Oh Nooo! The DOW Is Tanking !!,So Who's Economy Is It Today? Obama Or Trump ?

I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.

Other countries besides the US can grow food.
why don't they?

They do and will.. That's how it works is it not? When one market closes, another opens.

China bought produce from us because that was one of the few options to lessen a trade imbalance.

Other places will fill the void.
well where are these countries today?

Buying up US farmland like there is no tomorrow. Of course china wants to bankrupt US farms---it will make it much cheaper for them to buy them.
that's what makes Trump so great, he injected a bacteria to stop that. it's working.
I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.

Other countries besides the US can grow food.
why don't they?

They do and will.. That's how it works is it not? When one market closes, another opens.

China bought produce from us because that was one of the few options to lessen a trade imbalance.

Other places will fill the void.
well where are these countries today?

American Farmers Are Still Worried About Trump’s Trade War
The administration hoped a $12 billion aid package and a new deal with the European Union would allay their concerns. But farm country wants free trade.

And Chinese importers are quickly building international markets, making it more likely they will abandon American soybean farmers in the long term, even after the trade war is over.

American Farmers Are Still Worried About Trump’s Trade War

Voids will get filled.
I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.

Other countries besides the US can grow food.
why don't they?

They do and will.. That's how it works is it not? When one market closes, another opens.

China bought produce from us because that was one of the few options to lessen a trade imbalance.

Other places will fill the void.
well where are these countries today?

American Farmers Are Still Worried About Trump’s Trade War
The administration hoped a $12 billion aid package and a new deal with the European Union would allay their concerns. But farm country wants free trade.

And Chinese importers are quickly building international markets, making it more likely they will abandon American soybean farmers in the long term, even after the trade war is over.

American Farmers Are Still Worried About Trump’s Trade War

Voids will get filled.

I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.

Other countries besides the US can grow food.
why don't they?

They do and will.. That's how it works is it not? When one market closes, another opens.

China bought produce from us because that was one of the few options to lessen a trade imbalance.

Other places will fill the void.
well where are these countries today?

American Farmers Are Still Worried About Trump’s Trade War
The administration hoped a $12 billion aid package and a new deal with the European Union would allay their concerns. But farm country wants free trade.

And Chinese importers are quickly building international markets, making it more likely they will abandon American soybean farmers in the long term, even after the trade war is over.

American Farmers Are Still Worried About Trump’s Trade War

Voids will get filled.
too funny. you believe too much of your leftist idiots.
Other countries besides the US can grow food.
why don't they?

They do and will.. That's how it works is it not? When one market closes, another opens.

China bought produce from us because that was one of the few options to lessen a trade imbalance.

Other places will fill the void.
well where are these countries today?

American Farmers Are Still Worried About Trump’s Trade War
The administration hoped a $12 billion aid package and a new deal with the European Union would allay their concerns. But farm country wants free trade.

And Chinese importers are quickly building international markets, making it more likely they will abandon American soybean farmers in the long term, even after the trade war is over.

American Farmers Are Still Worried About Trump’s Trade War

Voids will get filled.
too funny. you believe too much of your leftist idiots.

I wasn't aware that farmers are leftist idiots but whatever.
I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.

Other countries besides the US can grow food.
why don't they?

They do and will.. That's how it works is it not? When one market closes, another opens.

China bought produce from us because that was one of the few options to lessen a trade imbalance.

Other places will fill the void.
well where are these countries today?
Off the top of my head -

Russia is selling wheat to China.
Brazil is selling soybeans to China.
Other countries besides the US can grow food.
why don't they?

They do and will.. That's how it works is it not? When one market closes, another opens.

China bought produce from us because that was one of the few options to lessen a trade imbalance.

Other places will fill the void.
well where are these countries today?

Buying up US farmland like there is no tomorrow. Of course china wants to bankrupt US farms---it will make it much cheaper for them to buy them.
that's what makes Trump so great, he injected a bacteria to stop that. it's working.

Not really. The biggest agriculture producer in the world behind the US is the Netherlands (which does a lot of its growing in the US). The Dutch are really impressive in their agricultural leadership independent of this all this US china stuff. They are amazing innovators when it comes to food.
why don't they?

They do and will.. That's how it works is it not? When one market closes, another opens.

China bought produce from us because that was one of the few options to lessen a trade imbalance.

Other places will fill the void.
well where are these countries today?

American Farmers Are Still Worried About Trump’s Trade War
The administration hoped a $12 billion aid package and a new deal with the European Union would allay their concerns. But farm country wants free trade.

And Chinese importers are quickly building international markets, making it more likely they will abandon American soybean farmers in the long term, even after the trade war is over.

American Farmers Are Still Worried About Trump’s Trade War

Voids will get filled.
too funny. you believe too much of your leftist idiots.

I wasn't aware that farmers are leftist idiots but whatever.
well they're not the ones reporting what you posted. hence my leftist directive was from the link.
I haven't looked at individual stocks but this is due to China devaluing the yuan. It is an interesting move as far as the trade war but I am not sure it is going to help them 6 months from now when they are in the dead of winter and need food unless they are also going to be liquidating their treasuries.

