Oh OH- I guess Palin's Political career isn't OVER after all.

Bob Dole is a great guy and would have made a great president. The 1996 presidential campaign by the GOP was one of the more poorly conceived, marketed, and delivered campaigns since 1960. He should have given Bill a run for his $.

I do like Bob better than his wife.
I worked as a volunteer for Libby Dole, a campaign that went no where fast.
Talk today is that the moderate/centrist Jon Huntsman may be getting in the race. Oddly enough, that would help Palin,

by splitting the intelligent vote.
Her political career is far from over, alas.

But she'll never win an elected office, at least on a national level.

I wouldn't be saying never, they said the same thing about Reagan, and we saw how that turned out.

Yeah but Reagan acted like he knew what he was doing, Palin on the other hand has shown she was no idea whats she is doing

Agreed, but Obama hasn't shown anything better either....go figure. :eusa_whistle:
Talk today is that the moderate/centrist Jon Huntsman may be getting in the race. Oddly enough, that would help Palin,

by splitting the intelligent vote.
this guy?

Jon Huntsman, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's the buzz. He resigned as Ambassador to China today.
given his positions on abortion and taxes i dont see how he is a moderate
but i could support someone with his positions
Palin Outraises Romney, Rivals
By Jeremy P. Jacobs
January 31, 2011 | 3:19 PM
Share Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin led her potential rivals for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination in end-of-the-year fundraising, nosing ahead of her closest competitor, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
Both Palin and Romney filed impressive year-end fundraising reports, due Monday at the Federal Election Commission. From Nov. 23 and Dec. 31, Palin's Sarah PAC hauled in $279,000. She finished the year with $1.3 million in her campaign account.

Palin's total is particularly striking because she outraised Romney using only a federal political action committee. Romney's series of state level PACs set up in Alabama, Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire and South Carolina, detailed in a New York Times report last year, allows big donors to max out both to Romney's federal committee, the Free and Strong America PAC, and to his state organizations, which often have higher contribution limits.

That state network helped Romney outraise Palin in the previous reporting period, which covered mid-October to the end of November. He wasn't as fortunate in the final reporting period of the year. In the last five weeks of 2010, Romney's federal PAC raised almost $175,000 and his state PACs hauled in $36,000, bringing his total haul to almost $211,000 -- less than Palin's take for the same period.

Even so, Romney started out 2011 with more cash on hand than Palin. He has more than $1.44 million in his state and federal campaign coffers. Romney also outraised Palin for all of 2010, hauling in $6.3 million to Palin's $3.6 million.

Palin's fundraising success suggests that her unorthodox political strategy -- appearances on Fox News, occasional posts on her Facebook page and Twitter accounts -- has cultivated a dedicated network of contributors.

read it all here.
Palin Outraises Romney, Rivals - Hotline On Call
All this tells us is that the Far Right Reactionary lunatics are very motivated.

Run Sarah...RUN!!!

That's the buzz. He resigned as Ambassador to China today.
given his positions on abortion and taxes i dont see how he is a moderate
but i could support someone with his positions

He's moderate on the environment, and healthcare to some extent - looking for private sector solutions, but at least he's looking for solutions - and he gives off a charismatic vibe.

It doesn't hurt who his father is either.
oh please, not you too.
she gave her reasons, evidently most people understood it, except you lefties spreading that BS. oh well, it doesn't seem to be working judging from the above article.:lol:

You never cease to amaze me, Steph. All there is to understand is that she did not fulfill her obligation to the people of Alaska that voted for her in good faith. I don't think it has anything to do with being on the left or the right. Geez!!!

LOL, and the Obama didn't FULFILL his promise to serve out his JUNIOR SENATOR POSITION before he ran for President, so it is you all who never cease to AMAZE ME.:lol::lol:

the Obama is a QUITTER AND A LIAR.

You must get so tired of trying to grasp those straws. You make a fool of yourself, Steph.
I would be so disappointed if Palin does not run for prez. And if Bachmann runs for something, too, I would be thrilled!! Two of them to laugh at!! :lol:
I would be so disappointed if Palin does not run for prez. And if Bachmann runs for something, too, I would be thrilled!! Two of them to laugh at!! :lol:
you DO understand that Bachman "ran" in the last election, right?
since she is a current Congress person
I would be so disappointed if Palin does not run for prez. And if Bachmann runs for something, too, I would be thrilled!! Two of them to laugh at!! :lol:

I also hope that Palin listens to her close circle of advisors who tell her how much America loves her and how much America hates Obama.

All indications are that Palin is sinking fast with the exception of her loyal 20% Palinbots.

Even though Palin will not get the GOP nomination, she can still force her simplistic views onto the GOP platform and ensure that the party will go down with her
I would be so disappointed if Palin does not run for prez. And if Bachmann runs for something, too, I would be thrilled!! Two of them to laugh at!! :lol:

I also hope that Palin listens to her close circle of advisors who tell her how much America loves her and how much America hates Obama.

All indications are that Palin is sinking fast with the exception of her loyal 20% Palinbots.

Even though Palin will not get the GOP nomination, she can still force her simplistic views onto the GOP platform and ensure that the party will go down with her

Doesn't HUSTLER magazine sell those in the backpages?
Inflatable, round mouth and plastic all around.

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