OH SNAP! 'House Intelligence Chair: ‘No Proof’ Russians Were Trying To Get Trump Elected'

The GOP is trying to characterize all this denial as 'healthy skepticism'.

Let me ask this:

Where was their 'healthy skepticism' when they were fruitlessly pursuing investigation after investigation over Benghazi?
They weren't 'skeptical' then. They were CERTAIN they could pin something on Hillary Clinton.
Can't even get Trump, Russians, Assange and the zealot gang on their chain to admit Russians did the hacking...but all of sudden proof of exact goals of hacking is the prime issue?

Russians hacked political party(s) in this country - what fucking goals do you THINK they had?
A 12-year-old could've hacked those emails, there is absolutely zero proof that Russia had anything to do with it.… At this point. Why not persecute and go after the DNC and Hildabeast for being so incompetent in not securing their servers. They should be punished to the full list extent of the law for being an ass wipes…:lmao:

Thank you for diligently supporting my point. :thup:
The fact remains, what happened to the Hildabeast was her own making… She was/is beyond incompetent and corrupt. Fact

Calling your own wacky opinions 'Fact' is the gheyest rhetorical device in use on USMB.
Can't even get Trump, Russians, Assange and the zealot gang on their chain to admit Russians did the hacking...but all of sudden proof of exact goals of hacking is the prime issue?

Russians hacked political party(s) in this country - what fucking goals do you THINK they had? Sharing with the world Podesta's life changing recipes?

So the fact that no one will confirm your lie is evidence you must be telling the truth? :dunno:

At this point, you have no evidence Russians hacked anything. What Wikileaks released was damaging to the Democratic Party because of all the sleazy and dirty shenanigans that went on during the primaries. The racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic way they spoke of their own voting blocs. How they fucked over Bernie and rigged the primary for Hillary. THAT is what influenced the election, if anything.

Now... none of you minded one little bit when someone leaked Trump's tax return... or his candid conversation with Billy Bush. So we see, as long as leaks HELP you, they're fine and dandy... it's when they don't help you that you have outrage.
Yea, but.........17 INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES!

Snowflakes are so fucked in the head. We see the DNC is corrupt as shit and rigged the primary and colluded with CNN for debate questions and the NYT allowed the DNC to vet all articles about Hillary.

Only a snowflake would consider. "THE TRUTH" the same as "HACKING THE ELECTION."
Can't even get Trump, Russians, Assange and the zealot gang on their chain to admit Russians did the hacking...but all of sudden proof of exact goals of hacking is the prime issue?

Russians hacked political party(s) in this country - what fucking goals do you THINK they had?
A 12-year-old could've hacked those emails, there is absolutely zero proof that Russia had anything to do with it.… At this point. Why not persecute and go after the DNC and Hildabeast for being so incompetent in not securing their servers. They should be punished to the full list extent of the law for being an ass wipes…:lmao:

Thank you for diligently supporting my point. :thup:
The fact remains, what happened to the Hildabeast was her own making… She was/is beyond incompetent and corrupt. Fact

Calling your own wacky opinions 'Fact' is the gheyest rhetorical device in use on USMB.
The Loopy kunt lost... live with it. Bedwetter
The GOP is trying to characterize all this denial as 'healthy skepticism'.

No no no... We're trying to say that you don't have evidence so you can't make the charge. It's not "healthy skepticism" at all... it's holding your feet to the fire on the fact that you have NO EVIDENCE!
"But I FEEL like it's true so therefore it is!"

- Snowflake
I get a kick out of how the left said

"since there is no direct proof Hillary's server was hacked, then there is no reason to believe it was hacked...

And now?

"Even though there isn't direct proof the Russians did it, there is no reason we should believe they didn't."

Do they not see the hypocrisy?

Of course not. They will simply say...

"one thing has nothing to do with the other. It is apples and oranges"

FBI Director Comey told Congress that there was evidence that a minimum of five foreign countries had hacked into Hillary's private server! We could probably make a reasonable assumption that would include Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.
The intelligence community has no proof Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election to get Donald Trump elected, according to the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

There’s no proof that we have from intelligence sources that I’ve seen that show that the Russians were directly trying to help Trump,” said Rep. Devin Nunes during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s “Examining Politics” podcast Monday. Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions."
-- HUGE difference between 'did hack' and 'did not rule it out'!

