Oh OH- I guess Palin's Political career isn't OVER after all.

Palin Outraises Romney, Rivals
By Jeremy P. Jacobs
January 31, 2011 | 3:19 PM
Share Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin led her potential rivals for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination in end-of-the-year fundraising, nosing ahead of her closest competitor, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
Both Palin and Romney filed impressive year-end fundraising reports, due Monday at the Federal Election Commission. From Nov. 23 and Dec. 31, Palin's Sarah PAC hauled in $279,000. She finished the year with $1.3 million in her campaign account.

Palin's total is particularly striking because she outraised Romney using only a federal political action committee. Romney's series of state level PACs set up in Alabama, Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire and South Carolina, detailed in a New York Times report last year, allows big donors to max out both to Romney's federal committee, the Free and Strong America PAC, and to his state organizations, which often have higher contribution limits.

That state network helped Romney outraise Palin in the previous reporting period, which covered mid-October to the end of November. He wasn't as fortunate in the final reporting period of the year. In the last five weeks of 2010, Romney's federal PAC raised almost $175,000 and his state PACs hauled in $36,000, bringing his total haul to almost $211,000 -- less than Palin's take for the same period.

Even so, Romney started out 2011 with more cash on hand than Palin. He has more than $1.44 million in his state and federal campaign coffers. Romney also outraised Palin for all of 2010, hauling in $6.3 million to Palin's $3.6 million.

Palin's fundraising success suggests that her unorthodox political strategy -- appearances on Fox News, occasional posts on her Facebook page and Twitter accounts -- has cultivated a dedicated network of contributors.

read it all here.
Palin Outraises Romney, Rivals - Hotline On Call

:thup: We certainly don't want her to disappear before she's able to savor her well-earned LOSS to Obama. :cool:
So its ok to make excuses for Palin, who bolted from a publically elected office to cash a paycheck, but not from Obama who ended up taking a higher office. Got it.

Big difference, Palin stepped down and went into civilian life, the Obama ran for higher office while still on the PAYROLL of the Tax Payers, after he PROMISED to full fill his Junior Senator position before he ran for President.

Happens all the time as politicians accept higher office. It is a promotion by "We the People" to a position of higher responsibility

Palin quit because she couldn't take the heat anymore

You opt to assume that with no evidence other than the opinion of some media personnel that lean left.

Others, such as myself, opt to view her resignation as a necessary evil for the betterment of the State of Alaska. This is based on fact. Continuous and unfounded accusations against her as governor cost her and the taxpayer a lot of money to address. Furthermore, she was foerced to spend more time addressing these false and unfounded allegations than she was addressing more pressing state issues...

Now, applying these facts, I have deduced that her decision was difficult but the best decision she could make for the state of Alaska...knowing dam well that it would likely be spun by the left and further damage any chance she has for higher office.

Stop acting like a sheep and start using your brain RW.....
I would be so disappointed if Palin does not run for prez. And if Bachmann runs for something, too, I would be thrilled!! Two of them to laugh at!! :lol:
you DO understand that Bachman "ran" in the last election, right?
since she is a current Congress person

Sure, I know that. But I'm talking about for prez or vice prez. There was talk that she might pair up with SP to be her VP on the ticket. But recently she has discussed her own possible presidential run:

Republican U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann is not denying that she's considering a run for president in 2012.

In a written statement, Bachmann's spokesman told Minnesota Public Radio News that Bachmann's focus is on "serving the people of Minnesota's 6th district," but that Bachmann "is not taking anything off the table concerning the future."

Until now, former Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty was the Minnesota name in the mix for 2012. Political analysts say Bachmann could have a variety of motives for floating her name now.

ABC News first reported Bachmann is seriously considering a run for president, and will soon be sounding out Iowa Republicans on the idea.

Rep. Bachmann 'not ruling out' bid for president | Minnesota Public Radio News

I wonder if BOTH her and SP will run for president. That ought to be really something.
I never claimed it WAS..good grief:lol:

You do claim however that most Palin threads are started by lefties. You certainly are contributing to make sure that's not true.

Meh...there is no ying without yang.

Regardless of the source however, I believe it is an extraordinarily unprecedented event for the candidate for VP to be remembered with anything more than a small footnote in history two years after the election in which they lost.

Does anyone even recall who Gore's VP would have been? (no fair googling)

How many Biden threads are there?

:confused: Sarah Palin makes sure she's not forgotten.

