OH SNAP! 'House Intelligence Chair: ‘No Proof’ Russians Were Trying To Get Trump Elected'

I heard some libtard talking head this morning saying of course there's no direct evidence the Russians were involved, they are very good at covering their tracks.

So the proof is there's no direct evidence. How do these people manage to survive one day to the next?
bet this same libtard will tell you that illegals didnt vote for Hillary because it cant be proven that they did.

Yep....three million more than Trump LOL!!!

She won more of the votes that don't mean squat.

But keep telling yourself that that means something.

even with all of those votes being from illegals, they were still counted and accepted as valid.
So Im not sure what the issue is with the fact that Donald Trump won fairly within the standards of our election process.
So what do you call it when President Obama tells British citizens that if they vote for Brexit they can expect to be in the back of the line on trade deals?

Openly setting expectations is what I call that.

I will note too that Brexit was not an election it was a policy referendum. The two are not the same.

Or when he sends hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund a political activist group in opposition of Netanyahu in Israel's elections? Is that not interfering? Was he not trying to influence the elections?

I'm not aware of that having happened. I'll look into it and get back to you.

In advance of my looking into it, I can tell you for a fact that I don't care about the U.S. interfering in Israel's political process. Israel literally wouldn't exist but for the U.S. I can also tell you that what matters to me is the existential plausibility and probability of one of the U.S.' foremost enemies nationally backing and authorizing covert or over action that interferes with our election process.

The Saudi Arabian government donated $25 million to Hillary Clinton's campaign.... was that not an attempt to influence the election?
  1. I'm aware of Saudi donations to the Clinton Foundation, not the Clinton campaign. If there were Saudi donations to the Clinton campaign, they were returned. The Clinton Foundation has yet to spend any money on political campaigns.
  2. Is Hillary Clinton's election campaign part-funded by Saudi Arabia?
  3. EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump made millions from Saudi government -- Seeing as he was "self funding," it's safe to say the Saudis did to some degree and without question fund his campaign.

Someone released a tape recording of a private conversation between Trump and Billy Bush where Trump talked about grabbing a woman's pussy... was that not an attempt to influence the election?

No. The recording was made ages ago. The owner, editors and publisher of The Washington Post released the tape. The are, as far as I know, American citizens, thus well within their rights to try to influence U.S. election outcomes.
  • Owner: Jeff Bezos
  • Publisher: Fred Ryan
  • Editorial Board:
    • Editorial Page Editor: Fred Hiatt;
    • Deputy Editorial Page Editor: Jackson Diehl;
    • Associate Editorial Page Editor: Jo-Ann Armao
    • Jonathan Capehart
    • Lee Hockstader
    • Charles Lane
    • Stephen Stromberg
    • Tom Toles.
    • Michael Larabee
When the media gave Hillary the questions for the debate, was that not an attempt to influence the election?

I don't know that anyone gave questions to Hillary Clinton. I know that Donna Brazile gave questions to people who are close to Hillary Clinton, but Donna is close enough to HRC that she could have given her the questions directly and nobody would or could have found out.

With all due respect for your exception taking, where do you draw this arbitrary line when it comes to influencing and interfering with the election?

The line isn't arbitrary. I draw it at the border of the United States of America, which is to say, I have an issue with state sponsored/encouraged/authorized foreign actors interfering in the United States' electoral process. It is untenable to me that the U.S.' leaders would ignore, minimize or in any way do nothing about any instances of that happening, and it is 100% anathema to me that any elected leader in the U.S. would speak or act to openly deny, refute or downplay the USIC's public and unanimous attestations, moreover support Julian Assange's claims to the contrary, about a foreign actor having interfered. That is seditious, perhaps treasonous, in my mind.

As far as the U.S. interfering in other nations' electoral process, well, if those nations are okay with it, I'm okay with it. If they are not and the U.S. did interfere in their electoral process, those nations will do whatever the do.

Well it looks to me like you want to carve yourself out a nice little caveat where things are simply a matter of your perspective. You'll believe whatever you want to believe and ignore what you don't want to believe. You want to make excuses and spin things you can't justify.. when Obama seeks to influence the vote in the UK, that's not an election... when he actively funds a campaign in Israel, that's okay because they wouldn't exist without us. Money donated to the Clinton's sham foundation isn't money to the Clintons. The media trying to influence the elections, well that's not any such thing, you just have to look at it through Democrap-colored glasses. We won't even address all the times the US has propped up puppets and overthrown regimes... that's not undue influence at all, is it?

