Oh, yes, Mr. Trump, there IS "fake news" out there....

It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story

Yeah, like when Obama said give grandmother a pain pill instead of a new hip?
Why don't you provide the actual quote and I will respond
Obama was asked by a woman that her grandma needed a hip replacement to get her active again. Obama said in some circumstances maybe it would be better to just give her a pain pill. So she could live out her life not in pain.
Who is it that started the meme of fake news?

Having this shit boomerang on your asses sucks, don't it?

That is the point of my thread

Democrats were being bombarded with fake news and those stories were debunked with actual facts. Snopes is full of it

Trump has taken the "Fake News" claim and removed the requirement where you actually have to prove it is fake
It has been proved 1000 times over, moron. Don't you watch the news?

1000 times?

Show us one

Dude it's not our problem you only watch CNN (the Clinton news network) and MSLSD
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


The press is now continually lying and spreading propaganda. They have essentially relegated themselves into obsolescence. Only the delusional listen to them anymore.
What lies have "The press" told?
ROFL! The list is endless.

Let's take all those bimbos who accused Trump of assaulting them. Everyone one of them turned out to be fake.

The press hasn't breathed a word about the assault accusations for months. Try and focus, snowflake.

How does that alter the fact that the press promoted every incident as if it was documented truth?
The bottom line is the media can't be trusted, no matter what liberal stooges like RW and Garydog tell us.

Okay, nice work. Your first step, making a loaded assertion, is complete.

Now, for the backup. Can you prove this?
Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake


No, the difference is you supported Obama, but you don't support Trump

No. The difference is that facts are facts. Trump's bunch don't have any.

There has been plenty of fake bullshit thrown at the Trump administration in just this past couple of months. The difference is you supported Obama, but you don't support Trump. You're a partisan hack just like his tard supporters are partisan hacks.
Show us some and let's compare to the "facts" coming out of Trump
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


The press is now continually lying and spreading propaganda. They have essentially relegated themselves into obsolescence. Only the delusional listen to them anymore.
What lies have "The press" told?
ROFL! The list is endless.

Let's take all those bimbos who accused Trump of assaulting them. Everyone one of them turned out to be fake.

The press hasn't breathed a word about the assault accusations for months. Try and focus, snowflake.

How does that alter the fact that the press promoted every incident as if it was documented truth?

They reported the accusations.

Should they not? One dozen women have said Trump has forced himself on them. Is this some giant conspiracy? Do you similarly feel Bill Cosby is innocent? Or better yet, do you think the accusations against Cosby should've been ignored?
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


It must be painful to see another arm of the Democrat Party go down in flames. :(



Here's that notoriously liberal news outlet, Fox, shitting on Trump:

Shepard Smith is a notorious liberal.
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story

Yeah, like when Obama said give grandmother a pain pill instead of a new hip?
Why don't you provide the actual quote and I will respond
Obama was asked by a woman that her grandma needed a hip replacement to get her active again. Obama said in some circumstances maybe it would be better to just give her a pain pill. So she could live out her life not in pain.

Everybody hates the shitty mainstream media. If you think you're scoring points with this thread.......

It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


It must be painful to see another arm of the Democrat Party go down in flames. :(



Here's that notoriously liberal news outlet, Fox, shitting on Trump:

Shepard Smith is a notorious liberal.

The press is now continually lying and spreading propaganda. They have essentially relegated themselves into obsolescence. Only the delusional listen to them anymore.
What lies have "The press" told?
ROFL! The list is endless.

Let's take all those bimbos who accused Trump of assaulting them. Everyone one of them turned out to be fake.

The press hasn't breathed a word about the assault accusations for months. Try and focus, snowflake.

How does that alter the fact that the press promoted every incident as if it was documented truth?

They reported the accusations.

Should they not? One dozen women have said Trump has forced himself on them. Is this some giant conspiracy? Do you similarly feel Bill Cosby is innocent? Or better yet, do you think the accusations against Cosby should've been ignored?
Yes, actually, it was a conspiracy. All those women were put up to it by the Clinton campaign, and the media cooperated by sensationalizing their stories without any investigation whatsoever.
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


It must be painful to see another arm of the Democrat Party go down in flames. :(



Here's that notoriously liberal news outlet, Fox, shitting on Trump:

Shepard Smith is a notorious liberal.


Thanks for demonstrating your ignorance to the entire forum.
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


It must be painful to see another arm of the Democrat Party go down in flames. :(



Here's that notoriously liberal news outlet, Fox, shitting on Trump:

Shepard Smith is a notorious liberal.

Not sure if he is liberal, but he is sane. That's very unusual at fox.
What lies have "The press" told?
ROFL! The list is endless.

Let's take all those bimbos who accused Trump of assaulting them. Everyone one of them turned out to be fake.

The press hasn't breathed a word about the assault accusations for months. Try and focus, snowflake.

How does that alter the fact that the press promoted every incident as if it was documented truth?

They reported the accusations.

Should they not? One dozen women have said Trump has forced himself on them. Is this some giant conspiracy? Do you similarly feel Bill Cosby is innocent? Or better yet, do you think the accusations against Cosby should've been ignored?
Yes, actually, it was a conspiracy. All those women were put up to it by the Clinton campaign, and the media cooperated by sensationalizing their stories without any investigation whatsoever.

