"Oh, The Humanity ..."

Schumer is a Zionist and his allegiance is to Israel, but only a fool would not be able to recognize a great deal.

Schumer is a Zionist and his allegiance is to Israel, but only a fool would not be able to recognize a great deal.
You negotiating for the release of Charles Manson, too?

Not hardly.
That's what you're praising with this Iran fiasco.

You darn right I'm happy for the Iranian people, its a long time coming. We do not need Iran to become another Iraq.

The Iranian people would love to change their country hence the demonstrations a few years ago.

I'm sure they are sick of living under the rule of those sharia Mullah's.

Boy are you out to fucking lunch. You bring new meaning to the word moron.

Agree. I know several Iranian people that are here in U.S. and they do not like that they are being ruled by militants. Hoping for the next revolution.
If not for these militants Iran could have been the most powerful country in the ME.
You negotiating for the release of Charles Manson, too?

Not hardly.
That's what you're praising with this Iran fiasco.

You darn right I'm happy for the Iranian people, its a long time coming. We do not need Iran to become another Iraq.

The Iranian people would love to change their country hence the demonstrations a few years ago.

I'm sure they are sick of living under the rule of those sharia Mullah's.

Boy are you out to fucking lunch. You bring new meaning to the word moron.

Agree. I know several Iranian people that are here in U.S. and they do not like that they are being ruled by militants. Hoping for the next revolution.
If not for these militants Iran could have been the most powerful country in the ME.

I have known lots of Iranians over the past----almost 50 years ----in the USA-------The Iranians who come to the USA----are the EDUCATED generally TEHERAN people-----In fact----I never met an Iranian who was a cab driver in my city-------Educated city type Iranians do not constitute the VOTING FORCE------it is the provincial jerks controlled by religion who do the VOTING that have created the mess. Iran is a fatality of the ----one man---one vote Principle. Iran votes like bible belt folk vote------the imam tells them for whom to vote
Schumer is a Zionist and his allegiance is to Israel, but only a fool would not be able to recognize a great deal.
You negotiating for the release of Charles Manson, too?

Not hardly.
That's what you're praising with this Iran fiasco.

You darn right I'm happy for the Iranian people, its a long time coming. We do not need Iran to become another Iraq.

The Iranian people would love to change their country hence the demonstrations a few years ago.

I'm sure they are sick of living under the rule of those sharia Mullah's.

Boy are you out to fucking lunch. You bring new meaning to the word moron.

at least the Supreme Leaders changes now and then and it's not all in the family. Iran is much more progressive than most of the other arab states, esp Saudi Arabia. The younger people are speaking up and its up to them isn't it, its not up to you or the US to do a coup which turned into a disaster. Those lifted sanctions should encourage progression of the country, but no Israel and SA wants to keep them poor and isolated. I am not going to resort to your low attacks, that is what morons do.
The deal is worthless to the United States. Advantage Iran, as Obama wanted.

No its not, its good to have friends instead of enemies. Just because SA and Israel is an enemy of Iran does not mean we have to be. How do you know it won't be a benefit to us financially as well.

And our “friends” are still chanting death to America.? I think you should get back on your meds, it may keep you from hallucinating.

You mean some radicals on the street, just like some Jews in Israel spit on Christians, and some of our American citizens say we should nuke Iran, in other words death to Iran. Really this is your debate. Try again.

one jew spit on a Christian about six years ago-------an
Gaza can barely hit one out of Gaza. When was the last suicide bomber? Maybe if Gaza would only have planes that bombed Israel back to the stone age, and tanks that shot killer bombs, but now and then they have to use a real live person or one volunteers, also ISIS has not even attacked their suppliers, what does that tell you. Talk about an uninformed person, you win. I think Israel needs a good whipping to get them off of their ego trip, but that is my opinion. I really despise those murdering scumbags, who kill innocent children and take away their infrastructure . They are no better than locusts. That is why so many IDF commit suicide and go AWOL.