Now, I am not here to defend Julian Assange. I think what he does is despicable and deplorable. IF he were in the US, I'd say he should be arrested and charged with treason. He's no hero to me. I'm not defending foreign entities trying to influence our elections. But the idea that we can do something about it is goofy. It happens and it's always going to happen. We can't stop it any more than we can stop ISIS from endorsing Obama. All kinds of things, foreign and domestic, have an influence on our elections.... that's just the universe we live in.
I heard some libtard talking head this morning saying of course there's no direct evidence the Russians were involved, they are very good at covering their tracks.

So the proof is there's no direct evidence. How do these people manage to survive one day to the next?
bet this same libtard will tell you that illegals didnt vote for Hillary because it cant be proven that they did.

Yep....three million more than Trump LOL!!!
...in big cities. Big cities are not America. That's why we have the EC system and that's why Trump ran on it rather than the popular vote. Your opinion is as worthless as usual.
I heard some libtard talking head this morning saying of course there's no direct evidence the Russians were involved, they are very good at covering their tracks.

So the proof is there's no direct evidence. How do these people manage to survive one day to the next?
bet this same libtard will tell you that illegals didnt vote for Hillary because it cant be proven that they did.

Yep....three million more than Trump LOL!!!

She won more of the votes that don't mean squat.

But keep telling yourself that that means something.


What it means is that three million more Americans wanted Hillary than did Trump. Because of an antiquated, literally horse and buggy, 17th century electoral college procedure most of us weren't accommodated. The same thing happened in 2000, Gore vs Bush.
I heard some libtard talking head this morning saying of course there's no direct evidence the Russians were involved, they are very good at covering their tracks.

So the proof is there's no direct evidence. How do these people manage to survive one day to the next?
bet this same libtard will tell you that illegals didnt vote for Hillary because it cant be proven that they did.

Yep....three million more than Trump LOL!!!

She won more of the votes that don't mean squat.

But keep telling yourself that that means something.


What it means is that three million more Americans wanted Hillary than did Trump. Because of an antiquated, literally horse and buggy, 17th century electoral college procedure most of us weren't accommodated. The same thing happened in 2000, Gore vs Bush.
I get that you don't understand why we have the EC. Most of us learn it by high school though.
I heard some libtard talking head this morning saying of course there's no direct evidence the Russians were involved, they are very good at covering their tracks.

So the proof is there's no direct evidence. How do these people manage to survive one day to the next?
bet this same libtard will tell you that illegals didnt vote for Hillary because it cant be proven that they did.

Yep....three million more than Trump LOL!!!

She won more of the votes that don't mean squat.

But keep telling yourself that that means something.


What it means is that three million more Americans wanted Hillary than did Trump. Because of an antiquated, literally horse and buggy, 17th century electoral college procedure most of us weren't accommodated. The same thing happened in 2000, Gore vs Bush.
Wow...'another one' still hung up on 'Florida'...

I heard some libtard talking head this morning saying of course there's no direct evidence the Russians were involved, they are very good at covering their tracks.

So the proof is there's no direct evidence. How do these people manage to survive one day to the next?
bet this same libtard will tell you that illegals didnt vote for Hillary because it cant be proven that they did.

Yep....three million more than Trump LOL!!!

She won more of the votes that don't mean squat.

But keep telling yourself that that means something.


What it means is that three million more Americans wanted Hillary than did Trump. Because of an antiquated, literally horse and buggy, 17th century electoral college procedure most of us weren't accommodated. The same thing happened in 2000, Gore vs Bush.
Wow...'another one' still hung up on 'Florida'...

Yep. He's got Bush derangement written all over him. Some of them never made it back.
'2016' will sadly be a liberal 'battle cry' years from now - just like 'Florida' still is.
I heard some libtard talking head this morning saying of course there's no direct evidence the Russians were involved, they are very good at covering their tracks.

So the proof is there's no direct evidence. How do these people manage to survive one day to the next?
bet this same libtard will tell you that illegals didnt vote for Hillary because it cant be proven that they did.

Yep....three million more than Trump LOL!!!

She won more of the votes that don't mean squat.

But keep telling yourself that that means something.


What it means is that three million more Americans wanted Hillary than did Trump. Because of an antiquated, literally horse and buggy, 17th century electoral college procedure most of us weren't accommodated. The same thing happened in 2000, Gore vs Bush.
I get that you don't understand why we have the EC. Most of us learn it by high school though.

Yeah....Horse Shit!!

It's like I said.....a 17th century crock of horse shit!
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It's not a crock of anything just because you don't understand it or see the reason why it exists...or because Hillary lost.
It's not a crock of anything just because you don't understand it or see the reason why it exists...or because Hillary lost.