What are your thoughts on the moon landing?
The press is now continually lying and spreading propaganda. They have essentially relegated themselves into obsolescence. Only the delusional listen to them anymore.
What lies have "The press" told?
ROFL! The list is endless.

Let's take all those bimbos who accused Trump of assaulting them. Everyone one of them turned out to be fake.

The press hasn't breathed a word about the assault accusations for months. Try and focus, snowflake.

What? You seem to be under the impression that lies have a use by date.

First, they're accusations. Reporting that accusations exist is not a lie. It's merely reporting accusations.

Do you have proof that CNN/MSNBC/ABC/NBC/CBS/Fox said, unequivocally "Trump sexually assaulted these women"?

Second, how about everything else? How about his lie about crowd sizes? His lie about having the biggest EC victory since Reagan? How about his lies about millions of illegal immigrants voting? How about his lies about crime at its highest in 45 years?

Does ANY of that matter to you? Or are you just sinking or swimming with this post-Nixonian disaster of a cheese curd?

Thats not what you said in the previous post.

How do you explain away the fact that trust in media is at an all time low?
Surely you dont think it's because they are honest and truthful.
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


It must be painful to see another arm of the Democrat Party go down in flames. :(



Here's that notoriously liberal news outlet, Fox, shitting on Trump:

Shepard Smith is a notorious liberal.


Um, actually, he is
Oh give it up left wingers! How many fake news stories have been busted on this board alone.

Just admit the US media is the propaganda arm of the DNC and have done. No one cares that the liberals have come out of the closet and openly admit to being an American Pravda for the D's.

Foreign sources are the best when one desires true "news" vs the fairy tales the NYT and the WP put up.

Just last night I put up another gem. That the fairytale of Intel not sharing information with President Trump was a complete and utter lie.

I just think it best that the Dem media just begin every article with "Once upon a time" to end any illusion of journalism.
What lies have "The press" told?
ROFL! The list is endless.

Let's take all those bimbos who accused Trump of assaulting them. Everyone one of them turned out to be fake.

The press hasn't breathed a word about the assault accusations for months. Try and focus, snowflake.

What? You seem to be under the impression that lies have a use by date.

First, they're accusations. Reporting that accusations exist is not a lie. It's merely reporting accusations.

Do you have proof that CNN/MSNBC/ABC/NBC/CBS/Fox said, unequivocally "Trump sexually assaulted these women"?

Second, how about everything else? How about his lie about crowd sizes? His lie about having the biggest EC victory since Reagan? How about his lies about millions of illegal immigrants voting? How about his lies about crime at its highest in 45 years?

Does ANY of that matter to you? Or are you just sinking or swimming with this post-Nixonian disaster of a cheese curd?

Thats not what you said in the previous post.

How do you explain away the fact that trust in media is at an all time low?
Surely you dont think it's because they are honest and truthful.

Uh, what I said in the previous post is that the press has largely ignored the assault accusations for months. And that's not contradicted by what I said in the subsequent post.

Please provide substantive proof that "trust in the media is at an all time low".

You're really terrible at this, aren't you?
The press is now continually lying and spreading propaganda. They have essentially relegated themselves into obsolescence. Only the delusional listen to them anymore.
What lies have "The press" told?
ROFL! The list is endless.

Let's take all those bimbos who accused Trump of assaulting them. Everyone one of them turned out to be fake.

The press hasn't breathed a word about the assault accusations for months. Try and focus, snowflake.

How does that alter the fact that the press promoted every incident as if it was documented truth?

They reported the accusations.

Should they not? One dozen women have said Trump has forced himself on them. Is this some giant conspiracy? Do you similarly feel Bill Cosby is innocent? Or better yet, do you think the accusations against Cosby should've been ignored?

The slightest amount of investigation would have shown these woman were liars, but the press wasn't interested in that. If they were accusing Obama, these stories would never have seen the light of day. Furthermore, they obviously were colluding with the Hillary campaign.
ROFL! The list is endless.

Let's take all those bimbos who accused Trump of assaulting them. Everyone one of them turned out to be fake.

The press hasn't breathed a word about the assault accusations for months. Try and focus, snowflake.

What? You seem to be under the impression that lies have a use by date.

First, they're accusations. Reporting that accusations exist is not a lie. It's merely reporting accusations.

Do you have proof that CNN/MSNBC/ABC/NBC/CBS/Fox said, unequivocally "Trump sexually assaulted these women"?

Second, how about everything else? How about his lie about crowd sizes? His lie about having the biggest EC victory since Reagan? How about his lies about millions of illegal immigrants voting? How about his lies about crime at its highest in 45 years?

Does ANY of that matter to you? Or are you just sinking or swimming with this post-Nixonian disaster of a cheese curd?

Thats not what you said in the previous post.

How do you explain away the fact that trust in media is at an all time low?
Surely you dont think it's because they are honest and truthful.

Uh, what I said in the previous post is that the press has largely ignored the assault accusations for months. And that's not contradicted by what I said in the subsequent post.

Please provide substantive proof that "trust in the media is at an all time low".

You're really terrible at this, aren't you?
The press has been "ignoring" them only because they were all demonstrated to be entirely bogus.

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