclined to perhaps give the government some leniency on this were it not for all the prior warnings that were essentially ignored. After all its just muppet dat.

How Healthcare.gov Could Be Hacked Mother Jones

Healthcare.gov - Reasons why it is a hackers target.

How Healthcare.gov Could Be Hacked

How much more incompetence will Dimbocraps heap on this nation? I guess its not a problem until the Dimbocrap crooks let their unaffiliated buddies steal your ID for some Illegal from Latvia so she can work in some rich mans mansion for slave wages.

And this isn't just a Dimbocrap issue; the GOP RINOs are just as supportive of unfetter illegal immigration as the Dimbocraps are. Mitt, W and McSame would have allowed the same damned thing to happen, only the press would be reporting it more often.

But they will still take a few hypocritical kicks anyway.

GOP chorus attacks Obamacare over Healthcare.gov hack - Brett Norman - POLITICO.com

Are you saying the government code writers could have saved us a lot of time and money and got the same result by hiring private industry's Target's IT department? and/or Neiman Marcus, and/or Home Depot, and/or...

Who do you think they should hire for their next IT project ...Diebold?


They selected Michelle's cronies out of CANADA and that company is one of the worst.

I know that they could have done better; the system wasn't even beta tested prior to rolling it out.

Do you always allow yourself to be duped by rightwing bloggers and pundits?
Below is the real :poop:




Dude, I don't have time to read fifty articles without you making the main point yourself.

I was a network, software developer for over 20 years and this roll out was a disaster and every authority I have seen still says it is a disaster for the reasons given above.

Simply linking to Democrat apologetics sites is to NOT make a point.

From your won articles:

Although the company is based in Canada, it has offices in 40 countries, including 66 branches in the U.S. Toni Townes-Whitley, who joined CGI in May 2010, is a Senior Vice-President currently leading the Civilian Agency Programs (CAP) Business Unit for the Federal Group.

Toni Townes-Whitley has a number of linkages to First Lady Michelle Obama. Both Michelle Obama and Toni Townes-Whitley are 1985 graduates of Princeton University, both are members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni, and both are listed as having worked with or been members of the Organization of Black Unity (OBU) and the Third World Center (TWC) while at Princeton. (Although some sources describe Michelle Obama and Toni Townes-Whitley as "pals" or "friends," it's unclear how well the two women knew each other during their time at Princeton, or how much interaction they had with each other afterwards.)

Read more at snopes.com Toni Townes-Whitley and HealthCare.gov Web Site Development

FactCheck wrote that a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services spokeswoman said Nov. 1 that the Healthcare.gov project’s budget was "in the neighborhood of $630 million."
Chain emails claim this picture s worth 678 million PolitiFact Texas

It’s true that the CMS did not accept bids from all comers to build the HealthCare.gov website. A Bloomberg report said the administration used an “expedited bidding system” that limited its choices to just a select few.
Michelle Obama and CGI Federal

roflmao, great rebuttal, dude
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I actually don't object to the process of hiring friends, though admittedly I'm a bit iffy on the government doing it, but even setting my hesitation on that detail aside, I wouldn't hire a friend who couldn't do the job. If anything, I expect more from the friends I hire, and I'm not afraid to ride their asses until they meet my standards either - they all know it too.
I actually don't object to the process of hiring friends, though admittedly I'm a bit iffy on the government doing it, but even setting my hesitation on that detail aside, I wouldn't hire a friend who couldn't do the job. If anything, I expect more from the friends I hire, and I'm not afraid to ride their asses until they meet my standards either - they all know it too.

In private industry that is fine, but not if you or the friend is a government official with pull for who gets the contract.
In private industry that is fine, but not if you or the friend is a government official with pull for who gets the contract.

Yeah that'd the iffy part. The buddy is not just working for them in this situation, they're expected to be working for the people so the friend card is a questionable play. I personally wouldn't hire a friend in such a position because of impropriety cat-calls, and perhaps more so, because if my buddy fucked up it would reflect poorly on me down the line. Just not worth it.
HealthCare.gov Site Suffers Hack But No Data Stolen Officials - NBC News
The government's healthcare insurance information website, HealthCare.gov, was hacked this summer, but no damage was done, according to a statement Thursday from the Department of Health and Human Services. "Today, we briefed key Congressional staff about an intrusion on a test server that supports HealthCare.gov," the statement said. The breach was first reported by The Wall Street Journal. HHS said the attack took the form of malware that was installed on a test server and "designed to launch a 'denial of service' attack against other websites when activated." The breach was discovered in late August; the Journal said the hack took place in July.

