Oh OH- I guess Palin's Political career isn't OVER after all.

Jarhead -- I also have to wonder how many anti-Obama folks sympathize with him over the enormous personal cost for attorneys fees just to make court appearances for the idiotic and constant claims about his birthright. Do you see him whining because he's being "picked on" by hateful groups? Or does he just ignore them and pay the bills to defend himself, which is what any thinking adult would do.
And as for the lack of vetting and substance BS. -- there was two years worth of it from every corner of the globe and birther meatheads could not dig up their proof and all networks of every shape, stance, size, affiliation, and ownership had their chance and Obama sat with all of them. ALL OF THEM. and he got away with hiding what? got away with not saying what? got away with concealing what? He was laid bare like every other candidate who steps into the slaughterhouse of American politics.

so spare me that line of reasoning on how Obama was elected

I am curious...were you around when Gary Hart was running in the presidential primaries?

Back then, it was revealed that he was at a party years earlier on a yacht by the name of "Monkey Business".

The boat was not his, but that of an aquaintance of his.

He was an invitee to the party...not a planner of the party.

Apprently, there were "promiscuous women" on the boat.

An intense media investigation took place regarding the party. It was found he did not know the women nor did he do anything with them...


The media made it clear that anyone that has an aquiantance that knows promiscuous women is not worthy of President and he was forced to bow out. They ran stories on him that had no meat to them...but they pounded the issue. They ran bios on the women...even though they did not know Hart. They ran stories on the aquaintances of the boat owner...

And then Wright and Ayers comes up...and nada. Nothing but what Fox ran....

Obama gave 4 different explanations of Ayers...

1) Dont know him at all
2) know him, but nor personally
3) know him personally, but not friends with him
4) friends with him, but I thought he was reformed

Did the media EVER do an expose on that?

No bias my ass.....

They passed START II. Don’t ask, don’t tell was repealed. 9/11 aid was passed (while also exposing the GOP’s use of 9/11 as a political fig leaf yet again), the Child Nutrition Reauthorization package addressing school-meal funding.

A repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” which political wags say will fire up the liberal base whose energy was markedly lacking in the midterm elections
Completion of a food safety bill that grants the federal government broad new power to inspect food processing plants, while raising the standards for food imported into the United States
Republicans agreed to ease a blockade that had stopped about 20 of Obama’s judicial nominations from being seated on the federal bench
The continuing resolution to fund the government includes an amendment that institutes Obama’s proposal for a two-year freeze in federal worker pay

Republicans claim to fame, besides wanting to stall out most of the above listed accomplishements to either kill of themselves or alter in the next Congress, was the defeat of the $1.2 trillion omnibus spending bill, which contained more than 6,600 earmarks.


Obama did those things? Do you understand the difference between the executive branch and legislative branch?

And to add, that you think these are grand accomplishments in the scheme of things, lets me know your blinders are beyond huge.
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Biden makes twice the gaffes and is next in line for office in the short term. How is that an intelligent decision on Obama's part? Nice of you to speak for the entire nation MichIndy. Repression of free speech, false crisis and mooing are your only tools it seems.
Jarhead -- I also have to wonder how many anti-Obama folks sympathize with him over the enormous personal cost for attorneys fees just to make court appearances for the idiotic and constant claims about his birthright. Do you see him whining because he's being "picked on" by hateful groups? Or does he just ignore them and pay the bills to defend himself, which is what any thinking adult would do.

it is one thing being President and having fringe groups annoying the heck out of you.

It is another being an ex candidate and having the main stream media running exposes on you; the opposite party claiming unfounded and unproved allegations regarding your ethics...

So I gues you would not be a "thinking adult" if you were to complain about someone accusing you of abusing your children with no proof whatsoever...and printing it in your local newspaper and stating it as fact Maggie? Guess you would ignore it Maggie?

Debate honestly with me or dont debate at all with me. I will not play this game with you.
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Always ironic to me that "puppet" and words of the like are tossed around when in reality it is my own opinion. get facts from newspapers of all ilk and from forming my own opinions and watching the actual person i am talking about TALK. That is enough proof of her incompetence.

The lack of vetting and substance from the newspapers and media is what got Obama elected, IMO

Well now that he's been fully vetted by all the media, where are the serious complaints? Other than by FoxCo., that is. Has he made mistakes? Yep. What president hasn't the first year in office? Was he an empty suit going in? Yep. It takes time to learn to navigate the machinations of Washington to make it run. Is Obama an empty suit now? Nope.
Always ironic to me that "puppet" and words of the like are tossed around when in reality it is my own opinion. get facts from newspapers of all ilk and from forming my own opinions and watching the actual person i am talking about TALK. That is enough proof of her incompetence.

