OH SNAP! 'House Intelligence Chair: ‘No Proof’ Russians Were Trying To Get Trump Elected'

Read the report.

Meanwhile Congress is having hearings today
Hearing On Russian Hacks: 5 Key Quotes From Clapper, McCain Others During Armed Services Committee Event
Senator John McCain
"Every American should be alarmed by Russia's attacks on our nation. There is no national security interest more vital to the United States of America than the ability to hold free and fair elections without foreign interference. That's why Congress must set partisanship aside, follow the facts and work together to devise comprehensive solutions to deter, defend against and, when necessary, respond to foreign cyber attacks."

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
I read the news report all it says is that he claimed that because state run TV was against the US it was an attempt to interfere in our election, guess what? We do the same with State run programs all over the world.

What part of 'the hacking was only one part of it' is too hard for you to understand?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
What part of all he said was state run TV was against us don't you get?

What does that have to do with the Russian hacking Clapper specifically notes?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."

Why don't you care that Russia tried to hack our election?
He provide no actual multiple forms of attack other then claiming they ran TV programs against us On GASP State run TV.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."

He says specifically that Russia tried to hack our election.

Why don't you care whether Russia tried to hack our election?
Read the report.

Meanwhile Congress is having hearings today
Hearing On Russian Hacks: 5 Key Quotes From Clapper, McCain Others During Armed Services Committee Event
Senator John McCain
"Every American should be alarmed by Russia's attacks on our nation. There is no national security interest more vital to the United States of America than the ability to hold free and fair elections without foreign interference. That's why Congress must set partisanship aside, follow the facts and work together to devise comprehensive solutions to deter, defend against and, when necessary, respond to foreign cyber attacks."

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
I read the news report all it says is that he claimed that because state run TV was against the US it was an attempt to interfere in our election, guess what? We do the same with State run programs all over the world.

What part of 'the hacking was only one part of it' is too hard for you to understand?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
What part of all he said was state run TV was against us don't you get?

What does that have to do with the Russian hacking Clapper specifically notes?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."

Why don't you care that Russia tried to hack our election?
wasn't it back in 2015? how is it that affected 2016's election? you all forgot to work on the timeline.
Where did James Clapper mention 2015?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
He says specifically that Russia tried to hack our election.
Bullshit, no one is claiming that a single ballot was lost or added due to this supposed Russian hack of the DNC and Podesta emails. The election was not hacked.

You cant even get the most basic facts straight, why should anybody give you the time of day with anything else, hack?
Within the next page of this thread I challenge any USMB member to provide definitive proof that the Russians 'hacked the election' and their intent was to help Trump

I challenge you to provide definitive proof that the Russians did not try to hack the American elections.

I am baffled by why Conservatives have decided to believe Russia more than our own intelligence agencies.

You want Easy to prove something didn't happen? Really? The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You believing something doesn't make it a fact. if you make the claim and want others to believe it too, YOU have to prove it. Not the other way around. Your name is kind of ironic. Maybe you should change it to Stupidly.

I don't have to prove anything.

The FBI and Homeland Security have issued a report concluding that Russia tried to hack our election process

Easy, you and his fellow travellers want to ignore that report- and don't care whether or not Russia tried to hack the election.

Why do you not care whether or not Russia hacked our election process?

I guess you are 'the ends justify the means' kind of Trump supporters.
dude you keep misrepresenting our beliefs. please get it right. post evidence. the FBI and CIA did not. So unless you have more then them, you have no evidence. We care if a foreign state hacks us. We just need evidence before engaging in a war. You know, like the WMDs in Iraq.

Who is asking you to engage in war?

I have seen absolutely no evidence that any of your 'care' if Russia hacked our election.

If you cared- you would not be in full denial mode on behalf of Russia.
how do you figure? someone made a claim, I asked for evidence. so far I got goose eggs. How is that me denying anything?

post something factual and perhaps i could deny it, but right now there isn't anything to deny. nothing has been presented to deny. Except to call bullshit on someone's claim. right?
I read the news report all it says is that he claimed that because state run TV was against the US it was an attempt to interfere in our election, guess what? We do the same with State run programs all over the world.

What part of 'the hacking was only one part of it' is too hard for you to understand?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
What part of all he said was state run TV was against us don't you get?

What does that have to do with the Russian hacking Clapper specifically notes?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."

Why don't you care that Russia tried to hack our election?
wasn't it back in 2015? how is it that affected 2016's election? you all forgot to work on the timeline.
Where did James Clapper mention 2015?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
that came out in the other report from the 30th. didn't you read that one? it was posted in here about 100 times. "summer of 2015" So putin wanted trump to win back in the summer of 2015. wow.
Within the next page of this thread I challenge any USMB member to provide definitive proof that the Russians 'hacked the election' and their intent was to help Trump

I challenge you to provide definitive proof that the Russians did not try to hack the American elections.

I am baffled by why Conservatives have decided to believe Russia more than our own intelligence agencies.