"In his role as chairman overseeing the intelligence community, Nunes has access to the nation’s most important secrets. He is also a member of the intelligence version of the Gang of Eight, a select group of congressional leaders who are given special access to national security information from the executive branch."


'Russia Hacked The Election To Help Trump Win' 'Fake News' EXPOSED!'

'Snowflake Bubble Bursts!

THIS is why the CIA and other Intel agencies illegally ignored a Congressional Subpoena to come before congress and show them the 'evidence' they have - THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY!

THIS is why Barry hasn't released 'definitive' proof Russia 'hacked the election' - HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY.

THIS is why snowflakes on this board keep parroting liberal sources, Barry, and the Intel agencies yet not being able to post any 'evidence' it happened - THERE ISN'T ANY!
It is difficult to see how any honest, intelligent person can believe this Obamascam about Russia playing a role in the election.
Have you stopped to wonder why the intel agencies have not given it to the intel committee yet.

Traitors on the committee who would give it to the Russians?
They don't have the authority to refuse Congress. If they did, we'd have unaccountable spy agencies, which would be a very bad thing.
They will give it in their own good time, Gaston.
Can't even get Trump, Russians, Assange and the zealot gang on their chain to admit Russians did the hacking...but all of sudden proof of exact goals of hacking is the prime issue?

Russians hacked political party(s) in this country - what fucking goals do you THINK they had?
A 12-year-old could've hacked those emails, there is absolutely zero proof that Russia had anything to do with it.… At this point. Why not persecute and go after the DNC and Hildabeast for being so incompetent in not securing their servers. They should be punished to the full list extent of the law for being an ass wipes…:lmao:

Thank you for diligently supporting my point. :thup:
The fact remains, what happened to the Hildabeast was her own making… She was/is beyond incompetent and corrupt. Fact

Of course, it is Hillary's fault that Russia hacked DNC and fished Podesta emails. She is such an asshole!
Can't even get Trump, Russians, Assange and the zealot gang on their chain to admit Russians did the hacking...but all of sudden proof of exact goals of hacking is the prime issue?

Russians hacked political party(s) in this country - what fucking goals do you THINK they had?
A 12-year-old could've hacked those emails, there is absolutely zero proof that Russia had anything to do with it.… At this point. Why not persecute and go after the DNC and Hildabeast for being so incompetent in not securing their servers. They should be punished to the full list extent of the law for being an ass wipes…:lmao:

Thank you for diligently supporting my point. :thup:
The fact remains, what happened to the Hildabeast was her own making… She was/is beyond incompetent and corrupt. Fact

Of course, it is Hillary's fault that Russia hacked DNC and fished Podesta emails. She is such an asshole!
Obviously her emails damaged her campaign, and the fact remains a 12-year-old could've hacked their servers why didnt she and the DNC secure their servers? They're incompetent because their servers were unsecured, And they were/are corrupt because the material damaging their campaign that they were trying to secure with unsecured servers…

They got what they deserved they got the fuck kicked out of them…:lmao:
The GOP is trying to characterize all this denial as 'healthy skepticism'.

Let me ask this:

Where was their 'healthy skepticism' when they were fruitlessly pursuing investigation after investigation over Benghazi?
They weren't 'skeptical' then. They were CERTAIN they could pin something on Hillary Clinton.
That's because it was proven that:

- Despite Hillary and Barry knowing about the call for a Middle East-wide terrorist attack on 9/11/12

- Despite Hillary and Barry knowing of the call for the assassination of Ambassador Stephens by an Al Qaeda leader in retaliation for an Al Qaeda from Benghazi being killed in a drone strike several months earlier

- Despite every pother country having pulled out their own people from Benghazi because of the warnings, massive al Qaeda presence in the city, and several local terrorist attacks by Al Qaeda

- Despite Stephens warning that Al Qaeda flags were flying over Benghazi govt buildings, that MORE terrorist training camps being opened, and over 60 pleas for additional security

- Despite the 2 terrorist attacks on his compound in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12 - the 2nd leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall - and Stephens telling them if there was a 3rd attack he would die....

