"Oh, The Humanity ..."

That's what you're praising with this Iran fiasco.

You darn right I'm happy for the Iranian people, its a long time coming. We do not need Iran to become another Iraq.

The Iranian people would love to change their country hence the demonstrations a few years ago.

I'm sure they are sick of living under the rule of those sharia Mullah's.

Boy are you out to fucking lunch. You bring new meaning to the word moron.

Claudette------hi ---I am rosie. Penelope tells us that she never met an Iranian-----she "knows" because she reads lots. Have some fun----try to track her garbage-----just paste some of her comments into a search engine

She thinks Israel nuked the WTC. She's a loon.

Yes you didn't see any planes hit the WTC building 7 did you? just who do you think did it? Do you have any idea what was housed in building 7?

Yes you didn't see any planes hit the WTC building 7 did you?

I didn't see any nukes go off either.

just who do you think did it?

Fires and structural damage from chunks of the Towers hitting it.

Do you have any idea what was housed in building 7?

What was in it?
Did you watch Schumer debate and question Wendy Sherman (a smart jew) on Cspan, he really showed ignorance on the issue, but then again he is a Zionist with a one way agenda. We have way too many jews and Zionist in and around our government. Americans should not be fighting the Zionist wars. Fight your own wars, leave the US out of it, and quit taking our tax money.

piece of shit Penelope claims that she pays taxes
Did you watch Schumer debate and question Wendy Sherman (a smart jew) on Cspan, he really showed ignorance on the issue, but then again he is a Zionist with a one way agenda. We have way too many jews and Zionist in and around our government. Americans should not be fighting the Zionist wars. Fight your own wars, leave the US out of it, and quit taking our tax money.

I am fascinated-----just what "Zionist wars" have you and yours fought?
She's a flaming idiot and her views are biased as hell.

She's not worth anyone time or effort and her PEACE avatar is so off the wall its disgusting.

She reminds me of Truthsplatters. Two idiots.
She's a flaming idiot and her views are biased as hell.

She's not worth anyone time or effort and her PEACE avatar is so off the wall its disgusting.

She reminds me of Truthsplatters. Two idiots.

yes----I find the "peace" avatar to be annoying too-....she is not the
only disgusting lump who plays that game on the net. I get the sense that the "professionals" are so advised
You negotiating for the release of Charles Manson, too?

Not hardly.
That's what you're praising with this Iran fiasco.

You darn right I'm happy for the Iranian people, its a long time coming. We do not need Iran to become another Iraq.

The Iranian people would love to change their country hence the demonstrations a few years ago.

I'm sure they are sick of living under the rule of those sharia Mullah's.

Boy are you out to fucking lunch. You bring new meaning to the word moron.

at least the Supreme Leaders changes now and then and it's not all in the family. Iran is much more progressive than most of the other arab states, esp Saudi Arabia. The younger people are speaking up and its up to them isn't it, its not up to you or the US to do a coup which turned into a disaster. Those lifted sanctions should encourage progression of the country, but no Israel and SA wants to keep them poor and isolated. I am not going to resort to your low attacks, that is what morons do.

Penelope....I'm not sure if you know what you are talking about. Iran government is a militants. Supreme leaders are not monarchy rule. If ayatollah die today the replacement would be 100% the same hardliner. That will never change till new government take over. If history serve me well I have not read or seen US take over another country via coup. Money from that Iran will gain from lifted sanctions. Where do you think Iran will invest those money?
Not hardly.
That's what you're praising with this Iran fiasco.

You darn right I'm happy for the Iranian people, its a long time coming. We do not need Iran to become another Iraq.

The Iranian people would love to change their country hence the demonstrations a few years ago.

I'm sure they are sick of living under the rule of those sharia Mullah's.

Boy are you out to fucking lunch. You bring new meaning to the word moron.

at least the Supreme Leaders changes now and then and it's not all in the family. Iran is much more progressive than most of the other arab states, esp Saudi Arabia. The younger people are speaking up and its up to them isn't it, its not up to you or the US to do a coup which turned into a disaster. Those lifted sanctions should encourage progression of the country, but no Israel and SA wants to keep them poor and isolated. I am not going to resort to your low attacks, that is what morons do.

