Oh, yes, Mr. Trump, there IS "fake news" out there....

It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story

Yeah, like when Obama said give grandmother a pain pill instead of a new hip?
Why don't you provide the actual quote and I will respond
Obama was asked by a woman that her grandma needed a hip replacement to get her active again. Obama said in some circumstances maybe it would be better to just give her a pain pill. So she could live out her life not in pain.
Dems were "bombarded" by things from the Onion, People's Cube, ABC.com.co, and other places that were OBVIOUSLY fake.

The "fake news" meme was just another attempt by the left to call everyone who doesn't vote for democrats in general, and Hillary in particular, stupid, and it backfired on your snobbish asses.

Deal with the blowback, chumps!

Well, no. It all comes down to whether there are facts to back up any claims. Trump and his supporters don't have any of those.
Where are the "facts" to back up the allegations against Flynn? Where are the facts to backup the story about Trump with prostitutes in Russia? Where are the facts that support the accusations of the bimbos who claimed Trump assaulted them?
You already won the award for Douche Bag of the Month. Why are you still competing for it?
Lighten up finger boi
Definitely--any negative news about him is FAKE news. He walks into all the time. They apparently cannot handle his mouth or those midnight tweety fingers--he is the epitome of someone who can never get it RIGHT, and of course the news is going to pound him for what he says wrong and or tries to display as a FACT.

Unbelievable but even FOX NEWS is getting tired of it. Who would have ever guessed that--LOL I would have thought that Kelly Ann Conway was going to be the next nightly news anchor--LOL

Damn, you're still butt hurt over the election? Get over it already! Your candidate sucked!

You don't have the attention span of a knat to stay on topic.


Carly Fiorina was a joke of a CEO. Fact is she didn't even deserve to be on stage with the big boys. Get over it already.

Hillary Clinton, Carly Fiorina are OUT of the picture. ALL EYEBALLS are focused on the Comrade. This is what you can't seem to handle. You have no other people you can deflect to anymore. So you make these lil Einstein comments as if we're still in the campaign season.

Just judging from what the first 3 weeks of the Trump Presidency is looking like, one fucking disaster after another, it''s not going to be long before you wish Hillary Clinton or Carly Fiorina had won.

This is what is going on in Republican town halls right now. You have awoken a sleeping giant and have effectively killed the Republican party.
Republican town halls across the country hit by protests - The Washington Post

So a bunch democrats show up at town hall meetings and start shit?
What point were you trying to make with your post?

Do you think they're going to forget to VOTE in 2018 or 2020? They are now activists against the Republican party. This is going on in Conservative states and districts. Did you get a look at the woman's protest the day after Trump's inauguration? It was going on in every single state and they were in the millions.

This article explains it very well-what is going to happen to the Republican party in 2018 and 2020.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty


For more pictures you can go here to see your own home state and what was going on.
Woman's march pictures

YOU DID THIS: You were warned over and over again about Donald Trump and you ignored all those warnings. You made him the poster boy of the Republican party, and the consequences of doing so are going to be devastating for decades to come.

Last edited:
Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake


No, the difference is you supported Obama, but you don't support Trump

No. The difference is that facts are facts. Trump's bunch don't have any.

There has been plenty of fake bullshit thrown at the Trump administration in just this past couple of months. The difference is you supported Obama, but you don't support Trump. You're a partisan hack just like his tard supporters are partisan hacks.
Damn, you're still butt hurt over the election? Get over it already! Your candidate sucked!

You don't have the attention span of a knat to stay on topic.


Carly Fiorina was a joke of a CEO. Fact is she didn't even deserve to be on stage with the big boys. Get over it already.

Hillary Clinton, Carly Fiorina are OUT of the picture. ALL EYEBALLS are focused on the Comrade. This is what you can't seem to handle. You have no other people you can deflect to anymore. So you make these lil Einstein comments as if we're still in the campaign season.

Just judging from what the first 3 weeks of the Trump Presidency is looking like, one fucking disaster after another, it''s not going to be long before you wish Hillary Clinton or Carly Fiorina had won.

This is what is going on in Republican town halls right now. You have awoken a sleeping giant and have effectively killed the Republican party.
Republican town halls across the country hit by protests - The Washington Post

So a bunch democrats show up at town hall meetings and start shit?
What point were you trying to make with your post?

Do you think they're going to forget to VOTE in 2018 or 2020? They are now activists against the Republican party. This is going on in Conservative states and districts. Did you get a look at the woman's protest the day after Trump's inauguration? It was going on in every single state and they were in the millions.

This article explains it very well-what is going to happen to the Republican party in 2018 and 2020.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty


For more pictures you can go here to see your own home state and what was going on.
Woman's march pictures

So how is this any different than the pussy parades?
Pointing out standard liberal behavior somehow equates to a political win in your mind?
Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake


No, the difference is you supported Obama, but you don't support Trump

No. The difference is that facts are facts. Trump's bunch don't have any.

There has been plenty of fake bullshit thrown at the Trump administration in just this past couple of months. The difference is you supported Obama, but you don't support Trump. You're a partisan hack just like his tard supporters are partisan hacks.

Has anyone started their political career by claiming Trump was born in Kenya?
He'd have a better chance of winning if when he accuses the MSM of being liars, reporting fake news, he would give an example of what is "fake."

Trump gets caught in his own lies.....For example:

Trump is upset over the LEAKS which, by definition, are upsetting because they are TRUE.....Yet, Trump derides the media for making public these "truths" as reporting "fake news."

