Now meteorologists have to fear for their lives

Even something this over-the-top insane.

Maybe to them, it isn't.
Nothing's really new here, Mac. :dunno:

Magaturds are allergic to accountability. Nothing is ever their fault, bad news is quarantined or ignored outright and everything is always happening to them, fostering a 24/7 victimhood complex which they use to evade accountability. Circular derp. Consistantly.

Magaturds are an unserious entity whose principles change with the populistic whims of their orange bag O' shit.
As Kamala Harris and the rest of the democrats convince the world that humanity is to blame for the weather, Mac tries to distance himself from it by blaming the GOP for this insane way of thinking?
"People don't influence weather... except when its politically useful for us to tell them they do."
- The left, trying to have it both ways
This is about the attitude I anticipate seeing if John Kerry ever gets his way to censor anyone who ever disagreed with him in his entire life.

Thanks for reinforcing my concerns.
By the way, shithead, you are one of the worst spreaders of lies, misinformation, and Russian propaganda on this website. Do you even live in America? It appears as though you dont because no real American would constantly be trying to destroy America as you do.
If those you disagree with are stupid regarding climate change, why do they feel the need to censor them?

Should everything that you feel is wrong or stupid be censored, or just when it comes to climate change?
Because lies dont deserve a platform you dumb fucker.
It won't happen. They haven't done it yet & they won't. Think craven cowards like Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz & the rest of those spineless weasels are going to stand up to Trump? They'll let this Country burn to the ground first as they hide out in their Ivory Towers.

We can not only lay this at Trump's doorstep but also Republican leadership who see what's happening but are actually enabling yet. All to protect their jobs & another tax cut.

Trump & his enablers have accomplished in the past 8 years what our enemies abroad have been trying to do since the end of WW2.

We have met the enemy & they are US.
Exactly right. I've been saying all along that this has never been about Trump. It's never about The One Guy. It's about those who enable him. Worst of all those in Congress. Next are those in the media who spread the lies for him. The street level rubes are just the pawns, the soldiers who don't question.

Yeah, this is about who we are. I learned in 2016 that I had totally overestimated us as a society. Nothing has changed.
By the way, shithead, you are one of the worst spreaders of lies, misinformation, and Russian propaganda on this website. Do you even live in America? It appears as though you dont because no real American would constantly be trying to destroy America as you do.

Shit, you are much worse.
I think it's gotten to the point at which congressional Republicans have to step up, put the country before their careers, and put a stop to this.

They may be the only people who can do it now.
They control 1/2 of one, that's ONE branch of government. Only one. That's less than two. The democrats control the executive branch and 1/2 the legislative. They bear more of the responsibility. Sorry, just reflecting reality. No, not sorry.
Nothing's really new here, Mac. :dunno:

Magaturds are allergic to accountability. Nothing is ever their fault, bad news is quarantined or ignored outright and everything is always happening to them, fostering a 24/7 victimhood complex which they use to evade accountability. Circular derp. Consistantly.

Magaturds are an unserious entity whose principles change with the populistic whims of their orange bag O' shit.
Who were they before 2016? WHAT were they?
China is building a new COAL power plant every week.

They control 1/2 of one, that's ONE branch of government. Only one. That's less than two. The democrats control the executive branch and 1/2 the legislative. They bear more of the responsibility. Sorry, just reflecting reality. No, not sorry.
So it's not the fault of the people who are threatening the lives of the meteorologists.

Yes, I fully believe that you believe that.
They control 1/2 of one, that's ONE branch of government. Only one. That's less than two. The democrats control the executive branch and 1/2 the legislative. They bear more of the responsibility. Sorry, just reflecting reality. No, not sorry.
What about the Supreme Court. You conveniently forgot about that.

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