The hack too k place in July and sat there running on the healthcare network for a month before being found. They don't have a clue if it could have launched self-cleaning bots into other parts of the network that got scrubbed weeks before they found it.

One would be inclined to perhaps give the government some leniency on this were it not for all the prior warnings that were essentially ignored. After all its just muppet dat.

How Healthcare.gov Could Be Hacked Mother Jones

Healthcare.gov - Reasons why it is a hackers target.

How Healthcare.gov Could Be Hacked

How much more incompetence will Dimbocraps heap on this nation? I guess its not a problem until the Dimbocrap crooks let their unaffiliated buddies steal your ID for some Illegal from Latvia so she can work in some rich mans mansion for slave wages.

And this isn't just a Dimbocrap issue; the GOP RINOs are just as supportive of unfetter illegal immigration as the Dimbocraps are. Mitt, W and McSame would have allowed the same damned thing to happen, only the press would be reporting it more often.

But they will still take a few hypocritical kicks anyway.

GOP chorus attacks Obamacare over Healthcare.gov hack - Brett Norman - POLITICO.com

Are you saying the government code writers could have saved us a lot of time and money and got the same result by hiring private industry's Target's IT department? and/or Neiman Marcus, and/or Home Depot, and/or...

Who do you think they should hire for their next IT project ...Diebold?


They selected Michelle's cronies out of CANADA and that company is one of the worst.

I know that they could have done better; the system wasn't even beta tested prior to rolling it out.

I'm guessing you'd prefer the Feds had hired the same IT company to create healthcare.gov as Tex Perry hired to bring health insurance to his uninsured constituents in Texas (cough) but-----but most of the 8 million people that now have healthcare because of Obamacare probably disagree.
HealthCare.gov Site Suffers Hack But No Data Stolen Officials - NBC News
The government's healthcare insurance information website, HealthCare.gov, was hacked this summer, but no damage was done, according to a statement Thursday from the Department of Health and Human Services. "Today, we briefed key Congressional staff about an intrusion on a test server that supports HealthCare.gov," the statement said. The breach was first reported by The Wall Street Journal. HHS said the attack took the form of malware that was installed on a test server and "designed to launch a 'denial of service' attack against other websites when activated." The breach was discovered in late August; the Journal said the hack took place in July.

The hack too k place in July and sat there running on the healthcare network for a month before being found. They don't have a clue if it could have launched self-cleaning bots into other parts of the network that got scrubbed weeks before they found it.

One would be inclined to perhaps give the government some leniency on this were it not for all the prior warnings that were essentially ignored. After all its just muppet dat.

How Healthcare.gov Could Be Hacked Mother Jones

Healthcare.gov - Reasons why it is a hackers target.

How Healthcare.gov Could Be Hacked

How much more incompetence will Dimbocraps heap on this nation? I guess its not a problem until the Dimbocrap crooks let their unaffiliated buddies steal your ID for some Illegal from Latvia so she can work in some rich mans mansion for slave wages.

And this isn't just a Dimbocrap issue; the GOP RINOs are just as supportive of unfetter illegal immigration as the Dimbocraps are. Mitt, W and McSame would have allowed the same damned thing to happen, only the press would be reporting it more often.

But they will still take a few hypocritical kicks anyway.

GOP chorus attacks Obamacare over Healthcare.gov hack - Brett Norman - POLITICO.com

Are you saying the government code writers could have saved us a lot of time and money and got the same result by hiring private industry's Target's IT department? and/or Neiman Marcus, and/or Home Depot, and/or...

Who do you think they should hire for their next IT project ...Diebold?


They selected Michelle's cronies out of CANADA and that company is one of the worst.

I know that they could have done better; the system wasn't even beta tested prior to rolling it out.

Do you always allow yourself to be duped by rightwing bloggers and pundits?
Below is the real :poop:




Dude, I don't have time to read fifty articles without you making the main point yourself.

I was a network, software developer for over 20 years and this roll out was a disaster and every authority I have seen still says it is a disaster for the reasons given above.

Simply linking to Democrat apologetics sites is to NOT make a point.

From your won articles:

Although the company is based in Canada, it has offices in 40 countries, including 66 branches in the U.S. Toni Townes-Whitley, who joined CGI in May 2010, is a Senior Vice-President currently leading the Civilian Agency Programs (CAP) Business Unit for the Federal Group.

