Oh Nooo! The DOW Is Tanking !!,So Who's Economy Is It Today? Obama Or Trump ?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Here we go again! Why is it when the economy kicks ass, it's all because of Obama. But what about today, the DOW is sinking as we speak (well, its about 10:50am now)
Is is still Obama's economy today?
I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.
Here we go again! Why is it when the economy kicks ass, it's all because of Obama. But what about today, the DOW is sinking as we speak (well, its about 10:50am now)
Is is still Obama's economy today?
The DJI was up 300 points and then Trump sent a tweet about more tariffs...it is down 1000 points since then
Smart people don't follow the day-to-day gyrations of the stockmarket.

When it is up, it is up and no President gets credit.

When it is down, it is down and no President gets any blame.
I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.

Other countries besides the US can grow food.
Here we go again! Why is it when the economy kicks ass, it's all because of Obama. But what about today, the DOW is sinking as we speak (well, its about 10:50am now)
Is is still Obama's economy today?

If you have half a brain you'd be buying like crazy. Lots of great deals on some very good stocks. However, as always, avoid the dogs like the plague. The answer is in their numbers.
When it sells off on emotional bullshil like this, it always bounces and comes roaring back. This ain't my first rodeo.
Look before you leap, the sharks are always in the water.
If you're short, use this opportunity to cover and don't do that silly shit ever again.
I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.
Yeah, they also said to stop selling farm goods to the USA. That will come back to bite them in the long run.

I'll revisit this strategy in about 18 months. As it stands, there are too many people who don't have America's long-range interests at heart to and lack the nads to fight this.

Of course, these will be the same people who will lift corporate taxes (passing those taxes to the American citizen) by 15 to 30% and not see the irony.
I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.
Yeah, they also said to stop selling farm goods to the USA. That will come back to bite them in the long run.

I'll revisit this strategy in about 18 months. As it stands, there are too many people who don't have America's long-range interests at heart to and lack the nads to fight this.

Of course, these will be the same people who will lift corporate taxes (passing those taxes to the American citizen) by 15 to 30% and not see the irony.

I think they said to stop buying us farm goods, but 6 months is a lifetime from now in the world of money.
I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.
They will continue to buy from Russia.
Here we go again! Why is it when the economy kicks ass, it's all because of Obama. But what about today, the DOW is sinking as we speak (well, its about 10:50am now)
Is is still Obama's economy today?
Did Obama start a trade war?
I'm going to laugh My ass off if, at the end of the session, the DOW is down or up a few 10's of points.

Check back at 4:30 Eastern!
I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.

Other countries besides the US can grow food.

Sure but the ones that grow a lot of it are owned by Archer Daniels. Oil sells in dollars so they also made their oil more expensive heading toward winter. It is a game of chicken at this point. See who flinches first.
I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.

Other countries besides the US can grow food.

Sure but the ones that grow a lot of it are owned by Archer Daniels. Oil sells in dollars so they also made their oil more expensive heading toward winter. It is a game of chicken at this point. See who flinches first.

If you read the other headlines today you will see where Russia, China and the E.U. is moving away from the dollar.

They are all tired of our crap.
I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.
They will continue to buy from Russia.

I think they are about to do a bond dump, or wants us to think they are going to dump treasuries, but we will see. Since the dollar is in their basket of goods, they can devalue their currency, dump a bunch of bonds, and still have the same value in their currency. It would also tie into why the fed cut rates. It will make it cheaper for them to reabsorb the bonds at a lower rate.
this is the only time CNN/MSNBC does their daily Stock Market report
Here we go again! Why is it when the economy kicks ass, it's all because of Obama. But what about today, the DOW is sinking as we speak (well, its about 10:50am now)
Is is still Obama's economy today?

No, silly. When the economy kicks ass, it is because of Obama, but when the DOW tanks, that is because of Hillary Clinton, except on Wednesdays during a new moon when it is really Nancy Pelosi's fault!
Here we go again! Why is it when the economy kicks ass, it's all because of Obama. But what about today, the DOW is sinking as we speak (well, its about 10:50am now)
Is is still Obama's economy today?
Today's decline is a result of Trump that China manipulates its currency. Are you suggesting that Obama is the one who just said it?
Did Obama start a trade war?

No. Nor did he ever address a trade imbalance either.

Come to think of it, neither did he ever address the threat of ISIS.

The only two things we ever figured out Barry was any good at was raising the Middle Class's healthcare premiums by 3-fold to give free healthcare to the indigent and giving back billions of dollars to terrorists they didn't even ask for.

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