OH SNAP! 'House Intelligence Chair: ‘No Proof’ Russians Were Trying To Get Trump Elected'

3. Despite 17 Intel agencies DECLARING the Russians 'hacked the election' they have shown ZERO evidence

So you agree that 17 intelligence agencies have agreed that the Russians tried to hack our election- you just don't care that what they have concluded.

Because you won't believe what American intelligence agencies say unless they provide you with evidence that may be from covert resources.
What was the worse email revelation?
The Russians tried to hack our election.
There is no proof of that. If there was you would have posted it long ago.

How did they exactly 'hack the election'? No voting machines were hacked. No votes were changed from Hillary to Trump. The Chairman of the Intel Committee has declared, as shown, that there is no evidence to support the claim that the Russians 'hacked the election' or that they tried to do so to help Trump.

Have you told the Chairman of the Intel Committee that YOU have evidence that HE does not? You should really give it to him, even if you won't share it with us.

Since you have found it impossible to provide any evidence to support the Snowflake Conspiracy Theory, I have an easier challenge for you:

Barry has injected himself into other nations' elections and leadership 4 (FOUR) times. You obviously hate when a nation sticks their nose into other nations' elections and governance, so why don't you show that applies to when Liberals do it?

Why don't you show some condemnation of Barry for doing 4 times what he has accused the Russians of doing once?
Within the next page of this thread I challenge any USMB member to provide definitive proof that the Russians 'hacked the election' and their intent was to help Trump

I challenge you to provide definitive proof that the Russians did not try to hack the American elections.

I am baffled by why Conservatives have decided to believe Russia more than our own intelligence agencies.

You want Easy to prove something didn't happen? Really? The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You believing something doesn't make it a fact. if you make the claim and want others to believe it too, YOU have to prove it. Not the other way around. Your name is kind of ironic. Maybe you should change it to Stupidly.

I don't have to prove anything.

The FBI and Homeland Security have issued a report concluding that Russia tried to hack our election process

Easy, you and his fellow travellers want to ignore that report- and don't care whether or not Russia tried to hack the election.

Why do you not care whether or not Russia hacked our election process?

I guess you are 'the ends justify the means' kind of Trump supporters.

It's OK to say you ain't got nothing. I won't ridicule you too much for admitting it.
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The intelligence community has no proof Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election to get Donald Trump elected, according to the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

There’s no proof that we have from intelligence sources that I’ve seen that show that the Russians were directly trying to help Trump,” said Rep. Devin Nunes during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s “Examining Politics” podcast Monday. Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions."
-- HUGE difference between 'did hack' and 'did not rule it out'!

"In his role as chairman overseeing the intelligence community, Nunes has access to the nation’s most important secrets. He is also a member of the intelligence version of the Gang of Eight, a select group of congressional leaders who are given special access to national security information from the executive branch."


'Russia Hacked The Election To Help Trump Win' 'Fake News' EXPOSED!'

'Snowflake Bubble Bursts!

THIS is why the CIA and other Intel agencies illegally ignored a Congressional Subpoena to come before congress and show them the 'evidence' they have - THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY!

THIS is why Barry hasn't released 'definitive' proof Russia 'hacked the election' - HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY.

THIS is why snowflakes on this board keep parroting liberal sources, Barry, and the Intel agencies yet not being able to post any 'evidence' it happened - THERE ISN'T ANY!

There is no proof that Russia was trying to get Trump elected.

However, that doesn't mean they weren't interfering in our election.

You do understand there's a difference, right?
There is no proof that Russia was trying to get Trump elected.

I just watched the Senate/intel hearings and that's not what they said.
There is no proof that Russia was trying to get Trump elected. I just watched the Senate/intel hearings and that's not what they said.
Yeah, I will 'take your word for it'. What is SAID does not matter, What is important is the EVIDENCE they have or DON'T have. So far nothing definitive has been shown.
The intelligence community has no proof Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election to get Donald Trump elected, according to the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

There’s no proof that we have from intelligence sources that I’ve seen that show that the Russians were directly trying to help Trump,” said Rep. Devin Nunes during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s “Examining Politics” podcast Monday. Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions."
-- HUGE difference between 'did hack' and 'did not rule it out'!

"In his role as chairman overseeing the intelligence community, Nunes has access to the nation’s most important secrets. He is also a member of the intelligence version of the Gang of Eight, a select group of congressional leaders who are given special access to national security information from the executive branch."


'Russia Hacked The Election To Help Trump Win' 'Fake News' EXPOSED!'

'Snowflake Bubble Bursts!

THIS is why the CIA and other Intel agencies illegally ignored a Congressional Subpoena to come before congress and show them the 'evidence' they have - THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY!

THIS is why Barry hasn't released 'definitive' proof Russia 'hacked the election' - HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY.

THIS is why snowflakes on this board keep parroting liberal sources, Barry, and the Intel agencies yet not being able to post any 'evidence' it happened - THERE ISN'T ANY!

There is no proof that Russia was trying to get Trump elected.

However, that doesn't mean they weren't interfering in our election.

