OH NO, IOWA going for the Trumpster! 2016 Iowa Straw Poll Results [Trump 34% Paul 18% Rubio 9%]

You are wrong.

There might be a few left in the woodwork, but the leading candidates for the GOP nomination show where the vast majority stands.
Nah, your commentary reflects a partisan, ideologue slant not connected to the facts.

The fact is that Trump, Cruz, and Carson, three very extreme right wingers are the three leading candidates for the GOP nomination, and most of the rest are as extreme right wing as them. That's not partisan ideology. that's fact.
----------------------------------------- carson and the rest are moderate 'rinos' , the only good candidates this time are Cruz and Trump Bulldog !!

Reagan would be a rino in the current bunch.

Perhaps a Donald Trump, but never a RINO!...Clown Face!

course i like Cruz and he was my first choice but if the Troomp , well thats also good and maybe better as he might go after 'jakes' moderate rinos better . Everything is up in the air so GO Trump , GO Cruz !!

Define "moderate rino"..........
---------------------------------------------- Sure , anyone that will vote mainstream republican as I look at the crew that is running against Cruz and the TRUMP Slim !!
------------------------------------------ you just don't like my very plain answer Slim , so looks like you want to talk about something else . So i'll just repeat my answer which is , any person that will vote for any 'rino' other than the Trump or Cruz is a moderate 'rino' !! And to finish , moderate rinos are worse that democrats Slim !!

You not much of a thinker, are you.....more of a "go with your gut" kinda......uh.......whatever...
------------------------------------------------------ yeah , you are a real thoughtful person Slim [as I roll my eyes !!

Still no answer....
I don't approve of changing subjects and I won't be part of your tactic Slim !!
There might be a few left in the woodwork, but the leading candidates for the GOP nomination show where the vast majority stands.
Nah, your commentary reflects a partisan, ideologue slant not connected to the facts.

The fact is that Trump, Cruz, and Carson, three very extreme right wingers are the three leading candidates for the GOP nomination, and most of the rest are as extreme right wing as them. That's not partisan ideology. that's fact.
----------------------------------------- carson and the rest are moderate 'rinos' , the only good candidates this time are Cruz and Trump Bulldog !!

Reagan would be a rino in the current bunch.

Perhaps a Donald Trump, but never a RINO!...Clown Face!

Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat' - CNNPolitics.com

Donald is more a Democrat than a Republican. Who knows what he actually believes, other than fools like you will go for him.
There might be a few left in the woodwork, but the leading candidates for the GOP nomination show where the vast majority stands.
Nah, your commentary reflects a partisan, ideologue slant not connected to the facts.

The fact is that Trump, Cruz, and Carson, three very extreme right wingers are the three leading candidates for the GOP nomination, and most of the rest are as extreme right wing as them. That's not partisan ideology. that's fact.
----------------------------------------- carson and the rest are moderate 'rinos' , the only good candidates this time are Cruz and Trump Bulldog !!

Reagan would be a rino in the current bunch.

Perhaps a Donald Trump, but never a RINO!...Clown Face!


Was that picture before or after he brought fortune tellers in to the white house to help set policy?
and no , my answers are not vague at all Slim !!


Your answer to THIS:

Who was the last Real Republican POTUS?

doesn't even rise to "vague".....
------------------------------------------- as I said , you try to change the subject , this thread is not about my thoughts on WHO was a good republican president Slim !!

I'm asking you to define your terms and to illustrate with an example....

You slogan spouting drudge feeders are disinclined to think......
What happened to my man Cruz....he's at 8%!!!!??????

PR Newswire via bizjournals.com ^

2016IowaStrawPoll.com results are now available. This has been the most inclusive Iowa Straw Poll in history because it has included ALL Iowa voters, both Republicans and Democrats. After the GOP unilaterally canceled the traditional Iowa Straw Poll, America's Term Limits Campaign decided to sponsor an on-line straw poll to give both parties an opportunity to register their votes. In the Newshttp://kimt.com/2015/12/29/candidates-rave-over-online-iowa-straw-poll/ Max Linn, President of America's Term Limits Campaign and Iowa Straw Poll sponsor says...
It's Trump Kool Aid drinkers time! Every thread a triumph for Trump.
Trump sucks. Trump is a socialist. Trump has duped people on the right just as Obama duped people on the left.
Maybe we should call him Donald Hussein Trump.

So says a member of the JakeAss Moderate Republican club...in other words, a subversive DemoRAT posing as a RINO!
You clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

You gonna straighten him out, Rebbe?
I can't straighten you out, dipshit. And for teh same reason. I majored in English, not Special Ed.

"Remedial", from the looks of it, Rebbe.......
hey look , its 2016 , I support Trump or Cruz this coming election . my last choice is the democrat Slim .
Nah, your commentary reflects a partisan, ideologue slant not connected to the facts.

The fact is that Trump, Cruz, and Carson, three very extreme right wingers are the three leading candidates for the GOP nomination, and most of the rest are as extreme right wing as them. That's not partisan ideology. that's fact.
----------------------------------------- carson and the rest are moderate 'rinos' , the only good candidates this time are Cruz and Trump Bulldog !!