You want Easy to prove something didn't happen? Really? The burden of proof is on the one making the claim. You believing something doesn't make it a fact. if you make the claim and want others to believe it too, YOU have to prove it. Not the other way around. Your name is kind of ironic. Maybe you should change it to Stupidly.

I don't have to prove anything.

The FBI and Homeland Security have issued a report concluding that Russia tried to hack our election process

Easy, you and his fellow travellers want to ignore that report- and don't care whether or not Russia tried to hack the election.

Why do you not care whether or not Russia hacked our election process?

I guess you are 'the ends justify the means' kind of Trump supporters.
dude you keep misrepresenting our beliefs. please get it right. post evidence. the FBI and CIA did not. So unless you have more then them, you have no evidence. We care if a foreign state hacks us. We just need evidence before engaging in a war. You know, like the WMDs in Iraq.

Who is asking you to engage in war?

I have seen absolutely no evidence that any of your 'care' if Russia hacked our election.

If you cared- you would not be in full denial mode on behalf of Russia.
It would be nice to know just what it is they are supposed to have done. Thus far, we've heard "hacked" repeated ad nauseum, but very little specifics as to what was done and its impact.
What part of 'the hacking was only one part of it' is too hard for you to understand?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
What part of all he said was state run TV was against us don't you get?

What does that have to do with the Russian hacking Clapper specifically notes?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."

Why don't you care that Russia tried to hack our election?
wasn't it back in 2015? how is it that affected 2016's election? you all forgot to work on the timeline.
Where did James Clapper mention 2015?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
that came out in the other report from the 30th. didn't you read that one? it was posted in here about 100 times. "summer of 2015" So putin wanted trump to win back in the summer of 2015. wow.

This was from testimony today

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
What part of all he said was state run TV was against us don't you get?

What does that have to do with the Russian hacking Clapper specifically notes?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."

Why don't you care that Russia tried to hack our election?
wasn't it back in 2015? how is it that affected 2016's election? you all forgot to work on the timeline.
Where did James Clapper mention 2015?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
that came out in the other report from the 30th. didn't you read that one? it was posted in here about 100 times. "summer of 2015" So putin wanted trump to win back in the summer of 2015. wow.

This was from testimony today

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
so the russians aren't allowed to present propaganda? why? Why is it CNN is allowed to?

BTW, who collected the 12 women supposedly groped by trump, it wasn't the russians. who did that and where are those women today?
Why is it that...

BEFORE the election all of you Trumpbots were so excited about the revealing of the hacked emails because you were sure they would bring Hillary Clinton down,

but now,

AFTER the election and the revelation that the Russians were in on it, you all have decided that oh no!
those hacked emails couldn't possibly have influenced the election. No way!

you people are a big fat joke.
Why is it that...

BEFORE the election all of you Trumpbots were so excited about the revealing of the hacked emails because you were sure they would bring Hillary Clinton down,

but now,

AFTER the election and the revelation that the Russians were in on it, you all have decided that oh no!
those hacked emails couldn't possibly have influenced the election. No way!

you people are a big fat joke.
there was never anything about hacked emails. there were leaked emails. and as for the 30,000 emails, that would have been from around 2013 when they were unlawfully deleted and were supposed to be in the FBI's hands, have made their way to the FBI is just cheaters proof.
What does that have to do with the Russian hacking Clapper specifically notes?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."

Why don't you care that Russia tried to hack our election?
wasn't it back in 2015? how is it that affected 2016's election? you all forgot to work on the timeline.
Where did James Clapper mention 2015?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
that came out in the other report from the 30th. didn't you read that one? it was posted in here about 100 times. "summer of 2015" So putin wanted trump to win back in the summer of 2015. wow.

This was from testimony today

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
so the russians aren't allowed to present propaganda? why? Why is it CNN is allowed to?

BTW, who collected the 12 women supposedly groped by trump, it wasn't the russians. who did that and where are those women today?

Those women are content in knowing that Trump lied when he said he was going to sue them all.

And of course the sane among us know exactly WHY Trump isn't going to sue any of them.
Why is it that...

BEFORE the election all of you Trumpbots were so excited about the revealing of the hacked emails because you were sure they would bring Hillary Clinton down,

but now,

AFTER the election and the revelation that the Russians were in on it, you all have decided that oh no!
those hacked emails couldn't possibly have influenced the election. No way!

you people are a big fat joke.
EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING affects/influences our elections, dude. No one can reasonably expect the entire planet to stop spinning so we can have our elections and every other nation on this planet will try to spin things to their advantage when we elect a POTUS, like the gazzillion Chicoms that pipe money to the Clintons in each election.

Even if the Russians were the force behind the DNC hacked emails and Podesta's, it was not a HACK of our elections. It was just international shenanigans like WE HAVE BEEN DOING TO OTHER COUNTRIES FOR DECADES.

And besides all that, we know that you losers are just using this as a lame ass excuse to assplain why Hillary the Future Queen had her Crown stolen from her, roflmao.
Why is it that...

