OH SNAP! 'House Intelligence Chair: ‘No Proof’ Russians Were Trying To Get Trump Elected'

This is not new news... they already said they still don't have definitive evidence to link the Russians to giving WikiLeaks the emails... but they do have evidence it was the Russians that did the hack. Do you not understand the difference?
Covered up for a criminal.
Pushed the worst candidate in US history.
Rigged their Primary in her favor ('cause she couldn't win on her own)
Engaged in voter fraud in their Primary
Was exposed with their own personal emails as racists/sexists/homophobes/anti-Semites
Firebombed and vandalized GOP HQs
Hired thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody Trump supporters.
Encouraged illegals to vote.
LOST the election.
Demanded a recount. (Trump gained votes)
Declared they won the Popular Vote.
Attempted to turn Electoral College Voters. (More turned for Trump than Hillary)
Falsely accused Russia of 'hacking the election for Trump (Blowing up in their faces)
Openly declares they will be 100% Obstructionists because they are butt-hurt Hillary Lost


It's pretty ridiculous to say that voting machines were hacked - they aren't connected to the Internet.

But the Russians were certainly hacking the DNC's emails.

Well, Julian Assange SWEARS that Russians didn't do the hacking, nor was it any representative or agent of the Russian government. So what reason would he have to lie? I don't think it's a foregone conclusion the Russians hacked anything.

And you're right... voting machines are not connected online, so hacking them is virtually impossible. That doesn't stop the left from promoting the false narrative or the stupid sheep on the left who will simply believe it because they want to believe it.

He would lie because he wants to protect Wikileaks's reputation, which has taken a battering as it was seen as a tool for the Russian government.

Or he may genuinely believe it and doesn't know. We can be pretty certain that someone didn't call him and say "Hi. I'm from the Russian government. Do you want some stolen emails?" Russian intelligence is a wee bit more sophisticated than that.
Covered up for a criminal.
Pushed the worst candidate in US history.
Rigged their Primary in her favor ('cause she couldn't win on her own)
Engaged in voter fraud in their Primary
Was exposed with their own personal emails as racists/sexists/homophobes/anti-Semites
Firebombed and vandalized GOP HQs
Hired thugs to intimidate, beat, and bloody Trump supporters.
Encouraged illegals to vote.
LOST the election.
Demanded a recount. (Trump gained votes)
Declared they won the Popular Vote.
Attempted to turn Electoral College Voters. (More turned for Trump than Hillary)
Falsely accused Russia of 'hacking the election for Trump (Blowing up in their faces)
Openly declares they will be 100% Obstructionists because they are butt-hurt Hillary Lost



Whoa, take a chill pill.

Hillary lost because of Hillary.

Trump is the President. He won. That's it.

But we should know if Russia was interfering in our election.
There is no proof that Russia was trying to get Trump elected. However, that doesn't mean they weren't interfering in our election. You do understand there's a difference, right?
You do understand that does NOT means Russia WAS interfering in our election, either, right?

Let's have an investigation and find out.

And the Senate is going to.
I'm thinking they are scared s$itless what the incoming administration may find...
SCAM is right.

Snowflakes couldn't just admit they ran the worst candidate ever and that she and other Democrats got their collective asses kicked. No, they had to minimize the message sent to them by the American people, had to come up with another excuse than they simply lost....it was 'stolen' from them (like they did to Bernie). It...it...it was....the Russians!


Now it's blowing up in their faces.
It's pretty ridiculous to say that voting machines were hacked - they aren't connected to the Internet.

But the Russians were certainly hacking the DNC's emails.

Well, Julian Assange SWEARS that Russians didn't do the hacking, nor was it any representative or agent of the Russian government. So what reason would he have to lie? I don't think it's a foregone conclusion the Russians hacked anything.

And you're right... voting machines are not connected online, so hacking them is virtually impossible. That doesn't stop the left from promoting the false narrative or the stupid sheep on the left who will simply believe it because they want to believe it.

He would lie because he wants to protect Wikileaks's reputation, which has taken a battering as it was seen as a tool for the Russian government.

Or he may genuinely believe it and doesn't know. We can be pretty certain that someone didn't call him and say "Hi. I'm from the Russian government. Do you want some stolen emails?" Russian intelligence is a wee bit more sophisticated than that.

Except he did not say he didn't know... he said "1000% they didn't." Sounds like he is pretty sure.

Now here's the deal... you have, at this point, absolutely ZERO evidence the Russians hacked anything. You have the guy who leaked the information saying it's 1000% certain it wasn't the Russians. And what WAS hacked was DNC and Podesta emails.... nothing whatsoever to do with the actual elections.