Reagan would be a rino in the current bunch.

Perhaps a Donald Trump, but never a RINO!...Clown Face!

Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat' - CNNPolitics.com

Donald is more a Democrat than a Republican. Who knows what he actually believes, other than fools like you will go for him.
----------------------------------------------- don't care Rabbi , Trump and / or Cruz are my choice . Course , then , I'll vote Hilary or whoever if I can't vote Trump or Cruz !!
The fact is that Trump, Cruz, and Carson, three very extreme right wingers are the three leading candidates for the GOP nomination, and most of the rest are as extreme right wing as them. That's not partisan ideology. that's fact.
----------------------------------------- carson and the rest are moderate 'rinos' , the only good candidates this time are Cruz and Trump Bulldog !!

Reagan would be a rino in the current bunch.

Perhaps a Donald Trump, but never a RINO!...Clown Face!

Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat' - CNNPolitics.com

Donald is more a Democrat than a Republican. Who knows what he actually believes, other than fools like you will go for him.
----------------------------------------------- don't care Rabbi , Trump and / or Cruz are my choice . Course , then , I'll vote Hilary or whoever if I can't vote Trump or Cruz !!
Youd actually vote for Hillary over, say, Marco Rubio?? Really?
Far right cons are the worst part of the GOP.

Far right cons are the GOP. There are no moderate republicans left. Just crazy right wingers.
You are wrong.

There might be a few left in the woodwork, but the leading candidates for the GOP nomination show where the vast majority stands.
------------------------------------------- vast majority is the moderates and if your only choice is moderate rinos then the stupid moderates vote for the RINO . This time its a little different with Trump and Cruz running and a look at polling if it is accurate shows that moderate may be becoming my conservative type people as they see that they have a choice Bulldog !!

Right. The GOP is far right, and going further right.

The so called far right


The far left



JakeAss wants the illegals to stay, as does Rubio!

  • Rubio: Law-abiding undocumented immigrants could stay

    Politico ^ | 01/17/2016 | ISAAC ARNSDORF
    Sen. Marco Rubio says people who immigrated to the U.S. illegally but haven’t committed any major crimes could be allowed to stay. In an interview airing Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” the Florida contender for the Republican presidential nomination said felons shouldn’t be allowed to stay, but those who commit lesser crimes could still qualify. In this interview, he didn’t specify whether those allowed to stay would ever be able to become citizens. “If you’re a criminal alien, no, you can’t stay. If you’re someone that hasn’t been here for a very long time, you can’t stay,” he said....

And this is a major sticking point with me and Rubio. I like the guy, but like most politicians swings with the wind. For me, as long as it isn't another damned Bush or another worthless ass Clinton - I'm happy. Surely to God, of the three (Rubio, Cruz or Trump) they certainly can NOT do worse that the dipshit we have been saddled with for the last 7-8 years.

Two Time Scrub Voter?

That's funny coming from NeedleDickTheBugFucker who's a Socialist/Communist!

Are you a woman or a man, Vaginismus?

Unlike you, I don't have a Needle Dick, nor fuck bugs, or a socialist/communist! :badgrin:

You have no idea about my endowment, Vaginismus.....I figured, with you sporting that wide brimmed hat and shawl, you just might be a biddy.....
What happened to my man Cruz....he's at 8%!!!!??????

PR Newswire via bizjournals.com ^

2016IowaStrawPoll.com results are now available. This has been the most inclusive Iowa Straw Poll in history because it has included ALL Iowa voters, both Republicans and Democrats. After the GOP unilaterally canceled the traditional Iowa Straw Poll, America's Term Limits Campaign decided to sponsor an on-line straw poll to give both parties an opportunity to register their votes. In the Newshttp://kimt.com/2015/12/29/candidates-rave-over-online-iowa-straw-poll/ Max Linn, President of America's Term Limits Campaign and Iowa Straw Poll sponsor says...

The format of this poll suggests a margin of error somewhere around +/- 20%.
hey look , its 2016 , I support Trump or Cruz this coming election . my last choice is the democrat Slim .

Trump is a blowhard......

So is Cruz, for that matter.....is that the only thing which defines "not moderate rino"?
What particular qualities of theirs appeal to you?
You are wrong.

There might be a few left in the woodwork, but the leading candidates for the GOP nomination show where the vast majority stands.
Nah, your commentary reflects a partisan, ideologue slant not connected to the facts.

The fact is that Trump, Cruz, and Carson, three very extreme right wingers are the three leading candidates for the GOP nomination, and most of the rest are as extreme right wing as them. That's not partisan ideology. that's fact.
Christie, Bush, Rubio et al are not extreme right wing. If you think so, then you are extreme left wing and unbalanced in your view.
I said most. Are you saying Huckabe is moderate?
Are you? If so, you are wrong. He is a far right moon bat social con.
realclearpolitics.com yesterday in the national election had Sanders by 15 and Hillary by 10 beating Trump like a drum.

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