Other countries besides the US can grow food.
why don't they?

They do and will.. That's how it works is it not? When one market closes, another opens.

China bought produce from us because that was one of the few options to lessen a trade imbalance.

Other places will fill the void.
well where are these countries today?
Off the top of my head -

Russia is selling wheat to China.
Brazil is selling soybeans to China.
yep, way to step up, what is their market share?
Other countries besides the US can grow food.
why don't they?

They do and will.. That's how it works is it not? When one market closes, another opens.

China bought produce from us because that was one of the few options to lessen a trade imbalance.

Other places will fill the void.
well where are these countries today?
Off the top of my head -

Russia is selling wheat to China.
Brazil is selling soybeans to China.
yep, way to step up, what is their market share?
CNN should just do an hourly stock report every hour today and inform us of whos economy it is just for that hour
Other countries besides the US can grow food.
why don't they?

They do and will.. That's how it works is it not? When one market closes, another opens.

China bought produce from us because that was one of the few options to lessen a trade imbalance.

Other places will fill the void.
well where are these countries today?
Off the top of my head -

Russia is selling wheat to China.
Brazil is selling soybeans to China.
yep, way to step up, what is their market share?
Look it up yourself dotard.
Did Obama start a trade war?

No. Nor did he ever address a trade imbalance either.

Come to think of it, neither did he ever address the threat of ISIS.

The only two things we ever figured out Barry was any good at was raising the Middle Class's healthcare premiums by 3-fold to give free healthcare to the indigent and giving back billions of dollars to terrorists they didn't even ask for.

The trade imbalance is increasing. All Trump did was push the tariffs onto the consumers

The Great Obama crushed AlQaeda, drove ISIS into the desert AND killed Bin Laden
Bury your head.

The dollar makes up about 62% of the central banks foreign exchange. The euro about 21% and the EU is in crisis.

The dollar is dominant and will remain sofor a very long time
remember that week the DOW tanked over 1000 points and it made headlines on CNN/MSNBC?,,and when it jumped again,,we were back to the Obama economy

It goes up and it goes down. Today is a buy day. Tomorrow may be a sell day. As the wheels turn

it's not even noon yet, the sell-off could correct itself a bit by the end of today.

Oh hell it dropped 800 once before on trade/tariff talk and roared back. Fckn left loses their minds over this shit.

Yea....I do get concerned with an 800 point drop
why don't they?

They do and will.. That's how it works is it not? When one market closes, another opens.

China bought produce from us because that was one of the few options to lessen a trade imbalance.

Other places will fill the void.
well where are these countries today?
Off the top of my head -

Russia is selling wheat to China.
Brazil is selling soybeans to China.
yep, way to step up, what is their market share?
Look it up yourself dotard.
so you don't understand market share?
Here we go again! Why is it when the economy kicks ass, it's all because of Obama. But what about today, the DOW is sinking as we speak (well, its about 10:50am now)
Is is still Obama's economy today?
The DJI was up 300 points and then Trump sent a tweet about more tariffs...it is down 1000 points since then

Well, he managed to file business bankruptcy six times so I'm sure he can bankrupt America just once.
Here we go again! Why is it when the economy kicks ass, it's all because of Obama. But what about today, the DOW is sinking as we speak (well, its about 10:50am now)
Is is still Obama's economy today?
The DJI was up 300 points and then Trump sent a tweet about more tariffs...it is down 1000 points since then

Well, he managed to file business bankruptcy six times so I'm sure he can bankrupt America just once.

Six times out of how many startups?

Business bankruptcies are common
They do and will.. That's how it works is it not? When one market closes, another opens.

China bought produce from us because that was one of the few options to lessen a trade imbalance.

Other places will fill the void.
well where are these countries today?
Off the top of my head -

Russia is selling wheat to China.
Brazil is selling soybeans to China.
yep, way to step up, what is their market share?
Look it up yourself dotard.
so you don't understand market share?
Go for it dude! You're the one who brought up market share.

My point is that China has, and will continue to buy their agricultural products from countries besides the United States. Russia is the largest wheat exporter in the world. I bet they are happy to work with China. They are next door to each other after all.
well where are these countries today?
Off the top of my head -

Russia is selling wheat to China.
Brazil is selling soybeans to China.
yep, way to step up, what is their market share?
Look it up yourself dotard.
so you don't understand market share?
Go for it dude! You're the one who brought up market share.

My point is that China has, and will continue to buy their agricultural products from countries besides the United States. Russia is the largest wheat exporter in the world. I bet they are happy to work with China. They are next door to each other after all.

Not to mention, a good portion of things imported from China comes from American companies.

Wait for the wailing when they are told they will again have to abide by environmental and wage laws.
Here we go again! Why is it when the economy kicks ass, it's all because of Obama. But what about today, the DOW is sinking as we speak (well, its about 10:50am now)
Is is still Obama's economy today?

Ah because the left are liars who spin and flip flop.
Here we go again! Why is it when the economy kicks ass, it's all because of Obama. But what about today, the DOW is sinking as we speak (well, its about 10:50am now)
Is is still Obama's economy today?
The economy has been owned by trump since he started ridiculous trade war.

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