Toni Townes-Whitley has a number of linkages to First Lady Michelle Obama. Both Michelle Obama and Toni Townes-Whitley are 1985 graduates of Princeton University, both are members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni, and both are listed as having worked with or been members of the Organization of Black Unity (OBU) and the Third World Center (TWC) while at Princeton. (Although some sources describe Michelle Obama and Toni Townes-Whitley as "pals" or "friends," it's unclear how well the two women knew each other during their time at Princeton, or how much interaction they had with each other afterwards.)

Read more at snopes.com Toni Townes-Whitley and HealthCare.gov Web Site Development

FactCheck wrote that a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services spokeswoman said Nov. 1 that the Healthcare.gov project’s budget was "in the neighborhood of $630 million."
Chain emails claim this picture s worth 678 million PolitiFact Texas

It’s true that the CMS did not accept bids from all comers to build the HealthCare.gov website. A Bloomberg report said the administration used an “expedited bidding system” that limited its choices to just a select few.
Michelle Obama and CGI Federal

roflmao, great rebuttal, dude

snicker-giggle-LOL - cherry pick much?
Everyone that cares has by now read the articles I linked to and-----and probably thought something like, uh-oh JimBowie1958 just got his ass handed to him.


I'm not sure but-----but I think this might be yours, I found it on a thread titled oh-my-gawd-healthcare-gov-got-hacked-who-could-have-foreseen-this.
Keep trying but-----but this time - fail.

HealthCare.gov Site Suffers Hack But No Data Stolen Officials - NBC News
The government's healthcare insurance information website, HealthCare.gov, was hacked this summer, but no damage was done, according to a statement Thursday from the Department of Health and Human Services. "Today, we briefed key Congressional staff about an intrusion on a test server that supports HealthCare.gov," the statement said. The breach was first reported by The Wall Street Journal. HHS said the attack took the form of malware that was installed on a test server and "designed to launch a 'denial of service' attack against other websites when activated." The breach was discovered in late August; the Journal said the hack took place in July.

The hack too k place in July and sat there running on the healthcare network for a month before being found. They don't have a clue if it could have launched self-cleaning bots into other parts of the network that got scrubbed weeks before they found it.

One would be inclined to perhaps give the government some leniency on this were it not for all the prior warnings that were essentially ignored. After all its just muppet dat.

How Healthcare.gov Could Be Hacked Mother Jones

Healthcare.gov - Reasons why it is a hackers target.

How Healthcare.gov Could Be Hacked

How much more incompetence will Dimbocraps heap on this nation? I guess its not a problem until the Dimbocrap crooks let their unaffiliated buddies steal your ID for some Illegal from Latvia so she can work in some rich mans mansion for slave wages.

And this isn't just a Dimbocrap issue; the GOP RINOs are just as supportive of unfetter illegal immigration as the Dimbocraps are. Mitt, W and McSame would have allowed the same damned thing to happen, only the press would be reporting it more often.

But they will still take a few hypocritical kicks anyway.

GOP chorus attacks Obamacare over Healthcare.gov hack - Brett Norman - POLITICO.com

Are you saying the government code writers could have saved us a lot of time and money and got the same result by hiring private industry's Target's IT department? and/or Neiman Marcus, and/or Home Depot, and/or...

Who do you think they should hire for their next IT project ...Diebold?


They selected Michelle's cronies out of CANADA and that company is one of the worst.

I know that they could have done better; the system wasn't even beta tested prior to rolling it out.

I'm guessing you'd prefer the Feds had hired the same IT company to create healthcare.gov as Tex Perry hired to bring health insurance to his uninsured constituents in Texas (cough) but-----but most of the 8 million people that now have healthcare because of Obamacare probably disagree.

I would just prefer someone competent enough to BETA T EST prior to rolling a product out into production, dude.

This isn't that hard to understand, even for a Democrat. There are standards in IT development and they include stress testing and BETA testing. They also include certain minimum security standards.

This product was abysmally deficient on testing and their security was substandard as a great many people warned them to include normally sympathetic publications like Mother Jones.

Your partisanship in denying that this was a fiasco and defending it as just another day in government activity could be valid. Maybe the federal government is this incompetent on a daily basis and my twenty years was just in a handful of isolated islands of competence. But I seriously doubt that.

