Oh... That "Fake Ashley Biden Diary"... whoa not so fast.. It has been verified as True

Another one we had right
If Trump starts dropping shower jokes we know libs will Pearl clutch but will judges gag him?
One story, does not prove much, or three or four pictures, or Joe Biden getting his hand slapped away from someone's granddaughter.

You can see Biden moving in for one of his infamous “nuzzles” on Jeff’s granddaughter. Watch what Sessions does next: he swats Biden’s hand away. Even back then, Jeff knew exactly who and what Biden truly was and still is.
Remember they told you the diary was a fake? And then you found out people got arrested for stealing the "fake diary" ?
Well then you heard "the contents are fake" "not true" NOT SO FAST....

The contents have been verified and they are TRUE. Very interesting the media tried to hide this. Do you agree?

Note: On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from "Unproven" to "True" based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden. In an April 8 letter to a New York judge requesting jail time for one of the two people convicted of stealing her diary, Biden wrote "I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online."
Previous versions of this fact check noted "strong evidence" that the diary existed, but argued that no source had authenticated the contents of the pages published online, writing that "the authenticity of photographs purported to be from a diary is a separate question from the factual existence of a diary."

Because published court documents including the written testimony of Ashley Biden herself demonstrate the reality of the diary, the claim that it has been "confirmed" is True.

(Pearl clutching moment)!
So sick people like you misrepresent entries and take stuff out of context and build crazed narratives? Okay.

Lots that is innocent seems sexual to you people. It reveals the workings of sick minds. Biden's daughter does not call him a sexual abuser, but we all know a jury and a court have called Trump that.

carry on
She says he took inappropriate showers with her and she would wait till late at night to take showers hoping he wouldn't show up. You loons are sick.
iku is lying, and after the elections the defamation laws will be tightened and be fierce on punks like him.
No, Trump's doj next year should investigate the diary. Sexually assaulting a minor has no time limitations.
I am not going to argue anymore. This is all you need to know.

Contents of 'Ashley Biden's Diary' Have Been Verified.​


If you don't believe it, you support a very disgusting individual that just so happens to occupy the White House.
The leader of their party. Trump needs to run ads on this immediately.
She says he took inappropriate showers with her and she would wait till late at night to take showers hoping he wouldn't show up. You loons are sick.
Libs are only who hear it from the horses mouth and see it in writing and then swear neither occurred.
So sick people like you misrepresent entries and take stuff out of context and build crazed narratives? Okay.

Lots that is innocent seems sexual to you people. It reveals the workings of sick minds. Biden's daughter does not call him a sexual abuser, but we all know a jury and a court have called Trump that.

carry on
You are protecting a incestual pedophile! :slap:
It is such a sad day when political operatives on this board, who are paid to protect Joe, can't even call evil evil, they musty protect power!

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