Ohh Nooo


Maybe someone should school Jack Webb we are a Democratic Republic.

And Obama was Democratically and duly elected to represent this country as President.

You guys bring Sore-Loserman to a whole new level.
he only represents you half. the rest of us are his enemies.
he only represents you half. the rest of us are his enemies.

You look at your own president as your enemy? HA! Maybe it's time to leave the country then since you hate it so much. Considering the president your "enemy", because he wants people to be healthy.....now that's patriotic. Keep making the founding fathers proud.
he only represents you half. the rest of us are his enemies.

As long as you're a citizen of the United States, whether you like it or not, Barack Hussein Obama is your President just as much as he is mine.

no he isn't, he looks out for you sugar tit babies.. I'm not one he cares a wit about.. I accept that. I'll wait. I'm patient. enjoy your president.
Maybe someone should school Jack Webb we are a Democratic Republic.

And Obama was Democratically and duly elected to represent this country as President.

You guys bring Sore-Loserman to a whole new level.

Holy crap....a democratic republic, now there is an oxymoron if I ever saw one.

We are a constitutional republic aka representative democracy.
he only represents you half. the rest of us are his enemies.

You look at your own president as your enemy? HA! Maybe it's time to leave the country then since you hate it so much. Considering the president your "enemy", because he wants people to be healthy.....now that's patriotic. Keep making the founding fathers proud.

no,, he looks at anyone who isn''t a far left lunatic as HIS enemy.. I accept that.
he only represents you half. the rest of us are his enemies.

You look at your own president as your enemy? HA! Maybe it's time to leave the country then since you hate it so much. Considering the president your "enemy", because he wants people to be healthy.....now that's patriotic. Keep making the founding fathers proud.

The Founders knew only too well the dangers facing a Republic... That's why they gave stuck in that 'right to bear arms' thing.... Not to defend the country against outsiders, but to defend our Republic against a Government seeking to destroy it.

And, if you don't like that, you fuck off.... cuz we're goin' nowhere. The enemy of the US Constitution is my enemy - foreign or domestic.
no,, he looks at anyone who isn''t a far left lunatic as HIS enemy.. I accept that.

Well either he is your President, and you're a citizen of the United States or you renounce your citizenship and he's not. :thup:
he only represents you half. the rest of us are his enemies.

As long as you're a citizen of the United States, whether you like it or not, Barack Hussein Obama is your President just as much as he is mine.

no he isn't, he looks out for you sugar tit babies.. I'm not one he cares a wit about.. I accept that. I'll wait. I'm patient. enjoy your president.

I agree with dogbert on this one willow. He is my president even if I dont support the majority of his actions and statements since he took office.
he only represents you half. the rest of us are his enemies.

You look at your own president as your enemy? HA! Maybe it's time to leave the country then since you hate it so much. Considering the president your "enemy", because he wants people to be healthy.....now that's patriotic. Keep making the founding fathers proud.

The Founders knew only too well the dangers facing a Republic... That's why they gave stuck in that 'right to bear arms' thing.... Not to defend the country against outsiders, but to defend our Republic against a Government seeking to destroy it.

And, if you don't like that, you fuck off.... cuz we're goin' nowhere. The enemy of the US Constitution is my enemy - foreign or domestic.

Jesus, angry enough?? LOL. You need to relax a bit. As much as disliked Bush I never considered him an enemy. Poor president, sure....but enemy, never. He was our president and to be supported because that to me is being dedicated to your country first over your party.
who died and left you the boss of me modballs?

That's just the way it is Willow. He's your President, my President, and any citizen of this great nation's President. Don't like it? Vote Republican in 2012 and hope you win. :thup:
he only represents you half. the rest of us are his enemies.

You look at your own president as your enemy? HA! Maybe it's time to leave the country then since you hate it so much. Considering the president your "enemy", because he wants people to be healthy.....now that's patriotic. Keep making the founding fathers proud.

no,, he looks at anyone who isn''t a far left lunatic as HIS enemy.. I accept that.

I know that you consider him to be your enemy, but now I'd like you to show me where he considers everyone but the far left to be his enemy. Take all the time you need....I'll wait.
As long as you're a citizen of the United States, whether you like it or not, Barack Hussein Obama is your President just as much as he is mine.

no he isn't, he looks out for you sugar tit babies.. I'm not one he cares a wit about.. I accept that. I'll wait. I'm patient. enjoy your president.

I agree with dogbert on this one willow. He is my president even if I dont support the majority of his actions and statements since he took office.

Nope. I disagree. I knew he wasn't mine the day of the electrion when the libruls in here said the Republican party was old, white, dead, irrelevant. They told us to sit down and shut up.. He's tried to stifle free speeh. He's demonized wall street fox news, talk radio the banks, now oil, he's demonized the insurance companies and capitalism, he's laughed at the wishes of kidney failure on Rush Limbauh, he mocks Arizona and threatens them with lawsuits for upholding the constitution and fhe federal law. ,.. if you want to call the great divider your president you go right ahead. I won't try to stop you.. but not me. not now not ever. Not to mention he stole money from the stockholders, bondholders, pension holders when he bought gm and gave it to the unions..
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he only represents you half. the rest of us are his enemies.

I may not care for the policies of President Obama thus far, but he is not my enemy nor am I his. I do not hate him, I simply do not agree with him. Having said that, I woulod consider it an honor to meet him, to meet any President. I think perhaps, Willow, you should think about your feelings.
he only represents you half. the rest of us are his enemies.

You look at your own president as your enemy? HA! Maybe it's time to leave the country then since you hate it so much. Considering the president your "enemy", because he wants people to be healthy.....now that's patriotic. Keep making the founding fathers proud.

The Founders knew only too well the dangers facing a Republic... That's why they gave stuck in that 'right to bear arms' thing.... Not to defend the country against outsiders, but to defend our Republic against a Government seeking to destroy it.

And, if you don't like that, you fuck off.... cuz we're goin' nowhere. The enemy of the US Constitution is my enemy - foreign or domestic.

You look at your own president as your enemy? HA! Maybe it's time to leave the country then since you hate it so much. Considering the president your "enemy", because he wants people to be healthy.....now that's patriotic. Keep making the founding fathers proud.

The Founders knew only too well the dangers facing a Republic... That's why they gave stuck in that 'right to bear arms' thing.... Not to defend the country against outsiders, but to defend our Republic against a Government seeking to destroy it.

And, if you don't like that, you fuck off.... cuz we're goin' nowhere. The enemy of the US Constitution is my enemy - foreign or domestic.


I, insert name, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Thats the marine oath.

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