OH SNAP! 'House Intelligence Chair: ‘No Proof’ Russians Were Trying To Get Trump Elected'

Trump's ego can't handle that he was helped by Putin. So he denies the evidence, and his obsequious Chumps obediently mimic whatever he says.

There is no evidence.
Assuming the russians did this, it could've had nothing whatsoever to do with trump and more about Putin's dislike of hillary, meaning that it didn't matter who ran against her.

Hillary herself said so in December, that it was a grudge against her, from which anyone but the most obtuse can see it had nothing to do with getting trump himself elected because it had nothing whatsoever to do with trump

Now of course the left has seized on it to declare trump a Ruskie puppet installed for their benefit and therefore illegitimate. That conclusion of course has been their actual intent all along, regardless of the false narrative they eventually ran with in order to justify their actions.

The night of the election the msnbcers were discussing ways to block trump. Within days there were protests and #notmypresident and recounts and all the rest of the nonsense we've been seeing.

It's all just whining butthurt by babies that don't know how to lose, I don't give a shit what spit and polish they've put on their bullshit at this point.

They lost, they cannot believe it and now they've got to blame someone-and the russians will do very nicely, as this spin also gives them cover to act all outraged and declare trump illegitimate.

Utterly pathetic and has been since election day.

Meanwhile, idiot Republicans will ALSO claim Hillary was soft on Russia during the "reset."

You guys have to be world-class contortionists to make the claims you do.
That had to do with the uranium deal. Don't blame anyone but yourself for not knowing.

But what was the most damaging email in your opinion? I keep asking libs but it's like fishing in a desert.
Trump's ego can't handle that he was helped by Putin. So he denies the evidence, and his obsequious Chumps obediently mimic whatever he says.

There is no clear evidence Russia hacked anything. You libtards keep posting the same articles with the same damn "conclusions" that Russia MAY HAVE been involved. We've known that... no one has disputed that! They MAY HAVE BEEN! Do you fucking not understand what evidence is? You cannot turn "may have" into "proved they did" no matter how hard you try, it's two different things. "We don't know" is NOT "We DO know!"

So when you have some actual FACTS to show which PROVES Russia did this... then you can make that claim and it will be true. Until then, you're LYING.
The intelligence community has no proof Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election to get Donald Trump elected, according to the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

There’s no proof that we have from intelligence sources that I’ve seen that show that the Russians were directly trying to help Trump,” said Rep. Devin Nunes during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s “Examining Politics” podcast Monday. Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions."
-- HUGE difference between 'did hack' and 'did not rule it out'!

"In his role as chairman overseeing the intelligence community, Nunes has access to the nation’s most important secrets. He is also a member of the intelligence version of the Gang of Eight, a select group of congressional leaders who are given special access to national security information from the executive branch."


'Russia Hacked The Election To Help Trump Win' 'Fake News' EXPOSED!'

'Snowflake Bubble Bursts!

THIS is why the CIA and other Intel agencies illegally ignored a Congressional Subpoena to come before congress and show them the 'evidence' they have - THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY!

THIS is why Barry hasn't released 'definitive' proof Russia 'hacked the election' - HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY.

THIS is why snowflakes on this board keep parroting liberal sources, Barry, and the Intel agencies yet not being able to post any 'evidence' it happened - THERE ISN'T ANY!

Why do you- and your fellow snowflakes not care that Russia may have hacked our election?

Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions. He noted that Russia is very much a major threat to U.S. interests and is capable of the “sophisticated” hacking required to breach U.S. government computer networks.