The lack of vetting and substance from the newspapers and media is what got Obama elected, IMO

Well now that he's been fully vetted by all the media, where are the serious complaints? Other than by FoxCo., that is. Has he made mistakes? Yep. What president hasn't the first year in office? Was he an empty suit going in? Yep. It takes time to learn to navigate the machinations of Washington to make it run. Is Obama an empty suit now? Nope.

Yep....took him two years to find his way.

Worst economy since the great depression....was a great time for us to have a CiC in training.
It just gets old to hear on a daily basis, oh, this is the true test of Palin's appeal. This crisis is the defining moment for Palin. Palin is not a serious contender for President. Time after time we get media spin. I know for a fact, whoever becomes the Republican candidate or a Tea Party possibility will have the full vemon from the left they accuse the right of having.
Most if not many GOPers are not convinced she is ready yet.

Is there something wrong with party leaders not knocking a party member while also not supporting them?

Do you not think that every Democratic leader would dance around the question of whether or not Hillary should challange Obama in 2012?

Come on...stop showing partisanship and have an honest debate.

When it comes to Sarah Palin, I can't help but be partisan. And I've honestly said why. I would also suggest that it's impossible for you to have an honest debate without throwing out obvious partisanship against Obama, so don't ask for an "honest" debate until you too play fair.

Really Maggie?

I have stated many times on this board that Obama has my vote over Palin.

I have supported Obama more than all of my conservaitve allies have combined on this board.

Why would you say such an inaccurate statement? Do you feel the need to drag me down to a lower level of credibility to give you a higher poisition in a debate?

That is a sign of weekness Maggie.

I am disappointed you used such a tactic.

I thought you were above such childish debating tactics.

Then you need to define what you mean by an "honest" debate, because I see you doing the same thing. And I frankly don't recall your saying you supported Obama. But that's neither here nor there. When it comes to a 'fair and balanced' congress and leadership from Washington, I'm not a partisan. When it comes to Sarah Palin, there is a treasure trove of facts to prove she is a fraud who is riding the wave of her instant notoriety as being McCain's running mate. I can't be any more honest than that. Take it or leave it.
I understand the difference between the two branches, but the Prez and his administration get credit for what the legislature does as much as they get blame and the last time i checked both parties are involved in the process.

So yeah, HE specifically did not do it, but one without blinders would also think that there was some small involvement.
You see, I can be a conservative without having to fight for every conservative candidate. I can say an individual is not ready for office without having to question his or her intelligence. I can say Obama is not a good President, but an OUTSTANDING head of State. Not a good president as his ideology sort of gets in the way but GREAT head of state as his love for the American people is quite obvious. I can say Palin is not Presidential quality.

You see Maggie...I can debate honestly. From my heart and my head...not from my ideology.

Several conservatives here have said the same thing about Sarah Palin, but they didn't then turn around and try to justify her actions which would then make their statements moot.
Obama has made more than his share of mistakes and not followed thru on everything from basic campaign promises he made in diners all over America to promises he made in his first State of the Union, but what he got done in this past lame duck session alone is more than Bush got done in eight years and he may get more done than Clinton in his two terms.
Not saying it is Roosevelt-like in its impact, but compared to what has been done since the start of the 21st century, it is a leap of Herculean proportions based on the legislative system we have today.

What HE got done during a lame duck session? Do tell.

It's called give and take in order to move on. He lost some, won some, and so did the Republicans. Pay attention.
And as for the lack of vetting and substance BS. -- there was two years worth of it from every corner of the globe and birther meatheads could not dig up their proof and all networks of every shape, stance, size, affiliation, and ownership had their chance and Obama sat with all of them. ALL OF THEM. and he got away with hiding what? got away with not saying what? got away with concealing what? He was laid bare like every other candidate who steps into the slaughterhouse of American politics.

so spare me that line of reasoning on how Obama was elected

I am curious...were you around when Gary Hart was running in the presidential primaries?

Back then, it was revealed that he was at a party years earlier on a yacht by the name of "Monkey Business".

The boat was not his, but that of an aquaintance of his.

He was an invitee to the party...not a planner of the party.

Apprently, there were "promiscuous women" on the boat.

An intense media investigation took place regarding the party. It was found he did not know the women nor did he do anything with them...