You do understand there's a difference, right?
There is no proof that Russia was trying to get Trump elected.

I just watched the Senate/intel hearings and that's not what they said.
Jesus, the Russians hacked rdean's account.
It's not a crock of anything just because you don't understand it or see the reason why it exists...or because Hillary lost.

I understand that if 3,000,000+ more American citizens wanted Hillary Clinton than did Donald Trump.......Trump should be the president????? The electoral college was enacted when folks had to ride a horse or buggy to a place to vote. In case you haven't noticed now a person can leave NY in the morning and make a meeting in LA the next morning. The outdated electoral college should be superceded with a modern method of voting. There's nothing you can say which might justify the loser of an election becoming the winner. What happened to a "Show of Hands?"
More people and more states voted for Trump, or conservatives voted at the polls then did liberals… Fact. Get your fucking shit eating head out of your fucking ass. Everyone knew except for you obviously those were the rules going into the election the EC determines who is president.
You are a fucking naïve little twit…:lmao:

And you're still full of shit!!

Hillary Clinton has 65,316,724 votes, while Donald Trump has 62,719,568, giving the former secretary of state a lead of nearly 2.6 million votes.

Like I said......let's see a show of hands.
Hillary Clinton has 65,316,724 votes, while Donald Trump has 62,719,568, giving the former secretary of state a lead of nearly 2.6 million votes.
How's that working out for you? That and $8 will still get you a Mocha Latte at Starbucks :p
It's not a crock of anything just because you don't understand it or see the reason why it exists...or because Hillary lost.

I understand that if 3,000,000+ more American citizens wanted Hillary Clinton than did Donald Trump.......Trump should be the president????? The electoral college was enacted when folks had to ride a horse or buggy to a place to vote. In case you haven't noticed now a person can leave NY in the morning and make a meeting in LA the next morning. The outdated electoral college should be superceded with a modern method of voting. There's nothing you can say which might justify the loser of an election becoming the winner. What happened to a "Show of Hands?"
More people and more states voted for Trump, or conservatives voted at the polls then did liberals… Fact. Get your fucking shit eating head out of your fucking ass. Everyone knew except for you obviously those were the rules going into the election the EC determines who is president.
You are a fucking naïve little twit…:lmao:

And you're still full of shit!!

Hillary Clinton has 65,316,724 votes, while Donald Trump has 62,719,568, giving the former secretary of state a lead of nearly 2.6 million votes.

Like I said......let's see a show of hands.
Why don't you look up votes for conservative candidate for president as opposed to vote for a liberal candidates for president? And by the way the ECA determines who is president you should've learned that in grade school… Dip shit
There is no proof that Russia was trying to get Trump elected. I just watched the Senate/intel hearings and that's not what they said.
Yeah, I will 'take your word for it'. What is SAID does not matter, What is important is the EVIDENCE they have or DON'T have. So far nothing definitive has been shown.
The Russians helped somebody. Who do you think that was?
Hillary Clinton has 65,316,724 votes, while Donald Trump has 62,719,568, giving the former secretary of state a lead of nearly 2.6 million votes.

So here's what you guys should've done... Martin Sheen and Rosie O'Donnell... Alec Baldwin and Joy Baytard... should have cut one of their cute little video PSAs back before the election, appealing to these 2.6 million liberals living in California to MOVE! Not to Canada... but rather, to Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. That way, their votes could have made the difference and saved the day! Instead, their votes simply padded Hillary's numbers and didn't produce any more electoral votes than the 55 she won by winning California.
It's not a crock of anything just because you don't understand it or see the reason why it exists...or because Hillary lost.

I understand that if 3,000,000+ more American citizens wanted Hillary Clinton than did Donald Trump.......Trump should be the president????? The electoral college was enacted when folks had to ride a horse or buggy to a place to vote. In case you haven't noticed now a person can leave NY in the morning and make a meeting in LA the next morning. The outdated electoral college should be superceded with a modern method of voting. There's nothing you can say which might justify the loser of an election becoming the winner. What happened to a "Show of Hands?"
More people and more states voted for Trump, or conservatives voted at the polls then did liberals… Fact. Get your fucking shit eating head out of your fucking ass. Everyone knew except for you obviously those were the rules going into the election the EC determines who is president.
You are a fucking naïve little twit…:lmao:

And you're still full of shit!!

Hillary Clinton has 65,316,724 votes, while Donald Trump has 62,719,568, giving the former secretary of state a lead of nearly 2.6 million votes.

Like I said......let's see a show of hands.
Why don't you look up votes for conservative candidate for president as opposed to vote for a liberal candidates for president? And by the way the ECA determines who is president you should've learned that in grade school… Dip shit
Wait a second.

Are you saying Trump is a conservative candidate?

Within the next page of this thread I challenge any USMB member to provide definitive proof that the Russians 'hacked the election' and their intent was to help Trump

I challenge you to provide definitive proof that the Russians did not try to hack the American elections.