Yup. You're a Jew hater and an idiot.

If you can't keep up with my intelligence quit calling me names. I suggest you do some reading, lots of it. Your way way behind, but some say ignorance is bliss.

good idea, Penelope----how about you post up a list of your sources. I am tired of tracing and tracking the shit that you post

You do not have google I know , or bing, since you have never given a link to any of your posts.

I do not copy and paste from propaganda sites------that's you.
You commented "you should read more"------Ok----post up a
reading list-----your reading list. I did find some of your websites
by simply pasting your idiot shit into "search"-----it was easy----you
parrot psychotics-------Lasha Darkmoon is one of your "mentors"
(lasha darkmoon is the cover name for a sociopath who once tried
to be a university professor)

I know quoting from Israel papers is mainly propaganda, I quite agree, but at least you Zionist can't say much about it.
You negotiating for the release of Charles Manson, too?

Not hardly.
That's what you're praising with this Iran fiasco.

You darn right I'm happy for the Iranian people, its a long time coming. We do not need Iran to become another Iraq.

The Iranian people would love to change their country hence the demonstrations a few years ago.

I'm sure they are sick of living under the rule of those sharia Mullah's.

Boy are you out to fucking lunch. You bring new meaning to the word moron.

Claudette------hi ---I am rosie. Penelope tells us that she never met an Iranian-----she "knows" because she reads lots. Have some fun----try to track her garbage-----just paste some of her comments into a search engine

She thinks Israel nuked the WTC. She's a loon.
You negotiating for the release of Charles Manson, too?

Not hardly.
That's what you're praising with this Iran fiasco.

You darn right I'm happy for the Iranian people, its a long time coming. We do not need Iran to become another Iraq.

The Iranian people would love to change their country hence the demonstrations a few years ago.

I'm sure they are sick of living under the rule of those sharia Mullah's.

Boy are you out to fucking lunch. You bring new meaning to the word moron.

at least the Supreme Leaders changes now and then and it's not all in the family. Iran is much more progressive than most of the other arab states, esp Saudi Arabia. The younger people are speaking up and its up to them isn't it, its not up to you or the US to do a coup which turned into a disaster. Those lifted sanctions should encourage progression of the country, but no Israel and SA wants to keep them poor and isolated. I am not going to resort to your low attacks, that is what morons do.

as per usual----you make baseless assertions. To what "COUP" do you refer that you claim either was or will be made by the USA?-----or even more absurdly ----by Saudi Arabia? There was a coup in
Iran made by IRANIANS what else is new?----there are coups in just about every muslim country REGULARLY. In fact-----its been going on for CENTURIES. You should learn some history. British family intrigue amongst its "royals" is nothing compared to that which the SHAHs and the SHAYKHS and the EMIRS and the KHANS did to each other. There was a shake up in the ROYAL FAMILY of muhummad even before his carcass was cold. It is----actually "IN THE FAMILY" in iran-----the AYATOILETS-----religious leaders ---run
things. It is just as "family" as government run by the PAPACY would be "family" -----or government by cosa nostra. You seem to believe that the whole big evil ------is the word MONARCHY. ----actually a monarchy is only one of the many forms of POTENTIALLY
evil governments------Interestingly enough----the Islamic ideal happens to BE A MONARCHY-------the ideal "king" is a descendant of Muhummad ----or ---at the very least----a descendant of one of muhummad's best friends. Being a member of THAT royal family is virtually a requirement---(so much so that people do fake lineages)
Not hardly.
That's what you're praising with this Iran fiasco.

You darn right I'm happy for the Iranian people, its a long time coming. We do not need Iran to become another Iraq.

The Iranian people would love to change their country hence the demonstrations a few years ago.

I'm sure they are sick of living under the rule of those sharia Mullah's.

Boy are you out to fucking lunch. You bring new meaning to the word moron.