You are simply too partisan to be honest with yourself or anyone else.
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HealthCare.gov Site Suffers Hack But No Data Stolen Officials - NBC News
The government's healthcare insurance information website, HealthCare.gov, was hacked this summer, but no damage was done, according to a statement Thursday from the Department of Health and Human Services. "Today, we briefed key Congressional staff about an intrusion on a test server that supports HealthCare.gov," the statement said. The breach was first reported by The Wall Street Journal. HHS said the attack took the form of malware that was installed on a test server and "designed to launch a 'denial of service' attack against other websites when activated." The breach was discovered in late August; the Journal said the hack took place in July.

The hack too k place in July and sat there running on the healthcare network for a month before being found. They don't have a clue if it could have launched self-cleaning bots into other parts of the network that got scrubbed weeks before they found it.

One would be inclined to perhaps give the government some leniency on this were it not for all the prior warnings that were essentially ignored. After all its just muppet dat.

How Healthcare.gov Could Be Hacked Mother Jones

Healthcare.gov - Reasons why it is a hackers target.

How Healthcare.gov Could Be Hacked

How much more incompetence will Dimbocraps heap on this nation? I guess its not a problem until the Dimbocrap crooks let their unaffiliated buddies steal your ID for some Illegal from Latvia so she can work in some rich mans mansion for slave wages.

And this isn't just a Dimbocrap issue; the GOP RINOs are just as supportive of unfetter illegal immigration as the Dimbocraps are. Mitt, W and McSame would have allowed the same damned thing to happen, only the press would be reporting it more often.

But they will still take a few hypocritical kicks anyway.

GOP chorus attacks Obamacare over Healthcare.gov hack - Brett Norman - POLITICO.com

Are you saying the government code writers could have saved us a lot of time and money and got the same result by hiring private industry's Target's IT department? and/or Neiman Marcus, and/or Home Depot, and/or...

Who do you think they should hire for their next IT project ...Diebold?


They selected Michelle's cronies out of CANADA and that company is one of the worst.

I know that they could have done better; the system wasn't even beta tested prior to rolling it out.

Do you always allow yourself to be duped by rightwing bloggers and pundits?
Below is the real :poop:




Dude, I don't have time to read fifty articles without you making the main point yourself.

I was a network, software developer for over 20 years and this roll out was a disaster and every authority I have seen still says it is a disaster for the reasons given above.

Simply linking to Democrat apologetics sites is to NOT make a point.

From your won articles:

Although the company is based in Canada, it has offices in 40 countries, including 66 branches in the U.S. Toni Townes-Whitley, who joined CGI in May 2010, is a Senior Vice-President currently leading the Civilian Agency Programs (CAP) Business Unit for the Federal Group.

Toni Townes-Whitley has a number of linkages to First Lady Michelle Obama. Both Michelle Obama and Toni Townes-Whitley are 1985 graduates of Princeton University, both are members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni, and both are listed as having worked with or been members of the Organization of Black Unity (OBU) and the Third World Center (TWC) while at Princeton. (Although some sources describe Michelle Obama and Toni Townes-Whitley as "pals" or "friends," it's unclear how well the two women knew each other during their time at Princeton, or how much interaction they had with each other afterwards.)

Read more at snopes.com Toni Townes-Whitley and HealthCare.gov Web Site Development

FactCheck wrote that a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services spokeswoman said Nov. 1 that the Healthcare.gov project’s budget was "in the neighborhood of $630 million."
Chain emails claim this picture s worth 678 million PolitiFact Texas

It’s true that the CMS did not accept bids from all comers to build the HealthCare.gov website. A Bloomberg report said the administration used an “expedited bidding system” that limited its choices to just a select few.
Michelle Obama and CGI Federal

roflmao, great rebuttal, dude

snicker-giggle-LOL - cherry pick much?
Everyone that cares has by now read the articles I linked to and-----and probably thought something like, uh-oh JimBowie1958 just got his ass handed to him.


I'm not sure but-----but I think this might be yours, I found it on a thread titled oh-my-gawd-healthcare-gov-got-hacked-who-could-have-foreseen-this.
Keep trying but-----but this time - fail.


You are a real moron.

You made no statements about what these articles were supposed to support. You simply made a very vague statement that they somehow demonstrate that the Healthcare.gov roll out was a success. And that is utter bullshit. The articles made bland general defenses along the lines of taking some very extreme emails, etc, and saying 'the rollout wasn't so bad, and here is why'.