“We have been screaming here in the House of Representatives for many years that the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans and other bad actors, every day, were attacking every imaginable place that you could think of, whether it be political parties, to the United States Congress, to the Department of Defense, to our intelligence agencies, to financial institutions,” Nunes said. “Specifically, I’ve always said Russia was the most sophisticated actor in this arena.Specifically, I’ve always said Russia was the most sophisticated actor in this arena. “Specifically, I’ve always said Russia w

Is it just that you are terrified of offending Russia? Or of offending Putin?
The intelligence community has no proof Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election to get Donald Trump elected, according to the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

There’s no proof that we have from intelligence sources that I’ve seen that show that the Russians were directly trying to help Trump,” said Rep. Devin Nunes during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s “Examining Politics” podcast Monday. Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions."
-- HUGE difference between 'did hack' and 'did not rule it out'!

"In his role as chairman overseeing the intelligence community, Nunes has access to the nation’s most important secrets. He is also a member of the intelligence version of the Gang of Eight, a select group of congressional leaders who are given special access to national security information from the executive branch."


'Russia Hacked The Election To Help Trump Win' 'Fake News' EXPOSED!'

'Snowflake Bubble Bursts!

THIS is why the CIA and other Intel agencies illegally ignored a Congressional Subpoena to come before congress and show them the 'evidence' they have - THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY!

THIS is why Barry hasn't released 'definitive' proof Russia 'hacked the election' - HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY.

THIS is why snowflakes on this board keep parroting liberal sources, Barry, and the Intel agencies yet not being able to post any 'evidence' it happened - THERE ISN'T ANY!

Why do you- and your fellow snowflakes not care that Russia may have hacked our election?

Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions. He noted that Russia is very much a major threat to U.S. interests and is capable of the “sophisticated” hacking required to breach U.S. government computer networks.

“We have been screaming here in the House of Representatives for many years that the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans and other bad actors, every day, were attacking every imaginable place that you could think of, whether it be political parties, to the United States Congress, to the Department of Defense, to our intelligence agencies, to financial institutions,” Nunes said. “Specifically, I’ve always said Russia was the most sophisticated actor in this arena.Specifically, I’ve always said Russia was the most sophisticated actor in this arena. “Specifically, I’ve always said Russia w

Is it just that you are terrified of offending Russia? Or of offending Putin?
What are you droning on about? The point is they obviously have no hard facts, just a lot of speculation. Accusing a country is a serious matter but fortunately it's a very temporary slight.

But which one was the most damaging email to you?
Assuming the russians did this, it could've had nothing whatsoever to do with trump and more about Putin's dislike of hillary, meaning that it didn't matter who ran against her.

Hillary herself said so in December, that it was a grudge against her, from which anyone but the most obtuse can see it had nothing to do with getting trump himself elected because it had nothing whatsoever to do with trump

Now of course the left has seized on it to declare trump a Ruskie puppet installed for their benefit and therefore illegitimate. That conclusion of course has been their actual intent all along, regardless of the false narrative they eventually ran with in order to justify their actions.

The night of the election the msnbcers were discussing ways to block trump. Within days there were protests and #notmypresident and recounts and all the rest of the nonsense we've been seeing.

It's all just whining butthurt by babies that don't know how to lose, I don't give a shit what spit and polish they've put on their bullshit at this point.

They lost, they cannot believe it and now they've got to blame someone-and the russians will do very nicely, as this spin also gives them cover to act all outraged and declare trump illegitimate.

Utterly pathetic and has been since election day.

Meanwhile, idiot Republicans will ALSO claim Hillary was soft on Russia during the "reset."

You guys have to be world-class contortionists to make the claims you do.
That had to do with the uranium deal. Don't blame anyone but yourself for not knowing.

But what was the most damaging email in your opinion? I keep asking libs but it's like fishing in a desert.

LMAO @ the uranium deal, another "pay to play" lie that you fucking ignoramuses with all the sense of an animated cowpie believed:

Did Clinton help Russia obtain uranium for donations? Nope

So tell me. Remember back when you were all gloating how those leaks were damaging Clinton's chance of being elected?


Russia did the hacking. By evidence of your own gloating over the damage this caused, this helped Trump. End of story.

Well, we don't know definitively if Russia did the hacking or not. They MAY have.... we still don't know. But the question remains....

