Ohio.....Babies out.....Weed In

Wrong, you have, there is nothing in the constitution giving someone the right to kill the unborn

Section 1​

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

The Government has no jurisdiction over the unborn.

Isn't that why the Anti-Choice movement advocates for the Personhood bills for the unborn?
Show me the enumerated right to kill

Rights are infinite, and are never supposed to be enumerated.
The ONLY time you ever enumerate any right is when it has been abused so often and for so long, that there is no alternative.
The act of enumerating some rights, in no way implies there are still not infinite unenumerated rights.
Wrong, you have, there is nothing in the constitution giving someone the right to kill the unborn

The Constitution is NOT at all the source of rights.
Rights have to already exist in order to even be able to make a constitution.
The Constitution was intended only to be a split in jurisdiction, with enumerated restrictions on the federal government.

The right to abortion comes from the fact all people have a right to do what ever they want, and laws can only restrict that when it comes to the defense of the rights of others. And clearly not only do fetuses not have rights, but are a obvious threat to the life of the woman, so that it can only be up to the woman to decide the fate of any fetus.

Section 1​

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

The Government has no jurisdiction over the unborn.

Isn't that why the Anti-Choice movement advocates for the Personhood bills for the unborn?
Personhood is accounted for and granted to the unborn in other circumstances. So it's one or the other. It can't be both.
Ultimately, it is G-d Himself who is thr final arbiter of morality. Women nor men are not.
Yes and as I already posted the one true God is fine with abortion.

The opine of a fake god is not important or relevant.

I will pray for you.
The Constitution is NOT at all the source of rights.
Rights have to already exist in order to even be able to make a constitution.
The Constitution was intended only to be a split in jurisdiction, with enumerated restrictions on the federal government.

The right to abortion comes from the fact all people have a right to do what ever they want, and laws can only restrict that when it comes to the defense of the rights of others. And clearly not only do fetuses not have rights, but are a obvious threat to the life of the woman, so that it can only be up to the woman to decide the fate of any fetus.
Alrighty then. If we all get to do whatever we want, let's just do away with all criminal and civil laws. Don't like someone, no worries. Just whack him and the state won't do a damn thing. Want something real bad? It's OK, just take it without paying for it.
Personhood is accounted for and granted to the unborn in other circumstances. So it's one or the other. It can't be both.
The law gives the state rights to prosecute if the fetus is " injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence", and the bill making it so "explicitly contained a provision excepting abortion, " So, sure it is both.
Stop whining about the Biden Rule.
R v W was unconstitutional and you know it, the USSC sent it back to the states where it belongs.
I hope all 50 states legalize all abortions on demand like dems want to take that issue off the table.
Then we can get back to real issues, like the Budget Deficit, and fixing SS & Medicare.
Abortion is nothing but a democrat talking point that works on women voters.

Enjoy your abortions, you know who will be aborted...
It was a conservative majority supreme court with a conservative appointed supreme court justice that gave us Roe v Wade..... And I don't agree with the crowd that says it was unconstitutional.... I think it is unconstitutional to take away the woman's right to privacy....the govt should not even know the woman is pregnant early on, if she chooses not to make it public.... Even in yesteryear, the government did not get involved until quickening.....when the baby to be is kicking and the pregnant woman was "showing"....just around 16 weeks.....out of the 39 weeks or so.

I don't think a woman should choose to terminate her pregnancy, but even more so, I do not believe I should even know about it, or decide for her, what she believes she needs to do.....it's her decision early on, and a hard one, at that!

No shits given about Issue 1 but more weed is never a good idea as it's a barometer on where a state is headed.....Oh well, sucks for OH..

Blah......Looks like the dems are going to hold the Virginia Senate.....More gridlock ahead.

LOL.....The dem stripper woman and the gop guy are running neck-n-neck. :laughing0301:

If anyone cares about the Virginia races WTOP is keeping track.

Hey, at least the county Sheriff hopeful in my AO won over the appointed NOtVA transplant they hired after the other Sheriff passed. :)

The bottom line.....Nobody is coming to help you. 😐
Right wing conservatives are getting their asses kicked! Amen! These right-wing Evangelicals are whining about fetuses dying in other people's wombs while celebrating with glee as Palestinian babies are ripped to pieces by American weapons in Gaza. These fake disciples of Jesus are the most disgusting creatures on Earth. The younger generation wipes its butt with your religious zionist nonsense and is going to replace right-wing fascist politicians with liberal progressives. You religious devils can't do anything about it! Muahaha!!!

No. It wouldn't. We've actually become an aging population, and that isn't good
More jobs available helps. Less people on assistance helps. Companies competing harder for workers helps. Abortions go way down helps. So far it's a win.
The law gives the state rights to prosecute if the fetus is " injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence", and the bill making it so "explicitly contained a provision excepting abortion, " So, sure it is both.
It's either life or it isn't. In one instance it's considered life and in the other (abortion) it isn't. You proved my point, thanks.
Satan is OK with abortion, not G-d. You worship evil
Satan is also made up just like the rest of your man written religion.

If you have the courage to seek the one true God he will surely embrace you. It is a difficult journey but well worth it.

I will pray you have the strength. Good luck!
  • It will allow an unborn to be aborted at any stage of pregnancy, regardless of viability if the the physician determines the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health.
Did you notice that health isn't physical health like the pregnancy itself could harm the girl or woman. It is also mental health. So hey I am mentally freaking out doctor well ok then you can have an abortion right up until birth.
If Ohio voters knew this the issue would have not passed.

Yeah, and they were making it seem like there would be no exceptions at all and Ohio has always had exceptions. At least when it comes to the health of the mother.

Ultimately, it is G-d Himself who is thr final arbiter of morality. Women nor men are not.

Yeah and don't our bodies actually belong to Him?

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