Oh OH- I guess Palin's Political career isn't OVER after all.

You completely avoided the crux my post and instead orated some crap about her worthiness as president.

You simply offered your opinion about her based on no fact...just opinion.

Obama AS president faced attacks and he whined like a baby. He used his position in an effort to take from the credibility of those that attacked him. But of course, you give him a pass on that. Afterall, he is Obama.

She avoids the press? Why shouldnt she? She is not running for political office. She has no interest in creating more adversity in her life by saying "the newspaper print is black" and having the left talk about how she was politically incorrect and should have said "the newspaper print is African American"

Your continuos UNFOUNDED and childish attacks on her are exactly what your puppeteers expect of you.

They expect you to regurgitate what they say as opposed to applying basic logic and coming up with your own conlcusion...

Which is exactly why your response did not address the facts of why I BELIEVE she likely resigned.

Your comments are merely unfounded opinion and easily dismissed, as most of her America already does.

Thanks for your opinion.

Thank you for revealing you know your belief is opinion.

Now if you offer some evidence for your opinion, go for it. But you can't. And that is why most of American is entertained by SP but has no interest in her as our national leader.
Always ironic to me that "puppet" and words of the like are tossed around when in reality it is my own opinion. get facts from newspapers of all ilk and from forming my own opinions and watching the actual person i am talking about TALK. That is enough proof of her incompetence.

Hey....welcome to reality!
So you agree then.

Yours is simply opinion.

That is exactly what I said when you originally requested that we contradict what you said.
I said I can not becuase you cited no facts just opinion.

So you then asked me what facts I wanted...

I prtetty much asked for facts...

You tried to cite facts but you couldnt...

and now you are taking the high road saying you are entitled to your opinion.

You are out of your league
Jarhead, you are the one who is supposed to build a case with facts, not give an opinion then ask for facts to rebut it. That is not how it works.
Your comments are merely unfounded opinion and easily dismissed, as most of her America already does.

Thanks for your opinion.

Thank you for revealing you know your belief is opinion.

Now if you offer some evidence for your opinion, go for it. But you can't. And that is why most of American is entertained by SP but has no interest in her as our national leader.

OK...I'll bite....

WHat exactly are you referring to?

Are you asking me to proive that Obama has speech writers?

Are you asking me to prove that Obama attacked Fox News?

Are you asking me to prove that she is not on any official ballot for higher office?

I am not sure what facts you are asking for?
Jarhead, you are the one who is supposed to build a case with facts, not give an opinion then ask for facts to rebut it. That is not how it works.

You are too late in the debate to know what transpired.

I was the one who said I can not refute what you say as you stated opinioin...not facts.

He asked me to refute it.....One can not refute opinion.
Thanks for your opinion.

Thank you for revealing you know your belief is opinion.

Now if you offer some evidence for your opinion, go for it. But you can't. And that is why most of American is entertained by SP but has no interest in her as our national leader.

OK...I'll bite....

WHat exactly are you referring to?

Are you asking me to proive that Obama has speech writers?

Are you asking me to prove that Obama attacked Fox News?

Are you asking me to prove that she is not on any official ballot for higher office?

I am not sure what facts you are asking for?

I am asking you to support your opinions with fact. You can start with anyone of them.
Jump the shark - a television program's history where the plot spins off into absurd storylines or unlikely characterizations.

Can the shark please jump and then EAT Sarah Palin.

I am all for political discourse in this country, but she sooooo needs to just sit down and shut up.

She is not advancing any cause other than her own. Not that of the Tea Party or the Republican or any other party for that matter. Whenever she opens her mouth and swings at every pitch in the dirt she comes off as a sheer dimwit.

She has what can only be called a "limited" political resume and when you take her away from her home nest at Fox, where the questions are soft and congenial at best, she gets shredded. It is not because other media outlets (no matter how small or large and no matter if they are print or television) are "mean", it is just that she is prime example of LIGHTWEIGHT. She cannot even put forth a "non-answer" answer to a question that is out of her range or goes against her ethics or basically has no right answer as most politicians are prone to do and some have become experts at. She takes a swing and comes off as a dim-bulb who tried to make the jump from college to the pros and looks like a dunce.

If there is a God it would be a Palin-Bachmann ticket in 2012, but there is no way that would happen, even in a Republican party still in disarray and with no clear voice/hero/savior/frontrunner or leader. That ticket would be the best free entertainment in the history of politics and that includes Nixon, Quayle and Joe the Plumber. There would not be enough hours in the day to A) smack their resumes around like little bitches ... B) pull up enough past soundbites and clips that make them sound like loons and .... C) bury them alive before they ever got a chance to see the light of day and hit the trail in New Hampshire and Iowa. But what a week it would be.