BEFORE the election all of you Trumpbots were so excited about the revealing of the hacked emails because you were sure they would bring Hillary Clinton down,

but now,

AFTER the election and the revelation that the Russians were in on it, you all have decided that oh no!
those hacked emails couldn't possibly have influenced the election. No way!

you people are a big fat joke.
there was never anything about hacked emails. there were leaked emails. and as for the 30,000 emails, that would have been from around 2013 when they were unlawfully deleted and were supposed to be in the FBI's hands, have made their way to the FBI is just cheaters proof.

"Never anything about hacked emails."

Oh my fucking Jesus. See what I mean?
Why is it that...

BEFORE the election all of you Trumpbots were so excited about the revealing of the hacked emails because you were sure they would bring Hillary Clinton down,

but now,

AFTER the election and the revelation that the Russians were in on it, you all have decided that oh no!
those hacked emails couldn't possibly have influenced the election. No way!

you people are a big fat joke.
EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING affects/influences our elections, dude. No one can reasonably expect the entire planet to stop spinning so we can have our elections and every other nation on this planet will try to spin things to their advantage when we elect a POTUS, like the gazzillion Chicoms that pipe money to the Clintons in each election.

Even if the Russians were the force behind the DNC hacked emails and Podesta's, it was not a HACK of our elections. It was just international shenanigans like WE HAVE BEEN DOING TO OTHER COUNTRIES FOR DECADES.

And besides all that, we know that you losers are just using this as a lame ass excuse to assplain why Hillary the Future Queen had her Crown stolen from her, roflmao.

lol, so there's no such thing as hacking.

Oh my fucking Jesus

see what I mean about these people?
wasn't it back in 2015? how is it that affected 2016's election? you all forgot to work on the timeline.
Where did James Clapper mention 2015?

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
that came out in the other report from the 30th. didn't you read that one? it was posted in here about 100 times. "summer of 2015" So putin wanted trump to win back in the summer of 2015. wow.

This was from testimony today

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news."
so the russians aren't allowed to present propaganda? why? Why is it CNN is allowed to?

BTW, who collected the 12 women supposedly groped by trump, it wasn't the russians. who did that and where are those women today?

Those women are content in knowing that Trump lied when he said he was going to sue them all.

And of course the sane among us know exactly WHY Trump isn't going to sue any of them.
why were they brought forward? propaganda maybe? you all are losing the ability to lie well.
there was never anything about hacked emails. there were leaked emails. and as for the 30,000 emails, that would have been from around 2013 when they were unlawfully deleted and were supposed to be in the FBI's hands, have made their way to the FBI is just cheaters proof.
I guess the loons are figuring they had to be hacked to be able to leak them, lol.

I say not necessarily as it could have been an inside job. Her Highness Hillary had a whole lot of pissed off Sanders people working at the DNC, no Russian hack is necessary at all.
that came out in the other report from the 30th. didn't you read that one? it was posted in here about 100 times. "summer of 2015" So putin wanted trump to win back in the summer of 2015. wow.

Oh but don't you see? That was way back when libtards were begging for the GOP nominee to be Trump because that guaranteed them a win in 2016! You know... back when they weren't the least bit concerned with Hillary leaving an unsecured server in her closet for the whole world to hack and we were all being super paranoid and launching a partisan witch hunt.
Why is it that...

BEFORE the election all of you Trumpbots were so excited about the revealing of the hacked emails because you were sure they would bring Hillary Clinton down,

but now,

AFTER the election and the revelation that the Russians were in on it, you all have decided that oh no!
those hacked emails couldn't possibly have influenced the election. No way!

you people are a big fat joke.
EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING affects/influences our elections, dude. No one can reasonably expect the entire planet to stop spinning so we can have our elections and every other nation on this planet will try to spin things to their advantage when we elect a POTUS, like the gazzillion Chicoms that pipe money to the Clintons in each election.

Even if the Russians were the force behind the DNC hacked emails and Podesta's, it was not a HACK of our elections. It was just international shenanigans like WE HAVE BEEN DOING TO OTHER COUNTRIES FOR DECADES.

And besides all that, we know that you losers are just using this as a lame ass excuse to assplain why Hillary the Future Queen had her Crown stolen from her, roflmao.

lol, so there's no such thing as hacking.

Oh my fucking Jesus

see what I mean about these people?
Wow, you really are stupid.

I did not say that there was no such thing as hacking, idiot, I said that this particular case is not one of hacking.

Jeebus you are a stupid fuckface.
Why is it that...

BEFORE the election all of you Trumpbots were so excited about the revealing of the hacked emails because you were sure they would bring Hillary Clinton down,

but now,

AFTER the election and the revelation that the Russians were in on it, you all have decided that oh no!
those hacked emails couldn't possibly have influenced the election. No way!

you people are a big fat joke.
there was never anything about hacked emails. there were leaked emails. and as for the 30,000 emails, that would have been from around 2013 when they were unlawfully deleted and were supposed to be in the FBI's hands, have made their way to the FBI is just cheaters proof.

"Never anything about hacked emails."

Oh my fucking Jesus. See what I mean?
well you asked and we were told they were leaked. and that the dude that leaked them was eventually killed. Seth Rich. So try and keep up.

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