Ohio.....Babies out.....Weed In

It's either life or it isn't. In one instance it's considered life and in the other (abortion) it isn't. You proved my point, thanks.
It was life when the egg was fertilized. That doesn't give the single cell personhood but it can be a "legal victim".

No shits given about Issue 1 but more weed is never a good idea as it's a barometer on where a state is headed.....Oh well, sucks for OH..

Blah......Looks like the dems are going to hold the Virginia Senate.....More gridlock ahead.

LOL.....The dem stripper woman and the gop guy are running neck-n-neck. :laughing0301:

If anyone cares about the Virginia races WTOP is keeping track.

Hey, at least the county Sheriff hopeful in my AO won over the appointed NOtVA transplant they hired after the other Sheriff passed. :)

The bottom line.....Nobody is coming to help you. 😐
Actually, if women were certain they could obtain abortions if their fetus showed conditions they would be unable to care for, or if they learned in the 3rd trimester that their fetus could not survive outside the womb ......

It might make people more willing to stay there than to continue fleeing.
When are the fucking Republicans going to learn that the abortion issue is poison.

Just stop talking about it. It is a woman's rights issue not a religious or moral stance worth taking.

The MSM and democrats will always ask a GOP candidate their stance on abortion just to make them unelectable.

If you have no morals then yes, it's not worth taking.

And women's rights? Nope. No matter how you slice it aborting a baby is killing a baby. It isn't about political party or religion. The basic fact is aborting a baby is killing it
If a young couple has any fears or trepidations at all about having kids then don't have them. Take the necessary precautions. Take the easier route. Then this goes away.
Leave it be, or better yet get on the right side of the utility of abortion.....Less dems is always a good thing. ;)
Based on the putrid hypocrisy Republicans have shown in all matters moral, I would not be surprised if they comprised a significant number of abortion customers, too.
Because the fetus was killed without the mother's consent.

The same reason when a relative pulls the plug on life support of a loved one or when cops shoot a criminal in the line of defense.

Hell, even you can shoot someone in the face in defense of your life and that isn't murder.

So it's a person if the mother wants it, but it's not a person if the mother doesn't. The mother decides personhood based on her feelings at the moment? You're all sick people, I pity you.
Yeah, and they were making it seem like there would be no exceptions at all and Ohio has always had exceptions. At least when it comes to the health of the mother.

Yeah and don't our bodies actually belong to Him?
The abortion group behind it lied their asses off. Ohio had a health exemption for the woman and legal up to 22 weeks for any reason.

Section 1​

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

The Government has no jurisdiction over the unborn.

Isn't that why the Anti-Choice movement advocates for the Personhood bills for the unborn?
But fathers should, equal protection of the laws." It is a person by the way just because you have been brainwashed into thinking otherwise matters not.
If this country is to be destroyed, I do not want it on my conscience that i consented to or was party to its destruction.

I used to agree, but it's very apparent we have zero power to stop or affect anything.
The Constitution is NOT at all the source of rights.
Rights have to already exist in order to even be able to make a constitution.
The Constitution was intended only to be a split in jurisdiction, with enumerated restrictions on the federal government.

The right to abortion comes from the fact all people have a right to do what ever they want, and laws can only restrict that when it comes to the defense of the rights of others. And clearly not only do fetuses not have rights, but are a obvious threat to the life of the woman, so that it can only be up to the woman to decide the fate of any fetus.
Rights were given by God.
There in lies the issue it is a person from conception regardless of what you have been brainwashed to believe as soon as anyone gives birth to a puppy we can talk!
Wait did you just categorize the human being growing inside the woman a threat? I mean are they on the terror watch list. Women actually benefit form childbirth you do know that correct. The terms you use are simply used to dehumanize that BABY. Doesn't work on me you barbaric twit.

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