Ohio.....Babies out.....Weed In

This country has lost its moral high ground. I have vacationed in Singapore where the moral fiber among its citizens is very high.
Singapore is an illiberal autocracy – its ruling party has been in power since 1959, hance its ‘high moral fiber.’

That you and others on the right would admire an illiberal authoritarian regime comes as no surprise.
You unenumerate Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happieness every baby you kill.
You unenumerate Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness with your ridiculous lies.

Babies aren’t being ‘killed’ – it’s this sort of extremist rightwing demagoguery and dishonesty that the voters will continue to reject.
Sigh...hiding your ignorance of the one true God behind rediculous assertions.

It will only make your journey for the truth that much more difficult if you aren't to much of a coward to undertake it.

I will keep praying for you.
Pray that God will forgive you for needing the thought of babies being ripped from the womb, to get you excited.
It was a right decision.

It wasn't murder. Murder is a legal term and means the unlawful killing of another.

Since abortion was a constitutional right, it can't be definition, be murder.

You have fallen into the trap of using sensationalized words to push an agenda.
The court reversed that decision and rightfully so, there is no right found in the constitution that allows for the killing of the unborn. Democrats do not care about the health, or well being of women, only that they can trot it out every two years, and depend on emotional women to vote for the killing of their offspring, not necessarily who they vote for, but what. The same can be said about the race card
Then they shouldn't get abortions but that has nothing to do with the law.

Joe and Nancy may be doomed but only because they have yet to seek out the one true God. They still have time though.

I will pray for you and them.
Your only 'true god' is self. :dunno:
Undeveloped fetuses aren't babies, they're potential babies. The life and interests of the mother (the actual human being), takes precedence over the interests of a fetus. More, it's ironic that you a right-wing conservative who doesn't give a rats ass about babies in Gaza getting ripped to pieces by American-made bombs and missiles in the hands of Israelis, is whining about the life of fetuses in other people's wombs. The hell with fetuses, I'm concerned for actual human beings outside of the womb, including the babies in Gaza. You can continue being a fetus champion and hypocrite, whining about fetuses. Do you care for Palestinian fetuses and their pregnant mothers? NO. You Zionists are pieces of shit, whining about fetuses.

You mean that book written by man that talks about talking snakes, pregnant virgins and how to abort babies?

I still have hope you will turn away from your false diety and seek the one true God. It takes a lot of courage but through courage comes truth.

I will pray for you.

Save your 'prayers' for yourself, you're gonna need them. ;)
What consequences? What do I 'foolishly support'?

Your support a leftist, Godless, hedonistic takeover of society, and you vote to put them in power everywhere, government, media, education, etc.. It will all come back to bite you in the ass eventually, you don't get to live without consequences even though you foolishly believe that you can.
It is not "already here" it's literally a part of the female's body.
No, it's attached via the umbilical cord for nutrition, the baby has his or her's own DNA, brain, heart, eyes, nose, ears, arms, legs, i.e. body.

Maybe you need a lesson in basic biology.
You act like only leftist media is capable of disseminating information. From what I see the right wing media is much more entrenched and less concerned with accuracy. So is the right wing base. Ify preferred media channel settled for over 700 million because of lies, I would be very weary of accepting anything they say afterwards. No such dynamic exists among the right wing base as far as I can see. In fact those same lies are still parroted by nearly all right-wingers.on this board.

Which 'right wing' media would that be? And you say that while lapping up the lies that are fed to you daily, virtually everywhere. :rolleyes:
Your support a leftist, Godless, hedonistic takeover of society, and you vote to put them in power everywhere, government, media, education, etc.. It will all come back to bite you in the ass eventually, you don't get to live without consequences even though you foolishly believe that you can.
Nope. You don't know anything about me. You just assume things.

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