Claudette------hi ---I am rosie. Penelope tells us that she never met an Iranian-----she "knows" because she reads lots. Have some fun----try to track her garbage-----just paste some of her comments into a search engine

She thinks Israel nuked the WTC. She's a loon.

she does not "think" ----she has sources-----google "ISRAEL NUKED THE WTC" and you can read that which she reads. She has never come up with anything that its not delusional propaganda---the kinds popular in methadone clinics and brothels
PS---she does not have the delusions on her own----she reads the pre cooked propaganda on the net
The deal is worthless to the United States. Advantage Iran, as Obama wanted.

No its not, its good to have friends instead of enemies. Just because SA and Israel is an enemy of Iran does not mean we have to be. How do you know it won't be a benefit to us financially as well.

And our “friends” are still chanting death to America.? I think you should get back on your meds, it may keep you from hallucinating.

You mean some radicals on the street, just like some Jews in Israel spit on Christians, and some of our American citizens say we should nuke Iran, in other words death to Iran. Really this is your debate. Try again.

one jew spit on a Christian about six years ago-------an
Yup. You're a Jew hater and an idiot.

If you can't keep up with my intelligence quit calling me names. I suggest you do some reading, lots of it. Your way way behind, but some say ignorance is bliss.

good idea, Penelope----how about you post up a list of your sources. I am tired of tracing and tracking the shit that you post

You do not have google I know , or bing, since you have never given a link to any of your posts.

I do not copy and paste from propaganda sites------that's you.
You commented "you should read more"------Ok----post up a
reading list-----your reading list. I did find some of your websites
by simply pasting your idiot shit into "search"-----it was easy----you
parrot psychotics-------Lasha Darkmoon is one of your "mentors"
(lasha darkmoon is the cover name for a sociopath who once tried
to be a university professor)

I know quoting from Israel papers is mainly propaganda, I quite agree, but at least you Zionist can't say much about it.

jews are prolific writers and DEBATERS -----criticism of 'us" is a cultural norm. It is an interesting cultural norm in view of the fact that "criticism of 'us' " is in some 'cultures' a grave sin This is
particularly true in totalitarian societies like Stalinist communist, Hitlerian fascist and shariah shit hole. In shariah shit holes -----religious debate is essentially outlawed. This "norm" is so heavily
inflicted on non muslims------that non muslims AVOID saying the word
KORAN or -----"MUSLIM" My own husband --born in a shariah shit hole------crosses the street rather than go NEAR A MOSQUE because even an accusation of KAFFIR DEFILED MUSLIM OR MOSQUE---is a capital crime. Non muslims brought up in shariah shit holes do not so much as TOUGH a koran
Since jews DEBATE ideology incessantly-----islamo Nazi pigs find the apparently DISSIDENT writings of jews-----so often DEVOTED to actual criticism of both jews and jewish ideology----a veritable garden
of DELIGHT. The habit of jews of DEBATING----is described by muslims as a clear indication of the SUPERIORITY of islam-----
"MUSLIMS HAVE NOTHING TO DEBATE---EVERYTHING IS KNOWN" (I learned this stuff from muslims over the course of
more than 45 years---long before I met hubby who was born in a
shariah shit hole) Of course I read penelopian islamo Nazi propaganda long before that------and the typical "even da jooos say......."
Not hardly.
That's what you're praising with this Iran fiasco.

You darn right I'm happy for the Iranian people, its a long time coming. We do not need Iran to become another Iraq.

The Iranian people would love to change their country hence the demonstrations a few years ago.

I'm sure they are sick of living under the rule of those sharia Mullah's.

Boy are you out to fucking lunch. You bring new meaning to the word moron.

Claudette------hi ---I am rosie. Penelope tells us that she never met an Iranian-----she "knows" because she reads lots. Have some fun----try to track her garbage-----just paste some of her comments into a search engine

She thinks Israel nuked the WTC. She's a loon.