In fact, now that it's been brought to my attention that she could have run for reelection (I mistakenly thought she was in her second term), I believe that's why she quit. She had just lost as a potential VP, and was possibly looking at losing the governorship too. Sarah Palin's ego wouldn't have been able to handle that.
Big difference, Palin stepped down and went into civilian life, the Obama ran for higher office while still on the PAYROLL of the Tax Payers, after he PROMISED to full fill his Junior Senator position before he ran for President.

Happens all the time as politicians accept higher office. It is a promotion by "We the People" to a position of higher responsibility

Palin quit because she couldn't take the heat anymore

You opt to assume that with no evidence other than the opinion of some media personnel that lean left.

Others, such as myself, opt to view her resignation as a necessary evil for the betterment of the State of Alaska. This is based on fact. Continuous and unfounded accusations against her as governor cost her and the taxpayer a lot of money to address. Furthermore, she was foerced to spend more time addressing these false and unfounded allegations than she was addressing more pressing state issues...

Now, applying these facts, I have deduced that her decision was difficult but the best decision she could make for the state of Alaska...knowing dam well that it would likely be spun by the left and further damage any chance she has for higher office.

Stop acting like a sheep and start using your brain RW.....

When faced with adversity, Palin outright QUIT

She was a Governor of a tiny population state. Does anyone think that if she became President that she would not face constant attacks? She avoids the press now and refuses to answer questions that she does not approve of. Will she be able to do that as President?

Palin lacks the backbone to face political adversity and to defend her positions

Palin is a Quitter
Does anyone even recall who Gore's VP would have been? (no fair googling)

How many Biden threads are there?

That's easy, Lieberman. A better question would be who was Dole's running mate.

We never hear from Biden anymore, probably why there's no threads about him. :lol:

And why there are so many Palin threads. She never shuts up.
You know that the vast majority of Palin threads are started by Cons, right?

Including this one we're posting in right now.

Oh I fully admit I stated this one to get a rise out of the HATERS. But I'd still bet most of the threads on Palin have been started by LEFTIES.

So essentially you are admitting to trolling?

For shame.

This after I defended you when someone called you a troll. :(


In any case, Palin, while have some support among a small cadre of conservatives would never win a general election for President. She's alienated anyone that has an opinion even remotely different from her own.

Every high profile Republican, when asked if he/she would support a Palin bid for the presidency, dances around the question. It's become an art form for them.
Happens all the time as politicians accept higher office. It is a promotion by "We the People" to a position of higher responsibility

Palin quit because she couldn't take the heat anymore

You opt to assume that with no evidence other than the opinion of some media personnel that lean left.

Others, such as myself, opt to view her resignation as a necessary evil for the betterment of the State of Alaska. This is based on fact. Continuous and unfounded accusations against her as governor cost her and the taxpayer a lot of money to address. Furthermore, she was foerced to spend more time addressing these false and unfounded allegations than she was addressing more pressing state issues...

Now, applying these facts, I have deduced that her decision was difficult but the best decision she could make for the state of Alaska...knowing dam well that it would likely be spun by the left and further damage any chance she has for higher office.

Stop acting like a sheep and start using your brain RW.....

When faced with adversity, Palin outright QUIT

She was a Governor of a tiny population state. Does anyone think that if she became President that she would not face constant attacks? She avoids the press now and refuses to answer questions that she does not approve of. Will she be able to do that as President?

Palin lacks the backbone to face political adversity and to defend her positions

Palin is a Quitter

You completely avoided the crux my post and instead orated some crap about her worthiness as president.

You simply offered your opinion about her based on no fact...just opinion.

Obama AS president faced attacks and he whined like a baby. He used his position in an effort to take from the credibility of those that attacked him. But of course, you give him a pass on that. Afterall, he is Obama.

She avoids the press? Why shouldnt she? She is not running for political office. She has no interest in creating more adversity in her life by saying "the newspaper print is black" and having the left talk about how she was politically incorrect and should have said "the newspaper print is African American"

Your continuos UNFOUNDED and childish attacks on her are exactly what your puppeteers expect of you.

They expect you to regurgitate what they say as opposed to applying basic logic and coming up with your own conlcusion...

Which is exactly why your response did not address the facts of why I BELIEVE she likely resigned.
Oh I fully admit I stated this one to get a rise out of the HATERS. But I'd still bet most of the threads on Palin have been started by LEFTIES.

