Now meteorologists have to fear for their lives

Democrats either took a part in or supported BLM riots which killed 25 people, injured thousands, caused billions of dollars worth of damage, silencing and attacking conservative speakers on college campuses…. Also sex exchange operations for children, and racist violent ideas on race and gender.

Then there’s this thread alleging Trump supporters are threatening meteorologists. So there you have it threatening versus actual real violence by lefties against thousands and not to mention the violent racist ideas on race and gender by the left.
20 years ago, virtually the entire country would have cringed and recoiled at this steaming pile of insanity.

You would not have been invited to any more bowling leagues or cookouts.

Now a third of the country hee haws and falls to their knees and praises this ethically and intellectually deviant behavior.

Not good.
I think it's gotten to the point at which congressional Republicans have to step up, put the country before their careers, and put a stop to this.

They may be the only people who can do it now.
We know what happens to those who do. They are marginalized, attacked, and excommunicated from the POT. So if it is to be effective it's going to take a lot of them. Joined by leadership. Do enough of them have the courage and integrity to do what it takes to stop trumpery? Not if history is our guide.
We know what happens to those who do. They are marginalized, attacked, and excommunicated from the POT. So if it is to be effective it's going to take a lot of them. Joined by leadership. Do enough of them have the courage and integrity to do what it takes to stop trumpery? Not if history is our guide.
Yeah, I doubt it. I'll hold out hope, but nothing seems imminent.
Democrats have spent years educating on human caused climate change. Why are they now mad that someone believed them.
That would be the Obama/biden/harris junta
It's fascinating to watch this abnormal psychology unfurl in real time.

I used to think it was cute to watch my young children engage in fantasy and change their fantasies and weave them as new information came to them.

  It's not as adorable or normal, when adults do it.
Did the Democrats manipulate the hurricanes to target red states before the election?

Funny, you have not gotten even a single YES answer here on over 120 posts, kinda shoots a big hole in your crackpot theory that Trump supporters all believe in weaponized hurricanes and are threatening the local weather girl over it, huh?

So you try to use disinformation trying to claim we are "avoiding the OP" because no one here will tell you what you think you want to hear in support of your fool claims.

Too funny. :auiqs.jpg:

Mac bombs out again.
It's fascinating to watch this abnormal psychology unfurl in real time.

I used to think it was cute to watch my young children engage in fantasy and change their fantasies and weave them as new information came to them.

  It's not as adorable or normal, when adults do it.
You have nothing on trump but we have audio of obama conspiring with the russians

Funny, you have not gotten even a single YES answer here on over 120 posts, kinda shoots a big hole in your crackpot theory that Trump supporters all believe in weaponized hurricanes and are threatening the local weather girl over it, huh?

So you try to use disinformation trying to claim we are "avoiding the OP" because no one here will tell you what you think you want to hear in support of your fool claims.

Too funny. :auiqs.jpg:

Mac bombs out again.
You're just afraid to answer. Obviously.

Nice try, Einstein. But you're trying too hard.
Funny, you have not gotten even a single YES answer here on over 120 posts, kinda shoots a big hole in your crackpot theory that Trump supporters all believe in weaponized hurricanes and are threatening the local weather girl over it, huh?

So you try to use disinformation trying to claim we are "avoiding the OP" because no one here will tell you what you think you want to hear in support of your fool claims.

Too funny. :auiqs.jpg:

Mac bombs out again.
This has been the case with left-wingers in the past few years. Assume , over exaggerate or outright lie about what Trump supporters think or do. And then downplay the overwhelming amount of real political violence that is committed by the modern day left wing, like the BLM riots or attacking conservative speakers on college campuses.
As Kamala Harris and the rest of the democrats convince the world that humanity is to blame for the weather, Mac tries to distance himself from it by blaming the GOP for this insane way of thinking?
You can’t equate the two.. MAGA is just insane anyway.


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