OH NO, IOWA going for the Trumpster! 2016 Iowa Straw Poll Results [Trump 34% Paul 18% Rubio 9%]

I like Rand, but he just can't catch on with the Neocon kooks. He talks about less war and freeing non-violent drug offenders from our prisons. And that's a big no-no for the Neocon Authoritarians. They need more war and need to lock up more Citizens. It's a Nazi mentality. It's their nature.
realclearpolitics.com yesterday in the national election had Sanders by 15 and Hillary by 10 beating Trump like a drum.
------------------------------------------ GOOD news Jake !!
Yeah, it is. We need a GOP candidate like Rubio who can beat either Hil or Bern.
------------------------------------- well , I won't support him JAKE , roobio as nominee just give the dem MY vote !!
He will win despite any far right defections. You can't sway the election.
sure , not just me all by myself but we millions can as we squashed 'mcCain' and 'romney' and we can do the same again Jake !!
as Obama likes to brag as he says that he could win a third term Jake !!
sure , not just me all by myself but we millions can as we squashed 'mcCain' and 'romney' and we can do the same again Jake !!
Maybe 5 of you voted for Obama. The far right simply will not be permitted to make the GOP anything any more.
as Obama likes to brag as he says that he could win a third term Jake !!
Did he say that, little buddy? If there were no term limits, Bill would be running for the seventh time and would win again.
sure , not just me all by myself but we millions can as we squashed 'mcCain' and 'romney' and we can do the same again Jake !!
Maybe 5 of you voted for Obama. The far right simply will not be permitted to make the GOP anything any more.
----------------------------------- as I said , we , by the millions just don't vote for the roobio rino or we vote for the dem . As already pointed out , we squashed the 'mccain' and the 'romney' rinos , and might do it again Jake . Course you try to ignore those historical facts Jake !!
so for me , if a roobio type rino is nominee , well I and millions like me just vote for Hilary or whoever the dem nominee is Jake . Or just stay home but I won't just stay home as I am looking for blood and peaceful defeat of rinos at the voting booth Jake !!
:afro: , hey Jake , get those reparation checks going plus many young and kept down people need money for college and food plus housing and new sneakers , Adidas !! Plus their kids need braces Jake !!
and young single hip hopping mothers with kids from many different fathers need a raise . Their kids are your future Jake !!
sure , not just me all by myself but we millions can as we squashed 'mcCain' and 'romney' and we can do the same again Jake !!
Maybe 5 of you voted for Obama. The far right simply will not be permitted to make the GOP anything any more.
----------------------------------- as I said , we , by the millions just don't vote for the roobio rino or we vote for the dem . As already pointed out , we squashed the 'mccain' and the 'romney' rinos , and might do it again Jake . Course you try to ignore those historical facts Jake !!

Trump is a RINO.

Are you going to vote for him?
so for me , if a roobio type rino is nominee , well I and millions like me just vote for Hilary or whoever the dem nominee is Jake . Or just stay home but I won't just stay home as I am looking for blood and peaceful defeat of rinos at the voting booth Jake !!

Trump is less conservative than Rubio.

It's funny that the Trump supporters would call others RINOs. When Romney was governor or Massachusetts, he was being a "RINO."

And what was Trump doing?

He was being a Democrat, registered as a Democrat, gave money to Democrats when Pelosi and Reid ran Congress. He supported affirmative action, abortion rights, raising taxes on the rich, amnesty for illegal immigrants, seizing of private property, etc., etc.

But Rubio - who has a 90%+ conservative voting record - is a "RINO."

Trump's supporters are less educated than the average voter. And it shows.
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that's ok , course I would have to accept your judgement on Trump Toro . I like Trumps view on guns , military , war fighting , bombing the enemy , collateral damage , veterans and other views and words Toro . Is it all BS , maybe but roobio is also all BS so I'll stick with the Trump or Cruz or Hilary , Bernie --- Toro !!

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