Intelligent people, even those who have never held a polticial office, should be allowed to debate policy, direction and style. She may have done good things for the folks in Alaska, but was never ready for the poltical stage on a national level. But instead of laying low, getting educated, becoming savvy, surrounding herself with knowledgable political operatives, learning the political landscape, trying to make amends with the "main stream" media and trying to become a member OF her party and not a psuedo-spokesman FOR her party, she has become a characature of her own making. Ironically, the only person who does not see it is Palin.

She has no shame and most likely deep down knows that her career on a national stage is a myth at best. I am not even sure she knows her own role in the Escher painting that is American politics, but i know this for a fact - it is not as someone who will ever shape an argument, someone whose opinion will hold integrity or value and will always be a sheep and not a leader. She will be a bitchy, pretty, degrading and insignificant sheep .... but a sheep none the less.

Any of her supporters care to contradict that .... give it a try !!! I dare you.

If Palin-Bachmann actually won in November 2012, followed by earthquakes and a meteor strike wiping out most of the country, it would confirm the coming apocalypse on December 21, 2012, is an accurate prediction. :eek:
''They're in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom.''
—Sarah Palin, getting the vice president's constitutional role wrong after being asked by a third grader what the vice president does, interview with NBC affiliate KUSA in Colorado, Oct. 21, 2008

''Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate.''
—a Tweet by Sarah Palin, which she quickly removed after being ridiculed for inventing the word ''refudiate,'' July 18, 2010

'''Refudiate,' 'misunderestimate,' 'wee-wee'd up.' English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!'''
—-a Tweet sent by Sarah Palin in response to being ridiculed for inventing the word ''refudiate,'' proudly mistaking her illiteracy for literary genius, July 18, 2010

''But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies.''
—Sarah Palin, on how she would handle the current hostilities between the two Koreas, radio interview with Glenn Beck, Nov. 24, 2010

''It may be tempting and more comfortable to just keep your head down, plod along, and appease those who demand: 'Sit down and shut up,' but that's the worthless, easy path; that's a quitter's way out.''
—Sarah Palin, quitting her job as governor, July 3, 2009

''They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan.''
—Sarah Palin, speaking at a fundraiser in San Francisco, Oct. 5, 2008

''But then somebody sent me the other day, Isaiah 49:16, and you need to go home and look it up. Before you look it up, I'll tell you what it says though. It says, hey, if it was good enough for God, scribbling on the palm of his hand, it's good enough for me, for us. He says, in that passage, 'I wrote your name on the palm of my hand to remember you,' and I'm like, 'Okay, I'm in good company.'''
—Sarah Palin, on writing notes on her hand for her Tea Party convention speech, March 6, 2010

That is carismatic ?? That is someone who should be included in the shaping of anything other than her hair? that is a politician to be taken seriously? That is someone who is worthy of higher office than governor? Please
Every high profile Republican, when asked if he/she would support a Palin bid for the presidency, dances around the question. It's become an art form for them.

Most if not many GOPers are not convinced she is ready yet.

Is there something wrong with party leaders not knocking a party member while also not supporting them?

Do you not think that every Democratic leader would dance around the question of whether or not Hillary should challange Obama in 2012?

Come on...stop showing partisanship and have an honest debate.

When it comes to Sarah Palin, I can't help but be partisan. And I've honestly said why. I would also suggest that it's impossible for you to have an honest debate without throwing out obvious partisanship against Obama, so don't ask for an "honest" debate until you too play fair.

Really Maggie?

I have stated many times on this board that Obama has my vote over Palin.

I have supported Obama more than all of my conservaitve allies have combined on this board.

Why would you say such an inaccurate statement? Do you feel the need to drag me down to a lower level of credibility to give you a higher poisition in a debate?

That is a sign of weekness Maggie.

I am disappointed you used such a tactic.

I thought you were above such childish debating tactics.
You see, I can be a conservative without having to fight for every conservative candidate. I can say an individual is not ready for office without having to question his or her intelligence. I can say Obama is not a good President, but an OUTSTANDING head of State. Not a good president as his ideology sort of gets in the way but GREAT head of state as his love for the American people is quite obvious. I can say Palin is not Presidential quality.