So essentially you are admitting to trolling?

For shame.

This after I defended you when someone called you a troll. :(


In any case, Palin, while have some support among a small cadre of conservatives would never win a general election for President. She's alienated anyone that has an opinion even remotely different from her own.

Every high profile Republican, when asked if he/she would support a Palin bid for the presidency, dances around the question. It's become an art form for them.

Most if not many GOPers are not convinced she is ready yet.

Is there something wrong with party leaders not knocking a party member while also not supporting them?

Do you not think that every Democratic leader would dance around the question of whether or not Hillary should challange Obama in 2012?

Come on...stop showing partisanship and have an honest debate.
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Jump the shark - a television program's history where the plot spins off into absurd storylines or unlikely characterizations.

Can the shark please jump and then EAT Sarah Palin.

I am all for political discourse in this country, but she sooooo needs to just sit down and shut up.

She is not advancing any cause other than her own. Not that of the Tea Party or the Republican or any other party for that matter. Whenever she opens her mouth and swings at every pitch in the dirt she comes off as a sheer dimwit.

She has what can only be called a "limited" political resume and when you take her away from her home nest at Fox, where the questions are soft and congenial at best, she gets shredded. It is not because other media outlets (no matter how small or large and no matter if they are print or television) are "mean", it is just that she is prime example of LIGHTWEIGHT. She cannot even put forth a "non-answer" answer to a question that is out of her range or goes against her ethics or basically has no right answer as most politicians are prone to do and some have become experts at. She takes a swing and comes off as a dim-bulb who tried to make the jump from college to the pros and looks like a dunce.

If there is a God it would be a Palin-Bachmann ticket in 2012, but there is no way that would happen, even in a Republican party still in disarray and with no clear voice/hero/savior/frontrunner or leader. That ticket would be the best free entertainment in the history of politics and that includes Nixon, Quayle and Joe the Plumber. There would not be enough hours in the day to A) smack their resumes around like little bitches ... B) pull up enough past soundbites and clips that make them sound like loons and .... C) bury them alive before they ever got a chance to see the light of day and hit the trail in New Hampshire and Iowa. But what a week it would be.

Intelligent people, even those who have never held a polticial office, should be allowed to debate policy, direction and style. She may have done good things for the folks in Alaska, but was never ready for the poltical stage on a national level. But instead of laying low, getting educated, becoming savvy, surrounding herself with knowledgable political operatives, learning the political landscape, trying to make amends with the "main stream" media and trying to become a member OF her party and not a psuedo-spokesman FOR her party, she has become a characature of her own making. Ironically, the only person who does not see it is Palin.

She has no shame and most likely deep down knows that her career on a national stage is a myth at best. I am not even sure she knows her own role in the Escher painting that is American politics, but i know this for a fact - it is not as someone who will ever shape an argument, someone whose opinion will hold integrity or value and will always be a sheep and not a leader. She will be a bitchy, pretty, degrading and insignificant sheep .... but a sheep none the less.

Any of her supporters care to contradict that .... give it a try !!! I dare you.
You opt to assume that with no evidence other than the opinion of some media personnel that lean left.

Others, such as myself, opt to view her resignation as a necessary evil for the betterment of the State of Alaska. This is based on fact. Continuous and unfounded accusations against her as governor cost her and the taxpayer a lot of money to address. Furthermore, she was foerced to spend more time addressing these false and unfounded allegations than she was addressing more pressing state issues...

Now, applying these facts, I have deduced that her decision was difficult but the best decision she could make for the state of Alaska...knowing dam well that it would likely be spun by the left and further damage any chance she has for higher office.

Stop acting like a sheep and start using your brain RW.....

When faced with adversity, Palin outright QUIT

She was a Governor of a tiny population state. Does anyone think that if she became President that she would not face constant attacks? She avoids the press now and refuses to answer questions that she does not approve of. Will she be able to do that as President?

Palin lacks the backbone to face political adversity and to defend her positions

Palin is a Quitter

You completely avoided the crux my post and instead orated some crap about her worthiness as president.

You simply offered your opinion about her based on no fact...just opinion.

Obama AS president faced attacks and he whined like a baby. He used his position in an effort to take from the credibility of those that attacked him. But of course, you give him a pass on that. Afterall, he is Obama.