Yes you didn't see any planes hit the WTC building 7 did you? just who do you think did it? Do you have any idea what was housed in building 7?
No its not, its good to have friends instead of enemies. Just because SA and Israel is an enemy of Iran does not mean we have to be. How do you know it won't be a benefit to us financially as well.

And our “friends” are still chanting death to America.? I think you should get back on your meds, it may keep you from hallucinating.

You mean some radicals on the street, just like some Jews in Israel spit on Christians, and some of our American citizens say we should nuke Iran, in other words death to Iran. Really this is your debate. Try again.

one jew spit on a Christian about six years ago-------an
If you can't keep up with my intelligence quit calling me names. I suggest you do some reading, lots of it. Your way way behind, but some say ignorance is bliss.

good idea, Penelope----how about you post up a list of your sources. I am tired of tracing and tracking the shit that you post

You do not have google I know , or bing, since you have never given a link to any of your posts.

I do not copy and paste from propaganda sites------that's you.
You commented "you should read more"------Ok----post up a
reading list-----your reading list. I did find some of your websites
by simply pasting your idiot shit into "search"-----it was easy----you
parrot psychotics-------Lasha Darkmoon is one of your "mentors"
(lasha darkmoon is the cover name for a sociopath who once tried
to be a university professor)

I know quoting from Israel papers is mainly propaganda, I quite agree, but at least you Zionist can't say much about it.

jews are prolific writers and DEBATERS -----criticism of 'us" is a cultural norm. It is an interesting cultural norm in view of the fact that "criticism of 'us' " is in some 'cultures' a grave sin This is
particularly true in totalitarian societies like Stalinist communist, Hitlerian fascist and shariah shit hole. In shariah shit holes -----religious debate is essentially outlawed. This "norm" is so heavily
inflicted on non muslims------that non muslims AVOID saying the word
KORAN or -----"MUSLIM" My own husband --born in a shariah shit hole------crosses the street rather than go NEAR A MOSQUE because even an accusation of KAFFIR DEFILED MUSLIM OR MOSQUE---is a capital crime. Non muslims brought up in shariah shit holes do not so much as TOUGH a koran
Since jews DEBATE ideology incessantly-----islamo Nazi pigs find the apparently DISSIDENT writings of jews-----so often DEVOTED to actual criticism of both jews and jewish ideology----a veritable garden
of DELIGHT. The habit of jews of DEBATING----is described by muslims as a clear indication of the SUPERIORITY of islam-----
"MUSLIMS HAVE NOTHING TO DEBATE---EVERYTHING IS KNOWN" (I learned this stuff from muslims over the course of
more than 45 years---long before I met hubby who was born in a
shariah shit hole) Of course I read penelopian islamo Nazi propaganda long before that------and the typical "even da jooos say......."

Yes they are quite the "story " tellers.
Hi Rosie. I doubt she's worth the trouble.

God what a flaming idiot the woman is.

As compared to who, please say something of substance, sometime. Anything. Your endless attacks are annoying. At least debate me, personal attacks mean you don't know anything about the subject so its a waste to even reply.
And our “friends” are still chanting death to America.? I think you should get back on your meds, it may keep you from hallucinating.

You mean some radicals on the street, just like some Jews in Israel spit on Christians, and some of our American citizens say we should nuke Iran, in other words death to Iran. Really this is your debate. Try again.

one jew spit on a Christian about six years ago-------an
good idea, Penelope----how about you post up a list of your sources. I am tired of tracing and tracking the shit that you post

You do not have google I know , or bing, since you have never given a link to any of your posts.

