Oh Noooo! Hurricane Matthew Opening Up Can Of Whoopass In Blue Counties!

florida is deplorable and irredeemable, and maybe if they didn't put so much carbon into their local climate this wouldn't have happened. so not only do they deserve to be wiped out, it's their own damned fault for causing it in the first place. that's called poetic social justice. perhaps next time they'll remember to abort more babies to meet their quota, avoid getting punished again.
Fuck!! There are some STRANGE dudes in this place.
I was in New Orleans on vacation during run up to Katrina.....gee nobody had to tell me it might not be good idea to stay......I better see clouds of helicopters,,,thousands of em 1 minute after the storm clears
So you haven't been through one then. Nearly 2000 people died in Katrina because the levies broke and flooded the pumps. The actual hurricane was not that bad. The Army Corps was responsible for upkeep and improvements to the system and they had their budget slashed to pay for the stupid wars. Katrina was not a natural disaster. It was an infrastructure failure that cost a bunch of people their lives and the recovery was bungled. Come on, you like to blame the government for everything bad so why this time are you going to bat for it?
It's okay ----- you don't have to be right.
:ack-1: :crybaby: :hellno: And we already know this. If Miami/Fort Lauderdale/Palm Beach get the worst of the storm, it could easily affect the election. Different reasons, but we all know that Hillary wont donate any money to help out those who may lose their homes, but Trump will do whatever he can when he goes there. Isn't that what the Clinton Foundation is for? Help those in need? Trump should bring this up after the aftermath in especially Dade County. "Well, Where Is Hillary Now"? Guess she's not going to donate her 250 Million here in South Florida!! :lalala:
Taking things a bit too far

When a hurricane took out the 7 mile bridge through the Florida Keys and sent cars into the water.

QUIZ: Do You Know Everything About American History?

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