She avoids the press? Why shouldnt she? She is not running for political office. She has no interest in creating more adversity in her life by saying "the newspaper print is black" and having the left talk about how she was politically incorrect and should have said "the newspaper print is African American"

Your continuos UNFOUNDED and childish attacks on her are exactly what your puppeteers expect of you.

They expect you to regurgitate what they say as opposed to applying basic logic and coming up with your own conlcusion...

Which is exactly why your response did not address the facts of why I BELIEVE she likely resigned.

Palin exists in a bubble. She surrounds herself with people who tell her how great she is and how much she is loved. She spouts her twisted rhetoric at will and refuses to defend it to anyone but her few chosen rightwing commentators. She has no accountability

Palin is, at heart, a coward.

She has spent her life as a pampered beauty queen who got by on scripted talking points. She has no backbone...she never has

That is why she quit and she will quit again
LOL, most probably do not even remember Dole running.
He is so unmemorable after all ;)

I remember his Viagra Commercials

LOL, yep me too that was a royal hoot.

Of course Palin is a viagra commerical too in a way considering her fan base.

Yup. But the whole package is phony.

Jump the shark - a television program's history where the plot spins off into absurd storylines or unlikely characterizations.

Can the shark please jump and then EAT Sarah Palin.

I am all for political discourse in this country, but she sooooo needs to just sit down and shut up.

She is not advancing any cause other than her own. Not that of the Tea Party or the Republican or any other party for that matter. Whenever she opens her mouth and swings at every pitch in the dirt she comes off as a sheer dimwit.

She has what can only be called a "limited" political resume and when you take her away from her home nest at Fox, where the questions are soft and congenial at best, she gets shredded. It is not because other media outlets (no matter how small or large and no matter if they are print or television) are "mean", it is just that she is prime example of LIGHTWEIGHT. She cannot even put forth a "non-answer" answer to a question that is out of her range or goes against her ethics or basically has no right answer as most politicians are prone to do and some have become experts at. She takes a swing and comes off as a dim-bulb who tried to make the jump from college to the pros and looks like a dunce.

If there is a God it would be a Palin-Bachmann ticket in 2012, but there is no way that would happen, even in a Republican party still in disarray and with no clear voice/hero/savior/frontrunner or leader. That ticket would be the best free entertainment in the history of politics and that includes Nixon, Quayle and Joe the Plumber. There would not be enough hours in the day to A) smack their resumes around like little bitches ... B) pull up enough past soundbites and clips that make them sound like loons and .... C) bury them alive before they ever got a chance to see the light of day and hit the trail in New Hampshire and Iowa. But what a week it would be.

Intelligent people, even those who have never held a polticial office, should be allowed to debate policy, direction and style. She may have done good things for the folks in Alaska, but was never ready for the poltical stage on a national level. But instead of laying low, getting educated, becoming savvy, surrounding herself with knowledgable political operatives, learning the political landscape, trying to make amends with the "main stream" media and trying to become a member OF her party and not a psuedo-spokesman FOR her party, she has become a characature of her own making. Ironically, the only person who does not see it is Palin.

She has no shame and most likely deep down knows that her career on a national stage is a myth at best. I am not even sure she knows her own role in the Escher painting that is American politics, but i know this for a fact - it is not as someone who will ever shape an argument, someone whose opinion will hold integrity or value and will always be a sheep and not a leader. She will be a bitchy, pretty, degrading and insignificant sheep .... but a sheep none the less.

Any of her supporters care to contradict that .... give it a try !!! I dare you.

Contradict it?

You cited no facts...strictly opinion.

And you are enittled to it....but I disagree with much of what you percieve...not all, but much.
When faced with adversity, Palin outright QUIT

She was a Governor of a tiny population state. Does anyone think that if she became President that she would not face constant attacks? She avoids the press now and refuses to answer questions that she does not approve of. Will she be able to do that as President?

Palin lacks the backbone to face political adversity and to defend her positions

Palin is a Quitter

You completely avoided the crux my post and instead orated some crap about her worthiness as president.

You simply offered your opinion about her based on no fact...just opinion.

Obama AS president faced attacks and he whined like a baby. He used his position in an effort to take from the credibility of those that attacked him. But of course, you give him a pass on that. Afterall, he is Obama.

She avoids the press? Why shouldnt she? She is not running for political office. She has no interest in creating more adversity in her life by saying "the newspaper print is black" and having the left talk about how she was politically incorrect and should have said "the newspaper print is African American"

Your continuos UNFOUNDED and childish attacks on her are exactly what your puppeteers expect of you.