So, which is it Trumpster?
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


It must be painful to see another arm of the Democrat Party go down in flames. :(


It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


Anything that besmirches Trump in the slightest is "fake news."

That's straight from the Kim Jong Un playbook.

The attempts to bully and marginalize the media are not that far from the truth

The media has marginalized itself. Trump merely pointed out the obvious.
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


The press is now continually lying and spreading propaganda. They have essentially relegated themselves into obsolescence. Only the delusional listen to them anymore.
What lies have "The press" told?
ROFL! The list is endless.

Let's take all those bimbos who accused Trump of assaulting them. Everyone one of them turned out to be fake.

The press hasn't breathed a word about the assault accusations for months. Try and focus, snowflake.
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


Anything that besmirches Trump in the slightest is "fake news."

That's straight from the Kim Jong Un playbook.

The attempts to bully and marginalize the media are not that far from the truth

The media has marginalized itself. Trump merely pointed out the obvious.

If it's so obvious, you could provide substantive, material examples of these lies, and how the press is propagating them.

Instead, Trump claims "the leaks are true but the news is fake" with no regard for the preposterousness of that statement. And you eat it up like the sycophant you are.
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


The press is now continually lying and spreading propaganda. They have essentially relegated themselves into obsolescence. Only the delusional listen to them anymore.
What lies have "The press" told?
ROFL! The list is endless.

Let's take all those bimbos who accused Trump of assaulting them. Everyone one of them turned out to be fake.

The press hasn't breathed a word about the assault accusations for months. Try and focus, snowflake.

What? You seem to be under the impression that lies have a use by date.
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


It must be painful to see another arm of the Democrat Party go down in flames. :(



Here's that notoriously liberal news outlet, Fox, shitting on Trump:

Who is it that started the meme of fake news?

Having this shit boomerang on your asses sucks, don't it?

That is the point of my thread

Democrats were being bombarded with fake news and those stories were debunked with actual facts. Snopes is full of it

Trump has taken the "Fake News" claim and removed the requirement where you actually have to prove it is fake
It has been proved 1000 times over, moron. Don't you watch the news?

1000 times?

Show us one
The bottom line is the media can't be trusted, no matter what liberal stooges like RW and Garydog tell us.
Damn, you're still butt hurt over the election? Get over it already! Your candidate sucked!

You don't have the attention span of a knat to stay on topic.


Carly Fiorina was a joke of a CEO. Fact is she didn't even deserve to be on stage with the big boys. Get over it already.

Hillary Clinton, Carly Fiorina are OUT of the picture. ALL EYEBALLS are focused on the Comrade. This is what you can't seem to handle. You have no other people you can deflect to anymore. So you make these lil Einstein comments as if we're still in the campaign season.

Just judging from what the first 3 weeks of the Trump Presidency is looking like, one fucking disaster after another, it''s not going to be long before you wish Hillary Clinton or Carly Fiorina had won.

This is what is going on in Republican town halls right now. You have awoken a sleeping giant and have effectively killed the Republican party.
Republican town halls across the country hit by protests - The Washington Post

So a bunch democrats show up at town hall meetings and start shit?
What point were you trying to make with your post?

Do you think they're going to forget to VOTE in 2018 or 2020? They are now activists against the Republican party. This is going on in Conservative states and districts. Did you get a look at the woman's protest the day after Trump's inauguration? It was going on in every single state and they were in the millions.

This article explains it very well-what is going to happen to the Republican party in 2018 and 2020.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty


For more pictures you can go here to see your own home state and what was going on.
Woman's march pictures

YOU DID THIS: You were warned over and over again about Donald Trump and you ignored all those warnings. You made him the poster boy of the Republican party, and the consequences of doing so are going to be devastating for decades to come.


You're belief that anything has changed is what is so amusing. As if those people have ever voted Republican.
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


Anything that besmirches Trump in the slightest is "fake news."

That's straight from the Kim Jong Un playbook.

The attempts to bully and marginalize the media are not that far from the truth

The media has marginalized itself. Trump merely pointed out the obvious.

If it's so obvious, you could provide substantive, material examples of these lies, and how the press is propagating them.

Instead, Trump claims "the leaks are true but the news is fake" with no regard for the preposterousness of that statement. And you eat it up like the sycophant you are.

Are you dense? The leak happened,the information that was leaked was not true.
Is that to hard for you to understand?
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


It must be painful to see another arm of the Democrat Party go down in flames. :(



Here's that notoriously liberal news outlet, Fox, shitting on Trump:

Sheps a homo and a liberal.
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


The press is now continually lying and spreading propaganda. They have essentially relegated themselves into obsolescence. Only the delusional listen to them anymore.
What lies have "The press" told?
ROFL! The list is endless.

Let's take all those bimbos who accused Trump of assaulting them. Everyone one of them turned out to be fake.

The press hasn't breathed a word about the assault accusations for months. Try and focus, snowflake.

What? You seem to be under the impression that lies have a use by date.

First, they're accusations. Reporting that accusations exist is not a lie. It's merely reporting accusations.

Do you have proof that CNN/MSNBC/ABC/NBC/CBS/Fox said, unequivocally "Trump sexually assaulted these women"?

Second, how about everything else? How about his lie about crowd sizes? His lie about having the biggest EC victory since Reagan? How about his lies about millions of illegal immigrants voting? How about his lies about crime at its highest in 45 years?

Does ANY of that matter to you? Or are you just sinking or swimming with this post-Nixonian disaster of a cheese curd?

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