I am baffled by why Conservatives have decided to believe Russia more than our own intelligence agencies.
you want him to prove russia didn't hack? Well I can easily. You can't prove they did!!! there you go. Got anymore easy ones?
The burden of proof / wrong-doing falls on the accuser. Liberals have no definitive proof. This latest stunt is just an example of how they will do anything / say anything to defend this (so far) Conspiracy Theory.
dealing with individuals who think they don't have to provide evidence is tough. Problem is, no evidence, no can go along with em. Just keep it that simple and watch the insults and name calling. That's when I know they got shit.

Dealing with individuals who want to disregard the reports of American intelligence agencies is tough.

I can remember when conservatives at least pretended to care about the security of the United States.
this country hasn't taken cyber intelligence seriously. When did these supposed hacks take place? a year ago? why wasn't it serious back then and why wasn't this kind of investigation started then? Because the Donald won, it's now important and serious? Why wasn't it serious a year ago when it supposedly happened? I can't get behind folks who use politics to tell me something isn't secured. Dude, until you fking libturds call out these corrupt leaders in the DNC I take what you say as fake bullshit.
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It's not a crock of anything just because you don't understand it or see the reason why it exists...or because Hillary lost.

I understand that if 3,000,000+ more American citizens wanted Hillary Clinton than did Donald Trump.......Trump should be the president????? The electoral college was enacted when folks had to ride a horse or buggy to a place to vote. In case you haven't noticed now a person can leave NY in the morning and make a meeting in LA the next morning. The outdated electoral college should be superceded with a modern method of voting. There's nothing you can say which might justify the loser of an election becoming the winner. What happened to a "Show of Hands?"
More people and more states voted for Trump, or conservatives voted at the polls then did liberals… Fact. Get your fucking shit eating head out of your fucking ass. Everyone knew except for you obviously those were the rules going into the election the EC determines who is president.
You are a fucking naïve little twit…:lmao:

And you're still full of shit!!

Hillary Clinton has 65,316,724 votes, while Donald Trump has 62,719,568, giving the former secretary of state a lead of nearly 2.6 million votes.

Like I said......let's see a show of hands.
Why don't you look up votes for conservative candidate for president as opposed to vote for a liberal candidates for president? And by the way the ECA determines who is president you should've learned that in grade school… Dip shit
Wait a second.

Are you saying Trump is a conservative candidate?

No I never did say that, I said he's not a career politician. Dip shit
Within the next page of this thread I challenge any USMB member to provide definitive proof that the Russians 'hacked the election' and their intent was to help Trump

I challenge you to provide definitive proof that the Russians did not try to hack the American elections.

I am baffled by why Conservatives have decided to believe Russia more than our own intelligence agencies.

You want Easy to prove something didn't happen? Really? The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You believing something doesn't make it a fact. if you make the claim and want others to believe it too, YOU have to prove it. Not the other way around. Your name is kind of ironic. Maybe you should change it to Stupidly.

I don't have to prove anything.

The FBI and Homeland Security have issued a report concluding that Russia tried to hack our election process

Easy, you and his fellow travellers want to ignore that report- and don't care whether or not Russia tried to hack the election.

Why do you not care whether or not Russia hacked our election process?

I guess you are 'the ends justify the means' kind of Trump supporters.
dude you keep misrepresenting our beliefs. please get it right. post evidence. the FBI and CIA did not. So unless you have more then them, you have no evidence. We care if a foreign state hacks us. We just need evidence before engaging in a war. You know, like the WMDs in Iraq.
dude you keep misrepresenting our beliefs. please get it right. post evidence. the FBI and CIA did not. So unless you have more then them, you have no evidence. We care if a foreign state hacks us. We just need evidence before engaging in a war. You know, like the WMDs in Iraq.
BUH-BAM! 'Nuff said!
It's not a crock of anything just because you don't understand it or see the reason why it exists...or because Hillary lost.

I understand that if 3,000,000+ more American citizens wanted Hillary Clinton than did Donald Trump.......Trump should be the president????? The electoral college was enacted when folks had to ride a horse or buggy to a place to vote. In case you haven't noticed now a person can leave NY in the morning and make a meeting in LA the next morning. The outdated electoral college should be superceded with a modern method of voting. There's nothing you can say which might justify the loser of an election becoming the winner. What happened to a "Show of Hands?"
More people and more states voted for Trump, or conservatives voted at the polls then did liberals… Fact. Get your fucking shit eating head out of your fucking ass. Everyone knew except for you obviously those were the rules going into the election the EC determines who is president.
You are a fucking naïve little twit…:lmao:

And you're still full of shit!!

Hillary Clinton has 65,316,724 votes, while Donald Trump has 62,719,568, giving the former secretary of state a lead of nearly 2.6 million votes.

Like I said......let's see a show of hands.
what the heck is this?
There is no proof that Russia was trying to get Trump elected. I just watched the Senate/intel hearings and that's not what they said.
Yeah, I will 'take your word for it'. What is SAID does not matter, What is important is the EVIDENCE they have or DON'T have. So far nothing definitive has been shown.
The Russians helped somebody. Who do you think that was?
they did? how?

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