But what was the most damaging email in your opinion? I keep asking libs but it's like fishing in a desert.

What influenced the outcome of the election the most? Was it the sabotaging of Bernie Sanders? Was it Hillary being fed the debate questions? Was it the racist, homophobic and anti-semitic remarks? Was it equally a combination of all these? :dunno:
Assuming the russians did this, it could've had nothing whatsoever to do with trump and more about Putin's dislike of hillary, meaning that it didn't matter who ran against her.

Hillary herself said so in December, that it was a grudge against her, from which anyone but the most obtuse can see it had nothing to do with getting trump himself elected because it had nothing whatsoever to do with trump

Now of course the left has seized on it to declare trump a Ruskie puppet installed for their benefit and therefore illegitimate. That conclusion of course has been their actual intent all along, regardless of the false narrative they eventually ran with in order to justify their actions.

The night of the election the msnbcers were discussing ways to block trump. Within days there were protests and #notmypresident and recounts and all the rest of the nonsense we've been seeing.

It's all just whining butthurt by babies that don't know how to lose, I don't give a shit what spit and polish they've put on their bullshit at this point.

They lost, they cannot believe it and now they've got to blame someone-and the russians will do very nicely, as this spin also gives them cover to act all outraged and declare trump illegitimate.

Utterly pathetic and has been since election day.

Meanwhile, idiot Republicans will ALSO claim Hillary was soft on Russia during the "reset."

You guys have to be world-class contortionists to make the claims you do.

Quoting Clinton is being contortionist?

Good one.

Hardly. It is the dems that have twisted the hell out of this to support their "illegitimate" agenda.

I supported my statement with clinton's own words.

What do you have but your unsubstantiated nonsense?

Do you have anything to say besides "Nuh-UH!"

And lol @ your dullard, sycophant cheerleaders liking your inane posts. You've all the IQ of a jar of mayonnaise.

Oh, please dumbshit do I really need to explain to your stupid ass?


1. Intel does not indicate, or state, that the rooshins, or anyone else, did this expressly to help trump.
2. Your hag princess has also stated otherwise in that she thinks it was a personal grudge on the part of putin.
3. Despite this, you hilariously dishonest, butthurt morons have seized onto this, claimed otherwise with absolutely no basis, to claim he was installed by the russians, or any one of a number of utter absurdities, in order to accomplish your goal of undermining him by utilizing and twisting this to label him illegitimate.

In other words you folks are the lying, vacuous contortionists who are believing, like the good little water carriers you are, the shit the left is now selling, and ignoring whatever necessary in order to do so.

So now I have to explain a straw-man to you?

A: I never once claimed there was clearcut evidence to suggest the Russians hacked with the express purpose to help Trump. (You only need eyes, ears, and a frontal lobe to figure that out).

B: Yes, in fact, 17 intelligence agencies and at least one of Trump's own advisers agree the Russians hacked the DNC.

C. His "illegitimacy" lies in his child-like temperament, the fact that he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, and by the fact that only braindead doofuses like yourself seem to defend him, hence most intelligent people are not convinced that any right-thinking human supports him as president.

Look around you. See a lotta PhDs and atom-splitters on your side? Didn't think so. Lotsa white-trash morons with crotch rockets and dumb broads with butterfly tattoos and/or aluminum siding, however.

So tell me. Remember back when you were all gloating how those leaks were damaging Clinton's chance of being elected?


Russia did the hacking. By evidence of your own gloating over the damage this caused, this helped Trump. End of story.

Well, we don't know definitively if Russia did the hacking or not. They MAY have.... we still don't know. But the question remains....

But what was the most damaging email in your opinion? I keep asking libs but it's like fishing in a desert.

What influenced the outcome of the election the most? Was it the sabotaging of Bernie Sanders? Was it Hillary being fed the debate questions? Was it the racist, homophobic and anti-semitic remarks? Was it equally a combination of all these? :dunno:
I can't get any nibbles on the question. Obviously the libs didn't want America to know how corrupt they are.