The media made it clear that anyone that has an aquiantance that knows promiscuous women is not worthy of President and he was forced to bow out. They ran stories on him that had no meat to them...but they pounded the issue. They ran bios on the women...even though they did not know Hart. They ran stories on the aquaintances of the boat owner...

And then Wright and Ayers comes up...and nada. Nothing but what Fox ran....

Obama gave 4 different explanations of Ayers...

1) Dont know him at all
2) know him, but nor personally
3) know him personally, but not friends with him
4) friends with him, but I thought he was reformed

Did the media EVER do an expose on that?

No bias my ass.....

an expose? no. you want it on 20/20 or 60 minutes for it to count? FOX went to town on it and i am sure they were not the only media outlet to do so, but everything was investigated down to papers that Obama wrote while in Chicago. All the pertinent information was out there, it is up to voters to decide what is hype, what is pundentry, what is conjecture and what is real. After that blaming the media for their coverage, or lack thereof, is just the last resort of the frustrated.
I wouldn't be saying never, they said the same thing about Reagan, and we saw how that turned out.

reagan didn't quit

oh please, not you too.
she gave her reasons, evidently most people understood it, except you lefties spreading that BS. oh well, it doesn't seem to be working judging from the above article.:lol:

Quitters always have excuses.

That's why they are losers.

Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.
Wow. You really ARE a puppet of the left media personalities such as Maddow and Olberman.

I was just playing with you when I said that.

Truth is, the space race became such a fianncial burden on the soviet union in the 60's and into the 70's, that further sacrifices had to be made to support the arms race. If not for the space race, they would have been able to support the arms race with little difficulty.

Seems Maddow and Olberman forgot to mention that to you.

I suggest you read history and not just watch CNBC. They are making some very intelligent people look naive.

There is very little factual information to support that as a debatable point, simply because Russia does not release such information, never has and never will. If they had to make such sacrifices, then how were they then able to catch up so quickly to the point the US now relies on Russian partnership in space endeavors? So I would ask which news figures YOU parrot? Olbermann is now gone because of his opinionating. Rachel Maddow, however, has plenty of facts including video that she offers backing up her opinions.

please back off Maggie. You are asking me to defend the obvious and it is a waste of time. The bulk of the cost of space travel was all in the original R and D which was conducted by the USSR and the US back in the late 50's through the 60's. It was quite an expensive endeavor for the USSR at the time....Jeez Maggie.....we have countries that could barely get a kite in the air back in the 60's that are now assisting with the ISS.....

If you want to have an honest debate....lets do it. If you are simply looking to put me on the defense with obvious issues, I am not interested.

Balls in your court.

You're being ridiculous. You can't throw something out that suggests you know for a fact that the Russians went financially belly-up because of their space program without linking that fact. I couldn't find a single one, so I presume you can't either. The Russians went into debt resulting from a lot of their aggressive/defensive programs. At the time, it was pretty much theorized that whomever "conquered" space would rule the world, so that endeavor was right up their ally.

I don't know what you want me to say to you? That I agree with everything you say? Apparently so, since you continue to ask me to stop putting you on the defensive. Okay, I agree with everything you say. If true, I think you'll find that rather boring, however.
And as for the lack of vetting and substance BS. -- there was two years worth of it from every corner of the globe and birther meatheads could not dig up their proof and all networks of every shape, stance, size, affiliation, and ownership had their chance and Obama sat with all of them. ALL OF THEM. and he got away with hiding what? got away with not saying what? got away with concealing what? He was laid bare like every other candidate who steps into the slaughterhouse of American politics.

so spare me that line of reasoning on how Obama was elected

So the Bill Ayers association was no big deal with the media, it was down played.
Jeremiah Wright association was down played by the media.
Van Jones association was down played by the media.
His voting present at the state level was down played by the media.

Joe the plumber got more vetting with the media than did Obama....and Palin being the #2 pick got a hell of a lot more vetting than did Obama.
Your a left wing partisan, I get it, but a little honesty goes a long way.
And as for the lack of vetting and substance BS. -- there was two years worth of it from every corner of the globe and birther meatheads could not dig up their proof and all networks of every shape, stance, size, affiliation, and ownership had their chance and Obama sat with all of them. ALL OF THEM. and he got away with hiding what? got away with not saying what? got away with concealing what? He was laid bare like every other candidate who steps into the slaughterhouse of American politics.

so spare me that line of reasoning on how Obama was elected

I am curious...were you around when Gary Hart was running in the presidential primaries?

Back then, it was revealed that he was at a party years earlier on a yacht by the name of "Monkey Business".

The boat was not his, but that of an aquaintance of his.

He was an invitee to the party...not a planner of the party.