Penelope....I'm not sure if you know what you are talking about. Iran government is a militants. Supreme leaders are not monarchy rule. If ayatollah die today the replacement would be 100% the same hardliner. That will never change till new government take over. If history serve me well I have not read or seen US take over another country via coup. Money from that Iran will gain from lifted sanctions. Where do you think Iran will invest those money?

sorry to intervene------charwin---meet Penelope. I have a handicap in discussing this issue------because I is a JOOO. HOWEVER-----I also have a credential. I was raised completely
un-exposed to "jewish education" and in a very very ---"nazish"
small town ----in the sense that it was "restricted" (as in "Gentleman's Agreement") It was so damned "white bread" and "Nazi" ---that way back circa 1960-----Nazi literature could be found even on the
"periodical shelves" of the little local library. -----blacks were called by the "N" word and Italians were called "wops" ------my democrat---liberal jewish parents were virtually "COMMUNISTS"---sorta. There--now you know me. I was an avid reader-----with little to read-------so I read the Nazi literature----it was all about me.
(afterall---I did know that I am a jew). Since I read the Nazi literature as a child-----and rubbed shoulders with USA Nazi types-------I know Penelope well. ---------the story in a nutshell is ----Penelope is a standard issue USA white trash Nazi. Her fascination with Iran is that Iran is now-------one of the epicenters of Nazi anti-Semitism. I also have a complex history of interaction since my adolescence with ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE------including Iranian immigrants----way back to the mid sixties-------and lots of muslims from southeast asia etc etc.
Penelope's fascination with Iran and other, specifically, Islamic centers is her rabid anti Semitism. It is very simple. She is not
particularly concerned with the actual goings on with the Iranian government or the Iranian people. She pretends that MONARCHY is the big evil so she can defend IRAN's oligarchy by comparing it to Saudi Arabia. -------I have interacted with a few Saudis and lots of Iranians in the USA------there is really not a whole lot of difference on
the level of control upon "the people"-----both kinda stink
Not hardly.
That's what you're praising with this Iran fiasco.

You darn right I'm happy for the Iranian people, its a long time coming. We do not need Iran to become another Iraq.

The Iranian people would love to change their country hence the demonstrations a few years ago.

I'm sure they are sick of living under the rule of those sharia Mullah's.

Boy are you out to fucking lunch. You bring new meaning to the word moron.

at least the Supreme Leaders changes now and then and it's not all in the family. Iran is much more progressive than most of the other arab states, esp Saudi Arabia. The younger people are speaking up and its up to them isn't it, its not up to you or the US to do a coup which turned into a disaster. Those lifted sanctions should encourage progression of the country, but no Israel and SA wants to keep them poor and isolated. I am not going to resort to your low attacks, that is what morons do.

Penelope....I'm not sure if you know what you are talking about. Iran government is a militants. Supreme leaders are not monarchy rule. If ayatollah die today the replacement would be 100% the same hardliner. That will never change till new government take over. If history serve me well I have not read or seen US take over another country via coup. Money from that Iran will gain from lifted sanctions. Where do you think Iran will invest those money?

Really the supreme leader in Iran is more progressive than the Al Saud family who the rule stays in the family and you can bet the Al Saud family wants to keep the money and power in the family. Militants according to who? Israel and SA?
That's what you're praising with this Iran fiasco.

You darn right I'm happy for the Iranian people, its a long time coming. We do not need Iran to become another Iraq.

The Iranian people would love to change their country hence the demonstrations a few years ago.

I'm sure they are sick of living under the rule of those sharia Mullah's.

Boy are you out to fucking lunch. You bring new meaning to the word moron.

at least the Supreme Leaders changes now and then and it's not all in the family. Iran is much more progressive than most of the other arab states, esp Saudi Arabia. The younger people are speaking up and its up to them isn't it, its not up to you or the US to do a coup which turned into a disaster. Those lifted sanctions should encourage progression of the country, but no Israel and SA wants to keep them poor and isolated. I am not going to resort to your low attacks, that is what morons do.

Penelope....I'm not sure if you know what you are talking about. Iran government is a militants. Supreme leaders are not monarchy rule. If ayatollah die today the replacement would be 100% the same hardliner. That will never change till new government take over. If history serve me well I have not read or seen US take over another country via coup. Money from that Iran will gain from lifted sanctions. Where do you think Iran will invest those money?

Really the supreme leader in Iran is more progressive than the Al Saud family who the rule stays in the family and you can bet the Al Saud family wants to keep the money and power in the family. Militants according to who? Israel and SA?

for those who do not know-----the AL SAUD family consists of tens of thousands of people. The major issue for muslims as to WHO SHOULD RULE----is-----that the person must be a descendent from
Muhummad (or at the very least---one of his close friends). The Al Saud family has established itself as descendents of muhummad and----THEREFORE are the ruling family that the Saudi people PREFER. Penelope hates the Saudi rulers because they are not as virulently genocidal against jews as are the present day Iranian leaders. It should be noted that the big shot Iranian leaders ALSO
claim to be direct descendents of the original Islamic royal family----
ie--muhummad and his close friends. -----------thus Penelope is ---FULL OF IT---- to make it in the world of Islamic politics------one must call muhummad "uncle mo"

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