That does not make a rebuttal. It does not refute a single thing I stated as fact.

And your stupid pictures, boasting of some kind of 'win' is just childish, irrelevant grand standing.

I guess I have to put another libtard idiot on ignore.
No wonder my state decided to create their own site, rather than use the Federal attempt at one. Security flaws in the Federal site don't surprise me.
No wonder my state decided to create their own site, rather than use the Federal attempt at one. Security flaws in the Federal site don't surprise me.

Yeah, I don't think what the ACA tried to do is in and of itself a bad idea. The idea of having insurance pools created so that people can find group rates even if they are not employed is a pretty darned good idea. Eventually, the public's participation should drive the prices down through competition. Unfortunately a Fabian Socialist regime like this one is a poor choice to unilaterally attempt to implement said program.

I sense that the flies in the ointment were that it was done without bi-partisan support, and was essentially set up to fail by the legal code writers who were picked from a pool of Democrat writers who favored socialized health care in the 'Single Payer' format, something only about 20% of the public favors at all.

But I think what will be in place 20 years from now will be a much improved ACA with some finally added GOP moderation put into it when the GOP finally gets some leaders in Congress with some nerve to push their demands. Ultimately the Constitutional system of checks and balances will work, some compromise will work out the worst chinks and we will still have the ACA alongside the Postal Service, the VA, the Tennessee Valley Authority and other spectacular successes that just fills me with the absolute Diamond-hard determination to NEVER go on ACA.
I was chuckling about that last night. I'd like to know if those hackers would have had access to all the information on the site? I realize they just installed spam bot software this time, but I mean would they have been able to gain access to the information?

In any event, I think it's yet another sign that the government is just not competent to manage this ACA thing.
Um, the private sector can't protect us or themselves from hackers either....health insurance companies are the number one industry being hacked.....20% of all hackers go for the health care industry hacking....

and there is the Targets of the world who are in the Private sector and could not prevent their hacking.....

the whole thing is scary!
I was chuckling about that last night. I'd like to know if those hackers would have had access to all the information on the site? I realize they just installed spam bot software this time, but I mean would they have been able to gain access to the information?

In any event, I think it's yet another sign that the government is just not competent to manage this ACA thing.
Um, the private sector can't protect us or themselves from hackers either....health insurance companies are the number one industry being hacked.....20% of all hackers go for the health care industry hacking....

and there is the Targets of the world who are in the Private sector and could not prevent their hacking.....

the whole thing is scary!

The private sector is not a monolithic organization like the federal government. While there are classic failures in the private sector too, it has almost all been among the giant international corporations that low-ball everything in order to pinch a few more pennies.

Most of them would be bankrupt and out of business were it not for their corporate crony network of lobbyists and bought politicians. They use their legislative influence to keep themselves in business. For example, what Walmart is doing using an arbitrage with arbitrary Chinese currency pegs is almost criminal, IMO, and not only are they not prosecuted, they are making windfall profits and most of the public think them a shining example of how to find success in business. roflmao, yeah the kind of success that requires a bought political system at home and bought bureaucrats in China to cover their slave labor.

But back to the main point; there are definitely IT security companies that could have done a million times better on Healthcare.gov than the people hired likely because one of them was friends with Michelle. Not that this is unusual in our government, but happens way too often. Some would say that is the standard for most contracts. I have seen a lot of no bid contracts in my experience, or contracts tailored so only one company qualifies for it.
Um, the private sector can't protect us or themselves from hackers either....health insurance companies are the number one industry being hacked.....20% of all hackers go for the health care industry hacking....

and there is the Targets of the world who are in the Private sector and could not prevent their hacking.....

the whole thing is scary!

I don't have to worry about the private section's web security. I pay out of pocket for my medical care like I have for the past 20 some years of my life. I grew up in a time when health insurance was a 'benefit' not a 'necessity' so the only change ACA has made in my life is that now I'm going to have to pay a tax at the end of the year because I choose to be responsible for myself, and my families, medical needs.

Not saying I'm against the 'idea' of ACA, because apparently there's a lot of people who can't get their shit in order financially to pay for their medical needs, I just don't think they are doing it the way it needs to be done. If the government really wanted to do something about people being without medical care, then they would have set their sights on the actual medical care itself, instead of fucking around with health insurance. The entire ACA thing is a bunch of bullshit politics and beating around the bush imo.

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