Apprently, there were "promiscuous women" on the boat.

An intense media investigation took place regarding the party. It was found he did not know the women nor did he do anything with them...


The media made it clear that anyone that has an aquiantance that knows promiscuous women is not worthy of President and he was forced to bow out. They ran stories on him that had no meat to them...but they pounded the issue. They ran bios on the women...even though they did not know Hart. They ran stories on the aquaintances of the boat owner...

And then Wright and Ayers comes up...and nada. Nothing but what Fox ran....

Obama gave 4 different explanations of Ayers...

1) Dont know him at all
2) know him, but nor personally
3) know him personally, but not friends with him
4) friends with him, but I thought he was reformed

Did the media EVER do an expose on that?

No bias my ass.....

an expose? no. you want it on 20/20 or 60 minutes for it to count? FOX went to town on it and i am sure they were not the only media outlet to do so, but everything was investigated down to papers that Obama wrote while in Chicago. All the pertinent information was out there, it is up to voters to decide what is hype, what is pundentry, what is conjecture and what is real. After that blaming the media for their coverage, or lack thereof, is just the last resort of the frustrated.

I prefer my liberals as apologists and not revisionists.
It just gets old to hear on a daily basis, oh, this is the true test of Palin's appeal. This crisis is the defining moment for Palin. Palin is not a serious contender for President. Time after time we get media spin. I know for a fact, whoever becomes the Republican candidate or a Tea Party possibility will have the full vemon from the left they accuse the right of having.

And that is the truth liberty. The two main conductors of the venom will remain the Republican "water carriers" to FOX and the left wing Dem lovers over at MSNBC with CNN continuing to straddle the middle for dear life.

I am just tired of Palin even being considered for any office other than Fish and Wildlife in Nome. And the sad part is i can blame it all on McCain.
If it was not for his Hail Mary attempt to boost his image and give himself a shot against an avalanche of Obama support by putting Palin on the ticket, she would still be fighting lawsuits in Juneau and maybe thinking about running for another term.
And as for the lack of vetting and substance BS. -- there was two years worth of it from every corner of the globe and birther meatheads could not dig up their proof and all networks of every shape, stance, size, affiliation, and ownership had their chance and Obama sat with all of them. ALL OF THEM. and he got away with hiding what? got away with not saying what? got away with concealing what? He was laid bare like every other candidate who steps into the slaughterhouse of American politics.

so spare me that line of reasoning on how Obama was elected

I am curious...were you around when Gary Hart was running in the presidential primaries?

Back then, it was revealed that he was at a party years earlier on a yacht by the name of "Monkey Business".

The boat was not his, but that of an aquaintance of his.

He was an invitee to the party...not a planner of the party.

Apprently, there were "promiscuous women" on the boat.

An intense media investigation took place regarding the party. It was found he did not know the women nor did he do anything with them...


The media made it clear that anyone that has an aquiantance that knows promiscuous women is not worthy of President and he was forced to bow out. They ran stories on him that had no meat to them...but they pounded the issue. They ran bios on the women...even though they did not know Hart. They ran stories on the aquaintances of the boat owner...

And then Wright and Ayers comes up...and nada. Nothing but what Fox ran....

Obama gave 4 different explanations of Ayers...

1) Dont know him at all
2) know him, but nor personally
3) know him personally, but not friends with him
4) friends with him, but I thought he was reformed

Did the media EVER do an expose on that?

No bias my ass.....

an expose? no. you want it on 20/20 or 60 minutes for it to count? FOX went to town on it and i am sure they were not the only media outlet to do so, but everything was investigated down to papers that Obama wrote while in Chicago. All the pertinent information was out there, it is up to voters to decide what is hype, what is pundentry, what is conjecture and what is real. After that blaming the media for their coverage, or lack thereof, is just the last resort of the frustrated.


A candidate gave 4 different answers to one question.

Fox asked Bill Burton for an explanation. He refused to answer.

No ther major media outlet asked Burton or Gibbs for an explnatioon for 4 conflicting answers.

And mind you....

He gave the first answer...
Fox came up with evidence showing he DID know Ayers.
So he came up with answer 2...
Fox came up wioth evidence answer 2 was not true
So he gave answer 3
Fox came up with evidence that contradicted answer 3
So he came up woith answer 4.

So here are questions to you...and I know what your answer will be...

Why were you not curious about why he had 4 different conflcting asnwers to one simple question? Why did you not care that a candidate was caught lying THREE times about one topic? Why did you not care that the media did not feel it was important for you to know about this?

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