You see Maggie...I can debate honestly. From my heart and my head...not from my ideology.
And as for the lack of vetting and substance BS. -- there was two years worth of it from every corner of the globe and birther meatheads could not dig up their proof and all networks of every shape, stance, size, affiliation, and ownership had their chance and Obama sat with all of them. ALL OF THEM. and he got away with hiding what? got away with not saying what? got away with concealing what? He was laid bare like every other candidate who steps into the slaughterhouse of American politics.

so spare me that line of reasoning on how Obama was elected
And as for the lack of vetting and substance BS. -- there was two years worth of it from every corner of the globe and birther meatheads could not dig up their proof and all networks of every shape, stance, size, affiliation, and ownership had their chance and Obama sat with all of them. ALL OF THEM. and he got away with hiding what? got away with not saying what? got away with concealing what? He was laid bare like every other candidate who steps into the slaughterhouse of American politics.

so spare me that line of reasoning on how Obama was elected

Here is the msot recent gem - trying to take a shot at Obama's State of the Union speech -- Palin - "That was another one of those WTF moments, when he so often repeated this Sputnik moment that he would aspire Americans to celebrate. And he needs to remember that what happened back then with the former communist USSR and their victory in that race to space, yes, they won, but they also incurred so much debt at the time that it resulted in the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union."

it was the arms race that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and many, many, many other factors the space race NOT being among them. That is the sort of misguided, psuedo-smart and in reality idiotic debate that she is contributing to the discussion. It is like a high school chemistry student trying to have a conversation with an MIT Chemistry major. She will try to play along and guess at a few answers and try to sound like she belongs, but everyone is rolling their eyes and wondering WTF she is trying to prove by staying in the same company and wishing she would come back after she read a book or 20.

Wow. You really ARE a puppet of the left media personalities such as Maddow and Olberman.

I was just playing with you when I said that.

Truth is, the space race became such a fianncial burden on the soviet union in the 60's and into the 70's, that further sacrifices had to be made to support the arms race. If not for the space race, they would have been able to support the arms race with little difficulty.

Seems Maddow and Olberman forgot to mention that to you.

I suggest you read history and not just watch CNBC. They are making some very intelligent people look naive.

There is very little factual information to support that as a debatable point, simply because Russia does not release such information, never has and never will. If they had to make such sacrifices, then how were they then able to catch up so quickly to the point the US now relies on Russian partnership in space endeavors? So I would ask which news figures YOU parrot? Olbermann is now gone because of his opinionating. Rachel Maddow, however, has plenty of facts including video that she offers backing up her opinions.
Obama has made more than his share of mistakes and not followed thru on everything from basic campaign promises he made in diners all over America to promises he made in his first State of the Union, but what he got done in this past lame duck session alone is more than Bush got done in eight years and he may get more done than Clinton in his two terms.
Not saying it is Roosevelt-like in its impact, but compared to what has been done since the start of the 21st century, it is a leap of Herculean proportions based on the legislative system we have today.
Obama has made more than his share of mistakes and not followed thru on everything from basic campaign promises he made in diners all over America to promises he made in his first State of the Union, but what he got done in this past lame duck session alone is more than Bush got done in eight years and he may get more done than Clinton in his two terms.
Not saying it is Roosevelt-like in its impact, but compared to what has been done since the start of the 21st century, it is a leap of Herculean proportions based on the legislative system we have today.

What HE got done during a lame duck session? Do tell.
And as for the lack of vetting and substance BS. -- there was two years worth of it from every corner of the globe and birther meatheads could not dig up their proof and all networks of every shape, stance, size, affiliation, and ownership had their chance and Obama sat with all of them. ALL OF THEM. and he got away with hiding what? got away with not saying what? got away with concealing what? He was laid bare like every other candidate who steps into the slaughterhouse of American politics.

so spare me that line of reasoning on how Obama was elected


And how is that? How was he different than any other candidate that ran? What was missed? what was not covered? what was ignored out of bias? what was not mentioned due to partisanship coverage?

Hell, the coverage over the biased coverage was a story unto itself....and that did not trigger some extreme group or organization to go investigate what they thought was being passed over???
Here is the msot recent gem - trying to take a shot at Obama's State of the Union speech -- Palin - "That was another one of those WTF moments, when he so often repeated this Sputnik moment that he would aspire Americans to celebrate. And he needs to remember that what happened back then with the former communist USSR and their victory in that race to space, yes, they won, but they also incurred so much debt at the time that it resulted in the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union."

it was the arms race that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and many, many, many other factors the space race NOT being among them. That is the sort of misguided, psuedo-smart and in reality idiotic debate that she is contributing to the discussion. It is like a high school chemistry student trying to have a conversation with an MIT Chemistry major. She will try to play along and guess at a few answers and try to sound like she belongs, but everyone is rolling their eyes and wondering WTF she is trying to prove by staying in the same company and wishing she would come back after she read a book or 20.

Wow. You really ARE a puppet of the left media personalities such as Maddow and Olberman.

I was just playing with you when I said that.