I understand that if 3,000,000+ more American citizens wanted Hillary Clinton than did Donald Trump.......Trump should be the president????? The electoral college was enacted when folks had to ride a horse or buggy to a place to vote. In case you haven't noticed now a person can leave NY in the morning and make a meeting in LA the next morning. The outdated electoral college should be superceded with a modern method of voting. There's nothing you can say which might justify the loser of an election becoming the winner. What happened to a "Show of Hands?"
The only one promoting false narratives here is you.


Another right wing nut job trying to censor those who she doesn't agree with.

Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions. He noted that Russia is very much a major threat to U.S. interests and is capable of the “sophisticated” hacking required to breach U.S. government computer networks.

“We have been screaming here in the House of Representatives for many years that the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans and other bad actors, every day, were attacking every imaginable place that you could think of, whether it be political parties, to the United States Congress, to the Department of Defense, to our intelligence agencies, to financial institutions,” Nunes said. “Specifically, I’ve always said Russia was the most sophisticated actor in this arena.Specifically, I’ve always said Russia was the most sophisticated actor in this arena. “Specifically, I’ve always said Russia w

Why don't you care if Russia tried to hack our election?
Define "hack". It's a very nice, gauzy, emotional term, but what exactly do you mean by "hack"? No one has credibly asserted that votes were switched from Hillary to Trump, so that's out. The only thing left is the release of the DNC emails, and that was just exposing the truth for people to see. I continue to hear a great deal of outrage from the left that the truth was revealed, but nothing whatsoever about the content of that truth.

In addition, why are Americans so upset that a foreign nation might be interested in the outcome of our presidential election and might try to influence it? We do that all the time around the world. Heck, we don't always even wait for an election. We've been known to violently overthrow a government we don't like and install one we do.
It's not a crock of anything just because you don't understand it or see the reason why it exists...or because Hillary lost.

I understand that if 3,000,000+ more American citizens wanted Hillary Clinton than did Donald Trump.......Trump should be the president????? The electoral college was enacted when folks had to ride a horse or buggy to a place to vote. In case you haven't noticed now a person can leave NY in the morning and make a meeting in LA the next morning. The outdated electoral college should be superceded with a modern method of voting. There's nothing you can say which might justify the loser of an election becoming the winner. What happened to a "Show of Hands?"
More people and more states voted for Trump, or conservatives voted at the polls then did liberals… Fact. Get your fucking shit eating head out of your fucking ass. Everyone knew except for you obviously those were the rules going into the election the EC determines who is president.
You are a fucking naïve little twit…:lmao:
It's not a crock of anything just because you don't understand it or see the reason why it exists...or because Hillary lost.

I understand that if 3,000,000+ more American citizens wanted Hillary Clinton than did Donald Trump.......Trump should be the president????? The electoral college was enacted when folks had to ride a horse or buggy to a place to vote. In case you haven't noticed now a person can leave NY in the morning and make a meeting in LA the next morning. The outdated electoral college should be superceded with a modern method of voting. There's nothing you can say which might justify the loser of an election becoming the winner. What happened to a "Show of Hands?"
Then change the Constitution. Until you do, these are the rules in play, and all candidates operate under them. If you change the rules, the game is played differently, so complaining about the popular vote is basically meaningless. Note as well that Hillary's PV lead came almost exclusively from one state, California.
It's pretty ridiculous to say that voting machines were hacked - they aren't connected to the Internet.

But the Russians were certainly hacking the DNC's emails.

Well, Julian Assange SWEARS that Russians didn't do the hacking, nor was it any representative or agent of the Russian government. So what reason would he have to lie? I don't think it's a foregone conclusion the Russians hacked anything.

And you're right... voting machines are not connected online, so hacking them is virtually impossible. That doesn't stop the left from promoting the false narrative or the stupid sheep on the left who will simply believe it because they want to believe it.

He would lie because he wants to protect Wikileaks's reputation, which has taken a battering as it was seen as a tool for the Russian government.

Or he may genuinely believe it and doesn't know. We can be pretty certain that someone didn't call him and say "Hi. I'm from the Russian government. Do you want some stolen emails?" Russian intelligence is a wee bit more sophisticated than that.
but not sophisticated enough to avoid being seen in a hack? wow, I think they are more sophisticated and didn't do anything.
Funny thing is, releasing a bunch of emails is a clumsy way to use damaging information on a candidate. I would think a savvy blackmailer would hold onto the info until he was sitting across the table from president Hillary, at which time he would use it to gain a favorable position in the negotiations, not announce to the world that he hacked the DNC's emails.
What happened to a "Show of Hands?"
Show of hands? What are you, still mentally back in the 5th grade?

There's nothing you can say which might justify the loser of an election becoming the winner.