USA Today... Politifact?

No... you go fuck yourself, chump.

See how that worked?

Major, reputable, national news organizations that have not bee debunked by anyone with credibility?

Just those silly old things?

What do you have? Tomi Lahren and the blaze? Infowars and Alex Jones' sulfur theories? Please fuck yourself.

So tell me. Remember back when you were all gloating how those leaks were damaging Clinton's chance of being elected?


Russia did the hacking. By evidence of your own gloating over the damage this caused, this helped Trump. End of story.

Well, we don't know definitively if Russia did the hacking or not. They MAY have.... we still don't know. But the question remains....

But what was the most damaging email in your opinion? I keep asking libs but it's like fishing in a desert.

What influenced the outcome of the election the most? Was it the sabotaging of Bernie Sanders? Was it Hillary being fed the debate questions? Was it the racist, homophobic and anti-semitic remarks? Was it equally a combination of all these? :dunno:
I can't get any nibbles on the question. Obviously the libs didn't want America to know how corrupt they are.

Why would it be racist or homophobic remarks? TrumpHumpers CELEBRATE that shit.
Can't even get Trump, Russians, Assange and the zealot gang on their chain to admit Russians did the hacking...but all of sudden proof of exact goals of hacking is the prime issue?

Russians hacked political party(s) in this country - what fucking goals do you THINK they had? Sharing with the world Podesta's life changing recipes?

So the fact that no one will confirm your lie is evidence you must be telling the truth? :dunno:

At this point, you have no evidence Russians hacked anything.

Thank you for diligently supporting my point.

So tell me. Remember back when you were all gloating how those leaks were damaging Clinton's chance of being elected?


Russia did the hacking. By evidence of your own gloating over the damage this caused, this helped Trump. End of story.

Well, we don't know definitively if Russia did the hacking or not. They MAY have.... we still don't know. But the question remains....

But what was the most damaging email in your opinion? I keep asking libs but it's like fishing in a desert.

What influenced the outcome of the election the most? Was it the sabotaging of Bernie Sanders? Was it Hillary being fed the debate questions? Was it the racist, homophobic and anti-semitic remarks? Was it equally a combination of all these? :dunno:
I can't get any nibbles on the question. Obviously the libs didn't want America to know how corrupt they are.

Yeah, those libs, so corrupt.

Tom DeLay
Scooter Libby
Dick Cheney
Fake Trump Foundation
Fake Trump University
Aaron Shock and his Downton Abbey office
Etc. etc. etc.
There it is though, the reality of what we're dealing with. People who don't give two shits that the MSM is in bed with a single political party and has repeatedly mis-informed and even lied through their teeth. Folks who when presented with evidence that the political party they are supporting is corrupted, completely ignore it.

This is the stupid that has been running our country, and ruining our global reputation.

Like I've said before, we might as well fucking be Russia at this point.
Assuming the russians did this, it could've had nothing whatsoever to do with trump and more about Putin's dislike of hillary, meaning that it didn't matter who ran against her.

Hillary herself said so in December, that it was a grudge against her, from which anyone but the most obtuse can see it had nothing to do with getting trump himself elected because it had nothing whatsoever to do with trump

Now of course the left has seized on it to declare trump a Ruskie puppet installed for their benefit and therefore illegitimate. That conclusion of course has been their actual intent all along, regardless of the false narrative they eventually ran with in order to justify their actions.

The night of the election the msnbcers were discussing ways to block trump. Within days there were protests and #notmypresident and recounts and all the rest of the nonsense we've been seeing.

It's all just whining butthurt by babies that don't know how to lose, I don't give a shit what spit and polish they've put on their bullshit at this point.

They lost, they cannot believe it and now they've got to blame someone-and the russians will do very nicely, as this spin also gives them cover to act all outraged and declare trump illegitimate.

Utterly pathetic and has been since election day.

Meanwhile, idiot Republicans will ALSO claim Hillary was soft on Russia during the "reset."

