OH NO, IOWA going for the Trumpster! 2016 Iowa Straw Poll Results [Trump 34% Paul 18% Rubio 9%]

My words are clear and crystal. You are confused and murky, Jroc. You are a neo-con. And your ilk won't get your way in this election, Jroc. You have not the stones, you have not the votes, you have not the vision.

By the look of it, you are a failure as an American.

Establishment, crony capitalist, politicians aren't a "vision". They are getting rich off of idiots like yourself
"Establishment, crony capitalist, politicians aren't a "vision" describes Trump to a T.
I heard Trump being described as a nationalist / populist yesterday . Think that those are the words that 'ElRushbo' used . Certainly doesn't sound bad to me if I understand the meaning of the words Jake !!
no matter the words used to describe the Trump it looks like Trump is still doing pretty good and I think that Cruz is number 2 Jake !!
I heard Trump being described as a nationalist / populist yesterday . Think that those are the words that 'ElRushbo' used . Certainly doesn't sound bad to me if I understand the meaning of the words Jake !!
Uber nationalist, uber populist. The thing is that Trump does not have even 40% of the total GOP behind him. He won't have the number of delegates he needs to have at convention.
maybe Jake , we will see but until that 'speculation' actually happens the TROOMP is doing good and I think that the Cruz is coming up second Jake !!
and unless I misheard , it looks like that old Viagra using 'bob dole' is coming to his senses saying that the Trump may be acceptable Jake !!

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