Oh Oh! Arizona

Have the FBI tell them, they instigated the trouble and an innocent woman died just for intimidation purposes.

How was it not a violent mob when so many police officers were injured?

What exactly would you consider a violent mob?
Then there's the idot that calls themselves "candycorn"...seriously? Let me guess: "candy" because you're just obnoxiously sweet, and "corn" because you're either CORNY or CORN-HOLED.

Give it up ass wipe. Anyone with half a brain can look at the results of the audit and make up their own mind about how "secure" and "fair" the election was.
And most think Biden won fair & square.
Not that I'm a big fan of the orange man, but since you seem to be an educated man, you KNOW he (trump) got more votes in 2020 than ANY INCUMBENT PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.

If biden got even more, truthfully and honestly, then great, that's fine. But it seems unlikely, and the evidence is stating to pile up. Don't worry, as long as you wake up, you'll be fine.
It's only unlikely to the brain-dead portion of America who struggle dealing with reality.
Where are the burning buildings and burning police cars?

FruitLoops, you don't need burning buildings or burning police cars to have violence.

You literally claimed that wasn't a violent mob at the Capitol on Insurrection Day and I proved yet again that you're out of your fucking mind.


He explained, "A recount does not verify or check whether ballots were cast by registered voters who are actually deceased; who do not actually live where they claim to live; who cast multiple votes because they are registered more than once; or who are not entitled to vote even though they are registered because they are not U.S. citizens or are felons who have not yet had their right to vote restored."

He said, "A simple example illustrates this problem. If a homeowners’ association has an election and the new president wins with 51 out of 100 votes, a recount will no doubt confirm that she received 51 votes. But it will not reveal whether 10 of her 51 votes were cast by individuals who falsely claimed to live in the neighborhood when they actually live elsewhere."


He explained, "A recount does not verify or check whether ballots were cast by registered voters who are actually deceased; who do not actually live where they claim to live; who cast multiple votes because they are registered more than once; or who are not entitled to vote even though they are registered because they are not U.S. citizens or are felons who have not yet had their right to vote restored."

He said, "A simple example illustrates this problem. If a homeowners’ association has an election and the new president wins with 51 out of 100 votes, a recount will no doubt confirm that she received 51 votes. But it will not reveal whether 10 of her 51 votes were cast by individuals who falsely claimed to live in the neighborhood when they actually live elsewhere."

He said the Maricopa audit "lists some disturbing findings. That includes 23,344 'mail-in ballots voted from a prior address'; 9,041 'more ballots returned by voter than received'; 5,295 'voters that potentially voted in multiple counties'; 2,592 'more duplicates than original ballots'; and 2,382 'in-person voters who had moved out of Maricopa County.'"

... addressed by Maricopa County ...

You post from bullshit sites who lie like you because reality is just too inconvenient for you.
And most think Biden won fair & square.
You should re-phrase your remark. You could say "most Democrats think Biden won fair & square"...that would be somewhat truthful.

However, in most of the opinion polls taken since the 2020 election, there is a very large question-mark about election integrity: even many of those who are happy with the outcome support tighter security measures and continued forensic investigations.

You should re-phrase your remark. You could say "most Democrats think Biden won fair & square"...that would be somewhat truthful.

However, in most of the opinion polls taken since the 2020 election, there is a very large question-mark about election integrity: even many of those who are happy with the outcome support tighter security measures and continued forensic investigations.

By a margin of nearly 2 to 1, Americans believe Biden won fairly. And among the 32% who think he cheated, the vast majority and Republican. Establishing Republicans are certifiably crazy.

By a margin of nearly 2 to 1, Americans believe Biden won fairly. And among the 32% who think he cheated, the vast majority and Republican. Establishing Republicans are certifiably crazy.

Congratulations, you found one article that appears well written and might be construed to support your argument.

According the the article you found: "Most Americans support both easier access to early voting and requiring photo identification to vote"

I'll go along with that. No problem with the first part (hesitantly, with conditions), and the second should be mandatory *anyway*.

The only reason the first part (early voting) is an issue is the fact that, hypothetically, if someone had access to the machines and knew a week ahead of time that their candidate was behind in votes, it would give them plenty of time to manufacture "something". From the evidence found in Arizona, it looks like that's what happened (I know, I know... you don't believe the audit results...fine...). AP News has been forecasting the results of elections based on less than 2% of the first voter turnout exit pols for over a century, and they've been right more than they've been wrong. Until recently.
Congratulations, you found one article that appears well written and might be construed to support your argument.

According the the article you found: "Most Americans support both easier access to early voting and requiring photo identification to vote"

I'll go along with that. No problem with the first part (hesitantly, with conditions), and the second should be mandatory *anyway*.

The only reason the first part (early voting) is an issue is the fact that, hypothetically, if someone had access to the machines and knew a week ahead of time that their candidate was behind in votes, it would give them plenty of time to manufacture "something". From the evidence found in Arizona, it looks like that's what happened (I know, I know... you don't believe the audit results...fine...). AP News has been forecasting the results of elections based on less than 2% of the first voter turnout exit pols for over a century, and they've been right more than they've been wrong. Until recently.
While your imagination is quite entertaining, the Arizona audit found no fraudulent ballots. They raised some questions which the Maricopa County Election Board answered.
While your imagination is quite entertaining, the Arizona audit found no fraudulent ballots. They raised some questions which the Maricopa County Election Board answered.
You are making a false statement. The forensic investigation found more questionable ballots submissions than the difference in totals counted for the presidential election. The blank signatures on envelopes alone account for a large percentage, let alone lack of signature verification on those that were stamped "ready for counting"

Not only did the county delay months in handing over subpoenaed physical evidence, but 1) there was no accountability (chain of custody) of much of that evidence between the election and time of surrender 2) they still have not turned over all of the evidence, and 3) some of the physical evidence indicates the county officials either lied about their knowledge (eg internet connectivity of machines) or were incompetent.

Go fish.
You are making a false statement. The forensic investigation found more questionable ballots submissions than the difference in totals counted for the presidential election. The blank signatures on envelopes alone account for a large percentage, let alone lack of signature verification on those that were stamped "ready for counting"

Not only did the county delay months in handing over subpoenaed physical evidence, but 1) there was no accountability (chain of custody) of much of that evidence between the election and time of surrender 2) they still have not turned over all of the evidence, and 3) some of the physical evidence indicates the county officials either lied about their knowledge (eg internet connectivity of machines) or were incompetent.

Go fish.
A "questionable ballot" isn't necessarily a fraudulent ballot. So far, zero ballots have been proven to be fraudulent.

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