Ohio.....Babies out.....Weed In

We're spiraling down, you can slow it down perhaps, but it's going to go that way regardless. They want to live in a hedonistic/Godless society, let them have at it. They currently think there are no consequences, they will find out that's not true. It will be fun to watch when that happens.
When what happens?
You unenumerate Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happieness every baby you kill.
Undeveloped fetuses aren't babies, they're potential babies. The life and interests of the mother (the actual human being), takes precedence over the interests of a fetus. More, it's ironic that you a right-wing conservative who doesn't give a rats ass about babies in Gaza getting ripped to pieces by American-made bombs and missiles in the hands of Israelis, is whining about the life of fetuses in other people's wombs. The hell with fetuses, I'm concerned for actual human beings outside of the womb, including the babies in Gaza. You can continue being a fetus champion and hypocrite, whining about fetuses. Do you care for Palestinian fetuses and their pregnant mothers? NO. You Zionists are pieces of shit, whining about fetuses.
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Catholics are required to be Pro-Life, period.
I think enabling abortions is like having one in the eyes of the Church.
Pro life and Pro raping alter boys? These priests must be stopped. Name a company that has that many child rape allegations against its Supervisors and its still open? Catholics priorities are fucked up, work on the pedo problem then maybe we can take you guys seriously.
The one true G-d is the G-d of the Bible.
You mean that book written by man that talks about talking snakes, pregnant virgins and how to abort babies?

I still have hope you will turn away from your false diety and seek the one true God. It takes a lot of courage but through courage comes truth.

I will pray for you.
You mean that book written by man that talks about talking snakes, pregnant virgins and how to abort babies?

I still have hope you will turn away from your false diety and seek the one true God. It takes a lot of courage but through courage comes truth.

I will pray for you.
Sacrifice a chicken and pray?? You are one weird dude
You mean that book written by man that talks about talking snakes, pregnant virgins and how to abort babies?

I still have hope you will turn away from your false diety and seek the one true God. It takes a lot of courage but through courage comes truth.

I will pray for you.
The Bible has a copyright date lmfao
Pro life and Pro raping alter boys? These priests must be stopped. Name a company that has that many child rape allegations against its Supervisors and its still open? Catholics priorities are fucked up, work on the pedo problem then maybe we can take you guys seriously.
You're preaching to the choir...literally.
IMHO priests should be allowed to marry, like Lutherans and Byzantines and Evangelicals are.
There are more than a few very pretty nuns to associate with...
I feel sorry for the sincere devout priests who get tarred with the fuckwad's bad behavior.
I know I look at them differently now.
Catholic priorities aren't the problem, bad priests are.
The real question is how many other supernatural beings do you believe exist? You've claimed Satan and G-d in your beliefs. Anyone els

You're preaching to the choir...literally.
IMHO priests should be allowed to marry, like Lutherans and Byzantines and Evangelicals are.
There are more than a few very pretty nuns to associate with...
I feel sorry for the sincere devout priests who get tarred with the fuckwad's bad behavior.
I know I look at them differently now.
Catholic priorities aren't the problem, bad priests are.
I agree! Except if any other Corporation had that many pedo/rape allegations they would be shut down. As long as the Priest did 10 Hail Mary's all is forgiven. Completely fucking insane thinking. Catholics Pro Life and Pro Sore Asshole
Return the country to Enumerated powers and I wouldnt care about idiot leftist states.

Imagine what these fuckers will do if they get SCOTUS
The neat thing about Supreme court Justices, is that they are beholden to no one. Left, right, or otherwise, they determine the constitutionality (whew! big word) of the cases that come before them, if they take the case.
You mean that book written by man that talks about talking snakes, pregnant virgins and how to abort babies?

I still have hope you will turn away from your false diety and seek the one true God. It takes a lot of courage but through courage comes truth.

I will pray for you.

Which one true god? the hubris based "god of self" most atheists seem to worship?

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