Truth is, the space race became such a fianncial burden on the soviet union in the 60's and into the 70's, that further sacrifices had to be made to support the arms race. If not for the space race, they would have been able to support the arms race with little difficulty.

Seems Maddow and Olberman forgot to mention that to you.

I suggest you read history and not just watch CNBC. They are making some very intelligent people look naive.

There is very little factual information to support that as a debatable point, simply because Russia does not release such information, never has and never will. If they had to make such sacrifices, then how were they then able to catch up so quickly to the point the US now relies on Russian partnership in space endeavors? So I would ask which news figures YOU parrot? Olbermann is now gone because of his opinionating. Rachel Maddow, however, has plenty of facts including video that she offers backing up her opinions.

please back off Maggie. You are asking me to defend the obvious and it is a waste of time. The bulk of the cost of space travel was all in the original R and D which was conducted by the USSR and the US back in the late 50's through the 60's. It was quite an expensive endeavor for the USSR at the time....Jeez Maggie.....we have countries that could barely get a kite in the air back in the 60's that are now assisting with the ISS.....

If you want to have an honest debate....lets do it. If you are simply looking to put me on the defense with obvious issues, I am not interested.

Balls in your court.
You opt to assume that with no evidence other than the opinion of some media personnel that lean left.

Others, such as myself, opt to view her resignation as a necessary evil for the betterment of the State of Alaska. This is based on fact. Continuous and unfounded accusations against her as governor cost her and the taxpayer a lot of money to address. Furthermore, she was foerced to spend more time addressing these false and unfounded allegations than she was addressing more pressing state issues...

Now, applying these facts, I have deduced that her decision was difficult but the best decision she could make for the state of Alaska...knowing dam well that it would likely be spun by the left and further damage any chance she has for higher office.

Stop acting like a sheep and start using your brain RW.....

That's parroting what SHE said. The lawsuits were something any normal person would have handled intelligently and wisely. Instead, this was intentionally made a media event for poor Sarah. She stood a very good chance of losing reelection, based on her alienating Alaskan Democrats. Now I know she probably knew that.

Everything she can point to in terms of achievements was done with nearly uniform Democrats votes and just a smattering of Republican votes."

But her vice-presidential candidacy remolded Palin in the eyes of Alaskan Democrats from a moderate willing to reach out across the aisle to a bomb thrower who accused Barack Obama of "palling around with terrorists." As she became more partisan, she lost support in Alaska — her favorable poll numbers are now in the mid-50s, down from the 80s before she was tapped for VP. Without the Democrats, her agenda has gone nowhere, and she's now attacked from both the left and the right. "I saw her on the elevator in the beginning of session in January," [Harry]Crawford says. "I said, 'Good afternoon.' She didn't even reply. She was standing there six inches from me, and she didn't say a word. We've hardly seen each other since. This was someone I considered a friend." [Crawford was an Anchorage Democrat.]

Read more: Why Sarah Palin Quit: The Five Best Explanations - TIME

No Maggie...you opt to assume I am parroting what she said.
I am not.

I took what she said into consideration and then I took other factors into consideration...such as the basic logic of her knowing that her chances for higher office would be compromised if she quit...so her doing so was likely something she deemed necessary for the better of her state....and then I came up with my conclusion.

Your line:

The lawsuits were something any normal person would have handled intelligently and wisely. Instead, this was intentionally made a media event for poor Sarah.

Quite pathetic to have to throw that kind of rhetoric in to defend your position. It is a sign of weekness. I suggest you consider backing off such a tactic.

You mean her claims that frivolous lawsuits were costing her a fortune was not made into a media event? By the right justifying her complaint, by the left suggesting it was smoke and mirrors. Her attorney fees were around $500,000 and she established a legal defense fund, ultimately deemed to also be illegal, and suddenly the whole story about her gigantic legal fees, so underserved, didn't even make back page news because she was not making it a story.

They passed START II. Don’t ask, don’t tell was repealed. 9/11 aid was passed (while also exposing the GOP’s use of 9/11 as a political fig leaf yet again), the Child Nutrition Reauthorization package addressing school-meal funding.

A repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” which political wags say will fire up the liberal base whose energy was markedly lacking in the midterm elections
Completion of a food safety bill that grants the federal government broad new power to inspect food processing plants, while raising the standards for food imported into the United States
Republicans agreed to ease a blockade that had stopped about 20 of Obama’s judicial nominations from being seated on the federal bench
The continuing resolution to fund the government includes an amendment that institutes Obama’s proposal for a two-year freeze in federal worker pay

Republicans claim to fame, besides wanting to stall out most of the above listed accomplishements to either kill of themselves or alter in the next Congress, was the defeat of the $1.2 trillion omnibus spending bill, which contained more than 6,600 earmarks.


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