My point exactly - The Electoral College is what is used to elect the President of the United States, not a 'show of hands'. Hillary LOST, and there is nothing snowflakes can say which might justify the LOSER of an election becoming the winner.
Within the next page of this thread I challenge any USMB member to provide definitive proof that the Russians 'hacked the election' and their intent was to help Trump

I challenge you to provide definitive proof that the Russians did not try to hack the American elections.

I am baffled by why Conservatives have decided to believe Russia more than our own intelligence agencies.
Once again for the SLOW and STUPID no one claims the election was hacked. .

Once again for the SLOW and the Stupid- I don't understand why Sarge doesn't care whether or not Russia tried to hack our election.

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

This Joint Analysis Report (JAR) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This document
provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and
military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints
associated with the U.S. election,

'Russian... military intelligence Services to.... compromise with the U.S. election."

So you are saying that the FBI, Homeland Security and the CIA are all lying?

Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?

Trump will be President regardless- but why do you just not give a damn whether or not Russia tried to influence our election?
Quote the SPECIFIC line where any of them claim the Russians hacked the election and used the words hacked the election.

Once again for the SLOW and the Stupid- I don't understand why Sarge doesn't care whether or not Russia tried to hack our election.

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

This Joint Analysis Report (JAR) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This document
provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and
military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints
associated with the U.S. election,

'Russian... military intelligence Services to.... compromise with the U.S. election."

So you are saying that the FBI, Homeland Security and the CIA are all lying?

Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?

Trump will be President regardless- but why do you just not give a damn whether or not Russia tried to influence our election?
Which email revelation was the worse one?
The intelligence community has no proof Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election to get Donald Trump elected, according to the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

There’s no proof that we have from intelligence sources that I’ve seen that show that the Russians were directly trying to help Trump,” said Rep. Devin Nunes during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s “Examining Politics” podcast Monday. Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions."
-- HUGE difference between 'did hack' and 'did not rule it out'!

"In his role as chairman overseeing the intelligence community, Nunes has access to the nation’s most important secrets. He is also a member of the intelligence version of the Gang of Eight, a select group of congressional leaders who are given special access to national security information from the executive branch."


'Russia Hacked The Election To Help Trump Win' 'Fake News' EXPOSED!'

'Snowflake Bubble Bursts!

THIS is why the CIA and other Intel agencies illegally ignored a Congressional Subpoena to come before congress and show them the 'evidence' they have - THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY!

THIS is why Barry hasn't released 'definitive' proof Russia 'hacked the election' - HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY.

THIS is why snowflakes on this board keep parroting liberal sources, Barry, and the Intel agencies yet not being able to post any 'evidence' it happened - THERE ISN'T ANY!
The chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is a Republican politician, not an intelligence officer. What do you expect him to say?
It's not a crock of anything just because you don't understand it or see the reason why it exists...or because Hillary lost.

I understand that if 3,000,000+ more American citizens wanted Hillary Clinton than did Donald Trump.......Trump should be the president????? The electoral college was enacted when folks had to ride a horse or buggy to a place to vote. In case you haven't noticed now a person can leave NY in the morning and make a meeting in LA the next morning. The outdated electoral college should be superceded with a modern method of voting. There's nothing you can say which might justify the loser of an election becoming the winner. What happened to a "Show of Hands?"
If you believe the LIB 'man-bun' dopers their female 'snowflake' coastal elites should choose the President you are delusional.
For Christ's sake you assholes can't tie a fucking shoelace.
The intelligence community has no proof Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election to get Donald Trump elected, according to the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

There’s no proof that we have from intelligence sources that I’ve seen that show that the Russians were directly trying to help Trump,” said Rep. Devin Nunes during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s “Examining Politics” podcast Monday. Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions."
-- HUGE difference between 'did hack' and 'did not rule it out'!

"In his role as chairman overseeing the intelligence community, Nunes has access to the nation’s most important secrets. He is also a member of the intelligence version of the Gang of Eight, a select group of congressional leaders who are given special access to national security information from the executive branch."


'Russia Hacked The Election To Help Trump Win' 'Fake News' EXPOSED!'

'Snowflake Bubble Bursts!

THIS is why the CIA and other Intel agencies illegally ignored a Congressional Subpoena to come before congress and show them the 'evidence' they have - THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY!

THIS is why Barry hasn't released 'definitive' proof Russia 'hacked the election' - HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY.

THIS is why snowflakes on this board keep parroting liberal sources, Barry, and the Intel agencies yet not being able to post any 'evidence' it happened - THERE ISN'T ANY!
The chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is a Republican politician, not an intelligence officer. What do you expect him to say?
The truth!
Not a word you know the meaning of.

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