I do not copy and paste from propaganda sites------that's you.
You commented "you should read more"------Ok----post up a
reading list-----your reading list. I did find some of your websites
by simply pasting your idiot shit into "search"-----it was easy----you
parrot psychotics-------Lasha Darkmoon is one of your "mentors"
(lasha darkmoon is the cover name for a sociopath who once tried
to be a university professor)

I know quoting from Israel papers is mainly propaganda, I quite agree, but at least you Zionist can't say much about it.

jews are prolific writers and DEBATERS -----criticism of 'us" is a cultural norm. It is an interesting cultural norm in view of the fact that "criticism of 'us' " is in some 'cultures' a grave sin This is
particularly true in totalitarian societies like Stalinist communist, Hitlerian fascist and shariah shit hole. In shariah shit holes -----religious debate is essentially outlawed. This "norm" is so heavily
inflicted on non muslims------that non muslims AVOID saying the word
KORAN or -----"MUSLIM" My own husband --born in a shariah shit hole------crosses the street rather than go NEAR A MOSQUE because even an accusation of KAFFIR DEFILED MUSLIM OR MOSQUE---is a capital crime. Non muslims brought up in shariah shit holes do not so much as TOUGH a koran
Since jews DEBATE ideology incessantly-----islamo Nazi pigs find the apparently DISSIDENT writings of jews-----so often DEVOTED to actual criticism of both jews and jewish ideology----a veritable garden
of DELIGHT. The habit of jews of DEBATING----is described by muslims as a clear indication of the SUPERIORITY of islam-----
"MUSLIMS HAVE NOTHING TO DEBATE---EVERYTHING IS KNOWN" (I learned this stuff from muslims over the course of
more than 45 years---long before I met hubby who was born in a
shariah shit hole) Of course I read penelopian islamo Nazi propaganda long before that------and the typical "even da jooos say......."

Yes they are quite the "story " tellers.

more into debate and argument-----the artistic story telling is another talent------always clearly differentiated from the kind of shit you and yours try to sell along with your asses
Hi Rosie. I doubt she's worth the trouble.

God what a flaming idiot the woman is.

As compared to who, please say something of substance, sometime. Anything. Your endless attacks are annoying. At least debate me, personal attacks mean you don't know anything about the subject so its a waste to even reply.

what "subject" is "the subject" Penelope, dear?
Hi Rosie. I doubt she's worth the trouble.

God what a flaming idiot the woman is.

As compared to who, please say something of substance, sometime. Anything. Your endless attacks are annoying. At least debate me, personal attacks mean you don't know anything about the subject so its a waste to even reply.

on what subject do you seek "debate" Penelope, dear?
That's what you're praising with this Iran fiasco.

You darn right I'm happy for the Iranian people, its a long time coming. We do not need Iran to become another Iraq.

The Iranian people would love to change their country hence the demonstrations a few years ago.

I'm sure they are sick of living under the rule of those sharia Mullah's.

Boy are you out to fucking lunch. You bring new meaning to the word moron.

Claudette------hi ---I am rosie. Penelope tells us that she never met an Iranian-----she "knows" because she reads lots. Have some fun----try to track her garbage-----just paste some of her comments into a search engine

She thinks Israel nuked the WTC. She's a loon.

Yes you didn't see any planes hit the WTC building 7 did you? just who do you think did it? Do you have any idea what was housed in building 7?

what was housed in building 7? Penelope dear-----and why do YOU know all about what was "HOUSED" in building seven?----do you know what is HOUSED IN MY HOUSE. I need to know what is HOUSED IN YOUR HOUSE------stinking whore.
PS----I saw the plane hit the second tower I saw the celebrations
on ATLANTIC AVENUE (muslim enclave) I have friends who witnessed the celebrations ------in PATERSON, NEW JERSEY and JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY (muslim enclaves) and relatives who witnessed the CELEBRATIONS in RAMALLAH ------unlike you I am a real health care worker and heard the PRE-COOKED propaganda from the mouths of muslim children within two days of the event-----DA JOOOOOS DID IT
Did you watch Schumer debate and question Wendy Sherman (a smart jew) on Cspan, he really showed ignorance on the issue, but then again he is a Zionist with a one way agenda. We have way too many jews and Zionist in and around our government. Americans should not be fighting the Zionist wars. Fight your own wars, leave the US out of it, and quit taking our tax money.

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