...Hillary and Barry continued to run weapons through Benghazi to Al Qaeda and ISIS
...Hillary and Barry refused to order Americans out, as had all other governments who had people there
...Hillary and Barry not only refused to give more security to Stephens, THEY TOOK AWAY MORE OF HIS SECURITY TEAM

It was exposed that Hillary knowing lied about there being a 'protest', as her own e-mails showed she told the Egyptian Ambassador that they/she KNEW 'the video had nothing to do with it, that it was a terrorist attack, and told her daughter it was a terrorist attack.

Liberals continue to engage in denial and claim all this was NOTHING.

Stephens and 3 other Americans were abandoned and died for NOTHING.

NOTHING is what Barry and snowflakes have to support their latest delusional LIE about the Russians 'hacking the election'.
Of course, it is Hillary's fault that Russia hacked DNC and fished Podesta emails. She is such an asshole!
She used an un-authorized, un-encrypted personal server in order to try to illegally evade the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, illegally shared her password with persons who had no security clearance, gave access to her classified e-mails to people who had no security clearances - like her tech aide, her lawyer, and her MAID, allowed a small tech company to house and maintain her classified server in their BATHROOM while none of them had the security clearances to do so, every e-mail she ever sent was found on her #1 aide's laptop she shared with her perverted pedophile husband...

Yeah, I agree. She IS such an asshole!
Russian hacking is the new flat Earth society.
But you believe in a flat earth.

The intel agencies, all of them, agree. You don't. Who cares?

JakeFakey, can you provide statements from all 17 agencies agreeing on the alleged hacking? I'm really interested since all of you leftists keep screaming 17 agencies. First it was alleged by unnamed sources that the CIA made the claim. Then eventually the FBI crawled on the bandwagon. That is 2 agencies. Give us the statements from the other 15 agencies. If you can't, you're promoting fake news BS.
Some of the hacked snowflakes claimed their e-mails had been ALTERED....but have shown no evidence of that being the case.

Again, snowflake lies.
The intelligence community has no proof Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election to get Donald Trump elected, according to the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

There’s no proof that we have from intelligence sources that I’ve seen that show that the Russians were directly trying to help Trump,” said Rep. Devin Nunes during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s “Examining Politics” podcast Monday. Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions."
-- HUGE difference between 'did hack' and 'did not rule it out'!

"In his role as chairman overseeing the intelligence community, Nunes has access to the nation’s most important secrets. He is also a member of the intelligence version of the Gang of Eight, a select group of congressional leaders who are given special access to national security information from the executive branch."


'Russia Hacked The Election To Help Trump Win' 'Fake News' EXPOSED!'

'Snowflake Bubble Bursts!

THIS is why the CIA and other Intel agencies illegally ignored a Congressional Subpoena to come before congress and show them the 'evidence' they have - THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY!

THIS is why Barry hasn't released 'definitive' proof Russia 'hacked the election' - HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY.

THIS is why snowflakes on this board keep parroting liberal sources, Barry, and the Intel agencies yet not being able to post any 'evidence' it happened - THERE ISN'T ANY!
But Obama said so!
The fact remains, Russia had nothing to do with the outcome of the election…
Assuming the russians did this, it could've had nothing whatsoever to do with trump and more about Putin's dislike of hillary, meaning that it didn't matter who ran against her.

Hillary herself said so in December, that it was a grudge against her, from which anyone but the most obtuse can see it had nothing to do with getting trump himself elected because it had nothing whatsoever to do with trump

Now of course the left has seized on it to declare trump a Ruskie puppet installed for their benefit and therefore illegitimate. That conclusion of course has been their actual intent all along, regardless of the false narrative they eventually ran with in order to justify their actions.

The night of the election the msnbcers were discussing ways to block trump. Within days there were protests and #notmypresident and recounts and all the rest of the nonsense we've been seeing.

It's all just whining butthurt by babies that don't know how to lose, I don't give a shit what spit and polish they've put on their bullshit at this point.

They lost, they cannot believe it and now they've got to blame someone-and the russians will do very nicely, as this spin also gives them cover to act all outraged and declare trump illegitimate.

Utterly pathetic and has been since election day.

Meanwhile, idiot Republicans will ALSO claim Hillary was soft on Russia during the "reset."

You guys have to be world-class contortionists to make the claims you do.

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