Congress has requested the evidence be turned over to them and so far, nothing has been turned over by the CIA or FBI. All we have are baseless and unsupported claims from Democrats.
Except he did not say he didn't know... he said "1000% they didn't." Sounds like he is pretty sure.

Now here's the deal... you have, at this point, absolutely ZERO evidence the Russians hacked anything. You have the guy who leaked the information saying it's 1000% certain it wasn't the Russians. And what WAS hacked was DNC and Podesta emails.... nothing whatsoever to do with the actual elections.

Congress has requested the evidence be turned over to them and so far, nothing has been turned over by the CIA or FBI. All we have are baseless and unsupported claims from Democrats.
Wish I could give you a lot more 'Winner's.
Except he did not say he didn't know... he said "1000% they didn't." Sounds like he is pretty sure.

Now here's the deal... you have, at this point, absolutely ZERO evidence the Russians hacked anything. You have the guy who leaked the information saying it's 1000% certain it wasn't the Russians. And what WAS hacked was DNC and Podesta emails.... nothing whatsoever to do with the actual elections.

Congress has requested the evidence be turned over to them and so far, nothing has been turned over by the CIA or FBI. All we have are baseless and unsupported claims from Democrats.
Wish I could give you a lot more 'Winner's.

Me too... funny, hacked e-mails were a big "nothing to see here" until HRC lost.
But we should know if Russia was interfering in our election.

I think we have to qualify what you mean by "interfered" here. If covert Russian spies infiltrated voting precincts and tampered with voting machines... yeah, we need to know about that. But if you mean "influenced" ...like the way Obama tried to influence Israel's elections or the Brexit vote... then that's fair game in any election. Lots of things can "influence" an election. There's no law against it, there's nothing unethical about it, that's what happens in every election... things (and people) try to influence the vote.

The left is actively trying to play this little semantics game with the public... using buzzwords like "interfered" and "influenced" to convey this image of Russians hacking into the voting machines and changing Hillary's votes to Trump votes. THAT is what they want YOU to believe happened. That did NOT happen.
Have you stopped to wonder why the intel agencies have not given it to the intel committee yet.

Traitors on the committee who would give it to the Russians?
They don't have the authority to refuse Congress. If they did, we'd have unaccountable spy agencies, which would be a very bad thing.
Can't even get Trump, Russians, Assange and the zealot gang on their chain to admit Russians did the hacking...but all of sudden proof of exact goals of hacking is the prime issue?

Russians hacked political party(s) in this country - what fucking goals do you THINK they had? Sharing with the world Podesta's life changing recipes? :rolleyes:

Russians could have had many aims, helping Trump could have been a side project to simply disrupting and discrediting political process and embarrassing us - that doesn't change the crimes Russia was engaged in and appropriateness of retaliation for it.
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Can't even get Trump, Russians, Assange and the zealot gang on their chain to admit Russians did the hacking...but all of sudden proof of exact goals of hacking is the prime issue?

Russians hacked political party(s) in this country - what fucking goals do you THINK they had?
A 12-year-old could've hacked those emails, there is absolutely zero proof that Russia had anything to do with it.… At this point. Why not persecute and go after the DNC and Hildabeast for being so incompetent in not securing their servers. They should be punished to the full list extent of the law for being an ass wipes…:lmao:
Can't even get Trump, Russians, Assange and the zealot gang on their chain to admit Russians did the hacking...but all of sudden proof of exact goals of hacking is the prime issue?

Russians hacked political party(s) in this country - what fucking goals do you THINK they had?
A 12-year-old could've hacked those emails, there is absolutely zero proof that Russia had anything to do with it.… At this point. Why not persecute and go after the DNC and Hildabeast for being so incompetent in not securing their servers. They should be punished to the full list extent of the law for being an ass wipes…:lmao:

Thank you for diligently supporting my point. :thup:
Can't even get Trump, Russians, Assange and the zealot gang on their chain to admit Russians did the hacking...but all of sudden proof of exact goals of hacking is the prime issue?

Russians hacked political party(s) in this country - what fucking goals do you THINK they had?
A 12-year-old could've hacked those emails, there is absolutely zero proof that Russia had anything to do with it.… At this point. Why not persecute and go after the DNC and Hildabeast for being so incompetent in not securing their servers. They should be punished to the full list extent of the law for being an ass wipes…:lmao:

Thank you for diligently supporting my point. :thup:
The fact remains, what happened to the Hildabeast was her own making… She was/is beyond incompetent and corrupt. Fact

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