Ohio.....Babies out.....Weed In

It was a conservative majority supreme court with a conservative appointed supreme court justice that gave us Roe v Wade..... And I don't agree with the crowd that says it was unconstitutional.... I think it is unconstitutional to take away the woman's right to privacy....the govt should not even know the woman is pregnant early on, if she chooses not to make it public.... Even in yesteryear, the government did not get involved until quickening.....when the baby to be is kicking and the pregnant woman was "showing"....just around 16 weeks.....out of the 39 weeks or so.

I don't think a woman should choose to terminate her pregnancy, but even more so, I do not believe I should even know about it, or decide for her, what she believes she needs to do.....it's her decision early on, and a hard one, at that!
1. After the Warren Court the Burger Court may have looked conservative, but by passing R v W it proved it was not conservative.

2. There is no right to an abortion or privacy in the US Constitution, no matter how you try to twist the facts. However, there is a right to "Life" in the Constitution. That debate is over. Its officially a State issue. The 15 or 16 week ban just lost in OH.

3. I think that the new state laws that enable abortions (24 states?) do maintain privacy between the doctor and the woman via Hippa????

4, Celebrate abortion on demand. Its what democrats want. So I'd approve it in all 50 states.
The world is a dangerous place to live. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. – Albert Einstein

I agree, but there are certainly a lot of people that are in positions to stop the evil that simply ignore it or go along with it. Republicans haven't done anything to stop what's currently going on in our country, they're on the take as much as those on the left, they do nothing.
You pray to the pagan god Molech, who required child sacrifices!
Sigh...hiding your ignorance of the one true God behind rediculous assertions.

It will only make your journey for the truth that much more difficult if you aren't to much of a coward to undertake it.

I will keep praying for you.
Not when it comes to God's will, this is just having to deal with prophecy of the end times, it sucks, but what can you do but pray for their souls.

That's all you can do, unfortunately I find I have very little sympathy or compassion for any of them though, they are the authors of their own fate, and they're completely arrogant about it as well.
I agree, but there are certainly a lot of people that are in positions to stop the evil that simply ignore it or go along with it. Republicans haven't done anything to stop what's currently going on in our country, they're on the take as much as those on the left, they do nothing.
The Republicans have very little power in the federal government other than refusing to pass bad legislation and sometimes the consequences of that are worse than the legislation itself. Any good legislation passed in the House dies in the Senate. And that is the fault of people who voted in a Marxist totalitarian minded socialism in the White House and Senate and gave the GOP such a narrow majority in the House they are limited in what they can accomplish.

I believe good people outnumber the bad people, numbnuts and idiots in this country, but they too often beat themselves with petty squabbles over this or that issue or this or that person. And if they continue to do that we could lose the House, the Senate and the White House in 2024.

This is not the time to give up. If we do, we get the government we deserve and it will be even worse than it is now.
So it's a person if the mother wants it, but it's not a person if the mother doesn't. The mother decides personhood based on her feelings at the moment? You're all sick people, I pity you.
Not really. The fetus can still be a victim under the law even if the mother was on her way to have it aborted.
If you have no morals then yes, it's not worth taking, and women's rights? Nope. No matter how you slice it aborting a baby is killing a baby. It isn't about political party or religion. The basic fact is aborting a baby is killing it
You mean like homosexuality? Legal.
Or like polygamy? still illegal.
Remember "Prohibition"? Was illegal, but now legal.
How about sex with kids? See NAMBLA
Then there's the "Age of Consent" generally 14-18. (Google it)

The Abortion Battle is over for most of us. Women vote against Republican holy-rollers every time for their "right" to abortions.
Republicans can't fix the US if they have no political power. How is killing a baby before 15 weeks okay, but after 15 weeks murder?
We should just make abortion legal in all 50 states and let the democrats abort all their kids they want.

So you can still be Pro-Life if you want, but no major political party will pick up that issue and waste time and money pushing it.

True its not about party or religion, Biden and Pelosi are good Catholics and they support abortions. So abortions are apparently about women's health, the fetus is just expendable. The women need to live with their decision. Move on to more important issues.
You mean like homosexuality? Legal.
Or like polygamy? still illegal.
Remember "Prohibition"? Was illegal, but now legal.
How about sex with kids? See NAMBLA
Then there's the "Age of Consent" generally 14-18. (Google it)

The Abortion Battle is over for most of us. Women vote against Republican holy-rollers every time for their "right" to abortions.
Republicans can't fix the US if they have no political power. How is killing a baby before 15 weeks okay, but after 15 weeks murder?
We should just make abortion legal in all 50 states and let the democrats abort all their kids they want.

So you can still be Pro-Life if you want, but no major political party will pick up that issue and waste time and money pushing it.

True its not about party or religion, Biden and Pelosi are good Catholics and they support abortions. So abortions are apparently about women's health, the fetus is just expendable. The women need to live with their decision.
What does being Catholic have to do with it?
Yea! now we can kill more children as a birth control method. Beats the hell out of making Jamal wear a condom, doesn't it?
It's either life or it isn't. In one instance it's considered life and in the other (abortion) it isn't. You proved my point, thanks.
Suppose I extract a cell off of my body, that individual cell is human life NOT a HUMAN BEING. If that cell were to be assisted with some technology, it could grow into a human being but its potential to become a human being is contingent upon others actualizing its potential (Actual human beings, actualize the human potential of prenatal, fetal life). Just because a zygote, embryo, or undeveloped fetus in a woman's womb is a human life, that doesn't imply it's a HUMAN BEING. It's a potential human being, not an actual human being. The woman who is pregnant is the ACTUAL HUMAN BEING.

Just because a human being is in a coma, attached to a machine, that doesn't imply that society is obligated to keep that human being alive, attached to a machine. Just because a zygote, embryo, or undeveloped fetus is alive and human, doesn't imply that the woman (the actual human being) is obligated to continue providing herself (her womb, her body, her labor, her money/resources), to that embryo or fetus. Women should have the right to choose whether they remain pregnant or not. No one should force a woman to remain pregnant.

Where will you be for that pregnant woman, when she loses her job due to her pregnancy and is unable to support her self? Who do you think you are to force women, especially single women, to nine months of pregnancy? Do you actually believe all babies are adopted after entering the foster care system? Do you know how many children are abused by their foster parents? How many children end up homeless after spending their childhood in foster care?

Most prison inmates were raised by one parent, in poverty, or foster care.


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Forcing women to remain pregnant and give birth to children they're not capable of properly raising is "pro-life"? Are you sure about that? You generate more pain and suffering, more disease and death when you force women who are single and impoverished to remain pregnant and give birth to children they don't want. You're pro-death, not pro-life.
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The Catholic Church does not allow abortions, period. A human life must be protected from conception, period. So Pro-Choice pols like Nancy and Joe are doomed.

Then they shouldn't get abortions but that has nothing to do with the law.

Joe and Nancy may be doomed but only because they have yet to seek out the one true God. They still have time though.

I will pray for you and them.
Then they shouldn't get abortions but that has nothing to do with the law.

Joe and Nancy may be doomed but only because they have yet to seek out the one true God. They still have time though.

I will pray for you and them.
Catholics are required to be Pro-Life, period.
I think enabling abortions is like having one in the eyes of the Church.

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