You guys have to be world-class contortionists to make the claims you do.

Quoting Clinton is being contortionist?

Good one.

Hardly. It is the dems that have twisted the hell out of this to support their "illegitimate" agenda.

I supported my statement with clinton's own words.

What do you have but your unsubstantiated nonsense?

Do you have anything to say besides "Nuh-UH!"

And lol @ your dullard, sycophant cheerleaders liking your inane posts. You've all the IQ of a jar of mayonnaise.

Oh, please dumbshit do I really need to explain to your stupid ass?


1. Intel does not indicate, or state, that the rooshins, or anyone else, did this expressly to help trump.
2. Your hag princess has also stated otherwise in that she thinks it was a personal grudge on the part of putin.
3. Despite this, you hilariously dishonest, butthurt morons have seized onto this, claimed otherwise with absolutely no basis, to claim he was installed by the russians, or any one of a number of utter absurdities, in order to accomplish your goal of undermining him by utilizing and twisting this to label him illegitimate.

In other words you folks are the lying, vacuous contortionists who are believing, like the good little water carriers you are, the shit the left is now selling, and ignoring whatever necessary in order to do so.

So now I have to explain a straw-man to you?

A: I never once claimed there was clearcut evidence to suggest the Russians hacked with the express purpose to help Trump. (You only need eyes, ears, and a frontal lobe to figure that out).

B: Yes, in fact, 17 intelligence agencies and at least one of Trump's own advisers agree the Russians hacked the DNC.

C. His "illegitimacy" lies in his child-like temperament, the fact that he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, and by the fact that only braindead doofuses like yourself seem to defend him, hence most intelligent people are not convinced that any right-thinking human supports him as president.

Look around you. See a lotta PhDs and atom-splitters on your side? Didn't think so. Lotsa white-trash morons with crotch rockets and dumb broads with butterfly tattoos and/or aluminum siding, however.

No, you don't need to explain a straw man, but you might want take a second to read the title of the thread or my post to which you responded, as one could quite easily claim that you are the one erecting the strawman by simply going to a topic that is easier for you to argue, which is literally all you've done. And the why is simple- you cannot argue the point made because you have no evidence whatsoever to do so, and yet you'll continue to rattle on nonetheless.

Well done.
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Why do you and your fellow snowflakes - not care that Russia may have hacked our election?

Why do you snowflakes insist on creating false narratives, like this one above, and continuing to insist this whole 'Russians hacked the Election' conspiracy theory / butt-hurt denial scenario is real?

I actually DO believe the Chairman of the Intel Committee who said the Russians MIGHT HAVE BEEN TRYING to hack the DNC but that THERE IS NO PROOF THEY SUCCEEDED!

No one hacked the voting machines.

No one changed Hillary votes to Trump votes.

Barry has offered ZERO evidence to support the claim.

The Intel Community has offered ZERO evidence to support the claim.

The Intel Community, when given the chance to do so, was an illegal No-Show, violating a Subpoena to avoid doing so.

The Intel Committee Chairman has declared there is ZERO evidence 'Russia hacked the election'

The Intel Committee Chairman has stated there is no evidence that Russia ever wanted to help Trump

The man who leaked all of the DNC / Podesta information has said the data never came from Russia, that it was never hacked, that it was provided by a DNC Insider

Not one single USMB member has come forward and provided definitive proof that the Russians hacked the election - they have just parroted the liberal propagandists.

A USMB member DID post a link to a site that proved the code supposedly found is an out-dated Ukrainian code that can be located, down-loaded, and used by anyone who has access to the internet.

I beg you to put this issue to rest - do what Barak Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, all the Liberals in Congress, & all 17 Intel Agencies (damn that's a lot of agencies) have not been able to do / have refused to do -

Produce the definitive evidence that the Russians 'hacked the election' AND that they di so in an intentional effort to help Donald Trump!

Is you can't STFU already until someone can/does!

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