They expect you to regurgitate what they say as opposed to applying basic logic and coming up with your own conlcusion...

Which is exactly why your response did not address the facts of why I BELIEVE she likely resigned.

Palin exists in a bubble. She surrounds herself with people who tell her how great she is and how much she is loved. She spouts her twisted rhetoric at will and refuses to defend it to anyone but her few chosen rightwing commentators. She has no accountability

Palin is, at heart, a coward.

She has spent her life as a pampered beauty queen who got by on scripted talking points. She has no backbone...she never has

That is why she quit and she will quit again

Still unable to address the facts that I stated and try to refute them.

Again, you are spewing the exact opinions of Maddow, Olberman and others that are not based on fact but instead THEIR personal opinions based on their personal ideology.

We are all entitled to our opinions....and you certainly are entitled to make your opinion that of your puppeteers.

Me? I opt to make my opinion based on fact and logic.

I gave you two opportunities to refute what I said and instead you opted to simply regurgitate talking points....good for you.
Agreed, but Obama hasn't shown anything better either....go figure. :eusa_whistle:

Sure he has. Like him or not..he's been very successful in terms of getting his agenda passed. He's well liked on the world stage and has shown remarkable restraint in terms of dealing with the opposition. So much so that the "home team" has gotten extremely frustrated with his coddling of Republicans.

I saw the 60 Minute special on Boehner. Very well done and he spoke of his very close friendship with Ted Kennedy. Asked about Obama, the politics took over, but there was that same twinkle in his response.
Obama's policies are not liked at all most of the time in Washington but personally he is extremely well liked by the majority of Republicans.

Maybe not "in Washington," but the public at large generally approves of the job Obama is doing. He has high points for a president with two years still to go in his first term. Both Reagan and Clinton were struggling to stay above 40% at this point.

Obama: Job Ratings (1)
Jump the shark - a television program's history where the plot spins off into absurd storylines or unlikely characterizations.

Can the shark please jump and then EAT Sarah Palin.

I am all for political discourse in this country, but she sooooo needs to just sit down and shut up.

She is not advancing any cause other than her own. Not that of the Tea Party or the Republican or any other party for that matter. Whenever she opens her mouth and swings at every pitch in the dirt she comes off as a sheer dimwit.

She has what can only be called a "limited" political resume and when you take her away from her home nest at Fox, where the questions are soft and congenial at best, she gets shredded. It is not because other media outlets (no matter how small or large and no matter if they are print or television) are "mean", it is just that she is prime example of LIGHTWEIGHT. She cannot even put forth a "non-answer" answer to a question that is out of her range or goes against her ethics or basically has no right answer as most politicians are prone to do and some have become experts at. She takes a swing and comes off as a dim-bulb who tried to make the jump from college to the pros and looks like a dunce.

If there is a God it would be a Palin-Bachmann ticket in 2012, but there is no way that would happen, even in a Republican party still in disarray and with no clear voice/hero/savior/frontrunner or leader. That ticket would be the best free entertainment in the history of politics and that includes Nixon, Quayle and Joe the Plumber. There would not be enough hours in the day to A) smack their resumes around like little bitches ... B) pull up enough past soundbites and clips that make them sound like loons and .... C) bury them alive before they ever got a chance to see the light of day and hit the trail in New Hampshire and Iowa. But what a week it would be.

Intelligent people, even those who have never held a polticial office, should be allowed to debate policy, direction and style. She may have done good things for the folks in Alaska, but was never ready for the poltical stage on a national level. But instead of laying low, getting educated, becoming savvy, surrounding herself with knowledgable political operatives, learning the political landscape, trying to make amends with the "main stream" media and trying to become a member OF her party and not a psuedo-spokesman FOR her party, she has become a characature of her own making. Ironically, the only person who does not see it is Palin.

She has no shame and most likely deep down knows that her career on a national stage is a myth at best. I am not even sure she knows her own role in the Escher painting that is American politics, but i know this for a fact - it is not as someone who will ever shape an argument, someone whose opinion will hold integrity or value and will always be a sheep and not a leader. She will be a bitchy, pretty, degrading and insignificant sheep .... but a sheep none the less.

Any of her supporters care to contradict that .... give it a try !!! I dare you.

I wouldn't want to see her run for the presidency, myself. But, your stating a liberal opinion....and not much else.
I bet you have nothing but kind words for that "experienced" Obama of yours, huh?

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