Now meteorologists have to fear for their lives

Libs floated the population bomb, a new Ice Age, and global warming before finally settling on “climate change”
Haha, like this right here.

'Libs = the top minds of the planet'

I guess, when you have suppressed your own intellect and curiosity to the point of virtual nonexistence, the "others" all seem like hyper educated geniuses with evil plans you dont understand.
Death Threats are a little too much, but in defense of the people… in what other public service job (other than politics) can you be wrong 85% of the time and keep your job other than meteorologists
Libs floated the population bomb, a new Ice Age, and global warming before finally settling on “climate change”

Which is something humans have been dealing with since cavemen days

The left are not happy unless they have something to be freaked out about
CO2 is higher than it’s ever been in human history. That has to eventually have an effect.

How would you direct a hurricane? Its force is larger than our nuclear arsenal.

Of course a hurricane need not actually be directed to create the belief that hurricanes can be directed. Once that's accepted the rest is easy.

Hurricanes are no worse than they ever were. They destroy more because there is more to destroy. Population spread puts towns in the hurricane path.
Of course a hurricane need not actually be directed to create the belief that hurricanes can be directed. Once that's accepted the rest is easy.

Hurricanes are no worse than they ever were. They destroy more because there is more to destroy. Population spread puts towns in the hurricane path.
So Asheville is a new town?
I think it's gotten to the point at which congressional Republicans have to step up, put the country before their careers, and put a stop to this.

They may be the only people who can do it now.
It won't happen. They haven't done it yet & they won't. Think craven cowards like Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz & the rest of those spineless weasels are going to stand up to Trump? They'll let this Country burn to the ground first as they hide out in their Ivory Towers.

We can not only lay this at Trump's doorstep but also Republican leadership who see what's happening but are actually enabling yet. All to protect their jobs & another tax cut.

Trump & his enablers have accomplished in the past 8 years what our enemies abroad have been trying to do since the end of WW2.

We have met the enemy & they are US.

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